America's Genocide continues every day. It's a damned shame American's don't know about the "killing fields" right in their own country, Maybe they know but they don't care. Maybe they're just numb.
Here's just one story. Marcus McCarty, only 14 years old, was fatally shot Sunday afternoon. He's just one of several young black men murdered on Sunday. There is no day of rest in America's killing fields.
Marcus was standing on the sidewalk when two older boys (or men) walked up. One of them was carrying a gun and opened fire, striking the boy in the back. The murderers walked calmly back to their Infinity and drove away.
Marcus was rushed to Stroger Hospital in critical condition, but was pronounced dead minutes after arrival.
As is often the case, no arrests have been made and no one is in custody for the shooting.
The story received almost no press, but here is a short story in the Chicago Homicide Watch.
In the middle of the afternoon on Sunday in a residential neighborhood, it is likely several people witnessed the murder. Gangs and criminals have instilled a "don't snitch" mentality into the folks who must live in the area the gang controls.
In addition we cannot minimize the impact of the police killing of Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri two weeks ago. Inner city blacks already didn't trust the police.
The saddest comment of all came is a comment attached to the story linked above.
In his comment a person using the name "Tracksuit Al" noted (quite correctly), Sickening that you have to get shot by a white cop to get any justice in this country if you're black.