How often do you daydream? For most, it is many times a day. We stare out the window instead of the task in front of us. We fantasize about where we would much rather be, the significant other we long for, our ideal job, the body we hope to see in the mirror, a healthier mindset, pure happiness in our lives and the lives of others, peace in this chaotic world. However, how many of us daydreamers believe these pleasant thoughts will truly turn into our reality? Daydreams are more than just short bursts of happiness that only our minds can see. I know I am more than a daydream; and you are, too.
This is one of my all time favorite poetry books I've read this year. Jennae Cecelia knows how to write poetry. I've been reading a lot of poetry and her's has been standing out for me. One of my favorite lines are “She is already a river flooding with ideas.”, “fall seven times, get up eight” or “You are more than just one voice in seven billion” This book is filled with lines like this that make me think and fill me up with many different feelings. There are poems about following your dreams, being yourself, being strong, and even about being proud of your body; and much more. Jennae words are powerful. Makes me happy to read poetry that has a positive message. I can't wait to read more of her work.
"Love is the mystery of the world. Nobody has the correct answers...So stop searching for them."
JAnn Bowers is a poet of many words. She knows how to twist words into flowing poetry. She dances with her mind to come up with wonderfully written book of love poetry. I've been a fan for years and will always be. She plays with words turning blank pages to poems!
Eat This Poem: A Literary Feast of Recipes Inspired by Poetry byNicole Gulotta A literary cookbook celebrating food and poetry, two of life's essential ingredients. In the same way that salt seasons ingredients to bring out their flavors, poetry seasons our lives; when celebrated together, our everyday moments and meals are richer and more meaningful. The twenty-five inspiring poems in this book from such poets as Marge Piercy, Louise Gluck, Mark Strand, Mary Oliver, Billy Collins, Jane Hirshfield are accompanied by seventy-five recipes that bring the richness of words to life in our kitchen, on our plate, and through our palate. Eat This Poem opens us up to fresh ways of accessing poetry and lends new meaning to the foods we cook.
Ivy in Bloom captures the weariness of a young girl tired of a long winter. "I stare out the window," she says on the first spread of brown and gray, "looking for birds or flowers / or even warm showers / but I don't see any such thing." But then Spring comes when "March is out of breath snow melting to flowery waters and watery flowers spring rose from its wintry rest." And Ivy's "heart dances with daffodils." As these words also dance across each spread, Ivy's world erupts into a riot of color.
Ivy in Bloom introduces the poetry of Dickinson, Longfellow, Browning, Wordsworth, Frost and others. Excerpts from their writings, as seen through Ivy's eyes, will open up poetry as a way for children to express their own feelings about the changing of seasons. This book includes longer excerpts and brief bios of each author.
Ivy in Bloom by Vanita Oelschlager is by far my favorite children book I've read this year. I love the story flow of this poetry book. The need of spring, I feel the same way right now, everything it cold and covered in snow. This little girl loves spring, and it goes through her life from winter to spring. My favorite line is “Give me sunbeams dazzling.” There's just something about this line I love! I read the E-book and the illustrations in this book is simple and cute! I relate to this characters, and will be adding it to the list of physic copy to buy!
Excerpt 1:
I choose America,
to live in this land
That was built on personal choice,
to live under a Constitution,
Of Liberty & Justice & Freedom
for ALL…
I have witness societycorrupt…
Liberty & Justice & Freedom
Respect MY privacy,
as I choose not to walk
With what some call
Some say that mine’s all wrong,
That I must live by their rules,
And not my own…
Liberty & Justice & Freedom
Social Graces,
is the simple fact,
That society can kiss my ass!!
Excerpt 2:
Shaking the feeling of
the day’s end, only to find a weary line of poetry. Lines break off and trails
end no-where to be found. Only me and the screen with no words to play, just
struggle to express one’s words of thought. Jumping up, running from the
screen, too scared to write what it all means. Lines break off and trails end
no-where to be found. Writer’s block is the enemy when one wants to express,
between hand and screen nothing more exists. The world continues to spin, my
hands continue to type senseless words, that no-one will read. The weary line
of poetry is my only friend, I can speak of secrets and taunting games of
words, but the screen protects. While the line breaks off and the trails end
no-where to be found….
only one, the screen
Jeniann Bowers was
born in Whitefish, Montana in 1972. She was raised in Eureka, Montana most of
her younger years. She was the youngest of four children and is the only
surviving girl. Jeniann attended Rexford Elementary School her kindergarten
year and the following year she transferred to Eureka Elementary School where
she graduated from the eighth grade in 1987. She attended Lincoln County High
School until her junior year when she moved from Eureka to Medford, Oregon with
her mother and stepfather. Her mother passed away in January 1991, and Jeniann
soon got married and started a family. She was married for 21 years and had
five children. She lost a daughter to SIDS in March 1994. Jeniann has recently
become divorced and is raising her two boys with her daughter's help. Jeniann's
youngest son suffers from Autism. J. also suffers from her own disabilities of
Fibromyalgia, physical chronic pain, neuropathy, chronic depression and anxiety.
Jeniann attended college at Capella University throughout most of her
writing career. She made both the President's and Dean's list for outstanding
academic achievements. Jeniann is published poetess. Her books have been in the top ten
bestselling list on Amazon in the past and her current ratings stand at 4.5.
She has published the following books: Expressions on Life Book One,
Expressions and Letters, Phraseology and Letters, Collection of 25 Days of
Christmas Poetry, Poems, Dreams & More, Poetry Is...???, Poetry: The
Lighter Side of Silliness,The Sound of Nature: Collected Poems &
Other Writingsand soon to be released Fragments, and the re-release of
Expressions, and Phraseology of Love, 25 Days of Christmas Poetry. Jeniann is the owner of Poetry is...which is a blogging business
of her own personal poetry, teachings of poetry, journals and other writings.
Jeniann is a firm advocate for poetry publishing and writing poetry.
Author Interview: Fragments
What inspires you to write poetry?
Several things inspire me to write
poetry. Nature plays a large role in most of my poetry. I was raised in the
mountains in Montana and nature was all around me. Different poets inspire me
as well, especially Robert Frost and Emily Dickinson’s poetry. Music inspires
me when I am really sincerely in touch with my emotions. To me, inspiration is
all around me, I just stay in tuned with my surroundings and how it makes me
What is a measure of success as a
The measure of success as a poet is
just writing the poem. I don’t measure my success by my readers or by how many
books I sell. I measure my success on each poem I write, how I put the poem
together and how the poem makes me feel as a poet.
Who are some of your favorite poets?
Robert Frost is my all-time
favorite, with poems such as, “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” “Birches,” “Mending
Wall,” “Fire and Ice,” Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening.” Robert’s word
play is what inspires me the most and his thought process of his poetry is unbelievably
Emily Dickinson is my hero, she just
wrote poetry and never worried about society likes or dislikes of her work. Her
poems depict this in each one, she wrote from the heart and soul of her
Maya Angelou, I look at her as a
teacher in the modern world of poetry. I study her poetry a lot and learn a lot
from her poems and how she displays her emotions through her poetry.
What advice do you have for aspiring
My advice to anyone who writes or wants
to write is keep practicing. The more you write the better you will become and
easier the writing process and word play becomes.
Do the Internet and social media
contribute to the well-being of poetry?
I have mixed feelings about social
media and poetry. Yes, the Internet and social media opens up the door and has
helped bring poetry to new audiences, however, I am choosy about what platforms
I use to promote my own poetry.
What do most well-written poems have
in common?
The specialty and structure.
What book are you reading right now?
I am always reading more than just one book, there can never be just one. The
Poet’s Corner by John Lithgow and Ponderings by Michele Ward
What does “being creative” mean to
Being creative to me means that I
can express myself in a new way in which I have never done before. Being
creative means to create a formation of words into a written piece of work that
sheds the specialty of the written word.
What kind of creative patterns,
routines or rituals do you have?
I use many different creative
patterns. In my Top Ten, I speak about word play and what I call the “Word
Theater;” which is my writer’s notebook that I keep my creative patterns such
as word banks of words that go together or rhyme together.
As for routines, I have to take a
few moments and meditate, go for a walk or journal to get into the motion of creativity.
My biggest ritual of writing is
having my time and my coffee to write.
Which creative medium would you love
to pursue but haven’t yet?
I would love to learn more about
songwriting. I have always had a love and interest for lyrics and for music.
What's the biggest mistake you've
made as a writer?
Trust! When I first started out I
trusted everyone! I was wrong there, I found myself swallowed up by a group of
writers that only cared about themselves and their work I thought if I helped them promote their
work, they in return would help me. I have learned more about why I call myself
a poet and why I write from this experience. I recluse myself more and only
depend on a small handful of friends for support.
If you had to convince a friend or
colleague to read this book, what might you tell them?
First, I would tell them that poetry
can save your life and then I would ask them their thoughts about life. After
the answer I would tell them exactly what the beginning of my book says “LIFE; FEEL
Where does this book fit into your
career as a writer?
This book is far from being a milestone
in my career as a poet. This book stands out from my usual routine of writing
about broken hearts, love and grief. I am very excited and happy with this
What influenced this book?
Life influenced this book. Being in
touch with my surroundings.
Tell me about your book.
Fragments has three sections to it,
Fragments of Peace, Fragments of Social Attitude, and Fragments of Love. Fragments
of Peace speaks the softer sweeter side, peaceful side of life and my social
attitude towards it. Fragments of Social Attitude speaks of anger, hatred,
judgment, lack of love and the compassion seeking life within society.
Fragments of Love speaks about the truth I see in love and my feelings about
love at this moment in my life as a whole.
Blurb: My poetry has been an escape from the harsh reality of tragedy, loneliness, dark and scary times in my life. My thoughts, feelings and emotions that are expressed through my poems speak of who I am and where I came from being a young girl growing up in the mountains of Montana to facing death in the face for the first time when I was 10. My losses have been great, my sorrow has been huge, loneliness has been my friend and lover, but in the end I have conquered and survived. I stand tall, proud and happy today.
A child’s touch
A child’s hand,
Inside of his mother’s hand,
Sweet kisses,
Upon the cheek,
God’s garden,
Full of love,
Jesus’ strength,
To save thee little one
Mother’s glory,
Her child’s smile,
To hear the laughter,
To wipe away the tears,
God’s garden,
Full of love,
Jesus’ strength,
To save thee little one
Live simply
Dream big
Be grateful
Give love
Laugh lots
Live as easy as possible,
Less worries,
Dream and dream BIG,
Jump for the stars and never stop
Gratefulness is the gift Jesus gave us on the cross, and for us to be grateful for Him and everything we have in life….
LOVE is the mystery of the world,
Nobody has the correct answers
So stop searching for them
Live, laugh, love
Life is for you
Live it well
Laugh with friends
Love is in your palm
Love, grasp it and never let it go
Bio: J. Bowers was born in Whitefish, Montana in 1972. She was raised in Eureka, Montana most of her younger years. She was the youngest of four children and is the only surviving girl. J. attended Rexford Elementary School her kindergarten year and the following year she transferred to Eureka Elementary School where she graduated from the eighth grade in 1987. She attended Lincoln County High School until her junior year when she moved from Eureka to Medford, Oregon with her mother and stepfather. Her mother passed away in January 1991, and J. soon got married and started a family. She was married for 21 years and had five children. She lost a daughter to SIDS in March 1994. J. has recently become divorced and is raising her two boys with her daughter's help. J.'s youngest son suffers from Autism. J. also suffers from her own disabilities of Fibromyalgia, physical chronic pain, neuropathy, chronic depression and anxiety.
J. was a student at Capella University throughout her writing career when her health permitted her too. She made both the President's and Dean's list for outstanding academic achievements.
J. is published poetess. Her books have been in the top ten bestselling list on Amazon in the past and her current ratings stand at 4.5. She has published the following books: Expressions on Life Book One, Expressions and Letters, Phraseology and Letters, Collection of 25 Days of Christmas Poetry, Poems, Dreams & More, Poetry Is...???, Poetry: The Lighter Side of Silliness, The Sound of Nature: Collected Poems & Other Writings and soon to be released Fragments, and the re-release of Expressions, and Phraseology of Love, 25 Days of Christmas Poetry.
J. is the owner of Poetry is...which is a blogging business of her own personal poetry, teachings of poetry, journals and other writings. J. is a firm advocate for poetry publishing and writing poetry.
My poetry began in the late 1980s. Some of my ideas came from my life as a nun for 7 years at the Monastery of St. Gertrude and my struggles of entering and leaving. Many of my ideas are born from books, from other people, from depression, from delight, from nature and from every opportunism I can think of.
“Every poem is the autobiography of the emotion.” Stanley Plumly
"Michele uses her talent of words to share her own inner-self through the words of her poems. Some will be heartbreaking truth of the trials she has gone through and others will display her love for life and how she sees the world through her own eyes and with her kind and most caring heart. Michele also touches her darker side in words about her struggle with depression.
I ask as you travel down the road of her story written in between these lines of poems that you will grow to love her work and her." Poet Jeniann Bowers.
I AM . . . Woven Wind, clearing troubled, anxious minds. Let me fluff the tresses of your straw-strewn hair.
I AM . . . Sky, filled with hopes and dreams. Dream of my possibilities for you.
I AM . . . Earth, nurturing seeds and expressing life. Hold me in you hands and smell me. Squish me soft between your naked toes.
I AM . . . Sea, with many-voiced waves whispering peace and squalling surrender. Roll up your jeans and frolic in my beauty.
I AM . . . fire, guided light and energy for your journey here. Diffuse me only if you dare.
I AM . . . Smoke, warning you of eminent danger. Watch for me.
I AM . . . Creek, on a refreshing and quenching quest, accompanying you on the curls and coils of travel.
I AM . . . Garden, to behold and nourish. I need weeding, watering, watching, sunrays bright, with dazzling light and song.
I AM. . . Grass, to cool and soften your senses. Go ahead; take off your shoes, walk on me. Let me refresh your feet for frolic.
I AM . . Flower. They call me blossom. Enjoy my short-lived beauty, frail and fragrant. Caress me quiet and elegant.
I AM . . . Rain, to soothe and shower you with trickling memories. Come outside and keep me company in the marvel of my downpour. Play in me.
I AM . . . Thunder, to release you from your daily doldrums.
I AM . . . Lightening. They call me Neon Sky. Thunder speaks of me. Look for me when thunder shakes your world. I’ll be there to entertain you and spark adventure in you languid life.
I AM . . . Ocean Tide, the ebb and flow of life: In-flowing good, out-flowing bad. But you never know what the tide is going to bring in. Hold my hand so we both won’t be swept away with the out-going bad. It is not always good to be alone.
I AM . . .Sunbeam. I love to make your body warm all over. But I can be dangerous. Don’t get too close for too long or I’ll burn you. Allow me space to glow when and where you can. Don’t shut me out all day. A little dose of me can be good for your moody moments.
I AM . . .Air, the substance you breathe. Do not take me for granted. Help me to stay pure for you. Inhale me; take me in.
I AM . . . Tree. Birds rush to settle safe in my branched arms. Come dawdle in my shade. Climb up and behold the freedom I feel up here to stir the sky senseless.
I AM . . . Bird. I dance on wind-tides to the tempo of my wings, sprinkling nymph and gnome notes over fields of dreams dreamt.
I AM . . . Music. Dance with me please! I love to dance to the rhythm of nature. Listen . Do you hear it? Or is the silence too loud for you?
I AM . . . Silence. I bring you calm and intuition. To you I promise magic. Take time to soak in my essence. Let me soften you - within and without.
When did you start writing poetry?
I started writing poetry in the late 1980s.
Do you have a favorite poem in your book, ‘Ponderings’?
My favorite poem in my book is, "I AM."
Who are your favorite poets to read?
My favorite poets to read are Dylan Thomas, Jeniann Bowers and E.E. Cummings.
What inspires you to write?
Much of my inspiration to write comes from books, friends, depression, delight,
nature and every opportunism I can think of.
What do you hope readers take away/learn from you poetry?
When someone reads my poetry, I hope it resonates with
their own experiences in life, be it tears or just that warm feeling one gets
when they think, "I've been there; I can relate." Or the nature
poetry, "I feel like I just took a walk in the woods."