Sunday, February 24, 2008

Allison in Boise

My Little sister came to visit with her friend Shawn this past weekend . We had an awesome time hanging out, playing games, and shopping. They were the best because along with all the fun they also did dishes. I think if a man does dishes he's worth it! Thanks for all the fun Alli and Shawn.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Project time!

Here's my new apron. Abi thinks the pink side is the cute side. I think that it was just fun to make.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


For pre-school this morning we went to the fire station and learned all about how the firemen can "cut our car if we crash". I think that's all they got out of our lovely fieldtrip. The girls have been wearing their super fun Fireman hats all day.

Stairway to heaven.

The toy room must be calling Isabelle's name because she cannot be kept away from the stairs. She finally realized that she can climb them about a week ago and will not come down unless someone carries her against her will.