Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Just thought I would post a picture of the new family member. He joined us on Friday and was 8 lbs 3 ozs. We are thankful for a happy healthy boy.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lily had her puppies!

She is such a good little mommy. She Had one in the suburban and the other at home. I was so shoked to see the first one in my car. She did great all by herself.

So cute.

The girls love them so much.

Memorial Day.

Here's Dan jumping off the cliff somewhere near Marsing.

Here we all are in front of the little waterfall.

Abigail is 6!

Happy birthday Abi! she wanted a castle cake so here's the sweet ginormous cake.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday we took a couple pic's of the girls in their dresses. Here's one of Isabelle giving lily kisses. She loves that dog.

Saturday we went to the Kuna Easter egg hunt. It was pretty cute to see Isabelle (who has no clue what to do)look at me blankly when i told her to pick up all the eggs and candy off of the ground. This is probably really odd for a two year old to here when they are used too not being able to eat candy off the ground.

So while the special Olympics were in town some Chinese athletes could not leave us alone. ( I'm guessing they were fascinated with the girl's blond hair)so we took some pictures with them in the store when we were leaving. They wanted the girls to give them five until one turned around and wanted a spanking. We all suddenly busted up laughing and graciously helped the girls decline.

This is what happens when you go shopping during nap time. It wasn't too bad to shop like this, I had such a relaxed shopping trip.