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**** Notice all payments and donations request will come from this Love Church and Synagogue Immanuel International Religion Government Academy Entities Inc. email: (invoicing@found.com) or mail only to this address Post Office 64335 Gary, Indiana 46401.Thanks for working with us to make Gary Indiana the smartest city on Earth with making the most new inventions for making life organized infinity!
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Ad 11/27/2024 front page below:
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Now hiring! When voting please select the button for write-in and then write - in the spot for the seat I'm a write -in candidate for and write or type my name exactly as shown inside the parentheses: Theologian (Nala Baozun Scott Johnson Jr) which I'm registered for my campaign in the candidate section title president I'm campaigning for. I'm a write-in candidate for the 2024 general election in October for early voting locations and November 2024. Write or type my name for the first seat which is President of White House in USA. With this seat I'm seeking to win is with the United States of America, North America in October & November 2024 general election on Gregorian civil calendar open to all living people with red blood cells and not a corporate robots that are considered a person scam hidden bad faith actor/actress.To do an write in candidate vote the candidate must have registered with the election department and you must type or write my name in on the line that says write in for the seat I need to win because my name is not on the ballot I'm just registered to be another voice choice if you study how political party works for write - in candidates and when you get to the voting booth and begin to vote do not select Democrats or Republican only button as your first choice instead go to bottom of page and hit next page and this will take you to all the candidates choices names and write -in input for millions of parties and independents instead of only seeing democratic or Republic party names only people button. By hitting only see Democrat and /or Republican button for those people in those party's only button you may have vacant seats not filled to have a healthy government.(FYI) If elected I will give everyone in the city of Gary, Indiana and minority poverty areas alive people 18+ years or older and emancipated 12 and 13 years old and up political party members and non voting members adults they own house deed so they own a house for life with fewer hardship catastrophic events so the city get 1 million to 999 trillion from bi-yearly entities taxes. I'll legalize all illegal street drugs for religion entities & there members and also our party members with our bi-laws with religion clinical elements facts label attached to the control substance on what's inside the control substance per person and case by case with how to not misuse Earth elements scenarios! Our party will raise Gary Indiana in Lake county and all minority poverty areas minimum wage to $30 dollars an hour for all worker's in Gary Indiana in Lake county Indiana or that poverty area a minorities with a religious executive order! With me elected to any of the above seats I can fire everyone there now in 2025 year on the Gregorian civil calendar and hiring everyone I want to work with me and my Deity and holy ghost or my political party members and deputized anyone I want to work with me & include this law in our political party bi-laws freedom of expression. I'll legalize whoredom and adultery without penalty white paper law submission or religion executive order per the 144 A.D. very first bible and Torah free wills non violent prayers and Torah. To order signs and indoor and outdoor souvenirs visit our websites: use QR Scanner app program or settings and scan QR symbol to win valuable items tangible and non tangible. Paid for by members and non-members who support Love Church and Synagogue Immanuel International Religion Government Academy Entities Inc. website copy and paste this URL link: www.3171443702.net
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Members and new members get ready for early voting in Gary Indiana only residents and passport holders at polls and mail and caretakers guiding disabled voters! October and November 2023 civil calendar. Criminal and non criminal record history any type of crime citizens federal bill of rights and with scenarios are allowed to vote federal bill of rights. U.S.A North America.
Ad July 4, 2023
Dump and forget the Republican's and Democrat's party or other political party primary election and join God and Goddess Synagogue Church Corporation party. Write - in vote for (Nala Garmin Scott-Johnson Jr.) for Mayor of Gary Indiana in October & November 2023 general election by mail in or write - in vote at poll or try early voting available near you! If elected I will give everyone in the city of Gary, Indiana 18+ years or older they own house deed so they own a house for life with fewer hardship catastrophic events. Giving everyone a home in the city will give our administration off the taxes of the population of 80 thousands people will generate the city with over 80 million a year from $500 bi-yearly taxes revenue for Gary, Indiana and the city could not say they don't have any money to fix roads and build houses and pay city workers. If the city had 500 city workers and paid 27 thousands a year each worker they would only spent 14 million each year and have 67 million dollars left from the home bi - yearly property taxes. I have better God vision of Gary Indiana as being the richest city in Indiana if elected me as Mayor of Indiana. I'll legalize all illegal street drugs for religion entities and there members with latest in nutrition research delivered in easy to understand videos, blog posts, and podcasts since government calls Gary, Indiana a small cap risk and tell investors not to invest in our city since we small cap and can not afford billions of dollars to make illegal herbs as a pharmacy medicine product for God and Goddess likeness human disciples! Raise Gary Indiana minimum wage to $30 dollars an hour for all worker's in Gary Indiana! Build an 24/7 Midwest Monorail in Gary Indiana solar and gears rotation power. Inaugurated executive order as mayor for Gary Indiana that the driver of our city garbage truck workers and police , postal drivers, with pay increase to report potholes, sinkholes, objectects in roads and street light outage with 1 click gps marker device or commercial app reporter to street department for citizen without internet, phone service, or religion to report for these issues on city roads and interstate jurisdiction. Bi-laws white paper and blue plastic transparent sheets binder metal holders allow members only after crash to leave scenario and get to family or power of lawyer note seal letterhead netural zone anonymous. Giving tithing time back to God and Goddess to sponsor candidate's campaign from members of Love Church and Synagogue Immanuel International Religion Government Academy Entities Inc. Party!
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Dump and forget the Republican's and Democrat's party or other political party primary election and join God Church Corporation party. Write - in vote for James L Johnson Junior for Sheriff of Lake County Indiana in November 2022 general election by mail in or write - in vote at poll or try early voting available near you! If elected I will give everyone in the city of Gary, Indiana 18+ years or older they own house deed so they own a house for life with fewer hardship catastrophic events. Giving everyone a home in the city will give our administration off the taxes of the population of 80 thousands people will generate the city with over 80 million a year from $500 bi-yearly taxes revenue for Gary, Indiana and the city could not say they don't have any money to fix roads and build houses and pay city workers. If the city had 500 city workers and paid 27 thousands a year each worker they would only spent 14 million each year and have 67 million dollars left from the home bi - yearly property taxes. I have better God vision of Gary Indiana as being the richest city in Indiana if elected me as Lake County sheriff of Indiana. I'll legalize all illegal street drugs for religion entities and there members with latest in nutrition research delivered in easy to understand videos, blog posts, and podcasts! Raise Lake county minimum wage to $25 an hour for all worker's in Lake county Indiana! Giving tithing time back to God to sponsor candidate campaign from members of Jehovah and Jesus Independent Dance Monastery Towers Religion Church Corporation Party!
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Business card mayor copy and paste share ask a librarian! Unity Write - in vote for (Nala Garmin Scott-Johnson Jr.) for Mayor of Gary in Lake County Indiana in October & November 2023 general election on Gregorian calendar. To do an write in candidate vote the candidate must have registered with election department and you must type or write my name in on the line that say write in because my name is not on the ballot just registered to be another voice choice if you study how political party works and when you get to voting booth and begin to vote do not select Democrats or Republican as your first choice instead go to bottom of page or hit next page or continue page and this will take you to all candidates choices for third and fourth parties and independents instead of only seeing democratic or Republic party only people by hitting only see those people in that party only button.( FYI) If elected I will give everyone in the city of Gary, Indiana 18+ years or older and emancipated adults they own house deed so they own a house for life with fewer hardship catastrophic events so the city get 100 million from bi-yearly house taxes. I'll legalize all illegal street drugs for religion entities & there members and also our party members! Raise Gary Indiana in Lake county minimum wage to $30 dollars an hour for all worker's in Gary Indiana in Lake county Indiana! With me elected to mayor I can fire everyone there now in 2024 year on Gregorian calendar and hiring everyone I want to work with me or my political party members and deputized anyone I want to work with me & include this law in our political party bi-laws. Legalize Whoredom And Adultery White Paper Law Submission Per The Bible Free Wills Prayers. To Order sign and indoor and outdoor souvenirs. Websites: use QR Scanner program or settings and scan QR symbol: www.3171443702.net
Business card sheriff Write - in vote for James L Johnson Junior for Sheriff of Lake County Indiana in October & November 2022 general election on Gregorian calendar. If elected I will give everyone in the city of Gary, Indiana 18+ years or older they own house deed so they own a house for life with fewer hardship catastrophic events so the city get 100 million from bi-yearly house taxes. I'll legalize all illegal street drugs for religion entities & there members with the latest in nutrition research delivered in easy to understand videos, blog posts, and podcasts! Raise Lake county minimum wage to $25 an hour for all worker's in Lake county Indiana! With me elected to sheriff I can fire everyone there now in 2022 year on Gregorian calendar and hiring everyone I want work with me or my political party members and deputized anyone I want to work with me & include this law in political party bi-laws. Websites: use QR Scanner program or settings and scan QR symbol:
If you vote for my party members we have bi-laws that no business entity private or public can deny you a job because of having a criminal history on your records and if they deny you a job because of previous criminal record that you already completed we will sue that entity for 10 trillions dollars law suits for discriminated against freedom of expression of political party and religion. Vote all church Party members only
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The activities of political parties enjoy significant protection under the First Amendment. For instance, parties generally are able to assert a freedom of association claim, arguing that they, not the government, have the right to decide who may join the organization or be excluded and how they conduct their internal affairs. It is not always clear, however, who, under the law, is the “political party” and who can assert First Amendment rights. Who makes up the political party for First Amendment purposes? For example, is the political party its leadership, primary voters, or potential primary voters? If the former, then can they place limits on who may join or participate in the party? If so, then they may be able to invoke the First Amendment on behalf of the party’s right to exclude individuals. If the party is not the leadership but the voters, then they may be able to invoke the First Amendment to demand admittance. Political parties are public associations and subject to regulation One of the first questions surrounding the regulation of political parties is whether a party is a public or a private association. One of the first questions surrounding the regulation of political parties is whether a party is a public or a private association. In a series of decisions known as the “White Primary Cases” from Texas in the 1920s to the 1940s, the Supreme Court vacillated between ruling that the Democratic Party primaries in that state were private—and therefore the party could exclude African Americans from participating—or subject to state and congressional regulation such that discrimination could be prohibited. Eventually in United States v. Classic (1941) and Smith v. Allwright (1944), the Court ruled that the party primaries were subject to regulation and that African Americans could not be barred from participating.
Although these cases were decided under Article 1, section 4, of the Constitution and the Fifteenth Amendment, they opened up political parties to government regulation. These decisions forced new questions upon the Court: If the government could tell a political party that it could not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, could it not also tell a party whom it must admit as a member? For example, could it require the Republican or Democratic Party to admit a member of another party, or a political independent, to participate in a primary or convention? Could it bar a party from letting nonparty-members participate in its activities?
Political parties have free association rights, but it is not clear who can assert them In Tashjian v. Republican Party of Connecticut (1986), the Court invalidated a state’s closed primary law that prevented one party from inviting independent voters from participating in its primaries. Moreover, in Eu v. San Francisco County Democratic Central Committee (1989) the First Amendment was used to strike down a state law banning political parties from making political endorsements. In addition, in California Democratic Party v. Jones (2000) the Court voided on First Amendment grounds a state law that turned the California primaries into “open primaries” whereby anyone of any affiliation could vote in a party primary. The Court in these three cases seemed to state that the right to free association applied to political parties and that they have the right to decide with whom to affiliate, so that the government can not prescribe whom a political organization decides to admit in a primary or endorse. Yet in Clingman v. Beaver (2005) the Court upheld an Oklahoma semi-closed primary system that restricted who could vote in a primary. The Supreme Court stated here that the law was not so burdensome to the First Amendment rights of parties as to even require strict scrutiny. As a result of these decisions, it appears that political parties have free association rights, but it is not always clear who can assert them—the party members or the leaders.
Party campaign financing is another First Amendment issue Another line of cases addressing the First Amendment rights of political parties has dealt with campaign financing. In Buckley v. Valeo (1976), the Supreme Court upheld the 1974 amendments to the Federal Election Campaign Act, which, among other things, created a system for the public financing for presidential elections, imposed contribution limits to political parties, and made it illegal for parties to coordinate or plan their expenditures, or spending, with candidates for public office. In Buckley the Court rejected First Amendment challenges to contribution limits and upheld a law mandating that a political party had to receive at least 5 percent of the popular vote in a presidential election to be eligible for public funding. Minor political parties had contended that the 5 percent threshold violated their First Amendment rights. Eventually, in Colorado Republican Federal Campaign Committee v. Federal Election Commission (1996), the Court used the First Amendment to strike down expenditure limits made by parties that were not coordinated with a candidate, but subsequently in Federal Election Commission v. Colorado Republican Federal Campaign Committee (2001), it upheld a ban on coordinated contributions. Finally, in McConnell v. Federal Election Commission (2003),the Supreme Court upheld a portion of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (McCain-Feingold Act) that barred so-called soft money contributions to political parties.
Ballot access rules may violate the First Amendment In addition to the rules affecting the general rights of parties, minor or third parties have been subject to specific regulations, often requirements for ballot access. The Court has ruled that these special rules may violate the First Amendment rights of these parties. In some cases, independent and third-party candidates are required to file a requisite number of signatures in order to appear on the ballot. If that minimum threshold is too high, the Court may invalidate it as a first Amendment violation. For example, in Illinois State Board of Elections v. Socialist Workers Party (1979) the Court ruled that a state law requiring a minor party to obtain more than 25,000 signatures to appear on the ballot violated its First Amendment rights. On the other hand, the Court ruled a few years later in Norman v. Reed (1992) that requiring candidates for suburban district offices to obtain 25,000 signatures from the suburbs of Chicago to appear on the ballot was not a First Amendment violation. In Munro v. Socialist Workers Party (1986), the Court upheld a requirement that a party secure at least 1 percent of the vote in a primary for its name to appear on a general election ballot. The Court noted that while the 1 percent requirement did impinge upon the First Amendment rights of the party, these rights were not absolute, and it was not burdensome to require the party to demonstrate some minimum level of support to appear on the ballot. Finally, in Timmons v. Twin Cities Area New Party (1997) the Court upheld against a First Amendment challenge a Minnesota law barring a candidate from one political party from appearing on the ballot as an endorsed candidate for another political party. The Court’s reasoning here was that the compelling interest in preventing fraud and voter confusion outweighed any First Amendment claims to ballot access.
Workers Peace and Love International Committee Limited Liability Company (inactive from Indiana State)
Jehovah and Jesus Independent Dance Monastery Towers Church Corporation (inactive from Indiana State)
Thousand Quingentillion Holy Spirit Solar and Wind Power Hospitals and Emergency Urine Pods Corporation (inactive from Indiana State)
StandUp Wireless D.B.A. (inactive department)
Jehovah and Jesus Independent Dance Monastery Towers Religion Church Corporation (inactive from Indiana State)Jehovah and Jesus Independent Dance Monastery Towers Religion Church Concierge Corporation (inactive from Colorado State)
Jehovah and Jesus Independent Dance Monastery Towers Religion Church #2 Corporation (inactive from Colorado State)
Jehovah and Jesus Independent Dance Monastery Towers Religion Church #3 Corporation (inactive from Colorado State)
United States of America Torah and Bible Society Press Limited Liability Company (inactive from Colorado State)
Israel Credit Unions Corporation (inactive from Colorado State)
Israel Hospitals Corporation (inactive from Colorado State)
Special International Non-Binary Humans Non Violence One Language Benchmark Competitions & Humanitarian Charity Department
Israel Earth Airlines (inactive from Colorado State)
Stokes Towers Casinos And Convention Centers Corporation (inactive from Colorado State)
Johnson-Stokes Israel Humanitarian Wax Museum Corporation (inactive from Colorado State)