The Compleat Heretic's Trophy Case: Award Sites! Rating 4.5
This page was last modified on 22 August 2014.
Please note: Award Sites! is an online organization which sets standards for website award programs so that interested parties can know the relative quality of the award based on strict criteria and rules.
As of 24 March 2014, the venerable Award Sites! awards rating system (1997-2014) had ceased operations, and its website had been converted to an archive of its highest rated programs. Award programs will continue to be acknowledged by their last Award Sites! rating if such is known.
Timelines World's Best Future Award
Timelines World's Best Award: Gold
Poetic Soul Award
Moon Award
Timelines Award of Excellence: Silver
Timelines World's Best Future Award
Description: Friedrich Hornischer, a German webmaster, presents his Timelines Awards "to honor webmasters who present new ideas and new aspects of possiblities to manage life in the coming decades" in sites that are "both enjoyable and educational with a theme presented in an excellent or innovative way." Sites are evaluated on content, presentation, design, and coding.
Citation: "As evaluator and owner of Timelines Award Program I am proud to award your site "Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic" with Timelines World´s Best Future Award
Timelines World´s Best Future Award honors sites that show excellence in content, presentation, design and coding and a content that will keep its validity for a long time. - Timelines' Top Award.
Thank you for giving the World Wide Web such a wonderful website."
Awarded: 3 March 2013
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Timelines World's Best Award
Description: Friedrich Hornischer, a German webmaster, presents his Timelines Awards "to honor webmasters who present new ideas and new aspects of possiblities to manage life in the coming decades" in sites that are "both enjoyable and educational with a theme presented in an excellent or innovative way." Sites are evaluated on content, presentation, design, and coding.
Citation: "As evaluator and owner of Timelines Award Program I am proud to award your site "Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic" with Timelines World's Best Gold Award.
Timelines World's Best Gold Award honors sites that show excellence in content, presentation, design and coding - Timelines' Top Award.
Thank you for giving the World Wide Web such a wonderful website."
Awarded: 2 June 2012 as an upgrade from Timelines Award of Excellence: Silver
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Poetic Soul Award
Description: Lupércio Mundim, a Brazilian lawyer and webmaster, offers the Poetic Soul Award to reward "website builders that have built a nice site on the web" and to recognize the efforts of "ordinary people, as [himself], just to express ourselves and showcase our work." Sites are evaluated on content, design, and navigation.
Citation: "The Poetic Soul Award Program is honored to offer to Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic website our new Silver Award graphic, now rated by Award Sites! at level 4.5, to replace the original award graphics sent in December 31 of 2011, when this website won our silver award. Receive our congratulations again!"
Awarded: 29 May 2012 as an upgrade from Poetic Soul Award: Silver [Award Sites! 4.0]
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Moon Award
Description: Jenny Maass, also known as Die Mondfrau (The Moonlady), an Austrian webmistress and retired journalist, recognizes other webmistresses and webmasters with the Moon Award "as an honor for the untiring work [they] might do in designing a website: for its contents and its design. Additionally, it is a stimulus for [them] to develop and learn further, and not to lose [their] enthusiasm." Sites are evaluated on content, design, and navigation.
Citation: "It's always a pleasure to visit your extraordinary site "Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic". You are unafraid of criticism or to meet with disapproval, you always stand by your opinion which is very different from most others of whom follow the beaten track. This outstanding website is worth to honor it with our MOON AWARD in GOLD.
Congratulations and keep up your fine work!"
Awarded: 10 April 2011 as an upgrade from Moon Award: Gold [Award Sites! 4.0]
Superseded: 31 May 2012 by Moon Award: Gold [Award Sites! 5.0]
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Timelines Award of Excellence
Description: Friedrich Hornischer, a German webmaster, presents his Timelines Awards "to honor webmasters who present new ideas and new aspects of possiblities to manage life in the coming decades." Sites are evaluated on content, design, presentation, and coding.
Citation: "Thank you for your interest in Timelines Award Program and inviting me to visit your site. I enjoyed surfing through your sites. Congratulations, your site „Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic“ has earned 72 points- this means Timelines Silver Award. Silver Award of Excellence winners have interesting content and excellent design, although some work could be done either in design, content or coding to reach gold."
Awarded: 24 March 2009 as an upgrade from Timelines Award of Excellence [Award Sites! 3.0]
Superseded: 2 June 2012 by Timelines World's Best Award: Gold
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Trophy Case: Award Sites! Rating 4.0
Trophy Case: Award Sites! Rating 5.0