
make it a terrific tuesday...

...if i win me some of these...

gauche alchemy is having a giveaway here. the full reveal of their february kit was yesterday so if you have time, do check it out.

candy is also celebrating her blogaversary with a giveaway here. that's about it for me. have to get ready for work. :)



belated haberdei diane!

diane is hosting a birthday rak over at her blog. it's so easy, all we to do is to put all her blogs in our posts. sounds easy right? so what are you waiting for, come and join in the fun. :)

a handful of surprises

my paper scraps

i am a nikon girl

digitally diane

somewhere over the rainbow


the things you think of at 4 am in the morning…

i realized i like equations. i like the certainty of knowing that no matter how you get to it, there is one unique answer to that other side of the equation. well, except in cases like the square root of a positive number where you get positive and negative roots. ooh that was so geeky. but you get what i mean, there is a certain comfort in the predictability of numbers, of knowing that no matter what you do 2 and 2 will always make 4 and no matter how elusive, you will find x.
i like numbers because they define a boundary. yes, even the really big ones because you know that if you keep counting, you’ll get there eventually. and the thing about counting is, you can never go wrong, you know that 11 will always come after 10 and that you can never get to 26 without going through 18. even a million doesn’t seem too far off because you know it is there, right after 999,999.


a month in a foreign country has taught me the following things:

* just because the sun is out doesn’t mean it’s warm outside.
* sometimes, it’s ok get lost. although it wouldn’t hurt to ask for directions and read the signs once in a while.
* the best things about getting lost are getting around and finding your way back home.
* we don’t always know what’s best for us. sometimes, we surprise ourselves and change our minds even about what we do and don’t like.
* sometimes, you just need some time to know before you can love.


put a post-it on it when you're done

EMILY: Yes. So, Rory, your grandfather and I thought it might be nice after dinner for you to go around the house and pick out what you'd like us to leave you in our wills.

RICHARD: Take a look at that desk in my office. It's a really fine Georgian piece.

LORELAI: Why don't I ever bring a tape recorder to these dinners?

RORY: Oh, well, anything you want to leave me is fine.

EMILY: Nonsense. You should have what you like. So look around and when you see something you like stick a post-it on it.

LORELAI: OK, you two have officially hit a new level of weird that even I marvel at.

EMILY: You can pick out things too, you know.

LORELAI: Oh, well now it's way less creepy.

EMILY: Did you hear that Richard? Apparently we're creepy.

RICHARD: Yes, well, live and learn.

(The maid comes in with a tray.)

RORY: Oh cool!

LORELAI: What's that?

EMILY: It's dessert.

LORELAI: It's pudding.

EMILY: Well if you knew what it was why did you ask?

LORELAI: You don't like pudding.

EMILY: Yes, but you like pudding.

LORELAI: Oh, I love pudding. I worship it. I have a bowl up on the mantel at home with the Virgin Mary, a glass of wine, and a dollar bill next to it.

RORY: I've never had pudding from a crystal bowl before.

EMILY You like the bowl?

RORY: Mmm.

EMILY: Put a post-it on it when you're done.


the best antidotes

uncontrollable hiccups can be remedied by holding your breath or drinking lots of water among other things. milk, my mom says, helps one sleep easily. and coffee can best help keep you up.
for green-eyed monsters, a bar of chocolate, a pack of peanuts, a liter of soda and a series marathon should do the trick. and if it still persists, a book, a new hobby or some other distraction should be able to fix it.


i need someone to play scrabble with. any takers?