(Full resolution version here)
Behold: the cover of the Orbit (UK/Aus/NZ) edition of "The Rhesus Chart", Laundry Files #5. It's due out in the first week of July next year, and you can pre-order it now (here's the Amazon Kindle edition link). I'm pleased to say that this is the first Laundry Files novel to debut in hardcover in the UK—a sign of great expectations by my publisher!
(If you're on the other side of the Atlantic, do not worry: there will be a US hardcover and ebook from my usual publisher Ace: I've even got the final cover art. They just want me to sit on it until November 12th for some reason. As Ace is an imprint of Berkeley Publishing Group, which in turn was part of Penguin, who merged with Random House to form Random Penguin Penguin Random House a couple of months ago, I suspect they're still getting their internal product release procedures straightened out.)
Here's the first sentence:
"Don't be silly, Bob," said Mo, "everybody knows vampires don't exist!"
(In other news: blogging is quiet right now because I am in Brighton for WFC 2013. After which I will be proceeding cross-country to Oxford for an evening with the Oxford University SF Society, and thence to Nottingham, for Novacon, before driving home. And then it will be time to start work on the next book, and acquire a pair of kittens, in no particular order ...)