Poverty and Polarization of Media Foreign-Policy Debate

A very good insight of what could be called the “Beltway Bubble” on foreign-policy thinking can be gained by a study of the September 19 National Journal’s “Insiders Poll” in which 115 Democratic and 116 Republican “insiders” ranked prominent columnists,...

GE On the Anti-Iran Bandwagon

In another ominous sign in the run-up to war with Iran, General Electric announced earlier this month that it was jumping on the bandwagon of hawkish non-profit "American Coalition Against Nuclear Iran, Inc." (ACANI) signing a pledge to never conduct business in the...

Best “V for Vendetta” Tattoos

From the Small Press Expo cartoonist show this weekend in Bethesda, MD - a tribute to the greatest political movie of this century: [full size versions of photos available here]

The Heavy Hand of the State

Hey everybody, check out this awesome interview of James Bovard by Judge Andrew Napolitano about the lawless, and near-lawless, abuse of American persons by the FBI - specifically those arrested and charged last week for merely lying to feds while the subjects of...

Sibel Edmonds’s Big Day

Sibel Edmonds, former contract-FBI translator/whistleblower and "most gagged person in U.S. history" has finally told all - to Antiwar.com's Philip Giraldi. It's all in the cover story for November's issue of The American Conservative magazine, "Who's Afraid of Sibel...

Dogs, Donkeys and Women, Oh My!

A newly created group dedicated to fighting the “Islamization of America” will be walking the streets of Washington DC on September 25th engaging passers-by in a “dialogue” about Islam in America.The group, Stop Islamization of America (SIOA), stands out for...