Contrary to the groupthink so pervasive in the military-industrial complex, there is absolutely zero evidence that Iran is building a nuclear bomb. Even top intelligence officials conceded in their National Intelligence Estimates (N.I.E.'s) that such claims were false...
US Expands Drone War
The United States has now expanded its (c)overt drone war to a 6th country: Somalia. Naturally, the justification was that if America just sat back and did nothing, al-Shabab, a Somali terrorist group, would attack the United States: “As the al-Qaeda core has weakened...
Hotel Attack Will Only Prolong American Adventurism in Afghanistan
A common misconception of blowback is that retaliation is limited to foreign governments and citizens. If this were to be the case, Chechen terrorists would not be bombing airports and the Taliban would not be bombing hotels. The Taliban's coordinated attack on the...
The March of Obama’s Dark Cynicism
Obama spent several minutes this afternoon droning on and stuttering about the economy, injecting words like "folks" and "busted" into his typically boring speech as recommended by his handlers to get the plebes to relate more to His Harvardness. Among the many things...
Costs of War, Was It Worth It?
Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies conducted research on the costs of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan: The final bill will run up to at least $3.7 trillion and could reach as high as $4.4 trillion, according to the research...
John Yoo is to Guantanamo What Harold Koh is to Libya
State Department legal advisor Harold Koh is turning out to be the Obama administration's John Yoo. He spoke at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Tuesday to explain his ridiculous interpretation of the War Power Resolution which Obama favored over the...
(Another) Comic Book Version of bin Laden’s Death
President Obama's tale of Osama bin Laden's death was very much a comic book style rambling narrative of fantasy and wonder, with many of the details retracted within hours of the telling. Another comic book version of the killing is coming out, though this time in...
Pawlenty Plays Politics in Foreign Policy Speech
Republican Presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty is performing a political move to make a name for himself by giving a speech deriding Obama's response to the Arab Spring. The speech is "being billed as a major foreign policy address" from the very guy who has trouble...
Progress in Syria…Even Without US Invasion
The violence the government has been unleashing on the Syrian people unfortunately continues, with Syrian troops Monday reaching towns near the Lebanon border "guns echo[ing]" and "claiming to look for terrorist groups." But Monday also saw more than 150 Syrian...
John Glaser on Warrant for Gadhafi
Russia Today’s Aloyna interviewed assistant editor John Glaser about the International Criminal Court issuing an arrest warrant for Libya's leader, Muammar Gadafi.