Friday, 14 June 2013

New Home - Bathroom Transformation!

Thanks for the comments on my garden!

Now, from something that was ready-made pretty... to the bathroom.  This needed some work!

Here are some pictures (too many maybe?!) to take you through the transformation!




As you can see - it's a teeny tiny bathroom - but it's a fancy teeny tiny bathroom now!  We just need to add some accessories and personal touches.

(The main tiles are white with pale grey horizontal lines going across them - but that doesn't show up very well in the photos - they just look plain white).

Have all these pictures made it difficult for the page to load?!  I hope not.

Well, I'd better go and ready for work!  I hope you enjoyed the transformation...  :o)

Saturday, 8 June 2013

New Home - Garden


Thanks for the lovely comments on the wedding embroidery in my last post!

Progress has been made with the new house - we got the keys three weeks ago yesterday, but we only stayed over for the first time on Thursday.  We've been having gas central heating installed (as there were only old electric heaters) and the bathroom replaced - all very disruptive stuff!  My parents kindly put us up while those bits were being done, but it's great to be living here now.  Still lots to do, though, to get the house sorted!

Despite the chaos of the house, the garden has been a beautiful haven!  Here are some pictures (finally Anna!)...

Spot the old hot-water tank in the background, awaiting disposal - how attractive!

This tree was covered in blossom when we got the keys - it was so pretty!

I can't believe this is my garden!!!!  I love it!

Next time - before and after shots of the new bathroom...!

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