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Encyclopedia Astronautica Index: T
T- - Aircraft designation (T-38 - trainer-38); also technical experiments prefix
t/Space - t/Space.
T·pac Katari 1 - Communication satellite built by CAST for Agencia Boliviana Espacial (ABE), Bolivia. Launched 2013. Used the
DFH-4 Bus bus.
First Launch: 2013-12-20.
Last Launch: 2013-12-20.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 5,100 kg (11,200 lb).
T-1 - Alternate designation for
T-1 - Original conceptual design for ICBM. Final design was R-7 due to unachievability of mass ratio for this single stage design. Data from chart at Russian Space Agency HQ.
Status: Study 1953.
Gross mass: 190,000 kg (410,000 lb).
Payload: 11,000 kg (24,000 lb).
Thrust: 2.64 kN (593 lbf).
T-1 - Alternate designation for
T-1 pressure suit - American pressure suit, operational 1948. David Clark Company developed Dr. Henry's original capstan partial pressure suit.
Status: operational 1948.
T100 - TRW satellite bus used in the 1996 TOMS-EP mission.
T-140 - Pratt and Whitney electric rocket engine. 3 kW Hall thruster
T1K - Alternate name for
Soyuz 7K-LOK.
T200 - TRW satellite bus launched in 1997-1999.
T-220 - Pratt and Whitney / Keldysh Research Center electric rocket engine. Development began in 1997 of this 10 kW Hall thruster Program concluded in 2000 following a 1000 hour erosion characterization.
T2K - Alternate designation for
LK manned lunar lander.
T310 - TRW satellite bus used for the 2000 GeoLite mission.
T330 - TRW satellite bus used for the EOS, NPOES, and DWSS environmental satellites.
T-38 - Jet trainer used by NASA astronauts to maintain flight proficiency and to shuttle themselves around the country.
T-4 - Mach 3 rocket carrier. Sukhoi experimental interceptor - delta wing with forward canards. A modification to be used as first stage in Sukhoi proposal for Spiral manned spaceplane project. Maximum release conditions: 25,000 kg at 3,000 kph at 20,000 m altitude
Status: Out of Production.
Gross mass: 114,400 kg (252,200 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 55,600 kg (122,500 lb).
Payload: 25,000 kg (55,000 lb).
Thrust: 633.50 kN (142,416 lbf).
More at: Air/Kerosene
T-40 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Double Cajun T40 second stage.
Status: Retired 1963.
Gross mass: 100 kg (220 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 15 kg (33 lb).
Thrust: 13.30 kN (2,990 lbf).
More at: Solid
T-55 - Thiokol JATO solid rocket engine. HJ Nike Nike Recruit T55 fifth stage.
Status: Retired 1963.
Unfuelled mass: 12 kg (26 lb).
Thrust: 21.00 kN (4,720 lbf).
More at: Solid
T-5E - Alternate designation for
T-7 - Chinese sounding rocket. China's first sounding rocket and first indigenously-built sounding rocket, launched from 1960-1965. The basic vehicle consisted of a single liquid propellant stage. This was later augmented with solid propellant booster stages. Later versions dispensed with the liquid propellant stage.
Status: Retired 1969.
First Launch: 1960-09-01.
Last Launch: 1969-01-01.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 1,138 kg (2,508 lb).
Payload: 25 kg (55 lb).
T-7 booster - SIMED/Shanghai solid rocket engine.
Status: Retired 1969.
Gross mass: 1,000 kg (2,200 lb).
More at: Solid
T-7 LRE - SIMED/Shanghai solid rocket engine. T-7/GF-01A first stage.
Status: Retired 1969.
Gross mass: 1,000 kg (2,200 lb).
More at: Solid
T-7/GF-01A - Chinese sounding rocket. Three stage vehicle consisting of T-7A + GF-01A
Status: Retired 1968.
First Launch: 1968-08-08.
Last Launch: 1968-08-20.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 1,500 kg (3,300 lb).
T-7/GF-01A-1 - Alternate name for
T-7 LRE.
T-7A - Chinese sounding rocket. Boosted version of China's first indigenously-built sounding rocket. Included solid propellant booster. The upper stage and payload were recovered by parachute and reused. Launches began in 1965. Consisted of a solid propellant booster mated to the basic liquid propellant T-7. Flown from 1965 to the end of the 1960's.
Status: Retired 1969.
First Launch: 1963-12-01.
Last Launch: 1969-07-01.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 1,300 kg (2,800 lb).
Payload: 170 kg (370 lb).
Thrust: 46.00 kN (10,341 lbf).
T-7A Booster - Fourth Academy solid rocket engine. T-7 sounding rocket. Out of Production. China's first flight solid rocket. First flight 1965. Polysulfide binder with aluminum binder fuel in case of high strength steel with a graphite throat insert.
Status: Out of Production.
Date: 1962-1966.
Gross mass: 150 kg (330 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 33 kg (72 lb).
Thrust: 46.00 kN (10,341 lbf).
More at: Solid
T-7A-S - Chinese sounding rocket. 2 stage vehicle
Status: Retired 1965.
First Launch: 1964-07-19.
Last Launch: 1965-06-05.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 1,200 kg (2,600 lb).
T-7A-S2 - Chinese sounding rocket. 2 stage vehicle
Status: Retired 1966.
First Launch: 1966-07-14.
Last Launch: 1966-07-28.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 1,300 kg (2,800 lb).
T-7A-S2-0 - Alternate name for
T-7 booster.
T-7A-S2-0 - Alternate name for
T-7A Booster.
T-7B - Alternate designation for
T-7M - Chinese sounding rocket. 2 stage test vehicle for T-7.
Status: Retired 1960.
First Launch: 1960-02-19.
Last Launch: 1960-02-19.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 200 kg (440 lb).
Thrust: 2.00 kN (450 lbf).
TA - Abbreviation for Triacetine
Tabakov, Gleb Mikhailovich - Russian government official. Director of NII-229 1958-1963. Deputy Minister of General Machine Building 1965-1981.
Born: 1912.
Died: 1993-01-01.
Tabletsat Aurora - Technology demonstrator with an imaging payload by SPUTNIX with a panchromatic ground resolution of 15 m and 47 km swath width.
Status: Operational 2014.
First Launch: 2014-06-19.
Last Launch: 2014-06-19.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 25 kg (55 lb).
TabletSat-Aurora - Earth observation, technology satellite for SPUTNIX, Russia. Launched 2014. Used TabletSat-2U-EO bus.
First Launch: 2014-06-19.
Last Launch: 2014-06-19.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 25 kg (55 lb).
Tabriz - What has been identified by Sean O'Connor as Iran's first IRBM field is located 10 kilometers southwest of Tabriz. As of 2008 site consisted of the silo field, an administrative and support area, missile storage bunkers, and an unoccupied HQ-2 surface-to-air missile site. The latter was used as a staging area for mobile Shahab missile transport-erector launchers. The two silos seemed to include blast vents, indicating a hot-launch design.
TAC - Abbreviation for Tactical Air Command
Taccino, Roberto Maria - Italian physician payload specialist astronaut, 1990-1993. Professor. Selected by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) as one of the five Italian astronaut candidates for a European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut selection.
Status: Inactive.
Born: 1955-02-19.
Tachys - RapidEye AG of Brandenburg launched a constellation of five environmental monitoring satellites, each with a mass of 152 kg including 12 kg of propellant. The satellites had a resolution of 6 meters. Used the
SSTL-150 bus.
Tacit Rainbow BGM-136 - Northrop ground-launched missile. Loitering anti-radar cruise missile..
Tacite - French sounding rocket. Single stage sounding rocket using a single Stromboli SEPR 739-2 stage with 'Plastoline' propellant. Stabilization was by four fins and a nitrogen cold-gas spin thrusters.
Status: Retired 1968.
First Launch: 1965-06-15.
Last Launch: 1968-10-15.
Number: 4 .
Gross mass: 2,000 kg (4,400 lb).
Payload: 285 kg (628 lb).
Thrust: 170.00 kN (38,210 lbf).
TACS - Abbreviation for Thruster Attitude Control System
TACSAT - American communications technology satellite. TACSAT was designed to experimentally test and develop tactical communications concepts for all US military services. Communication satellite built by Hughes for USAF, USA. Launched 1969. Used the
HS-308 bus.
Status: Operational 1969.
First Launch: 1969-02-09.
Last Launch: 1969-02-09.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 730 kg (1,600 lb).
TacSat 1A - Technology, imaging satellite built by Naval Force Research Laboratory (NRL); Orbital Science Corporation (OSC): bus for Naval Force Research Laboratory (NRL). Used the
MicroStar (triple) bus.
Gross mass: 110 kg (240 lb).
TacSat 3 - Technology, imaging satellite built by Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL); ATK Space Systems (ex Swales) (bus) for Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), USA. Launched 2009.
First Launch: 2009-05-19.
Last Launch: 2009-05-19.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 400 kg (880 lb).
TacSat 4 - Technology, communication satellite built by Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL); for Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), USA. Launched 2011. Used JSW bus.
First Launch: 2011-09-27.
Last Launch: 2011-09-27.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 460 kg (1,010 lb).
TacSat 6 - Technology satellite built by US Army SMDC for ORS Office, US Army SMDC, USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus.
First Launch: 2013-12-06.
Last Launch: 2013-12-06.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb).
Tacsat ORS - American military surveillance satellite. The Tactical Satellite / Operationally Responsive Satellite program's objective was to demonstrate techniques to dramatically shorten the development time for small satellites. Technology, imaging satellite built by Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL); MicroSat Systems (bus) for Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), USA. Launched 2006. Used the
Road Runner Bus (NGMB, Next Generation Multifunctional Bus). Launched 2006.
Status: Operational 2006.
First Launch: 2006-12-16.
Last Launch: 2011-09-27.
Number: 4 .
Gross mass: 370 kg (810 lb).
tactical ballistic - Category of missiles.
tactical cruise - Category of missiles.
Tadbir - Earth observation satellite for Iran University of Science and Technology (Elm-o Sanat university), Teheran, Iran.
Taean -
Taepo Dong 2-2 - Nitric acid/UDMH rocket stage. 570.00 kN (128,141 lbf) thrust. Mass 25,600 kg (56,438 lb).
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 25,600 kg (56,400 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 3,700 kg (8,100 lb).
Thrust: 570.00 kN (128,140 lbf).
More at: Nitric acid/UDMH
Taepodong 1 - Alternate designation for
Paektusan 1.
Taepodong 1-1 - Nitric acid/UDMH propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Retired 1998.
Gross mass: 25,649 kg (56,546 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 3,733 kg (8,229 lb).
Thrust: 577.34 kN (129,791 lbf).
More at: Nitric acid/UDMH
Taepodong 1-2 - Nitric acid/UDMH propellant rocket stage. Included 100 kg spin table for spin-up of third stage prior to release. Burn time is 33.7 seconds at full thrust, 142.3 seconds at half thrust.
Status: Retired 1998.
Gross mass: 7,505 kg (16,545 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 1,456 kg (3,209 lb).
Thrust: 144.33 kN (32,448 lbf).
More at: Nitric acid/UDMH
Taepodong 1-3 - Solid propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Retired 1998.
Gross mass: 252 kg (555 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 50 kg (110 lb).
Thrust: 18.33 kN (4,121 lbf).
More at: Solid
Taepodong 2 - Alternate designation for
Taepodong 2-1 - Nitric acid/UDMH rocket stage. 1000.00 kN (224,809 lbf) thrust. Mass 60,000 kg (132,277 lb).
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 60,000 kg (132,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 5,000 kg (11,000 lb).
Thrust: 1,000.00 kN (224,800 lbf).
More at: Nitric acid/UDMH
Taepodong 3 - Alternate designation for
Taepodong 1-3.
Taepodong 3 - Alternate designation for
Taifun - German surface-to-air barrage rocket, tested during World War II, but never operational. Copied in the USA as the Loki and in the USSR as the R-103. The name translates as 'Typhoon'.
Status: Cancelled 1945.
Gross mass: 20 kg (44 lb).
Payload: 1.25 kg (2.75 lb).
Thrust: 7.84 kN (1,763 lbf).
Taifun - Alternate designation for
Taifun-1 - Ukrainian military target satellite. From 1969 KB Yuzhnoye built the Lira targets for exercise and test of PVO air defense and space tracking systems. Radar calibration satellite built by Yuzhnoye, Russia. Launched 1974 - 1994.
Status: Operational 1974.
First Launch: 1974-06-18.
Last Launch: 1994-09-27.
Number: 25 .
Gross mass: 500 kg (1,100 lb).
Taifun-1Yu - Ukrainian military target satellite. The Taifun-1Yu, a modification of the basic design with smooth calibration surfaces, was to be in service by 1980. Launched 1979 - 1996.
Status: Operational 1979.
First Launch: 1979-12-05.
Last Launch: 1996-04-24.
Number: 13 .
Gross mass: 500 kg (1,100 lb).
Taifun-2 - Ukrainian military target satellite. In 1969 KB Yuzhnoye introduced targets for exercise and test of PVO air defense and space tracking systems. Radar calibration satellite built by Yuzhnoye, Russia. Launched 1976 - 1995. Used AUOS-3 bus.
Status: Operational 1976.
First Launch: 1976-04-28.
Last Launch: 1995-03-02.
Number: 31 .
Taifun-3 - Russian military target satellite. Specifications for a third generation Taifun-3 system were developed in 1980 with flight trials to have started in 1984.
Status: Operational 1988.
First Launch: 1988-12-23.
Last Launch: 1989-12-27.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 3,000 kg (6,600 lb).
Taikonaut - Originally China preferred the term Yang for their astronauts, but the word Taikonaut, coined by Chen Lan, became accepted in English. Here is complete data on the Chinese conquerors of space.
Taimyr (Taimyr - Russian peninsula) - Alternate name for
Soyuz 38.
Taimyr (Taimyr - Russian peninsula) - Alternate name for
Soyuz TM-2.
Taiwan - Taiwan
Taiwan - First name of
Taiwan-NSPO - Taiwan-NSPO.
Taiyo - Alternate name of
SRATS (Taiyo).
Taiyuan - Taiyuan Space Center. China's launch site for launch of polar orbiting satellites, also known as Wuzhai. Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center (TSLC) is situated in Kelan County, the northwest part of Shanxi Province, 280 km by road from Taiyuan City.
First Launch: 1979-01-01.
Last Launch: 2014-08-19.
Number: 90 .
Tajikistan - Tajikistan
Takamatsu, Satoshi - Japanese space tourist astronaut, selected 2014.
Takesaki Launch Site - Alternate name of
Tanegashima T.
TAL - Transatlantic Abort Landing (Shuttle abort plan)
TAL-100 - TsNIIMash electric/xenon rocket engine. Development. Hall effect thruster with anode layer. Export version of D-100-I thruster developed under NASA/BMDO contract. Taken to engineering model stage.
Status: Development.
Thrust: 0.0340 N (0.0070 lbf).
More at: Electric/Xenon
TAL-38 - TsNIIMash electric/xenon rocket engine. Development. Hall effect thruster with anode layer. Export version of D-38, developed under NASA contract for satellite station-keeping and attitude control. Taken to engineering model stage.
Status: Development.
Thrust: 0.0080 N (0.0017 lbf).
More at: Electric/Xenon
TALD ADM-141 - IMI (Brunswick) air launched decoy.
Tall Afar - Tall Afar Air Base.
Talos - Alternate designation for
Talos - Alternate designation for
Talos - Alternate designation for
Talos - Alternate designation for
Talos - Alternate designation for
Talos - Alternate designation for
Talos - Alternate designation for
Talos - American Navy long-range ramjet-powered surface-to-air missile. In service 1959-1979. Surplus boost motors later used in sounding rockets and test vehicles.
Status: Retired 1979.
First Launch: 1952-10-28.
Last Launch: 1952-10-28.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 3,167 kg (6,982 lb).
Thrust: 89.20 kN (20,053 lbf).
Talos AAW - Alternate designation for
Talos ARM - Alternate designation for
Talos Castor - American sounding rocket. Two stage sounding rocket consisting of 1 x Talos booster + 1 x Castor
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1976-11-19.
Last Launch: 2013-09-19.
Number: 14 .
Gross mass: 8,200 kg (18,000 lb).
Talos Mk 11 Mod 2 - Hercules solid rocket engine. Talos motor fitted with a conical adapter for mating to the second stage. Solid propellant rocket stage. The Talos motor was fitted with a conical adapter for mating to the second stage. Differential drag forces caused separation. Four fins were arranged at the aft end in a cruciform configuration and drove the vehicle to approximately one revolution per second burnout roll rate. Talos first stage.
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 1,500 kg (3,300 lb).
Thrust: 516.00 kN (116,001 lbf).
More at: Solid
Talos RIM-8E - American surface-to-air missile.
Talos RIM-8F - American surface-to-air missile.
Talos Sergeant Hydac - American rocket used to boost a variety of military technology missions, including HAVE SLED II to collect data for algorithms to discriminate ICBM reentry warheads from decoys and HAVE JEEP VII.Three stage sounding rocket consisting of 1 x Talos booster + 1 x Sergeant + 1 x Hydac
Status: Retired 1988.
First Launch: 1976-11-15.
Last Launch: 1988-03-07.
Number: 8 .
Gross mass: 6,100 kg (13,400 lb).
Talos Sergeant Hydac-3 - Alternate name for
Talos Terrier - American sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Talos booster + 1 x Terrier.
Status: Retired 1987.
First Launch: 1987-05-14.
Last Launch: 1987-05-14.
Number: 4 .
Talos Terrier Oriole - 3 stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Talos + 1 x Terrier Mk 70 + 1 x Oriole.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2012-09-22.
Last Launch: 2012-09-22.
Number: 2 .
Talos-1 - Alternate name for
Talos Mk 11 Mod 2.
TAL-WSF - TsNIIMash electric/xenon rocket engine. Hall effect thruster with anode layer. Export version of D-55 thruster developed under NASA/BMDO contract for flight test under RHETT-II program. Used for WSF satellite orbital altitude maintenance.
Status: Development.
Thrust: 0.0120 N (0.0020 lbf).
More at: Electric/Xenon
Tamayo Mendez, Arnaldo 'Guasso' - Cuban pilot cosmonaut 1978-1980. First Cuban astronaut. First person of African descent to fly in space. Graduated from Air Force Academy Pilot, Cuban Air Force. Director of the Organization for Civil Defense in Cuba.
Flight record: 1 spaceflight, 7.9 days in space. Flew to orbit on Soyuz 38 (1980)..
Status: Inactive; Active 1978-1980.
Born: 1942-01-29.
Spaceflights: 1 .
Total time in space: 7.86 days.
Taming the Fire - The story of the making of the 1972 Soviet film that took viewers inside the life of Sergei Korolev and the Baikonur cosmonaut -- they thought!
Tamouz - Alternate designation for
Al Aabed.
Tamouz - Iraqi space launch vehicle/ICBM based on clustering of Scud tactical missiles. Canadian rocket scientist Gerald Bull was allegedly killed by Israeli agents not for his work on the supergun, but rather for his much more damaging assistance to the Iraqis in doing the dynamic calculations for the Tamouz.
Status: Retired 1989.
First Launch: 1989-12-05.
Last Launch: 1989-12-05.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 37,695 kg (83,103 lb).
Thrust: 406.40 kN (91,362 lbf).
Tamyr (Tamyr - Russian peninsula) - Alternate name for
Soyuz 26.
Tan Ce - Delayed from June, July 20. Used the
CAST2000 bus.
Tancredo 1 - Technology, education satellite built by Escola Municipal Presidente Tancredo de Almeida Neves, INPE (prime); Interorbital Systems (IOS) (bus) for Escola Municipal Presidente Tancredo de Almeida Neves, INPE, Brazil. Launched 2016.
First Launch: 2016-12-09.
Last Launch: 2016-12-09.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb).
Tandem - Alternate name for
Tandem Double Deacon - American test vehicle. Two stage vehicle consisting of 2 x Deacon + 2 x Deacon
Status: Retired 1956.
First Launch: 1956-01-26.
Last Launch: 1956-06-22.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 100 kg (220 lb).
Thrust: 54.00 kN (12,139 lbf).
Tanegashima - Tanegashima Space Center. Japan's main launch site for he larger N and H launch vehicles. In use for sounding rockets from 1967 and orbital launches from 1975.
Tang Hongbo - Chinese pilot taikonaut, 2010-on.
Status: Active 2010-on.
Tango - Tango subsatellite separated from the main
Prisma satellite Mango on 11 August 2010 at 17:51 GMT to begin formation flying experiments.
Tani, Daniel Michio - American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1996-2012.
Flight record: 2 spaceflights, 131.8 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-108 (2001), STS-120..
Status: Inactive; Active 1996-2012.
Born: 1961-02-01.
Spaceflights: 2 .
Total time in space: 131.75 days.
Tani, I - Japanese Professor. Japanese airplane technical designer.
Died: 1943-01-01.
Tanner, Joseph Richard 'Joe' - American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1992-2008.
Flight record: 4 spaceflights, 43.6 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-66 (1994), STS-82, STS-97, STS-115..
Status: Inactive; Active 1992-2008.
Born: 1950-01-21.
Spaceflights: 4 .
Total time in space: 43.55 days.
Tannhaeuser, Rosemarie - German manager. Member of the German Rocket Team in the Soviet Union after WW2. Secretary who worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked as Secretary in Dept. 61/Shop 55. Returned to Germany and passed away at the age of 97 in Berlin-Weissensee.
Born: 1919-01-05.
Died: 2016-10-07.
Tan-SAM Type 81 - Japanese surface-to-air missile. Low-level target. Vehicle-mounted.
Gross mass: 100 kg (220 lb).
Tan-SAM Type 93 - Japanese surface-to-air missile. Improved Tan-SAM Type 81.
TanSat - Earth Science satellite built by CAS (prime), SIMIT (spacecraft) for Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China. Launched 2016.
First Launch: 2016-12-21.
Last Launch: 2016-12-21.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 500 kg (1,100 lb).
Tansei - Japanese technology satellite. Series of spacecraft of varying configurations built for engineering tests of scientific satellite equipment.
Status: Operational 1971.
First Launch: 1971-02-16.
Last Launch: 1985-01-07.
Number: 5 .
Tansei 1 - Alternate name of
MS T1 (Tansei 1).
Tansei 2 - Alternate name of
MS T2 (Tansei 2).
Tansei 3 - Alternate name of
MS T3 (Tansei 3).
Tansei 4 - Alternate name of
MS T4 (Tansei 4).
TANSUO - Remote Sensing Technology. Used the
CAST1000 bus.
Tansuo-1 - Code name for
Shiyan civilian surveillance satellite.
TAOS - Alternate name of
STEP 0 (TAOS, P90-5).
TAOS - American military strategic defense satellite. USA 101. TAOS was a technology demonstration satellite whose purpose was to demonstrate autonomous space navigation systems to reduce satellite ground support needs.
Status: Operational 1994.
First Launch: 1994-03-13.
Last Launch: 1994-03-13.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 502 kg (1,106 lb).
Tar Heel Army Ordnance Plant - Plant used for production of electronics systems for Army missiles.
Taran - Russian anti-ballistic missile. Anti-ballistic missile design that was part of the basic capability of the UR-100. Studied in 1962-1964 but abandoned.
Status: Cancelled 1964.
Gross mass: 41,410 kg (91,290 lb).
Thrust: 785.00 kN (176,475 lbf).
TARANIS - French study of vertical takeoff / horizontal landing, two stage to orbit launch vehicle with expendable orbiter fuel tanks.
Status: Study 1990.
TARANIS satellite - Science, satellite for CNES, France. Used the
Myriade bus.
Gross mass: 152 kg (335 lb).
TARDIS in Orbit - Memorial satellite for Robert and Alex Doyle, USA.
Gross mass: 0 kg (0 lb).
Tarelkin, Yevgeni Igorevich - Russian engineer cosmonaut, 2003-2015.
Flight record: 1 spaceflight, 143.7 days in space. Flew to orbit on Soyuz TMA-06M (2012)..
Status: Inactive; active 2003-2015.
Born: 1974-12-29.
Spaceflights: 1 .
Total time in space: 143.68 days.
target - Category of missiles.
Target Marker - Attached to Hayabusa-2
Status: Operational 2014.
First Launch: 2014-12-03.
Last Launch: 2014-12-03.
Number: 5 .
TARGIT - Technology satellite for Georgia Tech Research Corporation, USA. Cubesat 3U bus.
Gross mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb).
Tarkhaniy - Alternate name of
Soyuz TMA-14M.
Tarkhany - Alternate name for
Soyuz TMA-21.
Tartagal - Sounding rocket launch location.
First Launch: 1966-11-11.
Last Launch: 1966-11-16.
Number: 16 .
Tartar RIM-24 - General Dynamics (Convair) ship-launched surface-to-air missile.
Gross mass: 646 kg (1,424 lb).
Tarzon ASM-A-1 - Bell 1950's USAF air-to-surface missile.
TAS - Alternate designation for
Technology Applications and Science Experiment.
TAS - Heavy Automated Station (Russian abbreviation)
TASS - Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (Soviet news agency) (Russian abbreviation)
Tater - American test vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Talos + 1 x Terrier + 1 x Recruit
Status: Retired 1976.
First Launch: 1973-08-15.
Last Launch: 1976-04-25.
Number: 23 .
Tatishchevo - Headquarters of an RVSN Division, 1964-present. Base for units deployed with 110 light ICBM silos (UR-100/UR-100N) and later ten RT-23 mobile ICBM launchers. A single live launch was known to have been made from here in 1987, reaching 1000 km altitude.
First Launch: 1978-01-01.
Last Launch: 1987-06-05.
Number: 14 .
Tattletale - Code name for
GRAB military naval signals reconnaissance satellite.
Tatyana - Alternate name for
Tatyana - Alternate name of
Universitetsky (Tatyana, MGU-250, RS 23).
Tatyana - Space physics research satellite built by students from Moscow State University.
Status: Operational 2009.
First Launch: 2009-09-17.
Last Launch: 2009-09-17.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 90 kg (198 lb).
Tatyana 2 - Alternate name of
Universitetsky 2 (Tatyana 2, RS 38).
TAU - Thousand Astronomical Unit (mission)
Taurage - Base for units deployed with R-12 missile.
Taurus - Alternate name of
KEPO 350.
Taurus - American all-solid pad-launched launch vehicle using Pegasus upper stages and Castor-120 first stage. Later developed into a series of target missiles for anti-ballistic missile system tests. Addition of a liquid propellant first stage using 40-year old surplus engines from the Russian N1 moon program resulted in a vehicle for robotic resupply of the International Space Station.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1989-12-21.
Last Launch: 1989-12-21.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 73,030 kg (161,000 lb).
Payload: 1,363 kg (3,004 lb).
Thrust: 1,286.40 kN (289,194 lbf).
Taurus 1110 - American all-solid orbital launch vehicle.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2000-03-12.
Last Launch: 2000-03-12.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 73,000 kg (160,000 lb).
Payload: 1,320 kg (2,910 lb).
Thrust: 1,320.00 kN (296,740 lbf).
Taurus 2110 - American all-solid orbital launch vehicle.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1999-12-21.
Last Launch: 2001-09-21.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 73,000 kg (160,000 lb).
Payload: 1,380 kg (3,040 lb).
Thrust: 1,380.00 kN (310,230 lbf).
Taurus 2210 - American all-solid orbital launch vehicle.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1998-02-10.
Last Launch: 1998-02-10.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 73,000 kg (160,000 lb).
Payload: 1,380 kg (3,040 lb).
Thrust: 1,380.00 kN (310,230 lbf).
Taurus 3110 - American all-solid propellant orbital launch vehicle.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2009-02-24.
Last Launch: 2011-03-04.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 73,000 kg (160,000 lb).
Thrust: 1,380.00 kN (310,230 lbf).
Taurus 3210 - American all-solid orbital launch vehicle.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2004-05-20.
Last Launch: 2017-10-31.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 73,000 kg (160,000 lb).
Thrust: 1,380.00 kN (310,230 lbf).
Taurus engine - Hercules solid rocket engine.
Status: Active.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1,363 kg (3,004 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 602 kg (1,327 lb).
Thrust: 457.00 kN (102,737 lbf).
More at: Solid
Taurus II - Alternate designation for
Antares 110.
Taurus Nike Tomahawk - Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Taurus (Honest John motor) + 1 x Nike + 1 x Tomahawk. Payload 32 kg to 700 km or 125 kg to 400 km.
Status: Retired 1991.
First Launch: 1983-09-01.
Last Launch: 1991-12-06.
Number: 17 .
Gross mass: 2,200 kg (4,800 lb).
Thrust: 457.00 kN (102,737 lbf).
Taurus Nike Tomahawk-1 - Alternate name for
Taurus engine.
Taurus Orion - American sounding rocket. 2 stage vehicle composed of 1 x Taurus (Honest John motor) + 1 x Orion. Payload 68 kg to 260 km or 227 kg to 140 km.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1977-07-19.
Last Launch: 2002-02-21.
Number: 66 .
Gross mass: 2,000 kg (4,400 lb).
Thrust: 457.00 kN (102,737 lbf).
Taurus Orion-2 - Alternate name for
Orion engine.
Taurus RGM-59 - American tactical ballistic missile to provide US Navy ships with a long range surface-to-surface capability. Development began 1961; cancelled 1965.
Status: Cancelled 1969.
Taurus S - American sounding rocket.
Status: Operational 1989.
Gross mass: 1,500 kg (3,300 lb).
Thrust: 457.00 kN (102,737 lbf).
Taurus SSM-N-4 - Interim long-range cruise missile considered by the US Navy in 1946-1948, an unmanned version of the AJ-1 Savage carrier-based bomber.
Status: Cancelled 1948.
Taurus Systems GmbH - German manufacturer. Taurus Systems GmbH, Germany.
Taurus Tomahawk - American sounding rocket. NASA two stage sounding rocket. Payload 27 kg to 590 km or 59 kg to 490 km.
Status: Retired 1987.
First Launch: 1978-10-31.
Last Launch: 1987-03-21.
Number: 15 .
Gross mass: 1,611 kg (3,551 lb).
Payload: 27 kg (59 lb).
Thrust: 457.00 kN (102,737 lbf).
Taurus Tomahawk Nike - Alternate designation for
Taurus Nike Tomahawk.
Taurus XAJ-1 - North American 1950's US Navy surface-to-surface missile; unmanned XAJ-1.
Taurus XL 3110 - Alternate designation for
Taurus 3110.
Taurus-0 - Alternate name for
Peacekeeper 1.
Taurus-1 - Alternate name for
Taurus-Lite - Alternate designation for
Orion 50SXLG.
Taurus-Lite - American suborbital test vehicle.
Taurus-Lite - Alternate designation for
Orion 50SG rocket stage.
Taurus-Lite - Alternate designation for
Tausend Fussler - Alternate designation for
TAV - American winged single-crew rocketplane. USAF program of the 1980's that reached the test hardware stage and was leading to a single-stage-to-orbit, rocket-powered, winged manned vehicle. Halted in favour of the X-30 National Aerospace Plane, and then the similar X-33.
Status: Cancelled 1986.
TAVE - American technology satellite. Thor Agena Vibration Experiment Vehicle evaluation payload for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA. Launched 1962.
Status: Operational 1962.
First Launch: 1962-09-29.
Last Launch: 1962-09-29.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 790 kg (1,740 lb).
Tawiwa - Libyan rocket test range, 600 km south of Tripoli. Site of tests of Otrag's low cost launch vehicle from 1981 to 1982, reaching up to 150 kilometers altitude.
First Launch: 1981-03-01.
Last Launch: 1982-12-09.
Number: 14 .
Taylor, Brian - British Astrophysicist. Brian Taylor joined ESA (then ESRO) in 1967 as a staff scientist. In 1971, he became head of the high energy astrophysics division and in 1984, he became head of the astrophysics division.
Born: 1940.
Taylor, James Martin - American test pilot astronaut, 1965-1969.
Status: Deceased; Active 1965-1969.
Born: 1930-11-27.
Died: 1970-09-04.
TBEx A, B - Technology satellite for SRI International, USA. Cubesat 3U bus.
TC 1, 2 - Science, magnetosphere satellite operated by CNSA, ESA, China. Launched 2003 - 2004.
First Launch: 2003-12-29.
Last Launch: 2004-07-25.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 660 kg (1,450 lb).
TCA - Abbreviation for Thrust chamber assembly
TCI - American agency. Telcom, Indonesia, USA.
TCS - Abbreviation for Thermal Control System
TD-174 - Manufacturer's designation of
LR44 rocket engine.
TD-187 - Manufacturer's designation of
LR58 rocket engine.
TD-1A - European technology satellite. Sixth satellite of ESRO. Astronomy, X-Ray satellite built by Engins Matra (prime), ERNO (structure), Saab (communications) for ESRO, Europe. Launched 1972.
Status: Operational 1972.
First Launch: 1972-03-12.
Last Launch: 1972-03-12.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 472 kg (1,040 lb).
TD-2 - CMIK Nitric acid/UDMH rocket engine. Used on Taepodong / Unha first stage.
Thrust: 1,000.00 kN (224,800 lbf).
More at: Nitric acid/UDMH
TD-232 - Manufacturer's designation of
LR62 rocket engine.
TD2C - Alternate name of
TD2D - Alternate name of
Katydid KDH.
TD2N - Alternate name of
Gorgon KD2N.
TD2R - Alternate name of
TD3C - Alternate name of
TD3D - Alternate name of
TD3N - Alternate name of
Gorgon KD2N.
TD3R - Interstate WWII US Navy target drone; assault drone; as USAAF BQ-6.
TD4C - Alternate name of
TD4D - Alternate name of
TDA - Alternate name for
Atlas Target Docking Adapter.
TDA - Abbreviation for Target docking adapter
TDC - Alternate name of
Cadet PQ-8.
TDD - Alternate name of
TDF - France Telecom's direct broadcasting communications satellite network
TDF 1, 2 - Communication satellite built by Aerospatiale for TTlTdiffusion de France, France. Launched 1988 - 1990. Used the
Spacebus-300 bus.
First Launch: 1988-10-28.
Last Launch: 1990-07-24.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 2,136 kg (4,709 lb).
TDI - Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate
TDL - Alternate name of
Airacobra TDL.
TdM - Telecommunicaciones de Mexico, Mexico
TDN - NAMU WWII US Navy target drone.
TDR - Alternate name of
TDRS - American military communications satellite. Satellite communications network, for use by Shuttle and US military satellites. Communication satellite built by TRW for NASA, USA. Launched 1983 - 1993.
Status: Operational 1983.
First Launch: 1983-04-04.
Last Launch: 1995-07-13.
Number: 7 .
Gross mass: 2,240 kg (4,930 lb).
TDRS 11, 12, 13 - Communication satellite built by Boeing for NASA, USA. Launched 2013 - 2014. Used the
BSS-601HP bus.
First Launch: 2013-01-31.
Last Launch: 2014-01-24.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 3,454 kg (7,614 lb).
TDRS 7 - Communication satellite built by TRW for NASA, USA. Launched 1995.
First Launch: 1995-07-13.
Last Launch: 1995-07-13.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 2,268 kg (5,000 lb).
TDRS 8, 9, 10 - Communication satellite built by Hughes / Boeing for NASA, USA. Launched 2000 - 2002. Used the
HS-601 / BSS-601 bus.
First Launch: 2000-06-30.
Last Launch: 2002-12-05.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 3,192 kg (7,037 lb).
TDRS G - Alternate name of
TDRS H, I, J - Alternate name of
TDRS 8, 9, 10 (TDRS H, I, J).
TDRS K, L, M - Alternate name of
TDRS 11, 12, 13 (TDRS K, L, M).
TDRSS - Abbreviation or acronym for Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System
TDS - TechDemoSat-1 by Surrey Satellite Technology carrying technology payloads from various UK universities. Used the
SSTL-150 bus.
TDS 1 - Alternate name of
TechDemoSat 1 (TDS 1).
TDU - Retrofire Engine Unit (Russian abbreviation)
TDU-1 - Manufacturer's designation of
S5.4 Nitric acid-Amine rocket engine.
TDU-12/B Skydart - American target rocket.
TE-307 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Paiute Apache second stage.
Status: Retired 1980.
Gross mass: 100 kg (220 lb).
Thrust: 21.00 kN (4,720 lbf).
More at: Solid
TE-388 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Nike Iroquois second stage.
Status: Retired 1979.
Gross mass: 100 kg (220 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 43 kg (94 lb).
Thrust: 24.40 kN (5,485 lbf).
More at: Solid
TE-416 - Thiokol solid rocket engine.
Status: Retired 1995.
Gross mass: 200 kg (440 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 60 kg (132 lb).
Thrust: 53.00 kN (11,914 lbf).
More at: Solid
TE-473 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Sandhawk Tomahawk first stage.
Status: Retired 1977.
Gross mass: 700 kg (1,540 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 200 kg (440 lb).
Thrust: 90.00 kN (20,232 lbf).
More at: Solid
TEA - Abbreviation for Torque Equilibrium Attitude
Teacher in Space astronaut group, 1985 -
Teal KDT - Temco late 1940's US Navy anti-aircraft missile.
Teal Ruby - Early warning technology satellite built by Rockwell, DARPA for DARPA, USAF STP (Space Test Program).
Gross mass: 1,940 kg (4,270 lb).
Team Encounter F1 - Technology, Solar Sail satellite built by MicroSat Systems (Bus), L'Garde (Solar Sail) for Team Encounter. Used the
NGMB (Next Generation Multifunctional Bus) bus.
TEAMS - Time-of-flight/energy/angle mass spectrograph to study electrons and ions. Instrument mounted in shuttle bay.
Status: Operational 1996.
First Launch: 1996-05-19.
Last Launch: 1996-05-19.
Number: 1 .
TechCube 1 - Technology satellite operated by NASA Goddard, USA. Cubesat 3U bus.
Gross mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb).
TechDemoSat 1 - Technology satellite built by SSTL, UK. Launched 2014. Used the
SSTL-150 bus.
First Launch: 2014-07-08.
Last Launch: 2014-07-08.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 150 kg (330 lb).
TechEdSat 1 - Technology, education satellite. Tested Exo-Brake passive de-orbit system. Built by SJSU, ÅAC Microtec, NASA Ames Research Center, Pumpkin (structure) for SJSU, ÅAC Microtec, NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Launched 2012. Cubesat 1U bus. Launched 2012.
First Launch: 2012-07-21.
Last Launch: 2012-07-21.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb).
TechEdSat 2 - Technology, education satellite for ÅAC Microtec, NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Cubesat 6U bus.
TechEdSat 3p, 4 - Technology, education satellite for SJSU, University of Idaho, NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Launched 2013-2014. Cubesat 3U bus.
First Launch: 2013-08-03.
Last Launch: 2014-07-13.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb).
TechEdSat 5 - Technology, education satellite for SJSU, University of Idaho, NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Launched 2016. Cubesat 3.5U bus.
First Launch: 2016-12-09.
Last Launch: 2016-12-09.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb).
TechEdSat 6 - Technology, education satellite for SJSU, University of Idaho, NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Cubesat 3U bus.
TechEdSat 7 - Technology, education satellite for SJSU, University of Idaho, NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Cubesat 2U bus.
TechEdSat 8 - Technology, education satellite for SJSU, University of Idaho, NASA Ames Research Center, USA. Cubesat 6U bus.
Technical University of Berlin Satellite - Alternate designation for
Tubsat communications technology satellite.
Technion - Israeli manufacturer of spacecraft. Technion Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
Technische Universitat Berlin - Alternate name for
Technology - Category of spacecraft.
Technology Applications and Science Experiment - Technology Applications and Science experiment, mounted in space shuttle bay, from NASA-Goddard's Hitchhiker-M program. TAS-01 used a number of GAS cans with science experiments, including the second flight of the Shuttle Laser Altimeter and an instrument to measure the absolute bolometric flux of the Sun.
Status: Operational 1997.
First Launch: 1997-08-07.
Last Launch: 1997-08-07.
Number: 1 .
Technology for Autonomous Operational Survivability - Alternate designation for
TAOS military strategic defense satellite.
Technology satellite - Category of spacecraft.
TechnoSat - Technology satellite for TU Berlin, Germany. Used TUBiX20 bus.
Gross mass: 18 kg (39 lb).
TechSAR 1, 2 - Alternate name of
Ofeq 8, 10 (TECSAR 1, 2 / TechSAR 1, 2).
Techsat 1, 1B - Amateur radio communication satellite for Technion, Israel. Launched 1995-1998.
First Launch: 1995-03-28.
Last Launch: 1998-07-10.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 48 kg (105 lb).
TechSat-21 1, 2, 3 - Technology satellite built by MicroSat Systems for Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), STP (Space Test Program), NASA. Used the
NGMB (Next Generation Multifunctional Bus) bus.
Gross mass: 181 kg (399 lb).
Techstar - Manufacturer's designation for
GFO earth resources radar satellite.
Tecsar - Israeli military surveillance radar satellite. Israeli military radar/optical surveillance satellite using synthetic aperture x-band radar, with estimated 10 cm radar and 1 m optical ground resolution.
Status: Operational 2008.
First Launch: 2008-01-21.
Last Launch: 2014-04-09.
Number: 3 .
TECSAR 1, 2 - Alternate name of
Ofeq 8, 10 (TECSAR 1, 2 / TechSAR 1, 2).
Teflon - Teflon was introduced in the late 1990's as the solid fuel heated electrically to provide a completely solid-state rocket system for spacecraft orientation with no moving parts.
TEGDN - Abbreviation or acronym for Triethylene glycol dinitrate
Teichmann, A - German expert in aerodynamics during World War II. Stayed in Germany after the war.
Teikovo - Headquarters of an RVSN Division, 1961-present, operating a peak of 90 light ICBM (UR-100/UR-100N) silos. By 1993 the number of operational silos had declined to 26.
First Launch: 1963-06-28.
Last Launch: 1987-01-01.
Number: 34 .
Teikyosat - Microsatellite from Teikyo University.
Status: Operational 2014.
First Launch: 2014-02-27.
Last Launch: 2014-02-27.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 22 kg (48 lb).
TeikyoSat 3 - Life science satellite for Teikyou University, Japan. Launched 2014.
First Launch: 2014-02-27.
Last Launch: 2014-02-27.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 20 kg (44 lb).
TEKh - Nanosatellite delivered by Progress M-52 to the International Space Station. 30 cm long, it was released from during a spacewalk on 28 March 2005. Used the
Nanosputnik bus.
TEKh-44 - Alternate name of
Sfera-53 (TEKh-44, Vektor-T).
Teknologia - Russian materials science satellite. Study 1990. In 1990 KB Salyut proposed an unmanned derivative of the TKS to conduct zero-gravity materials production experiments.
Status: Study 1990.
Gross mass: 20,000 kg (44,000 lb).
Tekos - Russian materials science satellite. In 1991 Lavochkin NPO proposed this recoverable earth orbital spacecraft design, derived from their Venera planetary spacecraft, for materials and microgravity research missions.
Status: Design 1991.
Gross mass: 5,600 kg (12,300 lb).
TELE - Television, business communications satellite network for Nordic countries. High power telecommunications satellites provided both direct TV broadcasting and data communications.
Tele Mex - Brazilian agency. Tele Mex, Brazil.
Telebras - Brazilian agency. Telebras, Brazil.
Telecom - Communications satellite network
Telecommunications Satellite Corp of Japan - Alternate name for
Telecommunications Satellite Inc. (Tempo Satellite Inc) - Alternate name for
Teledesic - The Teledesic Corporation system was announced in 1994, and was to have provided global communication links via a constellation of 288 LEO spacecraft. However by the time the first satellite was launched in 1998, the medium-earth orbit satellite bubble had burst and the project was abandoned.
Status: Operational 1998.
First Launch: 1998-02-26.
Last Launch: 1998-02-26.
Number: 1 .
Teledesic T1 - Alternate name of
BATSAT (Teledesic T1).
Teledyne Ryan - American manufacturer. Teledyne Ryan, USA.
Teleglobe - Teleglobe.
Telenor - Norwegian agency. Telenor, Oslo, Norway.
TeLEOS 1 - Earth Observation satellite built by ST Electronics (Satellite Systems) Pte Ltd for AgilSpace, Singapore. Launched 2015.
First Launch: 2015-12-16.
Last Launch: 2015-12-16.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 400 kg (880 lb).
Teleplane BQM-106 - USAF FDL ground-launched drone.
Telesat - Alternate designation for
Telesat - Designation of series of communications satellites launched by Telesat Canada.
Telesat LEO HTS 1 - Experimental Communication satellite built by SS/Loral (prime), UTIAS Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) (bus) for TeleSat Canada, USA.
Telesat LEO HTS 2 - Experimental Communication satellite built by Equipment: for TeleSat Canada, USA.
Telesat Mobile Inc. - Alternate name for
Telesp. - Nuova Telespazio, Italy
Telespazio - Italian agency overseeing development of spacecraft. Telespazio, Italy.
Telespazio Micro Satellite - Alternate designation for
Temisat communications technology satellite.
Television Infrared Observation Satellite - Alternate designation for
TIROS earth weather satellite.
Tele-X - Satellite series providing television and business communications for Nordic countries for NSAB. Communication satellite built by Aerospatiale, MBB, Sweden. Launched 1989. Used the
Spacebus-300 bus.
First Launch: 1989-04-02.
Last Launch: 1989-04-02.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 2,089 kg (4,605 lb).
Telkom - PT Telkom, Jakarta, Indonesia
Telkom 1 - Communication satellite built by Lockheed Martin for PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (PT Telkom), Indonesia. Launched 1999. Used the
A2100A bus.
First Launch: 1999-08-12.
Last Launch: 1999-08-12.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 2,763 kg (6,091 lb).
Telkom 2 - Communication satellite built by Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC) for PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (PT Telkom), Indonesia. Launched 2005. Used the
Star-2 Bus bus.
First Launch: 2005-11-16.
Last Launch: 2005-11-16.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1,930 kg (4,250 lb).
Telkom 3 - Communication satellite built by ISS Reshetnev (ex NPO Prikladnoi Mekhaniki, NPO PM) (bus); Alcatel (payload) for PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk., Indonesia. Launched 2012. Used the
Ekspress-1000N. Launched 2012.
First Launch: 2012-08-06.
Last Launch: 2012-08-06.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1,903 kg (4,195 lb).
Telkom 3S - Communication satellite built by Thales Alenia Space for PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk., Indonesia. Launched 2017. Used the
Spacebus-4000B2 bus.
First Launch: 2017-02-14.
Last Launch: 2017-02-14.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 3,550 kg (7,820 lb).
Telkom 4 - Communication satellite built by Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk., Indonesia. Used the
SSL-1300 bus.
Teller, Edward - Hungarian-American physicist, American Father of the H-Bomb. A dedicated cold warrior. Founded Livermore laboratory, convinced Reagan to proceed with 'Star Wars' using nuclear-bomb-pumped x-ray laser.
Born: 1908-01-15.
Died: 2003-09-09.
Tellura - Russian earth land resources satellite. Study 1990. In 1990 KB Salyut proposed an unmanned derivative of the TKS manned ferry to conduct earth resources experiments.
Status: Study 1990.
Gross mass: 20,000 kg (44,000 lb).
Telstar - American communications satellite. Communication satellite built by Bell Telephone Laboratories for AT&T, USA. Launched 1962 - 1963.
Status: Operational 1962.
First Launch: 1962-07-10.
Last Launch: 1963-05-07.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 78 kg (171 lb).
Telstar 11N - Communication satellite built by Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for Loral Skynet => Telesat, USA. Launched 2009. Used the
SSL-1300LL bus.
First Launch: 2009-02-26.
Last Launch: 2009-02-26.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4,012 kg (8,844 lb).
Telstar 12 Vantage - Alternate name of
Telstar 12V (Telstar 12 Vantage).
Telstar 12V - Communication satellite built by EADS Astrium => Airbus Defence and Space for Telesat, USA. Launched 2015. Used the
Eurostar-3000 bus.
First Launch: 2015-11-24.
Last Launch: 2015-11-24.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4,900 kg (10,800 lb).
Telstar 13 - Alternate name of
EchoStar 9 (Telstar 13, Intelsat Americas 13, Galaxy 23).
Telstar 14 - Communication satellite built by Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for Loral Skynet do Brazil => Telesat, Brazil. Launched 2004. Used the
SSL-1300 bus.
First Launch: 2004-01-11.
Last Launch: 2004-01-11.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4,694 kg (10,348 lb).
Telstar 14R - Communication satellite built by Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for Telesat, USA. Launched 2011. Used the
SSL-1300 bus.
First Launch: 2011-05-20.
Last Launch: 2011-05-20.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4,970 kg (10,950 lb).
Telstar 18 - Communication satellite built by Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for Loral Skynet => Telesat, APT Satellite Company Ltd., China. Launched 2004. Used the
SSL-1300 bus.
First Launch: 2004-06-29.
Last Launch: 2004-06-29.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4,640 kg (10,220 lb).
Telstar 18 Vantage / APStar 5C - Alternate name of
Telstar 18V (Telstar 18 Vantage) / APStar 5C.
Telstar 18V - Communication satellite built by Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for Telesat, USA. Used the
SSL-1300 bus.
Telstar 19 Vantage - Alternate name of
Telstar 19V (Telstar 19 Vantage).
Telstar 19V - Communication satellite built by Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for Telesat, USA. Used the
SSL-1300 bus.
Telstar 301, 302, 303 - Communication satellite built by Hughes for AT&T => Loral Skynet, USA. Launched 1983 - 1985. Used the
HS-376 bus.
First Launch: 1983-07-28.
Last Launch: 1985-06-17.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 1,140 kg (2,510 lb).
Telstar 401, 402, 402R - Communication satellite built by Lockheed Martin for AT&T => Loral Skynet, USA. Launched 1993 - 1995. Used the
AS-7000 bus.
First Launch: 1993-12-16.
Last Launch: 1995-09-24.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 3,775 kg (8,322 lb).
Telstar 5, 6, 7 - Communication satellite built by Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for Loral Skynet => Intelsat, USA. Launched 1997 - 1999. Used the
SSL-1300 bus.
First Launch: 1997-05-24.
Last Launch: 1999-09-25.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 3,600 kg (7,900 lb).
Telstar series - Network of communications satellites, operated by AT&T Skynet, later Loral Skynet, Bedminster.
TE-M-184-3 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 25 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-186-2 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 40 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-195 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 10 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-236 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 12 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-236-3 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 12A Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-251 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 20 Spherical Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-344-15 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 5C/CB Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-344-16 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 5C Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-345-11/12 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 13C Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-364-1 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-364-11 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37G Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-364-14 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37N Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-364-15 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37S Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-364-18 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37C Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-364-19 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37F Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-364-2 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37B Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-364-3 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37D Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-364-4 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37E Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-375 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 13D Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-385 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 13E Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-442 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 26 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-442-1 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 26B Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-442-2 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 26C Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-444 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 13F Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-456-2 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 15 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-458 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 13 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-479 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 17 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-500 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 5 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-516 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 13A Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-521-5 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 17A Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-541-3 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 6 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-542-3 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 6A Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-604 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 24 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-604-2 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 24A Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-604-3 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 24B Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-604-4 - Alternate designation for
Star 24C.
TE-M-604-4 - Manufacturer's designation of
Altair 3B Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-616 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 27 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-616-1 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 27A Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-616-4 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 27B Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-616-5 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 27C Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-616-8 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 27D Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-616-9 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 27E Solid rocket engine.
TEM640 - Alternate name of
Altair 3.
TE-M-640 - Manufacturer's designation of
Altair 3 solid rocket engine.
TE-M-640-1 - Manufacturer's designation of
Altair 3 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-640-3 - Manufacturer's designation of
Altair 3A Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-700-18 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 30C Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-700-19 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 30E Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-700-2 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 30 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-700-20 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 30BP Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-700-4 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 30A Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-700-5 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 30B Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-711-17 - Alternate designation for
PAM-S rocket stage.
TE-M-711-17 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 48B s Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-711-18 - Alternate designation for
PAM-D rocket stage.
TE-M-711-18 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 48B l Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-711-3 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 48 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-711-8 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 48 8 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-714-1 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37X Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-714-16/17 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37XFP Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-714-2 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37Y Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-714-6 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37XF Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-714-8 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37XF 8 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-731 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 62 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-762 - Alternate designation for
Antares 3.
TE-M-762 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 31 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-763 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 13B Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-775-1 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 75 Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-783 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 37FM Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-790-1 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 6B Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-799 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 48B Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-799-1 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 48A s Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-863-1 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 5A Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-940-1 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 48V Solid rocket engine.
TE-M-963 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 63F Solid rocket engine.
Temco - American manufacturer. Temco, USA.
Temisat - Italian communications technology satellite. Temisat's primary mission was demonstration of a data relay system. Environmental data collection and relay satellite built by Kayser-Threde GmbH for Telespazio SpA, Italy. Launched 1993. Used the
Blackbird-350 bus.
Status: Operational 1993.
First Launch: 1993-08-31.
Last Launch: 1993-08-31.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 42 kg (92 lb).
Temp - Status: Retired 1963.
First Launch: 1961-01-01.
Last Launch: 1963-07-01.
Number: 7 .
Temp-2S - Russian intercontinental ballistic missile. World's first operational mobile ICBM. Deployed in great secrecy in 1976-1987 contrary to the terms of the SALT-2 Treaty.
Status: Retired 1988.
First Launch: 1972-03-14.
Last Launch: 1976-01-01.
Number: 35 .
Gross mass: 44,200 kg (97,400 lb).
Payload: 540 kg (1,190 lb).
Temp-2S-1 - Alternate name for
RD RT-21 (1).
Temp-2S-3 - Alternate name for
RD RT-21-3.
TEMPEST-D - Technology satellite built by Colorado State University, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL); Blue Canyon Technologies (bus) for Colorado State University, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), USA. Cubesat 6U).
Gross mass: 6.00 kg (13.20 lb).
Tempo - Direct Broadcasting satellite series for DirecTV.
Tempo 2 - Communication satellite built by Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for TeleCommunications Satellite, Inc (TCI) => DirecTV, USA. Launched 1997 - 2002. Used the
SSL-1300 bus.
First Launch: 1997-03-08.
Last Launch: 2002-05-07.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 3,640 kg (8,020 lb).
Temp-S - The Temp-S was the first solid propellant tactical guided missile deployed in the USSR. It was designed by A D Nadiradze at NII-1 and formed the basis of subsequent designs leading to current modern Russian ICBM's.
Status: Retired.
First Launch: 1964-03-14.
Last Launch: 1964-07-18.
Number: 5 .
Temp-S - Alternate designation for
Temp-S tactical missile series - Russian series of solid propellant ballistic missiles.
Temp-S.2M - Russian intercontinental ballistic missile. The Temp-S.2M was the first strategic rocket designed by A D Nadiradze at NII-1. The design was abandoned when weight growth made it too heavy for the planned mobile transport.
Status: Study 1965.
Gross mass: 37,000 kg (81,000 lb).
Tempsat - American military target satellite. Surveillance Calibration; black 14 inch diameter. sphere.
Status: Operational 1965.
First Launch: 1965-08-13.
Last Launch: 1969-09-30.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 9.00 kg (19.80 lb).
Tempsat 1, 2 - Calibration satellite for Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), USA. Launched 1965-1969.
First Launch: 1965-08-13.
Last Launch: 1969-09-30.
Number: 2 .
Temp-SM - Alternate name of
Temp-SM - Alternate designation for
Tenma - Alternate name of
Astro B (Tenma).
Tennessee - Tennessee.
TEPCE 1, 2 - Experimental satellite for Naval Research Lab (NRL), USA. Used the
Cubesat 1.5U bus.
Gross mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb).
Tepper, Morris - American meteorologist, served in key earth observation posts at NASA 1959-1979.
Born: 1916.
Died: 2009-04-18.
TERCEL - Alternate name of SECS (TERCEL).
Terek (Terek - river in the Caucasus) - Alternate name for
Soyuz 24.
Terek (Terek - river in the Caucasus) - Alternate name for
Soyuz 37.
Tereshkova, Valentina Vladimirovna - Russian cosmonaut 1962-1997. First woman in space, aboard Vostok 6. But the flight was propaganda and future spaceflight opportunities did not develop. Was married to cosmonaut Andrian Nikolayev. Later a leading Communist politician.
Flight record: 1 spaceflight, 3.0 days in space. Flew to orbit on Vostok 6 (1963)..
Status: Inactive; Active 1962-1997.
Born: 1937-03-06.
Spaceflights: 1 .
Total time in space: 2.95 days.
Terilen - Code name for
Yantar-4KS1 military surveillance satellite.
TERLS - Alternate name for
Termit - Alternate name of
P-22 Termit.
Termit - Alternate name of
Termit - Alternate name of
Termit - Alternate name of
P-15 Termit.
Termit-M - Alternate name of
Termit-R - Alternate name of
P-21 Termit-R.
Termit-R - Alternate name of
P-22 Termit-R.
Termit-R - Alternate name of
P-15 Termit-R.
Termit-U - Alternate name of
Tern - American low-cost mini-UAV.
Terne - Norwegian anti-submarine missile.
Status: Operational 1966.
Gross mass: 135 kg (297 lb).
Payload: 50 kg (110 lb).
Terra - Alternate name of
EOS-AM 1 (Terra).
Terra - American earth land resources satellite. NASA's Terra satellite (originally known as Earth Observing System EOS AM-1) was the first spacecraft in the EOS program.
Status: Operational 1999.
First Launch: 1999-12-18.
Last Launch: 1999-12-18.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4,854 kg (10,701 lb).
Terra Geode astronaut group, 1990 -
Terra Scout astronaut group, 1988 -
Terra-3 - Russian military anti-satellite system. Study 1984. OKB Vympel was the systems integrator for ground-based laser systems.
Status: Study 1984.
Terrapin - American test vehicle. Terrapin sounding rockets were two-stage vehicles launched from Wallops Island. The Terrapin sounding rocket was developed by Republic Aviation under a National Security Agency contract for a University of Maryland project that allowed graduate students to study the upper atmosphere. The two-stage rocket used a Deacon motor with a slow-burn grain for the lower stage, and a TSI upper stage. The upper stage was equipped with low-drag swept stabilizing fins.
Status: Retired 1957.
First Launch: 1956-09-21.
Last Launch: 1957-01-01.
Number: 6 .
Gross mass: 101 kg (222 lb).
Payload: 3.50 kg (7.70 lb).
Thrust: 15.00 kN (3,372 lbf).
TerraSAR-L - SAR satellite built by Astrium for DLR, InfoTerra. Used Snapdragon bus.
Gross mass: 2,500 kg (5,500 lb).
TerraSAR-X - German civilian surveillance radar satellite. Scientific / commercial surveillance satellite, equipped with an X-band synthetic aperture radar with 1 meter resolution SAR satellite built by EADS Astrium for DLR, InfoTerra, Germany. Launched 2007 - 2010. Used AstroBus.
Status: Operational 2007.
First Launch: 2007-06-15.
Last Launch: 2010-06-21.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 1,346 kg (2,967 lb).
Payload: 394 kg (868 lb).
Terrestar - Mobile satellite services series for Terrestar (acquired by Echostar in 2012).
TerreStar 1, 2 - Communication (MSS) satellite built by Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for TerreStar Networks Inc. => Dish Network Corporation (EchoStar), USA. Launched 2009 - 2017. Used the
SSL-1300S bus.
First Launch: 2009-07-01.
Last Launch: 2017-05-29.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 6,910 kg (15,230 lb).
Terrier - Standard US Navy solid propellant two-stage extended-range surface-to-air missile. Developed in the 1950's, in service until replaced by the Standard ER in the 1980's. Modified Terrier missiles were used as sounding rockets, sometimes supplemented with upper stages.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1952-11-07.
Last Launch: 2011-09-08.
Number: 4 .
Gross mass: 1,392 kg (3,068 lb).
Payload: 110 kg (240 lb).
Thrust: 22.50 kN (5,058 lbf).
Terrier 12-0 - Alternate name for
Terrier Mk12 Mod 0.
Terrier 3 - Alternate designation for
Terrier 3A - Alternate designation for
Terrier ASAS - American sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x Terrier ASAS-2.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2005-06-28.
Last Launch: 2005-06-28.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1,300 kg (2,800 lb).
Terrier ASAS-2 - Solid propellant rocket stage. Second stage of Terrier ASAS sounding rocket.
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 100 kg (220 lb).
Thrust: 7.00 kN (1,574 lbf).
More at: Solid
Terrier Asp - American sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x Asp
Status: Retired 1959.
First Launch: 1959-09-30.
Last Launch: 1959-09-30.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1,100 kg (2,400 lb).
Thrust: 258.00 kN (58,000 lbf).
Terrier Asp IV - American sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x Asp IV
Status: Retired 1962.
First Launch: 1962-03-14.
Last Launch: 1962-12-13.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 1,100 kg (2,400 lb).
Terrier ASROC Cajun - American sounding rocket. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x ASROC + 1 x Cajun
Status: Retired 1959.
First Launch: 1959-05-01.
Last Launch: 1959-08-12.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 1,400 kg (3,000 lb).
Thrust: 258.00 kN (58,000 lbf).
Terrier ASROC Cajun-2 - Alternate name for
Terrier BT-3 - Alternate designation for
Terrier BT-3A - Alternate designation for
Terrier BW-0 - Alternate designation for
Terrier BW-1 - Alternate designation for
Terrier HT-3 - Alternate designation for
Terrier Hydac - American sounding rocket.
Status: Retired 1966.
First Launch: 1964-10-15.
Last Launch: 1966-03-01.
Number: 3 .
Terrier Improved Malemute - American sounding rocket. Version with higher performance version of Malemute second stage.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2010-03-27.
Last Launch: 2018-08-14.
Number: 17 .
Terrier Improved Orion - Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x Improved Orion
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1994-04-05.
Last Launch: 2018-06-21.
Number: 80 .
Gross mass: 1,315 kg (2,899 lb).
Terrier LEAP - American anti-ballistic missile. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier Mk 70 + 1 x Mk 30 + 1 x ASAS
Status: Retired 1995.
First Launch: 1992-09-24.
Last Launch: 1995-03-28.
Number: 4 .
Gross mass: 1,300 kg (2,800 lb).
Thrust: 258.00 kN (58,000 lbf).
Terrier Lynx - American sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x Lynx
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2000-12-19.
Last Launch: 2014-10-12.
Number: 11 .
Gross mass: 1,300 kg (2,800 lb).
Thrust: 258.00 kN (58,000 lbf).
Terrier Lynx-2 - Alternate name for
Terrier Malemute - American sounding rocket. The Terrier-Malemute launch vehicle was a high performance two-stage vehicle used for payloads weighing less than 180 kg, generally used for relatively lightweight plasma physics payloads. Payload 90 kg to 650 km or 180 kg to 420 km.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1974-11-11.
Last Launch: 2004-08-15.
Number: 46 .
Gross mass: 1,568 kg (3,456 lb).
Thrust: 258.00 kN (58,000 lbf).
Terrier Malemute-2 - Alternate name for
Terrier Mk 70 Oriole - American sounding rocket.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2005-11-02.
Last Launch: 2012-03-27.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 1,000 kg (2,200 lb).
Terrier Mk 70 Oriole-1 - Alternate name for
Terrier Mk 70 Orion - American sounding rocket.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2001-10-30.
Last Launch: 2013-07-04.
Number: 13 .
Gross mass: 1,300 kg (2,800 lb).
Terrier Mk12 Mod 0 - Naval Prop Plant solid rocket engine. The Terrier MK 12 Mod 1 rocket motor was typically equipped with four 0.22 square meter fin panels arranged in a cruciform configuration. Solid propellant rocket stage. The Terrier MK 12 Mod 1 rocket motor was typically equipped with four 0.22 square meter fin panels arranged in a cruciform configuration.
Status: B.
Gross mass: 800 kg (1,760 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 322 kg (709 lb).
Thrust: 257.50 kN (57,888 lbf).
More at: Solid
Terrier Mk12 Mod 1 - Hercules solid rocket engine. SM-1ER first stage.
Status: B.
Gross mass: 900 kg (1,980 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 322 kg (709 lb).
Thrust: 257.50 kN (57,888 lbf).
More at: Solid
Terrier Nike - American sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x Nike.
Status: Retired 1974.
First Launch: 1974-01-01.
Last Launch: 1974-01-01.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1,100 kg (2,400 lb).
Terrier Oriole - American sounding rocket. SPACEHAB's Astrotech Space Operations developed the Oriole sounding rocket in the late 1990s to provide launch services for commercial and scientific payloads. Oriole was both the first privately developed sounding rocket in the United States and the first new U.S. sounding rocket in 25 years.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2000-07-07.
Last Launch: 2017-10-15.
Number: 27 .
Gross mass: 1,000 kg (2,200 lb).
Thrust: 258.00 kN (58,000 lbf).
Terrier Oriole Mk 70 - Alternate designation for
Terrier Mk 70 Oriole.
Terrier Oriole-2 - Alternate name for
Terrier Orion - American two-stage, spin-stabilized sounding rocket. It used a Terrier Mk 12 Mod 1 engine for its first stage and an improved Orion motor for its second stage. The Terrier-Orion could loft payloads weighing up to 290 kilograms to altitudes up to 190 kilometers.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1997-05-23.
Last Launch: 2015-10-20.
Number: 33 .
Gross mass: 1,300 kg (2,800 lb).
Thrust: 258.00 kN (58,000 lbf).
Terrier Orion Improved - Alternate designation for
Terrier Improved Orion.
Terrier Orion Mk 70 - Alternate designation for
Terrier Mk 70 Orion.
Terrier Recruit - American sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x Recruit.
Status: Retired 1974.
First Launch: 1970-05-01.
Last Launch: 1974-04-08.
Number: 20 .
Terrier Sandhawk - American sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x Sandhawk
Status: Retired 1977.
First Launch: 1967-09-21.
Last Launch: 1977-09-12.
Number: 29 .
Payload: 91 kg (200 lb).
Thrust: 258.00 kN (58,000 lbf).
Terrier Sounding Rocket - American surface-to-air missile. Modified single stage Navy Terrier missiles with cameras were used as sounding rockets. They were launched to an altitude of 140 km from Wallops Island, providing a 1,600 km composite photograph of a frontal cloud formation.
Status: Out of production.
Gross mass: 1,300 kg (2,800 lb).
Thrust: 258.00 kN (58,000 lbf).
Terrier Terrier Oriole - American sounding rocket. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x Terrier + 1 x Oriole.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2012-05-01.
Last Launch: 2017-06-22.
Number: 3 .
Terrier Tomahawk - American sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x Tomahawk
Status: Retired 1980.
First Launch: 1964-07-08.
Last Launch: 1980-12-12.
Number: 37 .
Gross mass: 1,100 kg (2,400 lb).
Thrust: 258.00 kN (58,000 lbf).
Terrier Viper I - American sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x Viper I
Status: Retired 1963.
First Launch: 1962-02-19.
Last Launch: 1963-11-27.
Number: 3 .
Terrier/551 - American sounding rocket. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Terrier + 1 x NOTS 551
Status: Retired 1966.
First Launch: 1965-10-20.
Last Launch: 1966-08-02.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 1,300 kg (2,800 lb).
Thrust: 258.00 kN (58,000 lbf).
Terrier/551-2 - Alternate name for
NOTS Mod 551-B.
TERRIERS - American earth ionosphere satellite. Atmospheric Research satellite built by AeroAstro for NASA, USA. Launched 1999. Used HETE-Bus, spin stabilized.
Status: Operational 1999.
First Launch: 1999-05-18.
Last Launch: 1999-05-18.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 125 kg (275 lb).
TES - Indian military surveillance satellite. TES was an imaging satellite equipped with cameras and instruments to test military reconnaissance satellite technology. Earth Observing, Technology satellite for ISRO, India. Launched 2001. Used IRS-1 Bus.
Status: Operational 2001.
First Launch: 2001-10-22.
Last Launch: 2001-10-22.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1,108 kg (2,442 lb).
TES (abbreviation) - Thermal Emission Spectrometer (on Mars Observer)
TES 1 - Alternate name of
TechEdSat 1 (TES 1).
TES 2 - Alternate name of
TechEdSat 2 (TES 2).
TES 3p, 4 - Alternate name of
TechEdSat 3p, 4 (TES 3p, 4).
TES 5 - Alternate name of
TechEdSat 5 (TES 5).
TES 6 - Alternate name of
TechEdSat 6 (TES 6).
TES 7 - Alternate name of
TechEdSat 7 (TES 7).
TES 8 - Alternate name of
TechEdSat 8 (TES 8).
TESS - Astronomy, visible satellite built by Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC) for MIT for NASA. Used the
LEOStar-2 bus.
Gross mass: 325 kg (716 lb).
Tessmann, Bernhard - Austrian-German engineer, leading engine test at Peenemuende from 1936. In 1943 evacuated to Koelpinsee; designed V-2 mobile launcher and planned Zement facility at Ebensee. In US from 1945, worked as von Braun's Deputy Director for Testing.
Born: 1912-08-15.
Died: 1998-12-19.
Test and Training Satellite - Alternate designation for
Test and Training Satellite - Alternate designation for
TTS tracking network technology satellite.
Test Pilot (Scaled Composites) - Pilots for SpaceShipOne, the first private manned spacecraft (with two additional seats for passengers)
test vehicle - Category of missiles.
TestSat-Lite - Alternate name of
TSAT (TestSat-Lite).
TET - DLR Technologieerprobungsträger 1, as part of their On-Orbit Verification Program. Tested new space components; carried an imaging payload.
Status: Operational 2012.
First Launch: 2012-07-22.
Last Launch: 2012-07-22.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 120 kg (260 lb).
TET 1 - Technology satellite built by Kayser-Threde GmbH (prime); Astrofein (bus) for DLR, Germany. Launched 2012. Used TET-Bus.
First Launch: 2012-07-22.
Last Launch: 2012-07-22.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 120 kg (260 lb).
Tether Physics and Survivability - Alternate designation for
TiPS tether technology satellite.
Tether technology satellite - Category of spacecraft.
Tethered Aerostats - American unmanned blimps, tethered to the ground, used for various surveillance and data relay tasks.
Tethered Satellite System - Alternate designation for
TSS tether technology satellite.
Tethers - American agency. Tethers, USA.
TetherSat 1, 2 - Experimental satellite built by Naval Postgraduate School for STP / Naval Postgraduate School. Used the
Cubesat 1.5U bus.
Gross mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb).
TETR - American tracking network technology satellite. Test satellite for NASA's Manned Space Flight Network.
Status: Operational 1969.
First Launch: 1969-08-27.
Last Launch: 1971-09-29.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 20 kg (44 lb).
TETS - Abbreviation for Thursday Evening Tanking Society
TEX - TEX (Transceiver EXperiment) carried a variable power transmitter used to study ionospheric effects on RF transmissions. Data was used to determine minimum spacecraft power levels for transmission to ground receivers. Used the Stacksat P87-2 bus.
Texas Instruments - American manufacturer of rocket engines. Texas Instruments, USA.
TFNG - Alternate name of
NASA-8 astronaut group, 1978.
TFX - American pressure suit, tested 1965. Prototype bladder type partial pressure suit with a separate Anti-G suit valve. APL program with Navy and ILC Dover.
Status: tested 1965.
TG 1 - Alternate name of
Tiangong 1 (TG 1).
TG 1 - Alternate name of
Assembly and Mission Sequence of the Space Station Tiangong 1 (TG 1).
TG 2 - Alternate name of
Tiangong 2 (TG 2).
TG 2 - Alternate name of
Assembly and Mission Sequence of the Space Station Tiangong 2 (TG 2).
TG-1 -
TGKS - Topographic / Geodetic Space System (Russian abbreviation)
TGO - Mars orbiter, Mars lander, Mars rover satellite built by Thales Alenia for ESA, NASA, Europe. Launched 2016.
First Launch: 2016-03-14.
Last Launch: 2016-03-14.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4,332 kg (9,550 lb).
TGR - Russian military surveillance satellite. Study 1963. Two new directions were pursued in the Soviet Union for space optical reconnaissance systems in the mid-1960's: automated systems with television transmission of pictures, and manned systems.
Status: Study 1963.
Gross mass: 20,000 kg (44,000 lb).
TGU - Third Chief Directorate (Russian abbreviation)
TGV Rockets - American manufacturer of spacecraft. TGV Rockets, USA.
TH 1A, 1B, 1C - Earth observation satellite built by HDWC, CAST for PLA, China. Launched 2010 - 2015.
First Launch: 2010-08-24.
Last Launch: 2015-10-26.
Number: 3 .
THAAD - American anti-ballistic missile. Theatre High-Altitude Air Defense. SDIO/BMDO project. Single stage vehicle.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1995-04-21.
Last Launch: 2017-07-30.
Number: 31 .
Gross mass: 600 kg (1,320 lb).
More at: Solid
Thagard, Norman Earl - American physician mission specialist astronaut 1978-1996. First American to fly aboard a Russian spacecraft. Grew up in Jacksonville, Florida.
Flight record: 5 spaceflights, 140.6 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-7 (1983), STS-51B, STS-30, STS-42, Soyuz TM-21..
Status: Inactive; Active 1978-1996.
Born: 1943-07-03.
Spaceflights: 5 .
Total time in space: 140.56 days.
Thaichote - Alternate name of
THEOS (Thaichote).
Thaicom - Communications satellite series for Shinawat using the
FS-1300 bus.
Thaicom - Thai commercial communications satellite network operated by the Shinawatra Satellite Public Company.
Thaicom 1, 2 - Communication satellite built by Hughes for Shinawatra Computer and Communications Co. Ltd. (SC&C), Thailand. Launched 1993 - 1994. Used the
HS-376L bus.
First Launch: 1993-12-18.
Last Launch: 1994-10-08.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 1,080 kg (2,380 lb).
Thaicom 3, 5 - Communication satellite built by Alcatel Alenia Space (formerly Alcatel Space, formerly Aerospatiale) for Shinawatra Computer and Communications Co. Ltd. (SC&C), Thailand. Launched 1997 - 2006. Used the
Spacebus-3000A. Launched 1997-2006.
First Launch: 1997-04-16.
Last Launch: 2006-05-27.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 2,652 kg (5,846 lb).
Thaicom 4 - Alternate name of
iPStar 1 (Thaicom 4).
Thaicom 6 - Communication satellite built by Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC) for Thaicom, Thailand. Launched 2014. Used the
GeoStar-2.3 Bus bus.
First Launch: 2014-01-06.
Last Launch: 2014-01-06.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 3,016 kg (6,649 lb).
Thaicom 8 - Communication satellite built by Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC) for Thaicom, Thailand. Launched 2016. Used the
GeoStar-2.3 Bus bus.
First Launch: 2016-05-27.
Last Launch: 2016-05-27.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 3,025 kg (6,668 lb).
Thailand - Thailand
Thai-Paht - Thailand's first microsatellite built by Thai Microsatellite Company and MUT through a technology transfer program with Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Carried store and forward and Earth observation payloads. Used the
SSTL-70 bus.
Thalau - German expert in guided missiles during World War II. Stayed in Germany after the war.
Thales Alenia Space - Alternate designation for
Thales Alenia Space - Third name of
ThalesáAleniaáSpace - Alternate name for
ThalesÆAleniaÆSpace - Alternate name of
ThalesiAleniaiSpace - Alternate name of
Thangavelu - American manufacturer of spacecraft. Thangavelu, USA.
T-Hawk RQ-16 - American Micro Air Vehicle.
The Ballad of Dan McCann - Poem:
Rockets shake the earth, the needle rises...
The Boeing Co. - American manufacturer. The Boeing Co., USA
The Celestial Empire - Poem:
the Great Ocean, two shores, two realms...
The Foundations of the Space Age - The life and work of Tsiolkovskiy, by Vladimir V. Lytkin, Tsiolkovskiy Museum, Kaluga.
The Green Arrow - British manned spacecraft. Study 2004. X-Prize suborbital ballistic spacecraft concept of Flight Exploration of London, England.
Status: Study 2004.
Gross mass: 20,000 kg (44,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 6,000 kg (13,200 lb).
The Hard Road to Space - One third of manned spaceflights suffer major problems that threaten completion of the mission and the life of the astronauts. Five crews - 2% of missions - have perished in their spacecraft....
The Mishin Diaries - The Mishin Diaries provide explosive insights into many mysteries and controversies surrounding the Soviet space program. In place of speculation and controversy, they confirm the actual mission and launch plans for the L1 and N1-L3 manned lunar programs; clear up the rationale for inexplicable programs such as the Soyuz manned orbital series, the Soyuz Kontakt docking system experiments, the Ye-8 robot lunar lander, and the Soyuz-S.
The Navigators - Poem:
Give the museum your hourglass...
The Nedelin Catastrophe - James Oberg's classic account of the greatest disaster in space history.
The Road to Sputnik - The real story of the race to space
The Space Explorers - A curious marriage of pre-war German filmmaking and 1950's low-rent kiddie show syndicated quickies
The Space Tourist - American manned spaceplane. Study 2004. X-Prize suborbital flying saucer concept of Discraft Corporation of Portland, Oregon.
Status: Study 2004.
The Spirit of Liberty - American manned spacecraft. Study 2004. X-Prize suborbital ballistic spacecraft concept of American Astronautics Corporation, Oceanside, California.
Status: Study 2004.
Gross mass: 4,500 kg (9,900 lb).
Thrust: 88.20 kN (19,828 lbf).
The Stars My Destination - Poem:
Gully Foyle is my name...
The Titanium Monument - Poem:
On a sun-singed steppe, Sergei stood, said -...
The Woman from the Krasny Perekop Textile Mill - Poem:
traditionalists always fear women who fly...
The Wrong Stuff - A Catalogue of Launch Vehicle Failures - The hard road to space
The Year in Review - 2004 - It's got to get worse before it can get better...
The Year in Space - 2005 - It got better...
The Year in Space - 2006 - Space rebounds!
Thelma - Picosatellite developed by the Artemis team of women undergraduates at Santa Clara University, using the
JAK bus.
Thelma - Alternate name of
Artemis Picosats (Thelma, Louise, JAK).
Themis - American earth magnetosphere satellite. Research satellite built by Swales Aerospace (Probe) for University of California, Berkeley (for NASA), USA. Launched 2007.
Status: Operational 2007.
First Launch: 2007-02-17.
Last Launch: 2007-02-17.
Number: 5 .
Gross mass: 126 kg (277 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 77 kg (169 lb).
Payload: 26 kg (57 lb).
Themis launch vehicle - French winged orbital launch vehicle. Themis was a planned ESA booster stage demonstrator, to validate integrated propellant tank technology necessary for a reusable Ariane 5 successor. The demonstrator engine would be derived from the Vulcain of the Ariane 5. Estimated cost was up to 2.5 billion dollars. THEMIS would carry 33 metric tons of propellant, enough to reach Mach 11. Expendable boosters might permit orbital flight.
Status: Design 1998.
Gross mass: 55,000 kg (121,000 lb).
Thrust: 800.00 kN (179,840 lbf).
Theodore - ATEF solid rocket engine. Monica I second stage.
Status: Retired 1957.
Gross mass: 10 kg (22 lb).
More at: Solid
THEOS - Earth Observing satellite built by Astrium for GISTDA, Thailand. Launched 2008. Used the
Leostar-500-XO bus.
First Launch: 2008-10-01.
Last Launch: 2008-10-01.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 750 kg (1,650 lb).
Theos - Thai surveillance satellite, based on EADS Astrium bus used for
Thiel - German manufacturer of rocket engines. Thiel, Germany.
Thiel, Adolf Karl - German-American engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter. Died at Palos Verdes Estates, California.
Born: 1915-02-12.
Died: 2001-06-02.
Thiel, Walter - German engineer, talented designer at Peenemuende, in charge of development of the engine for the V-2. Killed in the air raid in August 1943, a setback to the project.
Born: 1910-03-03.
Died: 1943-08-17.
Thiele, Gerhard Paul Julius - German physicist mission specialist astronaut 1987-2005. DARA.
Flight record: 1 spaceflight, 11.2 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-99 (2000)..
Status: Inactive; Active 1987-2005.
Born: 1953-09-02.
Spaceflights: 1 .
Total time in space: 11.24 days.
Thijs - Name of one
Galileo Navsat.
Thiokol - American manufacturer of rocket engines and rockets. Thiokol Corporation, Ogden, UT, USA.
Thiokol 156 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Developed to 1966.
Status: Developed to 1966.
Gross mass: 385,554 kg (850,001 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 68,038 kg (149,998 lb).
Thrust: 14,746.10 kN (3,315,055 lbf).
More at: Solid
Thiokol 156 inch - Alternate name for
Thiokol 156.
Thiokol Chemical (1929) - First name of
Thiokol Chemical Copr (1929) - Alternate name for
Thiokol Corporation (1989) - Third name of
Third Research Academy - Chinese manufacturer. Third Research Academy, China.
Thirsk, Robert Brent - Canadian physician mission specialist astronaut 1983-2012.
Flight record: 2 spaceflights, 204.8 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-78 (1996), Soyuz TMA-15..
Status: Inactive; Active 1983-2012.
Born: 1953-08-17.
Spaceflights: 2 .
Total time in space: 204.77 days.
Thomas, Andrew Sydney Withiel - Australian-American engineer mission specialist astronaut 1992-2010.
Flight record: 4 spaceflights, 177.4 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-77 (1996), STS-89, STS-102, STS-114..
Status: Inactive; Active 1992-2010.
Born: 1951-12-18.
Spaceflights: 4 .
Total time in space: 177.38 days.
Thomas, Donald Alan - American materials scientist mission specialist astronaut 1990-2007.
Flight record: 4 spaceflights, 43.3 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-65 (1994), STS-70, STS-83, STS-94..
Status: Inactive; Active 1990-2007.
Born: 1955-05-06.
Spaceflights: 4 .
Total time in space: 43.34 days.
Thompson, Floyd L - American engineer, at NASA 1927-1968, chief of flight research and then headed Langley.
Born: 1898-11-25.
Died: 1976-07-10.
Thompson, James R 'JR' - American engineer, at NASA 1963-1991, deputy administrator 1989-1991; headed development test of the J-2 and SSME engines at NASA.
Born: 1936-03-06.
Died: 2017-11-07.
Thompson, Milton Orville - American test pilot astronaut, 1962-1965. Flew lifting bodies, X-15, assigned as X-20 spaceplane astronaut.
Status: Deceased; Active 1962-1965.
Born: 1926-05-04.
Died: 1993-08-06.
Thompson, William David - American engineer military spaceflight engineer astronaut, 1982-1985. Retired from the USAF in 1987. Later President Spectrum Technology, Los Angeles.
Status: Inactive; Active 1982-1987.
Born: 1956-01-14.
Thor - American liquid propellant intermediate range ballistic missile, developed by Douglas in 1956-1958. 60 deployed to Britain in 1958-1962. The basis for a family of Thor and Delta space launch vehicles, remaining in production into the 2010's.
Gross mass: 50,000 kg (110,000 lb).
Payload: 1,000 kg (2,200 lb).
Thrust: 666.00 kN (149,722 lbf).
Thor 1 - Alternate name of
Marco Polo 1, 2 (BSB 1, 2) / Sirius 1 / Thor 1.
Thor 2, 3 - Communication satellite built by Hughes for Telenor, Norway. Launched 1997 - 1998. Used the
HS-376HP bus.
First Launch: 1997-05-20.
Last Launch: 1998-06-10.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 1,467 kg (3,234 lb).
Thor 5 - Communication satellite built by Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC) for Telenor, Norway. Launched 2008. Used the
Star-2 Bus bus.
First Launch: 2008-02-11.
Last Launch: 2008-02-11.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1,960 kg (4,320 lb).
Thor 6 - Communication satellite built by Thales Alenia Space for Telenor, Norway. Launched 2009. Used the
Spacebus-4000B2 bus.
First Launch: 2009-10-29.
Last Launch: 2009-10-29.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 3,050 kg (6,720 lb).
Thor 7 - Communication satellite built by Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for Telenor, Norway. Launched 2015. Used the
SSL-1300 bus.
First Launch: 2015-04-26.
Last Launch: 2015-04-26.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4,800 kg (10,500 lb).
Thor Able - American orbital launch vehicle. Thor with Able stage derived from Vanguard second stage.
Status: Retired 1958.
First Launch: 1958-04-24.
Last Launch: 1958-07-23.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 51,608 kg (113,776 lb).
Payload: 120 kg (260 lb).
Thrust: 667.20 kN (149,993 lbf).
Thor Able I - American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-18A + 1 x Able 1/AJ10-41 + 1 x Altair
Status: Retired 1958.
First Launch: 1958-08-17.
Last Launch: 1958-11-08.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 52,000 kg (114,000 lb).
Payload: 50 kg (110 lb).
Thrust: 710.00 kN (159,610 lbf).
Thor Able II - American orbital launch vehicle. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-18A + 1 x Able 2/AJ10-42
Status: Retired 1960.
First Launch: 1959-01-23.
Last Launch: 1960-04-01.
Number: 9 .
Gross mass: 52,000 kg (114,000 lb).
Thrust: 668.00 kN (150,172 lbf).
Thor Able II M1 - American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-18A + 1 x Able 2/AJ10-42 + 1 x Altair
First Launch: 1959-09-17.
Last Launch: 1960-04-01.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 52,000 kg (114,000 lb).
Thrust: 668.00 kN (150,172 lbf).
Thor Able III - American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-18A + 1 x Able 3/AJ10 + 1 x Altair
Status: Retired 1959.
First Launch: 1959-08-07.
Last Launch: 1959-08-07.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 52,000 kg (114,000 lb).
Thrust: 668.00 kN (150,172 lbf).
Thor Able IV - American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-18A + 1 x AJ10 + 1 x Altair
Status: Retired 1960.
First Launch: 1960-03-11.
Last Launch: 1960-03-11.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 52,000 kg (114,000 lb).
Thrust: 668.00 kN (150,172 lbf).
Thor Ablestar - American orbital launch vehicle. As Thor Able but with enlarged Ablestar second stage with 2 1/2 x greater burn time.
Status: Retired 1965.
First Launch: 1960-04-13.
Last Launch: 1965-08-13.
Number: 19 .
Gross mass: 53,000 kg (116,000 lb).
Payload: 150 kg (330 lb).
Thrust: 667.20 kN (149,993 lbf).
Thor Able-Star - Alternate designation for
Thor Ablestar.
Thor Ablestar 2 - American orbital launch vehicle. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DSV-2A + 1 x Able-Star/AJ10-104D
Gross mass: 53,000 kg (116,000 lb).
Payload: 150 kg (330 lb).
Thrust: 756.00 kN (169,955 lbf).
Thor Agena A - American orbital launch vehicle. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-18A + 1 x Agena A
Status: Retired 1960.
First Launch: 1959-01-21.
Last Launch: 1960-09-13.
Number: 16 .
Gross mass: 53,130 kg (117,130 lb).
Payload: 250 kg (550 lb).
Thrust: 667.20 kN (149,993 lbf).
Thor Agena B - American orbital launch vehicle. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-21 + 1 x Agena B
Status: Retired 1963.
First Launch: 1960-10-26.
Last Launch: 1963-01-16.
Number: 40 .
Gross mass: 56,507 kg (124,576 lb).
Thrust: 667.20 kN (149,993 lbf).
Thor Agena B SLV-2 - Alternate designation for
Thor SLV-2 Agena B.
Thor Agena B SLV-2A/B - Alternate designation for
Thor SLV-2A Agena B.
Thor Agena D - American orbital launch vehicle. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-21 + 1 x Agena D
Status: Retired 1963.
First Launch: 1962-06-28.
Last Launch: 1963-07-19.
Number: 13 .
Gross mass: 56,507 kg (124,576 lb).
Thrust: 667.20 kN (149,993 lbf).
Thor Agena D SLV-2 - Alternate designation for
Thor SLV-2 Agena D.
Thor Agena D SLV-2A/D - Alternate designation for
Thor SLV-2A Agena D.
Thor Burner - American orbital launch vehicle. Thor DM-18A with 'Burner' upper stage solid rocket packages used for launch of classified payloads.
Status: Out of production.
Gross mass: 51,810 kg (114,220 lb).
Payload: 770 kg (1,690 lb).
Thrust: 667.20 kN (149,993 lbf).
Thor Burner 1 - American orbital launch vehicle. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-18A + 1 x FW4S
Status: Retired 1966.
First Launch: 1965-05-20.
Last Launch: 1966-03-31.
Number: 4 .
Gross mass: 50,000 kg (110,000 lb).
Thrust: 668.00 kN (150,172 lbf).
Thor Burner 2 - American orbital launch vehicle. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-18A + 1 x Star 37B
Status: Retired 1971.
First Launch: 1966-09-16.
Last Launch: 1971-06-08.
Number: 12 .
Gross mass: 50,000 kg (110,000 lb).
Thrust: 750.00 kN (168,600 lbf).
Thor Burner 2A - American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-18A + 1 x Star 37B + 1 x Star 26B
Status: Retired 1976.
First Launch: 1971-10-14.
Last Launch: 1976-02-19.
Number: 8 .
Gross mass: 50,000 kg (110,000 lb).
Thrust: 750.00 kN (168,600 lbf).
Thor Comsat - The Thor communication satellites are orbited by Telenor of Norway and provide television services to Scandinavia. Thor 1 satellite was originally orbited by British Satellite Broadcasting as Marcopolo 2. It was purchased on orbit in 1992 from BSB.
Thor Delta - American orbital launch vehicle. Commercial name for the military's Thor-Delta. The name of the Delta second stage eventually was applied to subsequent commercial follow-ons.
Status: Retired 1962.
First Launch: 1960-05-13.
Last Launch: 1962-09-18.
Number: 12 .
Gross mass: 54,050 kg (119,150 lb).
Payload: 226 kg (498 lb).
Thrust: 667.20 kN (149,993 lbf).
Thor Delta A - American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-21 + 1 x AJ10-118 + 1 x Altair
Status: Retired 1962.
First Launch: 1962-10-02.
Last Launch: 1962-10-27.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 50,756 kg (111,897 lb).
Payload: 250 kg (550 lb).
Thrust: 667.20 kN (149,993 lbf).
Thor Delta B - American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-21 + 1 x AJ10-118A + 1 x Altair
Status: Retired 1964.
First Launch: 1962-12-13.
Last Launch: 1964-03-19.
Number: 9 .
Gross mass: 51,285 kg (113,064 lb).
Payload: 370 kg (810 lb).
Thrust: 667.20 kN (149,993 lbf).
Thor Delta C - American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DSV-2A + 1 x Delta D + 1 x Altair 2
Status: Retired 1967.
First Launch: 1963-11-27.
Last Launch: 1967-03-08.
Number: 10 .
Gross mass: 52,000 kg (114,000 lb).
Payload: 81 kg (178 lb).
Thrust: 756.00 kN (169,955 lbf).
Thor Delta C1 - American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DSV-2A + 1 x Delta D + 1 x FW4D
Status: Retired 1969.
First Launch: 1966-05-25.
Last Launch: 1969-01-22.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 52,000 kg (114,000 lb).
Payload: 81 kg (178 lb).
Thrust: 756.00 kN (169,955 lbf).
Thor Delta D - American orbital launch vehicle. Four stage vehicle consisting of 3 x Castor + 1 x Thor DSV-2C + 1 x Delta D + 1 x Altair 2
Status: Retired 1965.
First Launch: 1964-08-19.
Last Launch: 1965-04-06.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 63,966 kg (141,020 lb).
Payload: 450 kg (990 lb).
Thrust: 1,571.00 kN (353,174 lbf).
Thor Delta E - American orbital launch vehicle. Thor augmented with 3 x Castor 2 motors with Delta E and Altair 2 upper stage.
Status: Retired 1967.
First Launch: 1965-11-06.
Last Launch: 1967-04-20.
Number: 6 .
Gross mass: 69,023 kg (152,169 lb).
Payload: 540 kg (1,190 lb).
Thrust: 1,452.90 kN (326,625 lbf).
Thor Delta E1 - American orbital launch vehicle. Four stage vehicle consisting of 3 x Castor + 1 x Thor DSV-2C + 1 x Delta E + 1 x FW4D
Status: Retired 1971.
First Launch: 1966-07-01.
Last Launch: 1971-04-01.
Number: 17 .
Gross mass: 68,000 kg (149,000 lb).
Payload: 540 kg (1,190 lb).
Thrust: 1,450.00 kN (325,970 lbf).
Thor Delta G - American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 3 x Castor + 1 x Thor DSV-2C + 1 x Delta E
Status: Retired 1967.
First Launch: 1966-12-14.
Last Launch: 1967-09-07.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 55,451 kg (122,248 lb).
Thrust: 765.10 kN (172,001 lbf).
Thor Delta J - American orbital launch vehicle. Four stage vehicle consisting of 3 x Castor + 1 x Thor DSV-2C + 1 x Delta E + 1 x Star 37D
Status: Retired 1968.
First Launch: 1968-07-04.
Last Launch: 1968-07-04.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 69,497 kg (153,214 lb).
Payload: 260 kg (570 lb).
Thrust: 1,452.90 kN (326,625 lbf).
Thor Delta L - American orbital launch vehicle. Four stage vehicle consisting of 3 x Castor 2 + 1 x LT Thor DSV-2L-1B + 1 x Delta E + 1 x FW4D
Status: Retired 1972.
First Launch: 1969-08-27.
Last Launch: 1972-01-31.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 89,935 kg (198,272 lb).
Payload: 300 kg (660 lb).
Thrust: 1,452.90 kN (326,625 lbf).
Thor Delta M - American orbital launch vehicle. Long Tank Thor augmented with 3 Castor 2 boosters and Delta E / Burner 2 (Star 37D) upper stages.
Status: Retired 1971.
First Launch: 1968-09-19.
Last Launch: 1971-02-03.
Number: 12 .
Gross mass: 103,681 kg (228,577 lb).
Payload: 355 kg (782 lb).
Thrust: 2,140.70 kN (481,249 lbf).
Thor Delta M6 - American orbital launch vehicle. Four stage vehicle consisting of 6 x Castor 2 + 1 x LT Thor DSV-2L-1C + 1 x Delta E + 1 x Star 37D
Status: Retired 1971.
First Launch: 1971-03-13.
Last Launch: 1971-03-13.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 103,700 kg (228,600 lb).
Payload: 450 kg (990 lb).
Thrust: 2,411.00 kN (542,014 lbf).
Thor Delta N - American orbital launch vehicle. Long Tank Thor augmented with 3 Castor 2 boosters and Delta E upper stage.
Status: Retired 1972.
First Launch: 1968-08-16.
Last Launch: 1972-03-12.
Number: 6 .
Gross mass: 90,000 kg (198,000 lb).
Thrust: 1,590.00 kN (357,440 lbf).
Thor Delta N6 - American orbital launch vehicle. Three stage vehicle consisting of 6 x Castor 2 + 1 x LT Thor DSV-2L-1C + 1 x Delta E
Status: Retired 1971.
First Launch: 1970-01-23.
Last Launch: 1971-10-21.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 102,900 kg (226,800 lb).
Thrust: 2,411.00 kN (542,014 lbf).
Thor DM-18 - American orbital launch vehicle. Single stage vehicle adapted from Thor IRBM with no upper stage.
Status: Retired 1958.
First Launch: 1957-01-26.
Last Launch: 1958-08-06.
Number: 18 .
Gross mass: 49,340 kg (108,770 lb).
Thrust: 667.20 kN (149,993 lbf).
Thor DM-18A - American orbital launch vehicle. Single stage vehicle
Status: Retired 1962.
First Launch: 1958-11-05.
Last Launch: 1962-06-19.
Number: 50 .
Gross mass: 48,900 kg (107,800 lb).
Thrust: 668.00 kN (150,172 lbf).
Thor DM-18C - American orbital launch vehicle. Single stage vehicle
Status: Retired 1960.
First Launch: 1960-01-14.
Last Launch: 1960-02-29.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 48,500 kg (106,900 lb).
Thrust: 734.00 kN (165,009 lbf).
Thor DM-19 - LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Retired 1980.
Gross mass: 49,340 kg (108,770 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 3,125 kg (6,889 lb).
Thrust: 758.71 kN (170,565 lbf).
More at: Lox/Kerosene
Thor DM-21 - LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Retired 1969.
Gross mass: 48,354 kg (106,602 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 2,948 kg (6,499 lb).
Thrust: 760.64 kN (170,999 lbf).
More at: Lox/Kerosene
Thor DSV-2D - American orbital launch vehicle. Single stage vehicle.
Status: Retired 1962.
First Launch: 1962-01-15.
Last Launch: 1962-07-18.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 50,000 kg (110,000 lb).
Thrust: 743.00 kN (167,033 lbf).
Thor DSV-2E - American orbital launch vehicle. Single stage vehicle.
Status: Retired 1962.
First Launch: 1962-05-02.
Last Launch: 1962-11-01.
Number: 8 .
Gross mass: 49,300 kg (108,600 lb).
Thrust: 668.00 kN (150,172 lbf).
Thor DSV-2F - American orbital launch vehicle. Single stage vehicle.
Status: Retired 1964.
First Launch: 1963-09-18.
Last Launch: 1964-12-09.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 50,000 kg (110,000 lb).
Thrust: 668.00 kN (150,172 lbf).
Thor DSV-2G - American orbital launch vehicle. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-18A + 1 x AJ10-118
Status: Retired 1965.
First Launch: 1964-03-24.
Last Launch: 1965-02-23.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 55,000 kg (121,000 lb).
Thrust: 668.00 kN (150,172 lbf).
Thor DSV-2J - American anti-ballistic missile. Single stage vehicle.
Status: Retired 1975.
First Launch: 1964-02-14.
Last Launch: 1975-11-06.
Number: 18 .
Gross mass: 55,000 kg (121,000 lb).
Thrust: 668.00 kN (150,172 lbf).
Thor DSV-2U - American orbital launch vehicle. Single stage vehicle.
Status: Retired 1980.
First Launch: 1976-09-11.
Last Launch: 1980-07-15.
Number: 5 .
Gross mass: 49,500 kg (109,100 lb).
Payload: 500 kg (1,100 lb).
Thrust: 750.00 kN (168,600 lbf).
Thor Hydra - American orbital launch vehicle. Thor with Hydra liquid oxygen/hydrogen pressure-fed upper stage. Never went beyond initial hardware testing. However such a stage would have vastly increased Thor-Ablestar performance, from 150 kg to over 1000 kg in a medium polar orbit.
Status: Canceled 1960.
Gross mass: 53,000 kg (116,000 lb).
Payload: 1,400 kg (3,000 lb).
Thrust: 667.20 kN (149,993 lbf).
Thor MG-18 - American orbital launch vehicle. Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DM-18A + 1 x MG-18
Status: Retired 1965.
First Launch: 1965-01-19.
Last Launch: 1965-03-18.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 50,000 kg (110,000 lb).
Thrust: 668.00 kN (150,172 lbf).
THOR satellite - Technology satellite for NASA, USA.
Gross mass: 315 kg (694 lb).
Thor satellite series - Designation of series of communications satellites launched by Telenor.
Thor SLV-2 Agena B - Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DSV-2A + 1 x Agena B
Status: Retired 1965.
First Launch: 1964-01-25.
Last Launch: 1965-11-29.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 56,500 kg (124,500 lb).
Thrust: 756.00 kN (169,955 lbf).
Thor SLV-2 Agena D - Two stage vehicle consisting of 1 x Thor DSV-2A + 1 x Agena D
Status: Retired 1967.
First Launch: 1963-08-29.
Last Launch: 1967-05-31.
Number: 8 .
Gross mass: 56,500 kg (124,500 lb).
Thrust: 756.00 kN (169,955 lbf).
Thor SLV-2A Agena B - Thor Agena B upgraded with addition of three Castor 1 strap-on motors.
Status: Retired 1966.
First Launch: 1963-06-29.
Last Launch: 1966-05-15.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 67,500 kg (148,800 lb).
Payload: 400 kg (880 lb).
Thrust: 1,571.00 kN (353,174 lbf).
Thor SLV-2A Agena D - Thor Agena upgraded with addition of three Castor 1 strap-on motors.
Status: Retired 1968.
First Launch: 1963-02-28.
Last Launch: 1968-01-17.
Number: 61 .
Gross mass: 67,819 kg (149,515 lb).
Thrust: 1,571.00 kN (353,174 lbf).
Thorad Agena D SLV-2H - Alternate designation for
Thorad SLV-2H Agena D.
Thorad Agena D SLV-2G - Alternate designation for
Thorad SLV-2G Agena D.
Thorad SLV-2G Agena D - Thor Agena upgraded with Extended Length Tank Thor stage. 3 stage vehicle.
Status: Retired 1971.
First Launch: 1966-08-09.
Last Launch: 1971-12-14.
Number: 30 .
Gross mass: 91,400 kg (201,500 lb).
Thrust: 1,444.00 kN (324,624 lbf).
Thorad SLV-2H Agena D - Thor Agena upgraded with Long Tank Thor stage. Variant with straight tank from Delta was Thorad (Long Tank Augmented Thrust Thor Delta)
Status: Retired 1972.
First Launch: 1969-06-05.
Last Launch: 1972-05-25.
Number: 13 .
Gross mass: 88,731 kg (195,618 lb).
Thrust: 1,571.00 kN (353,174 lbf).
Thor-Delta - Alternate designation for
Thor Delta.
Thor-DSV2A Able-Star - American orbital launch vehicle variant.
First Launch: 1963-09-28.
Last Launch: 1965-08-13.
Number: 20 .
Thor-LV2F Burner-2 Star-13A - American orbital launch vehicle variant.
First Launch: 1967-06-29.
Last Launch: 1967-06-29.
Number: 2 .
Thorne, Stephen Douglas - German test pilot mission specialist astronaut, 1985-1986. Died in an airplane crash.
Status: Deceased; Active 1985-1986.
Born: 1953-02-11.
Died: 1986-05-24.
Thornton, Kathryn Ryan Cordell - American physicist mission specialist astronaut 1984-1996.
Flight record: 4 spaceflights, 40.6 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-33 (1989), STS-49, STS-61, STS-73..
Status: Inactive; Active 1984-1996.
Born: 1952-08-17.
Spaceflights: 4 .
Total time in space: 40.63 days.
Thornton, William Edgar - American physician mission specialist astronaut 1967-1994.
Flight record: 2 spaceflights, 13.1 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-8 (1983), STS-51B..
Status: Inactive; Active 1967-1994.
Born: 1929-04-14.
Spaceflights: 2 .
Total time in space: 13.05 days.
Three-Corner Sat - Alternate designation for
3CSat technology satellite.
Three-Magnum Mars Mission - Alternate designation for
Combo Lander Mission manned mars expedition.
Thrust Augmented Thor - Alternate designation for
Thor Delta E.
Thrust Augmented Thor - Alternate designation for
Thor SLV-2A Agena D.
Thrust Augmented Thor - Alternate designation for
Thor SLV-2A Agena B.
Thrust Augmented Thor - Alternate designation for
Thor Delta J.
Thrust Augmented Thor - Alternate designation for
Thor Delta G.
Thrust Augmented Thor - Alternate designation for
Thor Delta D.
Thrust Augmented Thor - Alternate designation for
Delta Thor TA rocket stage.
Thrust Augmented Thor - Alternate designation for
Delta J.
Thule AFB - Air Force base also used for sounding rocket launches.
First Launch: 1964-08-10.
Last Launch: 1980-09-29.
Number: 990 .
Thumba - Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launch Station. Sounding rocket launch location.
First Launch: 1963-11-21.
Last Launch: 2011-05-18.
Number: 1460 .
Thunderbird - British surface-to-air missile.
Thunderbird - Alternate designation for
Starchaser 5 manned spacecraft.
Thunderbird 1 - British surface-to-air missile.
Status: Operational 1960.
Gross mass: 1,500 kg (3,300 lb).
Thunderbird 2 - British surface-to-air missile.
Status: Operational 1965.
Gross mass: 1,950 kg (4,290 lb).
Thuot, Pierre Joseph - American test pilot mission specialist astronaut 1985-1995.
Flight record: 3 spaceflights, 27.3 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-36 (1990), STS-49, STS-62..
Status: Inactive; Active 1985-1995.
Born: 1945-05-19.
Spaceflights: 3 .
Total time in space: 27.29 days.
Thuraya - Thuraya was founded in the UAE in 1997 by a consortium of leading national telecommunications operators and international investment houses. The concept was to offer cost-effective satellite-based mobile telephone services to Europe, the Middle East, North and Central Africa, and Central and South Asia. The new aspect was the use of dynamic dual mode handsets.
Thuraya 1 - Communication satellite built by Hughes for Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Co., UAE. Launched 2000. Used the
HS-GEM (Geomobile) bus.
First Launch: 2000-10-21.
Last Launch: 2000-10-21.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 5,108 kg (11,261 lb).
Thuraya 2, 3 - Communication satellite built by Boeing for Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Co., UAE. Launched 2003 - 2008. Used the
BSS-GEM (Geomobile) bus.
First Launch: 2003-06-10.
Last Launch: 2008-01-15.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 5,177 kg (11,413 lb).
Tiamat - Hughes US Army Air Force WWII guided missile; rocket powered AAM.
Tian Jiao 1 - Chinese manned spaceplane. Study 1988. The Tian Jiao 1 (Pre-eminent in Space 1) manned spaceplane was proposed by the First Academy (now the China Academy of Launch Technology) in 1988.
Status: Study 1988.
Gross mass: 25,000 kg (55,000 lb).
Tian Jiao 2 - Chinese manned spaceplane. Study 2006. What appeared to be an evolved version of 1988's Tian Jiao 1 manned spaceplane concept was proposed by the China Academy of Launch Technology in 2006. A 2020 operational date was mentioned.
Status: Study 2006.
Tian Lian - Chinese data relay satellites using the
DFH-4 satellite bus. The satellites relayed data from Chinese manned and military satellites, beginning with the Shenzhou missions.
Tiange Feixingqi 1, 2 - Small satellites launched by China's new generation CZ-7/YZ1A launch vehicle in 2016.
First Launch: 2016-06-25.
Last Launch: 2016-06-25.
Number: 2 .
Tiangong - Chinese man-tended space laboratory. A series of three of these laboratories were to visited by a series of Shenzhou manned spacecraft between 2011 and 2018. The 8.6-ton design was also the basis for the 13-ton cargo carrier for resupply of both Tiangong and the Chinese multi-module space station after 2020.
Status: Operational 2011.
First Launch: 2011-09-29.
Last Launch: 2011-09-29.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 8,600 kg (18,900 lb).
Tiangong 1 - Space station satellite, China. Launched 2011.
First Launch: 2011-09-29.
Last Launch: 2011-09-29.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 8,500 kg (18,700 lb).
Tiangong 2 - Second Chinese manned space laboratory.
First Launch: 2016-09-15.
Last Launch: 2016-09-15.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 8,500 kg (18,700 lb).
Tianhui - Mapping-1 Satellite 02; carried visible-band mapping cameras with 5 m resolution.
Status: Operational 2010.
First Launch: 2010-08-24.
Last Launch: 2015-10-26.
Number: 3 .
Tiankun 1 - Technology satellite for CASIC, China. Launched 2017.
First Launch: 2017-03-02.
Last Launch: 2017-03-02.
Number: 1 .
Tiantong-1 01 - Communications satellite built by CAST for China SatCom, China. Launched 2016. Used the
DFH-4 Bus bus.
First Launch: 2016-08-05.
Last Launch: 2016-08-05.
Number: 1 .
Tiantuo - Technology satellite for the National University of Defense Technology; carried an payloads such as an imager, an atomic oxygen sensor, and an AIS (maritime tracking)
Status: Operational 2012.
First Launch: 2012-05-10.
Last Launch: 2014-09-08.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 2,500 kg (5,500 lb).
Tianwang - Constellation of Cubesats communicating via a Wifi router aboard the Pujiang spacecraft.
Tianxun - Technology satellite built by the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics with a small Earth observing CCD camera.
Status: Operational 2011.
First Launch: 2011-11-09.
Last Launch: 2011-11-09.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 58 kg (127 lb).
Tianying - Family of modern Chinese sounding rockets.
Tianying-3C - Chinese sounding rocket. Single-stage sounding rocket.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2011-05-06.
Last Launch: 2011-05-06.
Number: 1 .
Tianying-3E - Chinese sounding rocket.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 2013-04-04.
Last Launch: 2013-04-04.
Number: 1 .
Tianying-3F - Chinese two-stage sounding rocket using a Tianying 3C as the second stage and a larger first stage.
First Launch: 2016-04-26.
Last Launch: 2016-04-26.
Number: 1 .
Tianzhou - Chinese space station cargo resupply ship. Designed to resupply the large multi-module Chinese space station, it began operations with the Tiangong space laboratory in 2017, years in advance of the assembly of the larger space laboratory.
Status: Operational 2017.
Gross mass: 12,910 kg (28,460 lb).
Tianzhou 1, 2 - Chinese manned space station resupply spacecraft.
First Launch: 2017-04-20.
Last Launch: 2017-04-20.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 12,910 kg (28,460 lb).
Tibere - Tibere was an atmospheric re-entry test vehicle derived from the earlier Berenice. Development was authorized in 1965 to support the Electre re-entry experiment program. The first two stages were Stromboli motors of identical length. The third stage was the P.064 motor developed for the Diamant orbital launcher.
Status: Retired 1972.
First Launch: 1971-02-23.
Last Launch: 1972-03-18.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 4,500 kg (9,900 lb).
Thrust: 170.00 kN (38,210 lbf).
Tibere-0 - Alternate name for
SEPR P167.
Tibere-2 - Alternate name for
SEPR 739-2.
Tien Chien 1 - Taiwanese air-to-air missile. Based on the AIM-9N Sidewinder.
Gross mass: 90 kg (198 lb).
Tien Chien 2 - Taiwanese air-to-air missile. Production began in 1994. Sparrow-like, but some versions may have active radar homing.
Gross mass: 120 kg (260 lb).
Tien Kung 1 - Taiwanese air-to-air missile. Under development
Tien Kung 2 - Taiwanese air-to-air missile. Under development
Tier 1 - Alternate designation for
Tier One.
Tier 1 - Alternate designation for
SpaceShip One.
Tier 1b - Alternate designation for
Tier Two.
Tier 2 - Alternate designation for
Tier Two manned spacecraft.
Tier One - Alternate designation for
Spaceship One.
Tier One - Burt Rutan's Tier One was the second manned reusable suborbital launch system (after the B-52/X-15). But it was developed privately at a small fraction of the cost, and won the X-Prize in 2004 as the first privately-developed reusable manned suborbital spacecraft. The design was greatly enlarged to produce SpaceShipTwo, the first commercial spaceplane.
Status: Retired 2004.
Gross mass: 7,700 kg (16,900 lb).
Payload: 400 kg (880 lb).
More at: N2O/Solid
Tier Two - American manned spaceplane. Development of the much larger SpaceShipTwo suborbital commercial manned spacecraft was announced in July 2005.
Status: Operational 2015.
More at: N2O/Solid
TigriSat - Earth observation satellite built by Iraqi students at the La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Launched 2014. Cubesat 3U bus.
First Launch: 2014-06-19.
Last Launch: 2014-06-19.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb).
Tikhomirov - Russian manufacturer of rockets, Zhukovsky, Russia.
Tikhonov, Nikolai Vladimirovich - Russian engineer cosmonaut, 2006-on. Graduated MAI, 2005.
Status: Active 2006-on.
Born: 1982-05-23.
Tikhonravov Suborbital - Soviet space pioneer Tikhonravov proposed a V-2-launched manned capsule to Stalin in June 1946. Had his plan been approved, the Soviet Union may have put the first man in space in 1948. Instead, Stalin decided to stop the V-2 production in Germany and move everything to Russia.
Status: Study 1946.
Gross mass: 14,000 kg (30,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 4,500 kg (9,900 lb).
Payload: 1,000 kg (2,200 lb).
Thrust: 265.00 kN (59,574 lbf).
More at: Lox/Alcohol
Tikhonravov, Mikhail Klavdiyevich - Pioneering Soviet engineer and space visionary. Designer at Nll-4 and Korolev design bureau. Leader in development of Sputnik and Vostok spacecraft. Also performed early ICBM work and was pioneering rocketeer at GIRD and Nll-3.
Born: 1900-07-29.
Died: 1974-03-04.
Tilford, Shelby G - American NASA geophysicist, from the late 1980's Director of Earth Sciences in the Office of Space Science. In 1992 he was appointed acting Associate Administrator for Mission to Planet Earth and served until 1994.
Born: 1937.
Tiling, Reinhold - German rocket pioneer, developed wing-recovered powder rockets. Inspired by Oberth lecture in 1924. By 1931 demonstrated stable flight to 7 km, first rocket launch from airplane 1932. Killed 1933 in an explosion.
Born: 1893.
Died: 1931-04-15.
Tilla - Tilla Firing Range, Malute, Jhelum region, Punjab, Pakistan
Tiller, Werner - German engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the United States thereafter.
Born: 1914-05-09.
Died: 1974-03-15.
Timation - Alternate name for
Timation - American navigation technology satellite. Navigation satellite built by Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) for USN, USA. Launched 1967 - 1969.
Status: Operational 1967.
First Launch: 1967-05-31.
Last Launch: 1969-09-30.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 700 kg (1,540 lb).
Timberwind - American nuclear-powered orbital launch vehicle. DARPA project. Nuclear fission engine using pebble bed reactor with spherical fuel elements.
Status: Cancelled 1992.
Gross mass: 884,478 kg (1,949,940 lb).
Thrust: 13,693.80 kN (3,078,489 lbf).
Timberwind 250 - DoE nuclear/LH2 rocket stage. Development ended 1992. Used on Timberwind launch vehicle.
Status: Development ended 1992.
Gross mass: 170,000 kg (370,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 45,000 kg (99,000 lb).
Thrust: 2,450.00 kN (550,780 lbf).
More at: Nuclear/LH2
Timberwind 45 - DoE nuclear/LH2 rocket stage. Development ended 1992. Used on Timberwind Centaur launch vehicle.
Status: Development ended 1992.
Gross mass: 28,000 kg (61,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 7,500 kg (16,500 lb).
Thrust: 441.00 kN (99,140 lbf).
More at: Nuclear/LH2
Timberwind 75 - DoE nuclear/LH2 rocket stage. Development ended 1992. Used on Timberwind Titan launch vehicle.
Status: Development ended 1992.
Gross mass: 110,000 kg (240,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 28,500 kg (62,800 lb).
Thrust: 2,206.00 kN (495,928 lbf).
More at: Nuclear/LH2
Timberwind Centaur - American nuclear-powered orbital launch vehicle.
Status: Development ended 1992.
Gross mass: 223,628 kg (493,015 lb).
Payload: 12,272 kg (27,055 lb).
Thrust: 3,828.63 kN (860,710 lbf).
Timberwind Titan - American nuclear-powered orbital launch vehicle.
Status: Development ended 1992.
Gross mass: 900,840 kg (1,986,010 lb).
Payload: 63,636 kg (140,293 lb).
Thrust: 13,693.80 kN (3,078,489 lbf).
TIMED - American solar satellite. TIMED was the first NASA Solar Terrestrial Probe, operated by Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab to study the thermosphere, mesosphere and lower ionosphere. Science, Atmosphere satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for NASA, USA. Launched 2001.
Status: Operational 2001.
First Launch: 2001-12-07.
Last Launch: 2001-12-07.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 587 kg (1,294 lb).
Timmons, Kenneth P - American engineer. Headed the Skylab Multiple Docking Adapter and External Tank projects.
Born: 1919-12-18.
Died: 1994-01-08.
Timofei - Alternate designation for
Kristall manned space station.
Tingle, Scott David - American test pilot astronaut, 2009-on.
Flight record: 1 spaceflight, 168.2 days in space. Flew to orbit on Soyuz MS-07 (2017)..
Status: Active 2009-on.
Born: 1965-07-19.
Spaceflights: 1 .
Total time in space: 168.22 days.
Tinker AFB - USAF facility responsible for logistic support of Bomarc, Rascal, Quail, Hound Dog, SRAM, SRAM II, ALCM, GLCM, and Harpoon missiles
Tiny Tim - Test vehicle using a Naval Propellant Plant solid rocket engine.
Status: Retired 1949.
First Launch: 1945-09-26.
Last Launch: 1946-05-29.
Number: 13 .
Gross mass: 300 kg (660 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 278 kg (612 lb).
Thrust: 220.00 kN (49,450 lbf).
More at: Solid
TINYSCOPE - Technology satellite for Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), USA. Cubesat 6U bus.
TIP - American navigation satellite.
Status: Operational 1972.
First Launch: 1972-09-02.
Last Launch: 1988-06-16.
Number: 6 .
Gross mass: 170 kg (370 lb).
TIP 1 - Alternate name of
Triad 1 (TIP 1, NNS).
TIP 2, 3 - Navigation satellite built by JHU/APL for USN, USA. Launched 1975 - 1976. Used Transit-Bus, Gravity Stabilized.
First Launch: 1975-10-12.
Last Launch: 1976-09-01.
Number: 2 .
TiPS - American tether technology satellite. The 53 kg satellite consisted of 2 end masses connected by a 4 km tether. NRO (the National Reconnaissance Office) provided funding for the TiPS project. Tether technology satellite for Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), USA. Launched 1996.
Status: Operational 1996.
First Launch: 1996-05-12.
Last Launch: 1998-10-03.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 54 kg (119 lb).
TIROC - Kayser N2O4/MMH rocket engine. Satellite orientation. Tangential Injection and Rotational Combustion, the world's smallest thruster burning monomethylhydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide.
Date: Early 1960's.
Unfuelled mass: 0.0800 kg (0.1760 lb).
Thrust: 1.00 N (0.20 lbf).
More at: N2O4/MMH
TIROS - TIROS spacecraft were the beginning of a long series of American polar-orbiting meteorological satellites. The objective was to establish a global weather satellite system. Meteorology satellite operated by NASA, ESSA, USA. Launched 1960 - 1965.
Status: Operational 1960.
First Launch: 1960-04-01.
Last Launch: 1966-02-28.
Number: 12 .
Gross mass: 130 kg (280 lb).
TIROS 9 - Meteorology satellite operated by ESSA, USA. Launched 1965 - 1969.
First Launch: 1965-01-22.
Last Launch: 1969-02-26.
Number: 10 .
Gross mass: 138 kg (304 lb).
Tiros N - American earth weather satellite. Tiros N was part of the ongoing US series of polar-orbiting weather satellites. These were preceded by the TIROS series and the ITOS (Improved TIROS) series.
Status: Operational 1978.
First Launch: 1978-10-13.
Last Launch: 2002-06-24.
Number: 6 .
Gross mass: 1,416 kg (3,121 lb).
TIROS Operational System - Alternate designation for
TOS earth weather satellite.
TIROS-N, NOAA 6, B, 7 - Meteorology satellite built by RCA Astro for NOAA, USA. Launched 1978 - 1994. Used the
TIROS-N Bus bus.
First Launch: 1978-10-13.
Last Launch: 1994-12-30.
Number: 6 .
Gross mass: 736 kg (1,622 lb).
TIsat 1 - Technology, education satellite for SUPSI-DTI, Switzerland. Launched 2010. Cubesat 1U bus.
First Launch: 2010-07-12.
Last Launch: 2010-07-12.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb).
TIT - Japanese manufacturer of spacecraft. Tokyo of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
Tita - Alternate name of
BugSat 1 (Tita).
Titan - Alternate designation for
Soyuz TMA-13.
Titan - American orbital launch vehicle. The Titan launch vehicle family was developed by the United States Air Force to meet its medium lift requirements in the 1960's. The designs finally put into production were derived from the Titan II ICBM. Titan outlived the competing NASA Saturn I launch vehicle and the Space Shuttle for military launches. It was finally replaced by the USAF's EELV boosters, the Atlas V and Delta IV. Although conceived as a low-cost, quick-reaction system, Titan was not successful as a commercial launch vehicle. Air Force requirements growth over the years drove its costs up - the Ariane using similar technology provided lower-cost access to space.
Status: Retired 2005.
Titan 1 - Alternate designation for
Titan I.
Titan 1-1 - LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Study 1959.
Gross mass: 76,203 kg (167,998 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 4,000 kg (8,800 lb).
Thrust: 1,467.91 kN (329,999 lbf).
More at: Lox/Kerosene
Titan 1-2 - LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Study 1958.
Gross mass: 28,939 kg (63,799 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 1,725 kg (3,802 lb).
Thrust: 355.86 kN (80,001 lbf).
More at: Lox/Kerosene
Titan 2 - Alternate designation for
Titan II.
Titan 2-1 - N2O4/Aerozine-50 propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Study 1961.
Gross mass: 117,866 kg (259,850 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 6,736 kg (14,850 lb).
Thrust: 2,172.23 kN (488,337 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50
Titan 2-2 - N2O4/Aerozine-50 propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Study 1961.
Gross mass: 28,939 kg (63,799 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 2,404 kg (5,299 lb).
Thrust: 444.82 kN (99,999 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50
Titan 23B - American orbital launch vehicle. Basic Titan 3A core, originally developed for Titan 3C, with Agena D upper stage replacing Transtage. New radio guidance system, 1.5 m diameter fairing atop Agena. Payload remained attached to the Agena.
Status: Retired 1971.
First Launch: 1969-08-23.
Last Launch: 1971-04-22.
Number: 9 .
Gross mass: 165,000 kg (363,000 lb).
Thrust: 2,300.00 kN (517,000 lbf).
Titan 23C - American orbital launch vehicle. Post-MOL standardization of Titan 3C, with man-rated systems removed, upgraded first stage engines, digital avionics, blowdown solid rocket motor thrust vector control in place of pressure-regulated system, simplified Transtage attitude control system.
Status: Out of production.
Gross mass: 626,190 kg (1,380,510 lb).
Payload: 13,100 kg (28,800 lb).
Thrust: 10,586.80 kN (2,380,007 lbf).
Titan 23D - Alternate designation for
Titan IIID.
Titan 23D - Alternate designation for
Titan 3D.
Titan 23E - Alternate designation for
Titan IIIE.
Titan 23E - Alternate designation for
Titan 3E.
Titan 23G Star-37S-ISS - American orbital launch vehicle variant.
First Launch: 1997-04-04.
Last Launch: 1997-04-04.
Number: 1 .
Titan 23G Star-37XFP-ISS - American orbital launch vehicle variant.
First Launch: 1993-10-05.
Last Launch: 2003-10-18.
Number: 6 .
Titan 23S - American orbital launch vehicle variant.
Titan 24B - American orbital launch vehicle. Stretched first stage, originally developed for the cancelled MOL program, with Agena D upper stage. Radio guidance system, 1.5 m diameter fairing atop Agena. Payload remained attached to the Agena.
Status: Retired 1984.
First Launch: 1971-08-12.
Last Launch: 1984-04-17.
Number: 23 .
Gross mass: 170,000 kg (370,000 lb).
Thrust: 2,410.00 kN (541,780 lbf).
Titan 2B - American intercontinental ballistic orbital launch vehicle. Space launch version of Titan 2 ICBM, obtained through minimal modification of ICBM (new wiring and avionics only, and use of existing ICBM re-entry vehicle shroud). Proposed in the late 1980's but never developed.
Gross mass: 154,000 kg (339,000 lb).
Payload: 3,175 kg (6,999 lb).
Thrust: 2,090.00 kN (469,850 lbf).
Titan 2G - Alternate designation for
Titan II SLV.
Titan 2L - American intercontinental ballistic orbital launch vehicle. Version of refurbished Titan 2 ICBM with two liquid propellant strap-on stages. Proposed in the late 1980's but never developed.
Payload: 8,165 kg (18,000 lb).
Titan 2S - American intercontinental ballistic orbital launch vehicle. Version of refurbished Titan 2 ICBM with two to eight Castor 4A solid-propellant strap-on stages. Proposed in the late 1980's but never developed.
Gross mass: 247,000 kg (544,000 lb).
Payload: 9,000 kg (19,800 lb).
Titan 33B - American orbital launch vehicle. Basic Titan 3A core, except guidance provided by the Agena upper stage. The Agena and its payload were completely enclosed in a new 3.05 m diameter shroud. 'Ascent Agena' separated after orbital insertion and did not remain attached to the payload.
Status: Retired 1973.
First Launch: 1971-03-21.
Last Launch: 1973-08-21.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 185,000 kg (407,000 lb).
Thrust: 2,300.00 kN (517,000 lbf).
Titan 34B - American orbital launch vehicle. Stretched Titan core, originally developed for Titan 3M MOL, with Agena D upper stage. Guidance provided by the Agena upper stage. The Agena and its payload were completely enclosed in a 3.05 m diameter shroud. 'Ascent Agena' separated after orbital insertion and did not remain attached to the payload.
Status: Retired 1987.
First Launch: 1975-03-10.
Last Launch: 1987-02-12.
Number: 11 .
Gross mass: 188,520 kg (415,610 lb).
Payload: 3,500 kg (7,700 lb).
Thrust: 1,997.70 kN (449,101 lbf).
Titan 34D - American orbital launch vehicle. Stretched Titan core designed for use with 5 1/2 segment solid rocket motors. IUS (Interim/Inertial Upper Stage) solid upper stages, Transtage, or used without upper stages.
Status: Retired 1988.
First Launch: 1983-06-20.
Last Launch: 1988-11-06.
Number: 7 .
Gross mass: 723,490 kg (1,595,020 lb).
Payload: 14,515 kg (32,000 lb).
Thrust: 11,279.10 kN (2,535,643 lbf).
Titan 34D/IUS - American orbital launch vehicle. Version of Titan 34D with IUS upper stages.
Status: Retired 1982.
First Launch: 1982-10-30.
Last Launch: 1982-10-30.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 725,000 kg (1,598,000 lb).
Payload: 5,000 kg (11,000 lb).
Thrust: 11,280.00 kN (2,535,840 lbf).
Titan 34D/Transtage - American orbital launch vehicle. Version of Titan 34D with Transtage upper stage.
Status: Retired 1989.
First Launch: 1984-01-31.
Last Launch: 1989-09-04.
Number: 7 .
Gross mass: 720,000 kg (1,580,000 lb).
Payload: 5,000 kg (11,000 lb).
Thrust: 11,280.00 kN (2,535,840 lbf).
Titan 3A - Alternate designation for
Titan IIIA.
Titan 3A-1 - N2O4/Aerozine-50 propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Study 1965.
Gross mass: 116,573 kg (256,999 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 5,443 kg (11,999 lb).
Thrust: 2,339.76 kN (525,999 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50
Titan 3A-2 - N2O4/Aerozine-50 propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Study 1965.
Gross mass: 29,188 kg (64,348 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 2,653 kg (5,848 lb).
Thrust: 453.71 kN (101,999 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50
Titan 3B - Alternate designation for
Titan IIIB.
Titan 3B-1 - N2O4/Aerozine-50 propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Study 1965.
Gross mass: 139,935 kg (308,503 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 7,000 kg (15,400 lb).
Thrust: 2,413.19 kN (542,507 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50
Titan 3B-2 - N2O4/Aerozine-50 propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Study 1965.
Gross mass: 37,560 kg (82,800 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 2,900 kg (6,300 lb).
Thrust: 460.31 kN (103,483 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50
Titan 3BAS2 - American orbital launch vehicle. Configuration of Titan 3B proposed by Martin in mid-1960's. Titan 3B for deep space missions with Centaur upper stage, Algol strapons for liftoff thrust augmentation. Never flown.
Status: Study 1965.
Gross mass: 225,650 kg (497,470 lb).
Payload: 6,600 kg (14,500 lb).
Thrust: 3,024.00 kN (679,822 lbf).
Titan 3C - Alternate designation for
Titan IIIC.
Titan 3C7 - American orbital launch vehicle. Variant of Titan 3C with seven segment solid motors. Proposed by Martin for precise delivery of payloads beyond Titan 3C capacity into geosynchronous orbit. Never flown.
Status: Study 1965.
Gross mass: 818,380 kg (1,804,210 lb).
Payload: 15,800 kg (34,800 lb).
Thrust: 12,821.00 kN (2,882,275 lbf).
Titan 3D - Alternate designation for
Titan IIID.
Titan 3E - Alternate designation for
Titan IIIE.
Titan 3L2 - American orbital launch vehicle. Variant of Titan with 15 foot Large Diameter Core, 2 x 7 segment strap-ons. Man-rated, optimized for delivery of heavy payloads into LEO. Never developed.
Status: Study 1965.
Gross mass: 1,096,920 kg (2,418,290 lb).
Payload: 35,000 kg (77,000 lb).
Thrust: 12,821.00 kN (2,882,275 lbf).
Titan 3L4 - American orbital launch vehicle. Variant of Titan with 15 foot Large Diameter Core, 4 x 7 segment strap-ons. Man rated, optimized for delivery of 40,000 pound manned payloads into 250 nm / 50 deg space station orbit.
Status: Study 1965.
Gross mass: 1,747,580 kg (3,852,750 lb).
Payload: 45,000 kg (99,000 lb).
Thrust: 25,642.10 kN (5,764,573 lbf).
Titan 3M - American orbital launch vehicle. Man-rated launch vehicle designed for MOL and other missions of the 1970's. Malfunction Detection System initiated abort procedures during launch. Also suited for launch of 'bulbous and lifting body payloads'. 7 segment UA1207 motors developed but not used until Titan 4 in 1990's. Cancelled with MOL program in 1969.
Status: Development ended 1967.
Gross mass: 836,560 kg (1,844,290 lb).
Payload: 17,000 kg (37,000 lb).
Thrust: 12,821.00 kN (2,882,275 lbf).
Titan 4 - American orbital launch vehicle. Developed to handle military payloads designed for launch on Shuttle from Vandenberg before the USAF pulled out of the Shuttle program after the Challenger disaster. Further stretch of core from Titan 34, 7-segment solid rocket motors (developed for MOL but not used until 25 years later). Enlarged Centaur G used as upper stage (variant of stage designed for Shuttle but prohibited for flight safety reasons after Challenger). Completely revised electronics. All the changes resulted in major increase in cost of launch vehicle and launch operations.
Status: Out of production.
Gross mass: 886,420 kg (1,954,220 lb).
Payload: 17,700 kg (39,000 lb).
Thrust: 12,821.00 kN (2,882,275 lbf).
Titan 401A/Centaur - Version of Titan 4 with Centaur T upper stage.
Status: Retired 1998.
First Launch: 1994-02-07.
Last Launch: 1998-08-12.
Number: 9 .
Gross mass: 868,000 kg (1,913,000 lb).
Thrust: 14,200.00 kN (3,192,200 lbf).
Titan 401B/Centaur - Version of Titan 4B with Centaur T upper stage.
Status: Retired 2003.
First Launch: 1997-10-15.
Last Launch: 2003-09-09.
Number: 7 .
Gross mass: 939,000 kg (2,070,000 lb).
Payload: 9,000 kg (19,800 lb).
Thrust: 15,000.00 kN (3,372,000 lbf).
Titan 402A/IUS - American orbital launch vehicle. Version of Titan 4 with IUS upper stages.
Status: Retired 1994.
First Launch: 1989-06-14.
Last Launch: 1994-12-22.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 910,000 kg (2,000,000 lb).
Thrust: 14,200.00 kN (3,192,200 lbf).
Titan 402B/IUS - American orbital launch vehicle. Version of Titan 4B with IUS upper stage.
Status: Retired 2004.
First Launch: 1997-02-23.
Last Launch: 2004-02-14.
Number: 5 .
Gross mass: 925,000 kg (2,039,000 lb).
Thrust: 15,000.00 kN (3,372,000 lbf).
Titan 403A - American orbital launch vehicle. Version of Titan 4 with no upper stage, configured for launch of lower-mass, higher-orbit Lacrosse, SDS and NOSS-2 payloads from Vandenberg.
Status: Retired 1997.
First Launch: 1991-03-08.
Last Launch: 1997-10-24.
Number: 5 .
Gross mass: 906,000 kg (1,997,000 lb).
Payload: 17,700 kg (39,000 lb).
Thrust: 14,200.00 kN (3,192,200 lbf).
Titan 403B - American orbital launch vehicle. Version of Titan 4B with no upper stage, configured for launch from Vandenberg.
Status: Retired 2000.
First Launch: 2000-08-17.
Last Launch: 2000-08-17.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 910,000 kg (2,000,000 lb).
Payload: 21,680 kg (47,790 lb).
Thrust: 15,000.00 kN (3,372,000 lbf).
Titan 404A - American orbital launch vehicle. Version of Titan 4 with no upper stage, configured for launch of heavy-weight, low altitude KH-12 and Improved CRYSTAL payloads from Vandenberg.
Status: Retired 1996.
First Launch: 1992-11-28.
Last Launch: 1996-12-20.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 906,000 kg (1,997,000 lb).
Payload: 17,700 kg (39,000 lb).
Thrust: 14,200.00 kN (3,192,200 lbf).
Titan 404B - American orbital launch vehicle. Version of Titan 4B with no upper stage, configured for launch from Vandenberg.
Status: Retired 2005.
First Launch: 1999-05-22.
Last Launch: 2005-10-19.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 910,000 kg (2,000,000 lb).
Payload: 21,680 kg (47,790 lb).
Thrust: 15,000.00 kN (3,372,000 lbf).
Titan 405A - American orbital launch vehicle. Version of Titan 4 with no upper stage, configured for launch of lower-mass, higher-orbit SDS and NOSS-2 payloads from Cape Canaveral.
Status: Retired 1996.
First Launch: 1990-06-08.
Last Launch: 1996-07-03.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 906,000 kg (1,997,000 lb).
Payload: 17,700 kg (39,000 lb).
Thrust: 14,200.00 kN (3,192,200 lbf).
Titan 405B - Status: Retired 2005.
First Launch: 2005-04-30.
Last Launch: 2005-04-30.
Number: 1 .
Titan 4-1 - N2O4/Aerozine-50 propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Retired 2005.
Gross mass: 163,000 kg (359,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 8,000 kg (17,600 lb).
Thrust: 2,428.31 kN (545,906 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50
Titan 4-2 - N2O4/Aerozine-50 propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Retired 2005.
Gross mass: 39,500 kg (87,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 4,500 kg (9,900 lb).
Thrust: 459.51 kN (103,302 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50
Titan 45D - Alternate name of
Titan 402A/IUS.
Titan 45D - Alternate designation for
Titan 402B/IUS.
Titan 45F - Alternate name of
Titan 403A.
Titan 45F - Alternate designation for
Titan 403B.
Titan 45H - Alternate designation for
Titan 405A.
Titan 45J - Alternate name of
Titan 404A.
Titan 45J - Alternate designation for
Titan 404B.
Titan 4B - American orbital launch vehicle. Titan 4 with Upgraded Solid Rocket Motors replacing UA1207. Developed to improve performance for certain missions, and reduce number of field joints in motor after Challenger and Titan 34D explosions involving segmented motors.
Status: Out of production.
Gross mass: 943,050 kg (2,079,060 lb).
Payload: 21,680 kg (47,790 lb).
Thrust: 13,693.80 kN (3,078,489 lbf).
Titan 5 - American orbital launch vehicle. Proposed Titan upgrade with cryogenic core as replacement for NLS.
Status: Study 1988.
Gross mass: 1,138,660 kg (2,510,310 lb).
Thrust: 16,533.60 kN (3,716,901 lbf).
Titan 5 stage - LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Part of launch vehicle proposed by Martin as alternative to NLS. All figures estimated based on 1,000,000 lb thrust single engine.
Status: Study 1988.
Gross mass: 500,000 kg (1,100,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 45,000 kg (99,000 lb).
Thrust: 4,457.10 kN (1,001,996 lbf).
More at: Lox/LH2
Titan C - American orbital launch vehicle. The Titan C, a Titan II booster stage topped by a new liquid oxygen/hydrogen upper stage, was the launch vehicle selected in November 1959 for the DynaSoar orbital flight program. Despite the fact the upper stage engine was secretly tested in 1958-1960, after many political twists and turns, it was cancelled in favor of the Titan 3C in July 1961
Status: Development ended 1961.
Gross mass: 185,820 kg (409,660 lb).
Payload: 7,300 kg (16,000 lb).
Titan C-2 - LOx/LH2 propellant rocket stage. Engine developed 1958-1960, but launch vehicle cancelled 1961.
Status: Development ended 1961.
Gross mass: 57,400 kg (126,500 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 6,000 kg (13,200 lb).
Thrust: 666.00 kN (149,722 lbf).
More at: Lox/LH2
Titan Centaur 401A - Alternate designation for
Titan 401A/Centaur.
Titan Centaur 401B - Alternate designation for
Titan 401B/Centaur.
Titan Cluster - LOx/Kerosene propellant rocket stage. Masses estimated (cluster of four Titan I first stages).
Status: Study 1959.
Gross mass: 150,000 kg (330,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 10,000 kg (22,000 lb).
Thrust: 2,940.00 kN (660,930 lbf).
More at: Lox/Kerosene
Titan I - American intercontinental ballistic missile. ICBM, built as back-up to Atlas, using two stages instead of one and a half, and conventional tank construction in lieu of balloon tanks. It was also to have been used for suborbital tests of the X-20A Dynasoar manned space plane. For unknown reasons never refurbished for use as space launcher and scrapped after being replaced by the Titan II in the missile role in mid-1960's.
Status: Retired 1965.
First Launch: 1959-02-06.
Last Launch: 1965-03-05.
Number: 68 .
Gross mass: 105,142 kg (231,798 lb).
Thrust: 1,295.90 kN (291,330 lbf).
Titan II - American intercontinental ballistic missile. ICBM, developed also as the launch vehicle for the manned Gemini spacecraft in the early 1960's. When the ICBM's were retired in the 1980's they were refurbished and a new series of launches began.
Status: Retired 1976.
First Launch: 1962-03-16.
Last Launch: 1976-06-28.
Number: 81 .
Gross mass: 154,000 kg (339,000 lb).
Payload: 3,100 kg (6,800 lb).
Thrust: 1,893.40 kN (425,653 lbf).
Titan II GLV - American intercontinental ballistic orbital launch vehicle. Version for launch of Gemini manned spacecraft. Developed in parallel with ICBM version. Differed in having redundancy features in systems and MDS (Malfunction Detection System) installed.
Status: Retired 1966.
First Launch: 1964-04-08.
Last Launch: 1966-11-11.
Number: 12 .
Gross mass: 150,530 kg (331,860 lb).
Payload: 3,600 kg (7,900 lb).
Thrust: 2,090.00 kN (469,850 lbf).
Titan II SLV - American intercontinental ballistic orbital launch vehicle. Space launch version, obtained through minimal refurbishment of decommissioned ICBM's.
Status: Retired 2003.
First Launch: 1988-09-05.
Last Launch: 2003-10-18.
Number: 13 .
Gross mass: 154,000 kg (339,000 lb).
Payload: 3,175 kg (6,999 lb).
Thrust: 2,090.00 kN (469,850 lbf).
Titan IIIA - American orbital launch vehicle. Titan with Transtage third stage. Core for Titan 3C.
Status: Retired 1965.
First Launch: 1964-09-01.
Last Launch: 1965-05-06.
Number: 4 .
Gross mass: 161,730 kg (356,550 lb).
Payload: 3,100 kg (6,800 lb).
Thrust: 1,936.90 kN (435,432 lbf).
Titan IIIB - American orbital launch vehicle. Titan core with Agena upper stage. Found to be more cost effective and higher performance than using Transtage.
Status: Retired 1969.
First Launch: 1966-07-29.
Last Launch: 1969-06-03.
Number: 22 .
Gross mass: 156,540 kg (345,110 lb).
Payload: 3,300 kg (7,200 lb).
Thrust: 1,936.90 kN (435,432 lbf).
Titan IIIC - American orbital launch vehicle. Titan 3A with five segment solid motors. Man-rated design originally developed for Dynasoar spaceplane.
Status: Retired 1982.
First Launch: 1965-06-18.
Last Launch: 1982-03-06.
Number: 36 .
Gross mass: 626,190 kg (1,380,510 lb).
Payload: 13,100 kg (28,800 lb).
Thrust: 10,586.80 kN (2,380,007 lbf).
Titan IIID - American orbital launch vehicle. Titan 3C without transtage.
Status: Retired 1982.
First Launch: 1971-06-15.
Last Launch: 1982-11-17.
Number: 22 .
Gross mass: 612,990 kg (1,351,410 lb).
Payload: 12,300 kg (27,100 lb).
Thrust: 10,586.80 kN (2,380,007 lbf).
Titan IIIE - American orbital launch vehicle. Titan 3D with Centaur D-1T upper stage. Used by NASA for deep space missions in 1970's.
Status: Retired 1977.
First Launch: 1974-02-11.
Last Launch: 1977-09-05.
Number: 7 .
Gross mass: 632,970 kg (1,395,450 lb).
Payload: 15,400 kg (33,900 lb).
Thrust: 10,586.80 kN (2,380,007 lbf).
Titan IIIE Centaur-D1T Star-37E - American orbital launch vehicle variant.
First Launch: 1974-12-10.
Last Launch: 1976-01-15.
Number: 2 .
Titan LDC-1 - N2O4/Aerozine-50 propellant rocket stage. 15 foot diameter core Titan proposed in 1960's for space station logistics. Masses estimated.
Status: Study 1965.
Gross mass: 350,000 kg (770,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 20,000 kg (44,000 lb).
Thrust: 4,344.46 kN (976,674 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50
Titan LDC-2 - N2O4/Aerozine-50 propellant rocket stage. 15 foot diameter core Titan proposed in 1960's for space station logistics. Masses estimated.
Status: Study 1965.
Gross mass: 50,000 kg (110,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 3,000 kg (6,600 lb).
Thrust: 444.82 kN (99,999 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50
Titan LR87 stage series -
Titan LR91 stage series -
Titan Retro - Government designation of
Star 5C/CB Solid rocket engine.
Titan Transtage - N2O4/Aerozine-50 propellant rocket stage, originally developed for the Titan 3C / Dynasoar, continued after Dynasoar's cancellation. Flown 1968-1982 on Titan 3A and 3C boosters. Transtage mass indicated was that remaining after insertion of Dynasoar and Abort Stage into orbit. Transtage had its own RCS. Maneuver in earth orbit.
Status: Out of production.
Gross mass: 12,247 kg (27,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 1,950 kg (4,290 lb).
Thrust: 71.17 kN (15,999 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50;N2O4/UDMH
Titan Transtage Stretch - N2O4/Aerozine-50 propellant rocket stage. 20% stretch of Transtage to handle geosynchronous insertion of larger payloads launched by Titan 3C7. Masses estimated.
Status: Study 1965.
Gross mass: 15,000 kg (33,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 2,200 kg (4,800 lb).
Thrust: 71.17 kN (15,999 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50
Titan UA1205 - Alternate name for
Titan UA1206 - Alternate name for
Titan UA1207 - Alternate name for
Titan USRM - Alternate name for
Titan-Vanguard - American orbital launch vehicle. The Martin Company proposed to the Department of Defense that the first stage of the Titan I intercontinental ballistic missile be combined with the Vanguard rocket to provide a launch vehicle capable of placing an instrument package into lunar orbit and on the lunar surface. NASA was instead given the mission and used Atlas/Agena and Atlas/Centaur for this purpose instead.
Status: Design 1957.
Tito, Dennis Anthony - American engineer cosmonaut 2000-2001. First space tourist. First American to return to earth in a Russian spacecraft.
Flight record: 1 spaceflight, 7.9 days in space. Flew to orbit on Soyuz TM-32 (2001)..
Status: Inactive; Active 2000-2001.
Born: 1940-08-08.
Spaceflights: 1 .
Total time in space: 7.92 days.
Titov, German Stepanovich - Russian pilot cosmonaut 1960-1970. Second person in orbit. Youngest person in space. Left cosmonaut team for brilliant career in the space forces after deciding his future spaceflight prospects were nil.
Flight record: 1 spaceflight, 1.1 days in space. Flew to orbit on Vostok 2 (1961)..
Status: Deceased; Active 1960-1970.
Born: 1935-09-11.
Died: 2000-09-20.
Spaceflights: 1 .
Total time in space: 1.05 days.
Titov, Vladimir Georgiyevich - Russian test pilot cosmonaut 1976-1998. Survived first pad abort during a manned launch. 387 cumulative days in space. SU Air Force. Call sign: Okean (Ocean).
Flight record: 5 spaceflights, 387.0 days in space. Flew to orbit on Soyuz T-8 (1983), Soyuz TM-4, STS-63, STS-86..
Status: Inactive; Active 1976-1998.
Born: 1947.
Spaceflights: 5 .
Total time in space: 387.03 days.
Titschak - German expert in guided missiles during World War II. Stayed in Germany after the war.
Tittle, Theresa Mary Stevens - American engineer military spaceflight engineer astronaut 1985-1988. Graduated in operations research from the USAF Academy, 1982. US Air Force operations specialist, stationed in the Pentagon. Later a Shuttle Flight Controller at the JSC.
Status: Inactive; Active 1985-1988.
Born: 1960-11-25.
Titus - Sounding rocket derived from the first two stages of the Berenice test vehicle. The two stage vehicle consisted of 4 x SEPR P167 stabilization rockets around a Stromboli 739 first stage, topped by a stretched Stromboli SEPR 740-3 second stage with four fins. The launches were made from Chaco in collaboration with the Argentinian agency CNIE.
Status: Retired 1966.
First Launch: 1966-11-12.
Last Launch: 1966-11-12.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 3,400 kg (7,400 lb).
Payload: 400 kg (880 lb).
Thrust: 170.00 kN (38,210 lbf).
Titus-2 - Alternate name for
SEPR 740-3.
Tiungsat - Astronautic Technology built Malaysia's first microsatellite through a technology transfer program with Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. Carried multi-spectral Earth imaging CCD cameras, meteorology payload. Used the
SSTL-70 bus.
TiungSat 1 - Earth observation, technology satellite built by SSTL for Tiung, Malaysia. Launched 2000. Used the
Microsat-70 bus.
First Launch: 2000-09-26.
Last Launch: 2000-09-26.
Number: 1 .
TJ3Sat - Technology, education satellite built by Thomas Jefferson High School (TJHSST), Alexandria, Virginia; Pumpkin Inc. (bus) for Thomas Jefferson High School (TJHSST), Alexandria, Virginia, USA. Launched 2013. Cubesat 1U). Launched 2013.
First Launch: 2013-11-20.
Last Launch: 2013-11-20.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb).
TJREVERB - Technology satellite for Thomas Jefferson High School (TJHSST), Alexandria, Virginia, USA. Cubesat 1U bus.
Gross mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb).
TJS 1 - Communication satellite built by CAST, China. Launched 2015.
First Launch: 2015-09-12.
Last Launch: 2015-09-12.
Number: 1 .
TJS 2 - Communication satellite built by SAST, China. Launched 2017.
First Launch: 2017-01-05.
Last Launch: 2017-01-05.
Number: 1 .
TKA - Transport-Supply Ship (Russian abbreviation)
Tkachev, Fedor Dmitriyevich - Russian engineer. Chief Designer of NIEI PDS. Specialized in parachutes. Fired 1968 after Soyuz 1 parachute failure and death of Cosmonaut Komarov.
TKM-O - Manufacturer's designation for
Spektr manned space station.
TKS - Alternate designation for
Kvant FGB.
TKS - Vladimir Chelomei's TKS manned ferry vehicle was designed to provide a reusable resupply and crew return spacecraft much more capable and flexible than either the Soyuz or Apollo designs. Although the TKS completed its development program as part of the military Almaz space station program it was never used for manned spaceflight. However the TKS resupply vehicle provided the basis for the successful FGB space station modules used with the Salyut, Mir, and International Space Station. The original TKS was launched four times, from 1977.07.17 (Cosmos 929) to 1985.09.27 (Cosmos 1686).
Status: Operational 1977.
First Launch: 1977-07-17.
Last Launch: 1985-09-27.
Number: 4 .
Gross mass: 17,510 kg (38,600 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 13,688 kg (30,176 lb).
Payload: 12,600 kg (27,700 lb).
Thrust: 7.84 kN (1,763 lbf).
More at: N2O4/UDMH
TKS BSO - Russian manned spacecraft module. 4 launches, 1977.07.17 (Cosmos 929) to 1985.09.27 (Cosmos 1686). The BSO was equipped with the retro-rocket for deorbit of the VA capsule following separation from the space station. Deorbit Block.
Status: Operational 1977.
Gross mass: 450 kg (990 lb).
TKS FGB - Russian manned spacecraft module. 4 launches, 1977.07.17 (Cosmos 929) to 1985.09.27 (Cosmos 1686). Orbital Living and Service Module.
Status: Operational 1977.
Gross mass: 13,260 kg (29,230 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 9,438 kg (20,807 lb).
Payload: 4,528 kg (9,982 lb).
Thrust: 7.84 kN (1,763 lbf).
More at: N2O4/UDMH
TKS Heavy Space Station - Russian manned space station. Study 1961. The TKS (Heavy Space Station, also known as TOSZ - Heavy Orbital Station of the Earth) was Korolev's first 1961 project for a large N1-launched military space station.
Status: Study 1961.
Gross mass: 150,000 kg (330,000 lb).
TKS SAS - Russian manned spacecraft module. 4 launches, 1977.07.17 (Cosmos 929) to 1985.09.27 (Cosmos 1686). Emergency escape system.
Status: Operational 1977.
Gross mass: 2,950 kg (6,500 lb).
Thrust: 843.00 kN (189,513 lbf).
More at: Solid
TKS VA - Russian manned spacecraft module. The VA reentry capsule was similar in configuration to the American Apollo, but 30% smaller. Reusable re-entry capsule.
Status: Operational 1976.
First Launch: 1976-12-15.
Last Launch: 1979-05-22.
Number: 8 .
Gross mass: 3,800 kg (8,300 lb).
Payload: 1,880 kg (4,140 lb).
TKS VA s/n 008 - Planned manned single-orbit flight aboard the TKS space capsule during a series of two-TKS-launched-by-one-Proton flight tests. Flown unmanned due to inability to demonstrate two consecutive failure-free launches.
Launched: 1979-04-20.
Number crew: 3 .
TKS-1 - Planned first test manned flight of the TKS large ferry craft. Would have docked with the Almaz OPS 4 military space station. Flight cancelled with the rest of the Almaz program in 1981. Flown later unmanned to Salyut 6 as Cosmos 1267.
Launched: 1981 Beginning of.
Number crew: 3 .
TKS-2 - Second TKS flight that would have docked with the cancelled Almaz OPS 4 military space station. The spacecraft was instead flown unmanned to Salyut 7 as Cosmos 1443.
Launched: 1981 Middle of.
Number crew: 3 .
TKS-3 - Third TKS flight that would have docked with the cancelled Almaz OPS 4 military space station. The spacecraft was instead flown unmanned to Salyut 7 as Cosmos 1686.
Launched: 1981 Late.
Number crew: 3 .
TKSAT - Alternate name for
TKSat 1 - Alternate name of
T·pac Katari 1 (TKSat 1).
TKS-M - Space station module (modified manned spacecraft) satellite, Russia. Launched 1985.
First Launch: 1985-09-27.
Last Launch: 1985-09-27.
Number: 1 .
TKS-M - Unmanned version of the
TKS spacecraft after the decision not to undertake manned flights of the spacecraft.
TL 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D - Communication satellite built by CAST, China. Launched 2008 - 2016. Used the
DFH-3 Bus bus.
First Launch: 2008-04-25.
Last Launch: 2016-11-22.
Number: 4 .
Gross mass: 2,100 kg (4,600 lb).
TLA - Abbreviation for Three Letter Acronym
TLAM-C - Alternate name of
Tomahawk BGM-109C.
TLAM-D - Alternate name of
Tomahawk BGM-109D.
TLAM-N - Alternate name of
Tomahawk BGM-109A.
TLD - Alternate name of
TLI - Translunar injection (insertion into trajectory from low earth orbit towards the moon)
TLSS ALSS - American pressure suit, tested 1982. Tactical Life Support System. Developed by the USAF and Boeing/Gentex to provide get-me-down protection from 18 km.
Status: tested 1982.
TM - Abbreviation for Telemetry; or Technical memorandum
TM-50 - TsNIIMash electric/xenon rocket engine. Development. Hall effect thruster with anode layer, designed for satellite orbital raising. Taken to engineering model stage.
Status: Development.
Thrust: 0.25 N (0.05 lbf).
More at: Electric/Xenon
TM-61A - Alternate designation for
TM-61B - Alternate designation for
TM-61B - Alternate designation for
TM-76A - Alternate designation for
TM-76B - Alternate designation for
TME - Manufacturer's designation for
Teknologia materials science satellite.
TMETN - Abbreviation or acronym for Trimethylolethane trinitrate
TMI - Canadian agency. TMI, Canada.
TMK - Family of Heavy Interplanetary Spacecraft (Russian abbreviation)
TMK-1 - Russian manned Mars flyby. Study 1959. In 1959 a group of enthusiasts in OKB-1 Section 3 under the management of G U Maksimov started engineering design of this first fantastic project for manned interplanetary travel.
Status: Study 1959.
Gross mass: 75,000 kg (165,000 lb).
More at: Lox/Kerosene
TMKB - Turayevo Machine-Building Design Bureau (Russian abbreviation)
TMKB Soyuz - Third name of
Stepanov Bureau.
TMKB Soyuz JSC - Alternate designation for
Stepanov Bureau.
TMKB Soyuz JSC - Alternate name of
Stepanov bureau.
TMK-E - Russian manned Mars expedition. Study 1960. Feoktistov felt that the TMK-1 manned Mars flyby design was too limited. His design group proposed in 1960 a complete Mars landing expedition, to be assembled in earth orbit using two or more N1 launches.
Status: Study 1960.
Gross mass: 150,000 kg (330,000 lb).
Thrust: 74 N (17 lbf).
More at: Electric/Xenon
TMP - Russian materials science satellite. Study 1992. The enormous 88 metric ton Engineering Production Module (TMP) was proposed by the Salyut Design Bureau in the early 1990's.
Status: Study 1992.
Gross mass: 102,000 kg (224,000 lb).
TMP - Manufacturer's designation for
Skif-DM satellite.
TMSAT - Uosat Microbus-class payload built by Surrey Satellite for the Thai Microsatellite Company of Bangkok. Conducted a dual Earth observation and data communications mission.
TMSat 1 - Technology satellite built by SSTL, Thailand. Launched 1998. Used the
Microsat-70 bus.
First Launch: 1998-07-10.
Last Launch: 1998-07-10.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 55 kg (121 lb).
TMZ - Tushino Machine Building Plant (Russian abbreviation)
TN - Abbreviation for Technical note
TN-81 - Alternate designation for
Tnrksat 2A - Alternate name of
Eurasiasat 1 (Turksat 2A).
TNS 0 - Technology, communication satellite built by FSUE/RSIDE for RNII KP, Russia. Launched 2005.
First Launch: 2005-02-28.
Last Launch: 2005-02-28.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb).
TNT - Trinitrotoluene, high explosive.
Tochka - Russian tactical short-range ballistic missile, deployed from 1976.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1970-01-01.
Last Launch: 1975-01-01.
Number: 3 .
Tochka - Alternate designation for
Tochka 9K79 - Russian intercontinental ballistic missile. Tactical ballistic missile. SS-21 is Tochka SRBM mounted on a ZIL-375 transporter, while SS-23 is the same missile on an 8-wheeled TEL.
Status: Operational 1976.
Gross mass: 2,000 kg (4,400 lb).
Payload: 680 kg (1,490 lb).
Tochka 9K79-1 - Russian intercontinental ballistic missile. Improved version.
Gross mass: 2,010 kg (4,430 lb).
Tochka-U - Alternate name of
Tochka 9K79-1.
Tochka-U - Russian intermediate range ballistic missile. Improved version.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1986-08-01.
Last Launch: 2013-10-30.
Number: 5 .
Gross mass: 2,010 kg (4,430 lb).
Todt, Fritz - German Manager. National Socialist politician, Major general, Defense Minister and Director/Manager of organization Todt.
Born: 1891.
Died: 1942-01-01.
Toebe, Konrad - German engineer, airplane and rocket technician in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union thereafter.
Born: 1913.
Toftoy, Holger N - American Army officer, expert in ordnance, responsible for transferring von Braun's rocket technology to the US in 1945. Commanded Huntsville 1954-1956. Held other rocket development posts until retirement in 1960.
Born: 1902-10-31.
Died: 1967-04-01.
Tognini, Michel Ange-Charles - French test pilot mission specialist astronaut 1985-2003. Trained for missions under both US and Russian programs.
Flight record: 2 spaceflights, 18.7 days in space. Flew to orbit on Soyuz TM-15 (1992), STS-93..
Status: Inactive; Active 1985-2003.
Born: 1949-09-30.
Spaceflights: 2 .
Total time in space: 18.74 days.
Tokarev, Valeri Ivanovich - Russian test pilot cosmonaut 1989-2008. Russian Air Force test pilot, flying 44 types of aircraft and helicopters. Selected as Buran test pilot in 1987. From 1994, commander cosmonaut group for aerospace systems.
Flight record: 2 spaceflights, 199.6 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-96 (1999), Soyuz TMA-7..
Status: Inactive; Active 1989-2008.
Born: 1952-10-29.
Spaceflights: 2 .
Total time in space: 199.63 days.
Tokyo - Japanese agency. University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Tokyo Broadcasting - Tokyo Broadcasting.
Tokyo Kogyo Daigaku - Alternate name for
Tolboyev, Magomed Omarovich - Avar (Dagestani)-Russian test pilot cosmonaut, 1983-1994.
Status: Inactive; Active 1983-1994.
Born: 1951-01-20.
Tolmachev, Viktor Grigoryevich - Russian engineer. General Director, Votkinsk Factory from 1989. Manufacturers of solid propellant ballistic missiles.
Born: 1951-06-08.
Toloo - Earth Observation satellite for Iran National Space Administration (INSA), Iran.
Gross mass: 100 kg (220 lb).
Tolubko, Vladimir Fedorovich - Russian officer. First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces 1960-1968. Commander-in-Chief 1972-1985.
Born: 1914-11-25.
Died: 1989-06-17.
Tom - Alternate name of
CANYVAL-X 1, 2 (Tom, Jerry).
Tomahawk - American sounding rocket. Test and sounding vehicles developed by Sandia using the TE-416 Tomahawk motor.
Status: Retired 1995.
First Launch: 1963-06-12.
Last Launch: 1967-12-06.
Number: 25 .
Gross mass: 266 kg (586 lb).
Payload: 20 kg (44 lb).
Thrust: 43.80 kN (9,847 lbf).
Tomahawk - Alternate designation for
Tomahawk AGM-109A - American intermediate range cruise missile. Air-launched version.
Gross mass: 1,440 kg (3,170 lb).
Tomahawk BGM-109 - Raytheon (General Dynamics) sub-launched missile.
Tomahawk BGM-109A - American intermediate range cruise missile. Nuclear warhead
Status: Operational 1982.
Gross mass: 1,469 kg (3,238 lb).
Payload: 120 kg (260 lb).
Thrust: 2.64 kN (593 lbf).
Tomahawk BGM-109B - American intermediate range cruise missile. Conventional warhead
Status: Operational 1982.
Gross mass: 1,469 kg (3,238 lb).
Payload: 450 kg (990 lb).
Thrust: 2.64 kN (593 lbf).
Tomahawk BGM-109C - American intermediate range cruise missile. Conventional 455 kg Bullpup warhead.
Status: Operational 1982.
Gross mass: 1,469 kg (3,238 lb).
Payload: 450 kg (990 lb).
Thrust: 2.64 kN (593 lbf).
Tomahawk BGM-109D - American intermediate range cruise missile. Conventional warhead: submunition dispenser with 166 BLU-97/B in packs of 24
Tomahawk BGM-109E - American intermediate range cruise missile.
Tomahawk BGM-109F - American intermediate range cruise missile.
Tomahawk BGM-109G - American intermediate range cruise missile. Ground Launched Cruise Missile
Status: Operational 1984.
Gross mass: 1,469 kg (3,238 lb).
Payload: 120 kg (260 lb).
Thrust: 2.64 kN (593 lbf).
Tomahawk MGM-109H - American intermediate range cruise missile.
Status: Operational 1984.
Gross mass: 1,469 kg (3,238 lb).
Payload: 120 kg (260 lb).
Tomahawk Sandia - Alternate designation for
Tomahawk-2 Nike - Alternate name for
Tomashevit - Russian manufacturer.
Tomato Worm Suit - American pressure suit, tested 1940-43. Project MX-117 full "tomato worm" pressure suits were developed during World War II.
Status: tested 1940.
Tommein, W - German expert in aerodynamics during World War II. Stayed in East Germany after the war.
Tomographic Experiment Radiative Recombinative Ionospheric EUV & Radio Sources - Alternate designation for
TERRIERS earth ionosphere satellite.
TOMS - Abbreviation for Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer
TOMS-EP - American earth atmosphere satellite. Earth Observing satellite built by TRW for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), USA. Launched 1996. Used the
T100 bus.
Status: Operational 1996.
First Launch: 1996-07-02.
Last Launch: 1996-07-02.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 248 kg (546 lb).
Tomsk - Headquarters of an RVSN Division, 1961-1962. Moved to Gladkaya.
Tomsk-TPU 120 - Technology satellite for Tomsk TPU, Russia. Launched 2016. 3U Cubesatbus.
First Launch: 2016-03-31.
Last Launch: 2016-03-31.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 5.00 kg (11.00 lb).
Tongchang-ri - North Korean space launch site, on the west coast, designed for launch direct south into a polar orbit or test of intermediate or intercontinental range missiles into trajectories that do not fly over Japan.
Tonghae - Alternate name for
Tongxing Jisshu Shiyan Weixing - Tongxing Jisshu Shiyan Weixing (Communications Engineering Test Satellite). Military satellite; speculation was that it was the first in a constellation of ballistic missile early warning satellites. Believed to use the
DFH-4 satellite bus.
Tonkikh, Fedor Petrovich - Russian officer. 1969-1985, Chief, Dzerzhinskiy Military Academy. Colonel-General, doctor of military science, professor. After WW2 action, service in artillery forces. From 1960 deputy chief commander of the rocket forces for readiness.
Born: 1912.
Died: 1987-01-01.
Tonopah - Tonopah Test Range. Sounding rocket and test vehicle launch site. Conducted launches in support of US nuclear weapons development programs.
First Launch: 1957-01-01.
Last Launch: 1988-09-28.
Number: 117 .
Topaz - Classified US radar satellite.
Status: Operational 2010.
First Launch: 2010-09-21.
Last Launch: 2016-02-10.
Number: 4 .
Topaz 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - Reconnaissance, Radar satellite built by Boeing for NRO, USA. Launched 2010 - 2016.
First Launch: 2010-09-21.
Last Launch: 2016-02-10.
Number: 4 .
Topaze - SEP N2O4/UDMH rocket engine. Out of production. Used on Diamant launch vehicle. First flight 1965.
Status: Out of production.
Number: 4 .
Gross mass: 3,000 kg (6,600 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 306 kg (674 lb).
Thrust: 120.10 kN (27,000 lbf).
More at: N2O4/UDMH
Topaze - Alternate designation for
Diamant-2 rocket stage.
Topaze VE111 - Topaze was the first guided rocket in the French 'precious stones' series. As such it was the first launched from a pad rather than a ramp. The initial model was the VE111C (short) with the NA802 motor.
Status: Retired 1964.
First Launch: 1962-12-19.
Last Launch: 1964-12-15.
Number: 10 .
Gross mass: 2,900 kg (6,300 lb).
Payload: 410 kg (900 lb).
Thrust: 120.00 kN (26,970 lbf).
Topaze VE111-1 - N2O4/UDMH propellant rocket stage.
Status: Retired 1964.
Gross mass: 1,500 kg (3,300 lb).
Thrust: 120.00 kN (26,970 lbf).
More at: N2O4/UDMH
Topaze VE111C - French test vehicle. Six successful VE111C flights successfully demonstrated the concept. The remaining four VE111C's were flown in the VE111CI version to demonstrate recovery from purposely-induced unstable conditions for the MSBS SLBM.
Gross mass: 2,900 kg (6,300 lb).
Payload: 410 kg (900 lb).
Thrust: 120.00 kN (26,970 lbf).
Topaze VE111L - French test vehicle. The VE111L (long) used the stretched NA803 motor. The VE111L was successfully demonstrated the thrust vectoring concept over a longer burn period. The last two flights were VE111LG configuration, equipped with all-up inertial navigation systems.
Status: Retired 1965.
First Launch: 1963-12-21.
Last Launch: 1965-05-21.
Number: 4 .
Gross mass: 3,434 kg (7,570 lb).
Payload: 360 kg (790 lb).
Thrust: 147.00 kN (33,046 lbf).
Topaze VE111L-1 - N2O4/UDMH propellant rocket stage.
Status: Retired 1965.
Gross mass: 2,200 kg (4,800 lb).
Thrust: 156.00 kN (35,070 lbf).
More at: N2O4/UDMH
Topex/Poseidon - American earth sea satellite. TOPEX/Poseidon was a co-operative mission between the United States and France designed to provide high-accuracy global sea level measurements. Earth Observing satellite built by Fairchild for NASA, CNES, France. Launched 1992. Used the
MMS bus.
Status: Operational 1992.
First Launch: 1992-08-10.
Last Launch: 1992-08-10.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 2,402 kg (5,295 lb).
TOPO - American earth geodetic satellite. US Army topographic / geodesic satellite built by Cubic Corporation for U.S. Army Topographic Command, USA. Launched 1970.
Status: Operational 1970.
First Launch: 1970-04-08.
Last Launch: 1970-04-08.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 18 kg (39 lb).
Topol - Alternate designation for
Topol - Alternate designation for
Topol' - Russian containerized all-solid propellant intercontinental ballistic missile designed for launch from mobile and silo launchers. Replaced UR-100/UR-100NU in silos.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1981-09-29.
Last Launch: 2017-10-26.
Number: 112 .
Gross mass: 45,100 kg (99,400 lb).
Payload: 1,000 kg (2,200 lb).
Thrust: 890.00 kN (200,070 lbf).
Topol M - Alternate designation for
Topol'-E - Russian ICBM. Version of Topol' used from 2014 for new warhead section tests, most likely a maneuvering reentry vehicle.
First Launch: 2017-09-26.
Last Launch: 2017-12-26.
Number: 2 .
Topol'-M - All-Russian solid propellant ICBM set to replace all older models in the first decade of the 21st Century. Designed for mobile deployment on 8-axis transport-launcher RT-2M2/SS-X-29), or placement in existing UR-100N and R-36M silos (RT-2M1/SS-X-27).
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1994-12-20.
Last Launch: 2017-01-16.
Number: 14 .
Gross mass: 47,200 kg (104,000 lb).
Payload: 1,200 kg (2,600 lb).
Thrust: 890.00 kN (200,070 lbf).
Topol'-M 15Zh55 - Status: Retired 2004.
First Launch: 2000-09-27.
Last Launch: 2004-12-24.
Number: 4 .
Topol'-M-1 - Alternate name for
Topol'-M-2 - Alternate name for
Topol'-M-3 - Alternate name for
TOPS - Astronomy satellite operated by JAXA, Japan.
Topsat - Delayed from May 18, mid-July, August 25, September 27 and 30, 2005. UK military surveillance research satellite. Used the
SSTL-150 bus.
TopSat 1 - Earth Observation satellite built by QinetiQ (prime), SSTL (bus) for MoD, BNSC, UK. Launched 2005. Used the
SSTL-150 bus.
First Launch: 2005-10-27.
Last Launch: 2005-10-27.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 130 kg (280 lb).
Topsi - Acronym for Topside sounder satellite
Tor - Russian surface-to-air missile. Mobile, single-vehicle surface-to-air missile system designed to defend army units against low-flying attack aircraft, guided bombs, and cruise missiles.
Status: Operational 1988.
Gross mass: 165 kg (363 lb).
Payload: 15 kg (33 lb).
Tor 9K331 - Russian surface-to-air missile. Tor was later improved to the Tor-M1 (9K331) system with the 9M331 missile.
Gross mass: 165 kg (363 lb).
Payload: 15 kg (33 lb).
Tor-M1 - Alternate name of
Tor 9K331.
Toroid FD - Notional LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Study 1963. Operational date would have been December 1976. Engines for recoverable stage. Used on Nova MM T10RR-2 launch vehicle.
Status: Study 1963.
Thrust: 20,015.00 kN (4,499,550 lbf).
More at: Lox/LH2
Toroidal 400k - Notional LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Study 1967. Used on Saturn V-3B launch vehicle.
Status: Study 1967.
Thrust: 1,778.00 kN (399,710 lbf).
More at: Lox/LH2
Toroidal 560k - Notional LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Design concept 1990's.
Status: Design concept 1990's.
Thrust: 2,491.00 kN (559,999 lbf).
More at: Lox/LH2
Toronto - Canadian agency. Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Toronto GNB - University of Tornto Generic Nanosatellite bus.
Status: Operational 2010.
First Launch: 2010-07-12.
Last Launch: 2014-08-19.
Number: 9 .
Torpov - Russian manufacturer.
TOS - Alternate designation for
TOS - American earth weather satellite. TOS spacecraft marked the first operational system of US polar-orbiting meteorological satellites.
Status: Operational 1966.
First Launch: 1966-10-02.
Last Launch: 1969-02-26.
Number: 7 .
Gross mass: 140 kg (300 lb).
TOS - Alternate designation for
IUS-2 rocket stage.
TOS (Russian abbreviation) - Heavy Orbital Station (Russian abbreviation)
Toshiba - Japanese manufacturer of spacecraft. Toshiba Corp., Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Toshiba Corp - First name of
Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer - Earth Probe - Alternate designation for
TOMS-EP earth atmosphere satellite.
Toulon - First Launch: 1945-03-15.
Last Launch: 1945-07-18.
Number: 7 .
Toulouse - French manufacturer. Toulouse, Toulouse, France.
Tournesol - Alternate name for
Tournesol / Polaire - Science satellite, France. Launched 1971.
First Launch: 1971-04-15.
Last Launch: 1971-12-05.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 96 kg (211 lb).
TOW 2 - Alternate name of
TOW 2 - Alternate name of
TOW 2A - Alternate name of
TOW AGM-71A - American anti-tank missile. Air-launched version.
Gross mass: 23 kg (50 lb).
Payload: 3.60 kg (7.90 lb).
TOW AGM-71C - American anti-tank missile. Anti-armour, Improved TOW,
Gross mass: 23 kg (50 lb).
Payload: 3.60 kg (7.90 lb).
TOW AGM-71D - American anti-tank missile. Anti-armour, TOW 2
Gross mass: 28 kg (61 lb).
Payload: 5.90 kg (13.00 lb).
TOW BGM-71 - Raytheon (Hughes) ground-launched missile.
Gross mass: 22 kg (48 lb).
TOW BGM-71A - American anti-tank missile. Antitank missile. Production ended.
Gross mass: 25 kg (56 lb).
TOW BGM-71B - American anti-tank missile.
TOW BGM-71C - American anti-tank missile. Improved TOW antitank missile. Production ended.
Gross mass: 25 kg (56 lb).
TOW BGM-71D - American anti-tank missile. Antitank missile. Larger warhead. Production ended.
Gross mass: 27 kg (60 lb).
Payload: 6.00 kg (13.20 lb).
TOW BGM-71E - American anti-tank missile. Antitank missile. Tandem warhead. In production.
Gross mass: 28 kg (61 lb).
TOW BGM-71F - American anti-tank missile. Antitank missile. Dual EFP warheads, fired down over target. In production.
Gross mass: 29 kg (63 lb).
TOW XMGM-71A - American anti-tank missile. Experimental version.
TOW2 - Alternate name of
TOW2A - Alternate name of
TOW2B - Alternate name of
Townsend, Ronald Dean - American meteorologist payload specialist astronaut, 1985-1986.
Status: Inactive; Active 1985-1986.
Born: 1948-06-19.
TPFO - Topex Program Follow-On, alternate name for
TPI - Abbreviation for Terminal phase initiation
TPS - Abbreviation for Thermal Protection System
TR-1 - Japanese single stage test vehicle.
Status: Retired 1998.
First Launch: 1988-09-05.
Last Launch: 1989-08-19.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 11,800 kg (26,000 lb).
Thrust: 608.00 kN (136,683 lbf).
TR-1 pressure suit - American pressure suit, tested 1980. Prototype full pressure suit developed by ILC Dover for the TR-1 aircraft.
Status: tested 1980.
TR106 - Manufacturer's designation of
TR-106 LOx-LH2 rocket engine.
TR-106 - TRW LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Development. Innovative TRW 650K Low Cost Pintle Engine, test fired at NASA's test center in October 2000.
Status: Development.
Date: 2000.
Thrust: 2,892.00 kN (650,147 lbf).
More at: Lox/LH2
TR-107 - TRW LOx/kerosene rocket engine. Booster stages. TRW design for NASA's Space Launch Initiative. The engine used duct-cooling of the main combustion chamber and materials that would not interact with kerosene to minimize coking.
Date: 2002.
Thrust: 4,900.00 kN (1,101,500 lbf).
More at: Lox/Kerosene
TR-1-1 - Solid rocket stage. 608.00 kN (136,684 lbf) thrust. Mass 10,800 kg (23,810 lb).
Status: Retired 1998.
Gross mass: 10,800 kg (23,800 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 3,900 kg (8,500 lb).
Thrust: 608.00 kN (136,683 lbf).
More at: Solid
TR-1-10800 - NASDA solid rocket engine.
Gross mass: 10,800 kg (23,800 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 3,900 kg (8,500 lb).
Thrust: 608.00 kN (136,683 lbf).
More at: Solid
TR-1-7500 - NASDA solid rocket engine.
Gross mass: 7,500 kg (16,500 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 4,000 kg (8,800 lb).
Thrust: 608.00 kN (136,683 lbf).
More at: Solid
TR-1A - Japanese test vehicle. Single stage vehicle.
Status: Retired 1998.
First Launch: 1991-09-15.
Last Launch: 1998-11-18.
Number: 7 .
Gross mass: 10,300 kg (22,700 lb).
Thrust: 608.00 kN (136,683 lbf).
TR-1A-1 - Solid rocket stage. 608.00 kN (136,684 lbf) thrust. Mass 7,500 kg (16,535 lb).
Status: Retired 1998.
Gross mass: 7,500 kg (16,500 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 4,000 kg (8,800 lb).
Thrust: 608.00 kN (136,683 lbf).
More at: Solid
TR-201 - Alternate designation for
Delta P rocket stage.
TR-201 - TRW N2O4/Aerozine-50 rocket engine. Apollo lunar module ascent stage engines. Surplus engines used on Delta P stage. First flight 1972.
Number: 90 .
Unfuelled mass: 113 kg (249 lb).
Thrust: 41.90 kN (9,419 lbf).
More at: N2O4/Aerozine-50
TRAAC - American technology satellite. Transit Research and Attitude Control. Technology satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1961.
Status: Operational 1961.
First Launch: 1961-11-15.
Last Launch: 1961-11-15.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 109 kg (240 lb).
TRACE - American solar satellite. TRACE, carried a 30-cm extreme ultraviolet imaging telescope for studies of the sun. Lockheed was the lead contractor while the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory made the telescope mirrors. Solar observatory satellite built by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for NASA, USA. Launched 1998.
Status: Operational 1998.
First Launch: 1998-04-02.
Last Launch: 1998-04-02.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 213 kg (469 lb).
Tracking and Data Relay Satellite - Alternate designation for
TDRS military communications satellite.
Tracking network technology satellite - Category of spacecraft.
Tracor - American manufacturer. Tracor, USA.
Trailblazer - American technology satellite built by SpaceDev for SpaceDev, ORS, USA. Launched 2008. Used MMB-100 Bus.
Status: Operational 2008.
First Launch: 2008-08-03.
Last Launch: 2008-08-03.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 84 kg (185 lb).
Trailblazer 1 - American test vehicle. The rocket's first three stages would take the upper stage package to a 260 km apogee. The upper stage package was mounted upside-down in relation to the other stages. When it had reached the peak, the three upper stages fired in sequence, ramming the payload, a 13 cm sphere, into the atmosphere at orbital re-entry speeds.
Status: Retired 1963.
First Launch: 1959-03-03.
Last Launch: 1963-02-16.
Number: 15 .
Gross mass: 3,400 kg (7,400 lb).
Payload: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb).
Thrust: 365.00 kN (82,055 lbf).
Trailblazer 2 - American test vehicle. NASA rocket designed for high-speed re-entry tests.
Status: Retired 1973.
First Launch: 1961-12-14.
Last Launch: 1973-12-06.
Number: 16 .
Gross mass: 6,100 kg (13,400 lb).
Payload: 18 kg (39 lb).
Thrust: 547.00 kN (122,970 lbf).
Trailblazer 2 M-2 - Alternate name for
Trailblazer 2 M-4 - Alternate name for
Cygnus 15.
Trailblazer 2 M-5 - Alternate name for
Cygnus 5.
TrailBlazer 2001 - Lunar lander for TransOrbital, Inc., USA. Used TrailBlazer Bus.
Gross mass: 100 kg (220 lb).
Trailblazer 2M - American test vehicle. Five stage version for artificial meteorite launches consisting of 2 x Recruit strap-ons + 1 x Castor first stage + 1 x Skat second stage. The upper stage package consisted of 1 x Altair + 1 x Cygnus 15 + 1 x Cygnus 5
Gross mass: 6,100 kg (13,400 lb).
Payload: 0.0008 kg (0.0018 lb).
Thrust: 547.00 kN (122,970 lbf).
Trailblazer test vehicle - American test vehicle. The Trailblazer rockets were designed to conduct experiments in re-entry physics.
Status: Retired 1973.
TrailBlazer-2001-Dummy - Technology satellite built by Yuzhnoye Design Office for TransOrbital, Inc., USA. Launched 2002.
First Launch: 2002-12-20.
Last Launch: 2002-12-20.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 420 kg (920 lb).
train-launched - Category of missiles.
Tramontane - SEPR solid rocket engine. Out of production. Used on Berenice launch vehicle. First flight 1962. Berenice third stage.
Status: Out of production.
Gross mass: 280 kg (610 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 124 kg (273 lb).
Thrust: 50.00 kN (11,240 lbf).
More at: Solid
Tranquility - Alternate name of
Node 2, 3 (Harmony, Tranquility).
Transat - Navigation, technology satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1977. Used Transit-Bus, Gravity Stabilized.
First Launch: 1977-10-28.
Last Launch: 1977-10-28.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 92 kg (202 lb).
Transat - Modification of first APL-built operational
Transit for 'related experiments'.
Transfer Orbit Stage - Alternate designation for
TOS rocket stage.
Transhab Module - American manned space station module. Cancelled 1998. Cost overruns soon forced NASA to consider other options for the International Space Station's habitation module. The space agency originally intended to use the same 8.
Status: Cancelled 1998.
Transit - Spin-stabilized Transit satellites were developed by the US Navy beginning in 1958 for the first operational navigation satellite system. Transit provided continuous navigation satellite service from 1964, initially for Polaris submarines and later for civilian use. The use of the satellites for navigation was discontinued at the end of 1996 (replaced by GPS/Navstar), but the seemingly-indestructible satellites continued transmitting and became the Navy Ionospheric Monitoring System (NIMS). 46 launches, 1959.09.17 (Transit 1A) to 1988.08.25 (Transit O-31). Navigation satellite built by Naval Avionics Facility (#1-3, 5, 7); Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) (#4, 6, 8-17); RCA (#18 - 32) for USN, USA. Launched 1964 - 1988. Used Transit-Bus, Gravity Stabilized.
Status: Operational 1959.
First Launch: 1959-09-17.
Last Launch: 1988-08-25.
Number: 46 .
Gross mass: 55 kg (121 lb).
Transit 1A, 1B - Navigation satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1959 - 1960.
First Launch: 1959-09-17.
Last Launch: 1960-04-13.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 119 kg (262 lb).
Transit 2A, 2B - Navigation satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1960.
First Launch: 1960-06-22.
Last Launch: 1960-06-22.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 101 kg (222 lb).
Transit 3A, 3B - Navigation satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1960 - 1961.
First Launch: 1960-11-30.
Last Launch: 1961-02-22.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 113 kg (249 lb).
Transit 4A, 4B - Navigation satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1961.
First Launch: 1961-06-29.
Last Launch: 1961-11-15.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 79 kg (174 lb).
Transit-5A 1, 2, 3 - Navigation satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1962 - 1963. Used Transit-Bus.
First Launch: 1962-12-19.
Last Launch: 1963-06-16.
Number: 3 .
Transit-5BN 1, 2, 3 - Navigation satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1963 - 1964. Used Transit-Bus.
First Launch: 1963-09-28.
Last Launch: 1964-04-21.
Number: 3 .
Transit-5C 1, 2 - Navigation satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1964. Used Transit-Bus.
First Launch: 1964-06-04.
Last Launch: 1964-06-04.
Number: 1 .
Transit-5E 1 - Experimental satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1963. Used Transit-Bus.
First Launch: 1963-09-28.
Last Launch: 1963-09-28.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 59 kg (130 lb).
Transit-5E 2 - Experimental satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1964. Used Transit-Bus.
First Launch: 1964-04-21.
Last Launch: 1964-04-21.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 70 kg (154 lb).
Transit-5E 3 - Experimental satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1963. Used Transit-Bus.
First Launch: 1963-12-05.
Last Launch: 1963-12-05.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 52 kg (114 lb).
Transit-5E 4 - Experimental satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN. Used Transit-Bus.
Transit-5E 5 - Experimental satellite built by Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) for USN, USA. Launched 1964. Used Transit-Bus.
First Launch: 1964-12-13.
Last Launch: 1964-12-13.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 77 kg (169 lb).
Transit-O 11 - Alternate name of
Transat (Transit-O 11, NNS 30110).
Transportniy Korabl Snabzheniya - Alternate designation for
TKS manned spacecraft.
Transtage - Alternate designation for
Titan Transtage rocket stage.
Transtage 1, 2, 5 - Instrumented third stage satellite, USA. Launched 1964 - 1965.
First Launch: 1964-09-01.
Last Launch: 1965-06-18.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 9,694 kg (21,371 lb).
Transtar - Aerojet N2O4/MMH rocket engine. Development completed 1987. Upper stage engine using injectors, chamber, and nozzle derived from the Shuttle OMS system, but pump-fed for increased chamber pressure and Isp. Tested; no production.
Status: Development completed 1987.
Unfuelled mass: 76 kg (167 lb).
Thrust: 16.70 kN (3,754 lbf).
More at: N2O4/MMH
Traub - German expert in biological warfare during World War II.
Travis AFB Defense Area - Nike air defense area, consisting of several Nike missile batteries to defend urban, industrial, and military targets from Soviet bomber attacks.
Treaties - Treaties between the United States and the Soviet Union affected the course of space and missile development during the Cold War. The Outer Space Treaty curtailed development of space for offensive military purposes, slowing but not ending plans by both powers for space-based weaponry.. The ABM. SALT, and START treaties limited the numbers of anti-ballistic and ballistic missiles on both sides. The INF treaty actually scrapped a whole category of offensive missiles. With the end of the Cold War, voluntary reductions due to a lack of perceived threat led to further drastic cutbacks on both sides. By 2010 the increases of long-range missile forces in China, India, Pakistan, Israel, Iran, and North Korea led to an end to these reductions and the introduction of force modernization and new anti-ballistic missile programs in Russian and the United States.
Treaties - ABM Treaty - The text of the ABM Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which limited deployment of anti-ballistic missile systems to two sites in each country.
Treaties - INF - The text of the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty, which banned intermediate-range nuclear weapons in Europe.
Treaties - Outer Space - The text of the Outer Space Treaty, which prohibited deployment of nuclear weapons in space, and led to curtailment of anti-satellite and offensive space weapons programs in the United States and Russia.
Treaties - SALT 1 - The text of the SALT-1 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, which stopped the growth in US/Soviet intercontinental-range nuclear weapons arsenals
Treaties - SALT 2 - The second part of the text of the SALT-2 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, which cut back the US/Soviet intercontinental-range nuclear weapons arsenals
Treaties - START 1 - The second part of the text of the START-1 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, which further cut back the US/Soviet intercontinental-range nuclear weapons arsenals
Treaties - START 2 - The text of the START-2 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, which further cut back the US/Soviet intercontinental-range nuclear weapons arsenals
Tregub, Yakov Isayevich - Russian engineer. Deputy Chief Designer 1964-1973 of Korolev design bureau for flight controls for piloted flights.
Treshchev, Sergei Yevgeniyevich - Russian engineer cosmonaut 1992-2006. Civilian Engineer, Energia NPO
Flight record: 1 spaceflight, 184.9 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-111 (2002)..
Status: Inactive; Active 1992-2006.
Born: 1958-08-18.
Spaceflights: 1 .
Total time in space: 184.93 days.
Tresvyatski, Sergei Nikolayevich - Russian test pilot cosmonaut, 1985-1996.
Status: Inactive; Active 1985-1996.
Born: 1954-05-06.
Treugolnik (export version) - Alternate name of
Triad - Alternate name of
TIP 2, 3 (Triad, NNS).
Triad - Alternate designation for
TIP Transit Improvement Program [TIP] prototype spacecraft.
Triad 1 - Navigation satellite built by JHU/APL for USN, USA. Launched 1972. Used Transit-Bus, three bodys connected by booms, gravity stabilized, RTG.
First Launch: 1972-09-02.
Last Launch: 1972-09-02.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 94 kg (207 lb).
Triamese - American winged orbital launch vehicle. The General Dynamics proposed an ingenious "Triamese" concept for the US Air Force "Integral Launch & Re-entry Vehicle" program. This system (originally developed in 1965 for a classified USAF SAMSO study) would have utilized three virtually identical reusable booster/orbiter element vehicles rather than develop two different booster and orbiter spaceplanes. General Dynamics estimated that the Triamese only would cost $1-2 billion to develop (=$4.5-9B at 1999 economic conditions) and be operational by 1976.
Status: Study 1968.
Gross mass: 518,456 kg (1,142,999 lb).
Payload: 11,340 kg (25,000 lb).
Thrust: 6,679.00 kN (1,501,498 lbf).
TRICOM 1 - Technology satellite built by University of Tokyo for University of Tokyo, Ministry of education and Science (MEXT), Japan. Launched 2017. Cubesat 3U bus.
First Launch: 2017-01-14.
Last Launch: 2017-01-14.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb).
Tri-Deacon Deacon HPAG - Three stage vehicle consisting of 3 x Deacon + 1 x Deacon + 1 x HPAG
Status: Retired 1954.
First Launch: 1954-04-29.
Last Launch: 1954-04-29.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 200 kg (440 lb).
Thrust: 75.00 kN (16,860 lbf).
Tri-Deacon Deacon HPAG 3 - Alternate designation for
Tri-Deacon Deacon HPAG.
Trident - American submarine-launched ballistic missile. US Navy submarine-launched ballistic missiles, which superseded the Polaris.
Status: Active.
Trident 1 - Alternate designation for
Trident C-4.
Trident 2 - Alternate designation for
Trident D-5.
Trident C-4 - American intercontinental ballistic missile. 3 stages, inertial guided, warhead: nuclear MIRV. Could replace Poseidon in existing submarine launch tubes.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1977-01-18.
Last Launch: 2001-12-18.
Number: 174 .
Gross mass: 29,475 kg (64,981 lb).
Payload: 1,317 kg (2,903 lb).
Trident C-4-1 - Alternate name for
Trident C-4-2 - Alternate name for
Trident C-4-3 - Alternate name for
Trident St 3.
Trident D-5 - American intercontinental range, submarine-launched ballistic missile. Deployed March 1990 aboard the new Ohio-class submarines. 336 remain in service in the 2010's as America's seaborne nuclear deterrent.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1987-01-15.
Last Launch: 2018-03-27.
Number: 189 .
Gross mass: 59,078 kg (130,244 lb).
Payload: 1,690 kg (3,720 lb).
Trident D-5-1 - Alternate name for
Trident D-5-2 - Alternate name for
Trident D-5-3 - Alternate name for
Trident St 3.
Trident Motor - Philco-Ford solid rocket engine. Atlas F/Trident second stage.
Status: Retired 1971.
Gross mass: 1,100 kg (2,400 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 700 kg (1,540 lb).
Thrust: 35.00 kN (7,868 lbf).
More at: Solid
Trident St 3 - CSD solid rocket engine. Trident D-5, Trident C-4 third stage.
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 2,200 kg (4,800 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 159 kg (350 lb).
More at: Solid
Trifanov, Yuri Nikolayevich - Russian engineer. Deputy Chief Designer of Chelomei design bureau Filial 1. Later management positions at NPO Energia and NPO Lavochkin.
Trigat - French anti-tank missile. Joint Franco-German weapon.
Gross mass: 21 kg (46 lb).
Trigat Long Range - German/French anti-tank missile. Helicopter or vehicle launch, with increased warhead. Deliveries in 2003.
Gross mass: 49 kg (108 lb).
Trigat Med. Range - German/French anti-tank missile. Deliveries in 2002.
Gross mass: 14 kg (30 lb).
Trinh, Eugene Huu-Chau 'Gene' - Vietnamese-American physicist payload specialist astronaut 1983-1992.
Flight record: 1 spaceflight, 13.8 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-50 (1992)..
Status: Inactive; Active 1983-1992.
Born: 1950-09-14.
Spaceflights: 1 .
Total time in space: 13.81 days.
Triple Deacon - American test vehicle. Single stage vehicle.
Status: Retired 1953.
First Launch: 1953-05-08.
Last Launch: 1953-06-25.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 100 kg (220 lb).
Thrust: 75.00 kN (16,860 lbf).
Triple Deacon HPAG - American test vehicle. Two stage vehicle consisting of 3 x Deacon + 1 x HPAG
Status: Retired 1953.
First Launch: 1953-08-20.
Last Launch: 1953-11-20.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 100 kg (220 lb).
Thrust: 75.00 kN (16,860 lbf).
Tripoli - Tripoli missile base.
First Launch: 1986-04-15.
Last Launch: 1986-04-15.
Number: 2 .
Trishul - Indian surface-to-air missile. In development.
Gross mass: 129 kg (284 lb).
Tritko, Karl Ivanovich - Russian engineer. Chief of SKB of NII-88 1946-1949. Led work on early missiles.
Triton - US Navy ship- and sub-to-surface cruise ramjet-powered supersonic missile. Development started in 1946. Program cancelled in 1957.
Status: Cancelled 1957.
Gross mass: 9,070 kg (19,990 lb).
Triton 1, 2 - Technology satellite for ISIS-BV, UK. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus.
First Launch: 2013-11-21.
Last Launch: 2013-11-21.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb).
Triumf - Alternate designation for
Triumph - Alternate name of
TRMM - American earth atmosphere satellite. TRMM was an international mission dedicated to measuring tropical and subtropical rainfall. Earth Observing satellite built by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center for NASA, NASDA, Japan. Launched 1997.
Status: Operational 1997.
First Launch: 1997-11-27.
Last Launch: 1997-11-27.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 3,620 kg (7,980 lb).
Trochia - Used the
SSTL-150 bus.
Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission - Alternate designation for
TRMM earth atmosphere satellite.
TROPICS - Earth observation, technology satellite for Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Space Systems Laboratory (MIT SSL), USA. Cubesat 3U bus.
Gross mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb).
Trouble In Star City - James Oberg's prescient account of the beginning of the end - or the end of the beginning - of the Soviet space industry
TRS - American technology satellite. TRS satellites undertook a range of engineering experiments related to radiation-hardening of solar cells and spacecraft electronics. Experimental satellite built by TRW Systems Group for USAF, USA. Launched 1962 - 1963.
Status: Operational 1963.
First Launch: 1963-05-09.
Last Launch: 1964-07-17.
Number: 5 .
Gross mass: 1.00 kg (2.20 lb).
TRS (abbreviation) - Abbreviation for Tele-operated Reboost System
TRS Mk. 2 - Experimental satellite built by TRW Systems Group for USAF, USA. Launched 1963 - 1964.
First Launch: 1963-10-17.
Last Launch: 1964-07-17.
Number: 2 .
Truax LH2 - Aerojet LOx/LH2 rocket engine. Test 1962. Used in Sea Horse-2.
Status: Test 1962.
Thrust: 147.10 kN (33,069 lbf).
More at: Lox/LH2
Truax Volksrocket. - Alternate designation for
Sea Horse.
Truax, Robert C - American USN rocket pioneer, developed missiles USN 1940-1959. Loaned to USAF to run Thor program 1955-1958. At Aerojet 1958-1967. Proponent and inventor of ultra-low-cost rocket engine and vehicle concepts.
Born: 1917-09-03.
Died: 2010-09-17.
Trubachev, Pavel Yefimovich - Russian officer. Major General, Chief of Directorate of GURVO 1963-1970. In 1945-1946 part of team recovering rocket technology in Germany. After that worked in NII-88.
Born: 1911.
Died: 1981-01-01.
TrueZer0 -
Truhill, Geraldine 'Jerri' - American pilot, one of the Mercury 13 female astronauts proposed in 1961, but never entered training.
Status: Deceased.
Born: 1927.
Died: 2013-11-18.
Truly, Richard Harrison 'Dick' - American pilot astronaut 1965-1983.
Flight record: 2 spaceflights, 8.3 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-2 (1981), STS-8..
Status: Inactive; Active 1965-1983.
Born: 1937-11-12.
Spaceflights: 2 .
Total time in space: 8.31 days.
Trumpet - American military signals intelligence satellite. 3 launches, 1994.05.03 (USA 103) to 1997.11.08 (USA 136). ELINT satellite built by Boeing for USAF, USA. Launched 1994 - 1997.
Status: Operational 1994.
First Launch: 1994-05-03.
Last Launch: 1997-11-08.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 6,000 kg (13,200 lb).
Trumpet Follow-on - Probably a signals intelligence satellite with an attached SBIRS-HEO early warning sensor as a secondary payload. ELINT satellite for USAF, USA. Launched 2014.
Status: Operational 2014.
First Launch: 2014-12-13.
Last Launch: 2014-12-13.
Number: 1 .
Trumpet-F O 1, 2 - ELINT, early warning satellite built by Boeing for USAF, USA. Launched 2006 - 2008.
First Launch: 2006-06-28.
Last Launch: 2008-03-13.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 3,900 kg (8,500 lb).
TRW - American manufacturer of rockets, spacecraft, and rocket engines. TRW Corporation, Redondo Beach, CA, USA.
TRW - First name of
TRW - First name of
Redondo Beach.
TRW Inc. - Alternate name for
TRW Mars - American manned Mars expedition. Study 1963. In 1963 TRW designed a Mars expedition using aerobraking at both Mars and Earth, and a swing-by of Venus on return.
Status: Study 1963.
Gross mass: 650,000 kg (1,430,000 lb).
More at: Lox/LH2
TRW Space & Electronics - First name of
TRW-IAI - American manufacturer. TRW-IAI, USA.
TRYAD A, B - Cubesat 6U bus.
Tryggvason, Bjarni Valdimar - Icelandic-Canadian engineer mission specialist astronaut 1983-2008. CSA; Alternate Payload Specialist to MacLean for STS-52 Mission LAGEOS-2 and Test of the Canadian Space Vision System.
Flight record: 1 spaceflight, 11.9 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-85 (1997)..
Status: Inactive; Active 1983-2008.
Born: 1945-09-21.
Spaceflights: 1 .
Total time in space: 11.85 days.
TS 1, 2 - Alternate name of
SY 1, 2 (TS 1, 2).
TS 3, 4 - Alternate name of
SY 3, 4 (TS 3, 4).
TS-1 - Article Number of
Shiyan civilian surveillance satellite.
Ts-1 - Alternate designation for
LL manned rocketplane.
TsAGI - Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute (Russian abbreviation)
Tsahal - Israeli agency. Tsahal, Israel.
Tsander, Friedrich Arturovich - Soviet chief theoretician. Rocket pioneer Russian-Soviet rocket pioneer.
Born: 1887.
Died: 1933-01-01.
TsAO - Russian agency. Central Aerology Observatory, Russia.
TSAT - Technology satellite for Taylor University, USA. Launched 2014. Cubesat 2U bus.
First Launch: 2014-04-18.
Last Launch: 2014-04-18.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 2.00 kg (4.40 lb).
TsBank - Russian agency. Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
TsBank RF - Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
TSC - Alternate name for
TSC - Alternate name for
Tschechner, Robert - German specialist engineer in WW2, member of the Rocket Team in the Soviet Union, worked on rocket engine development in Glushko's design bureau from 1947 to 1952. Worked in Manufacture; Laboratory Department.
Born: 1899-01-01.
Tschinkel, Johann G - German-Austrian rocket technician, arrived in the United States under Project Paperclip on 1945.11.16 aboard the
Argentina from La Havre. Fluent in English prior to arrival in the United States. Died in Tallahassee, Florida.
Born: 1907-04-07.
Died: 2004-09-21.
TSCJ - Japanese agency overseeing development of spacecraft. TSCJ, Japan.
Tselina - Russian ELINT satellite network
Tselina-2 - Ukrainian military signals intelligence satellite. ELINT satellite built by KB Yuzhnoye (bus), TsNIRTI Minradioprom (ELINT payload), Russia. Launched 1984 - 2007.
Status: Operational 1984.
First Launch: 1984-09-28.
Last Launch: 2007-06-29.
Number: 26 .
Gross mass: 6,000 kg (13,200 lb).
Tselina-2 ICBM - Ukrainian intercontinental ballistic missile. Development of the Tselina-2 road transport for a heavy ICBM can be traced back to the late 1960's. By the 1970's two versions had been designed, the 12-axle MAZ-7906 and 8-axle MAZ-7907. They could transport loads of up to 140 metric tons, much greater than the single-warhead RT-23 and its container. Although trials of prototypes were conducted in the 1980's, the road mobile version of the RT-23 was never put into service.
Tselina-3 - Ukrainian military signals intelligence satellite. Cancelled in the early 1990s. The Tselina-3 third generation two-tier ELINT satellite system was developed in parallel with Tselina-2.
Status: Cancelled 1992.
Gross mass: 6,000 kg (13,200 lb).
Tselina-D - Ukrainian military signals intelligence satellite. The Tselina D was the detailed observation portion of the two-satellite Tselina ELINT satellite system. ELINT satellite built by Yuzhnoye (prime), TsNII-108 GKRE (payload), Russia. Launched 1970 - 1994.
Status: Operational 1970.
First Launch: 1970-12-18.
Last Launch: 1994-05-25.
Number: 77 .
Gross mass: 2,000 kg (4,400 lb).
Tselina-O - Ukrainian ELINT satellite. From 1965 to 1967 two dedicated ELINT systems were tested by the Soviet Union: Tselina and US. Both were routinely operated. ELINT satellite built by Yuzhnoye (prime), TsNII-108 GKRE (payload), Russia. Launched 1967 - 1982.
Status: Operational 1967.
First Launch: 1967-06-26.
Last Launch: 1982-03-31.
Number: 42 .
Gross mass: 434 kg (956 lb).
Tselina-O-GVM - Mass model of Tselina-O spacecraft.
First Launch: 1967-06-26.
Last Launch: 1967-06-26.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 800 kg (1,760 lb).
Tselina-OM - Ukrainian military signals intelligence satellite. Study 1970. Improved version of Tselina-O. Either not put into production or later launches listed as Tselina-O were actually of Tselina-OM model. Navigation / Communication satellite built by NPO Prikladnoi Mekhaniki (NPO PM), Russia. Launched 1967 - 1978. Used KAUR-1 bus.
Status: Study 1970.
First Launch: 1967-11-23.
Last Launch: 1978-07-27.
Number: 26 .
Gross mass: 800 kg (1,760 lb).
Tselina-R - ELINT satellite built by Yuzhnoye (prime), TsNII-108 GKRE (payload), Russia. Launched 1986 - 1993.
First Launch: 1986-12-10.
Last Launch: 1993-04-16.
Number: 4 .
Gross mass: 2,000 kg (4,400 lb).
Tsentralniya Aerologicheskaya Observatoriya, GMS - Alternate name for
Tshepiso - Cubesat from South Africa's Cape Peninsula University of Tech (CPUT).
TshepisoSat - Alternate name of
ZACUBE 1 (TshepisoSat, ZA 003).
Tsibliyev, Vasili Vasiliyevich - Russian pilot cosmonaut 1987-1998. 381 cumulative days in space. Call sign: Sirius (Sirius).
Flight record: 2 spaceflights, 381.7 days in space. Flew to orbit on Soyuz TM-17 (1993), Soyuz TM-25..
Status: Inactive; Active 1987-1998.
Born: 1954-02-20.
Spaceflights: 2 .
Total time in space: 381.66 days.
Tsien Hsue-shen (Qian Xuesen) - (1911-2009) Father of Chinese spaceflight. Leading rocket theoretician, expelled from USA as Red in 1955. Created China's space industry from scratch, results: China's first ballistic missiles, 1960s; first satellite, 1970; and first astronaut, 2003.
Born: 1911-12-11.
Died: 2009-10-31.
Tsien Spaceplane 1949 - American winged rocketplane. In 1949 Tsien Hsue-shen, the leading expert in high-speed aerodynamics working in America, applied the knowledge learned from German rocket developments to the design of a practical intercontinental rocket transport.
Status: Design 1949.
Gross mass: 44,000 kg (97,000 lb).
Payload: 2,000 kg (4,400 lb).
Tsien Spaceplane 1978 - Chinese manned spaceplane. Study late 1970s. Tsien Hsue-shen's manned spacecraft design proposed in the late 1970's was a winged spaceplane, launched by a CZ-2 core booster with two large strap-on boosters.
Status: Study 1970.
Gross mass: 7,800 kg (17,100 lb).
Tsikada - Russian navigation satellite. Tsikada was a complementary civilian version of the Parus military naval navigation satellite system for the Soviet Merchant Marine and Academy of Sciences. Navigation satellite built by NPO Prikladnoi Mekhaniki (NPO PM), Russia. Launched 1976 - 1995. Used KAUR-1 bus.
Status: Operational 1976.
First Launch: 1976-12-15.
Last Launch: 1995-07-05.
Number: 20 .
Gross mass: 820 kg (1,800 lb).
Tsikada-Kospas - Alternate designation for
Tsikada-M - Alternate designation for
Parus navigation satellite.
Tsiklon - Ukrainian orbital launch vehicle. On 16 March and 1 August 1961 the Central Committee and Politburo approved development of Chelomeis UR-200 (8K81) universal rocket. The UR-200 was to orbit Chelomeis IS (Istrebitel Sputnik) ASAT; the US (Upravlenniye Sputnik) nuclear-powered naval intelligence satellite; and the Raketoplan combat re-entry vehicle. Trial flights of the missile began on 4 November 1963.
On October 13, 1964, Khrushchev was ousted from power. The new leadership, under Brezhnev, was adverse to all projects Khrushchev had supported. These included those of Chelomei. An expert commission under M V Keldysh was directed to examine all of Chelomeis projects and make recommendations as to which should be cancelled. Keldysh found that Yangels R-36 rocket was superior to Chelomeis UR-200 and that the Raketoplan was technically overly ambitious. The UR-200 and Raketoplan were accordingly cancelled, while the IS and US satellites were redesigned for launch by the R-36.
A government decree of 24 August 1965 formalised the decision and the Yangel bureau began design work in 1966. Required modifications to the R-36 were minimal; the IS and US Raketoplan-derived payloads had their own engines for insertion into final orbit. The Tsyklon 11K67 first test version was an adaptation of the 8K67 (SS-9 Mod 1) two stage ICBM and flew only briefly (1967 to 1968). It was quickly replaced by the definitive 11K69 Tsyklon 2 launch vehicle. The military project manager was L A Dolnikov.
Status: Operational 1967.
First Launch: 1967-10-27.
Last Launch: 1969-01-25.
Gross mass: 182,000 kg (401,000 lb).
Payload: 3,000 kg (6,600 lb).
Thrust: 2,366.00 kN (531,897 lbf).
Tsiklon satellite - Russian navigation satellite.
Status: Operational 1967.
First Launch: 1967-05-15.
Last Launch: 1978-07-27.
Number: 31 .
Gross mass: 800 kg (1,760 lb).
Tsiklon-1 - Alternate designation for
Tsiklon-2 - Ukrainian orbital launch vehicle. A government decree of 24 August 1965 ordered development by Yangel of a version of his R-36 rocket to orbit Chelomei's IS (Istrebitel Sputnik) ASAT and US (Upravlenniye Sputnik) naval intelligence satellites. The Tsyklon 2 definitive operational version replaced the 11K67 launch vehicle from 1969 and was an adaptation of the 8K69 (SS-9) two stage ICBM. The IS and US Raketoplan-derived payloads had their own engines for insertion into final orbit.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1969-08-06.
Last Launch: 2006-06-24.
Number: 106 .
Gross mass: 182,000 kg (401,000 lb).
Payload: 2,820 kg (6,210 lb).
Thrust: 2,366.00 kN (531,897 lbf).
Tsiklon-2A - Ukrainian orbital launch vehicle. Minimal modification of the R-36 ICBM used in replacement of Chelomei's cancelled UR-200 booster for initial launches of the IS ASAT and US naval radarsat. Development was authorized in late 1965 and first launch was made before the end of 1967. It flew only eight times before being replaced by the definitive Tsyklon-2 space launch vehicle.
Status: Retired 1969.
First Launch: 1967-10-27.
Last Launch: 1969-01-25.
Number: 8 .
Gross mass: 182,000 kg (401,000 lb).
Payload: 3,000 kg (6,600 lb).
Thrust: 2,366.00 kN (531,897 lbf).
Tsiklon-2K - Russian orbital launch vehicle variant.
Tsiklon-3 - Ukrainian orbital launch vehicle. The Tsyklon 3 was developed in 1970-1977 as a part of a program to reduce the number of Soviet booster types. The first two stages were derived from the 8K68 version of the R-36 ICBM, while the restartable third stage was derived from that of the R-36-O. Compared to the Tsyklon 2, the launch vehicle increased payload to 4 metric tons, provided for completely automated launch operations, and had increased orbital injection accuracy.
Status: Active.
First Launch: 1977-06-24.
Last Launch: 2009-01-30.
Number: 122 .
Gross mass: 189,000 kg (416,000 lb).
Payload: 4,100 kg (9,000 lb).
Thrust: 2,713.00 kN (609,906 lbf).
Tsiklon-4 - Ukrainian orbital launch vehicle. Updated version of Tsyklon 3, announced by the Ukraine in 2005 as being in design. Improved lower stages, new upper stage and a new 4.0-m diameter payload fairing. No production plans.
Status: Design 2005.
Gross mass: 198,250 kg (437,060 lb).
Payload: 4,900 kg (10,800 lb).
Tsiklon-B - Manufacturer's designation for
Parus navigation satellite.
Tsinghua - Beijing-1 carried a 31-cm focal-length cartographic telescope with a resolution of 4 meters. It was to be part of the international Disaster Monitoring Constellation. Operated by Tsinghua University. Used the
SSTL-150 bus.
Tsinghua - Chinese manufacturer of spacecraft. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
Tsinghua 1 - Technology satellite built by SSTL for Tsinghua University, China. Launched 2000. Used the
Microsat-70 bus.
First Launch: 2000-06-28.
Last Launch: 2000-06-28.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 49 kg (108 lb).
Tsiolkovskiy launch vehicle - Russian orbital launch vehicle. Tsiolkovskiy was the first to propose the use of liquid hydrogen and oxygen to propel a rocket, and calculated its performance using the crucial rocket equation V = c ln(Mo/ Me).
Status: Design 1903.
Tsiolkovskiy, Konstantin E - Chief Soviet theorist of spaceflight, developed mathematics of rocketry and space travel, identifying basic rocket and spacecraft designs. But work little known outside the Soviet Union, did not influence Goddard and Oberth.
Born: 1857.
Died: 1935-09-19.
Tsirulnikov bureau - Russian manufacturer of solid propellant missiles.
Tsirulnikov, Mikhail Yuryevich - Russian engineer. First manager of the Perm Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (later NPO Iskra). Designer of artillery systems, solid propellant missiles, and engine units.
Born: 1907.
Died: 1990-01-01.
TSIS 1 - Earth Science satellite for NASA GSFC, University of Colorado CU/LASP (Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics),, USA.
TsK - Central Committee (Russian abbreviation)
TsKB - Central Design Bureau (Russian abbreviation)
TsKB-7 - Russian manufacturer of rocket engines. TsKB-7, Russia.
TsKBEM - Central Design Bureau of Experimental Machine Building (Russian abbreviation)
TsKBEM (1965) - Third name of
Korolev bureau.
TsKBEM Kuibyshev Filial - Second name of
Kozlov bureau.
TsKBEM-1 - Alternate name for
Energia Engineer Group 1 - 1966.
TsKBEM-1 astronaut group, 1968 - Requirement: engineers for planned Soyuz and Almaz flights. In 1968-1975 the VVS expected no fewer than 20 Almaz space stations, 50 military 7K-VI missions, 200 Soyuz training spacecraft flights and 400 Soyuz space transport flights.
Date: 1966.
TsKBEM-2 - Alternate name for
Energia Engineer Group 2 - 1967.
TsKBEM-2 astronaut group, 1972 - Requirement: engineers for lunar landing missions.
Date: 1967.
TsKBEM-3 - Alternate name for
Energia Engineer Group 3 - 1972.
TsKBEM-3 astronaut group, 1973 - Requirement: engineers for Apollo-Soyuz international space docking mission.
Date: 1972.
TsKBM - Central Design Bureau of Machine Building (Russian abbreviation)
TsKBM-1 - Alternate name for
Almaz Engineer Group 1 - 1972.
TsKBM-1 astronaut group, 1972 - Requirement: engineer for Almaz military space station missions.
Date: 1972.
TsKBM-2 - Alternate name for
Almaz Engineer Group 2 - 1973.
TsKBM-2 astronaut group, 1973 - Requirement: engineer for Almaz military space station missions.
Date: 1973.
TsKBM-3 - Alternate name for
Almaz Engineer Group 3 - 1978.
TsKBM-3 astronaut group, 1978 - Requirement: engineers for Almaz military space station missions.
Date: 1978.
TsKIK - Central Command-Measurement Complex (Russian abbreviation)
TslAM - Central Institute of Aviation Motor Building (Russian abbreviation)
TsM-D 77KSD-17101 - Manufacturer's designation for
Kvant-2 manned space station.
TsM-E 37Ke-010 - Manufacturer's designation for
Kvant manned space station.
TsM-I 77KSI - Manufacturer's designation for
Priroda manned space station.
TsM-T 77KST-17201 - Manufacturer's designation for
Kristall manned space station.
TsNII - Central Scientific-Research Institute (Russian abbreviation)
TsNIIMash - Russian manufacturer of rocket engines. Central Scientific-Research Institute for Machine Building, Russia.
TsNPO Vympel - Third name of
TsPK - Cosmonaut Training Centre (Russian abbreviation)
TsPK-1 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 1 - 1960.
TsPK-1 astronaut group, 1960 - Requirement: pilot astronauts for the Vostok program.
Date: 1960.
TsPK-10 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 10 - 1989.
TsPK-10 astronaut group, 1989 - Requirement: pilot cosmonauts for Mir missions.
Date: 1989.
TsPK-11 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 11 - 1990.
TsPK-11 astronaut group, 1990 - Requirement: pilot cosmonauts for Mir missions.
Date: 1990.
TsPK-12 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 12 - 1997.
TsPK-12 astronaut group, 1997 - Requirement: pilot cosmonauts for ISS missions.
Date: 1997.
TsPK-13 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 13 - 2003.
TsPK-13 astronaut group, 2003 - Requirement: pilot cosmonauts for ISS missions.
Date: 2003.
TsPK-14 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 14 - 2006.
TsPK-14 astronaut group, 2006 - Requirement: pilot cosmonauts for ISS missions.
Date: 2006.
TsPK-15 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 15 - 2010.
TsPK-15 astronaut group, 2010 - Requirement: pilot cosmonauts for ISS missions.
Date: 2010.
TsPK-2 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 2 - 1963.
TsPK-2 astronaut group, 1963 - Requirement: astronauts for the Soyuz manned spaceflight program.
Date: 1963.
TsPK-3 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 3 - 1965.
TsPK-3 astronaut group, 1965 - Requirement: pilots for planned Soyuz, Soyuz VI, Spiral, and Almaz flights. In 1968-1975 the VVS expected no fewer than 20 Almaz space stations, 50 military 7K-VI missions, 200 Soyuz training spacecraft flights and 400 Soyuz space transport flights.
Date: 1965.
TsPK-4 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 4 - 1967.
TsPK-4 astronaut group, 1967 - Requirement: engineers for planned Soyuz and Almaz flights. In 1968-1975 the VVS expected no fewer than 20 Almaz space stations, 50 military 7K-VI missions, 200 Soyuz training spacecraft flights and 400 Soyuz space transport flights.
Date: 1967.
TsPK-5 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 5 - 1970.
TsPK-5 astronaut group, 1970 - Requirement: test pilots for the Spiral spaceplane.
Date: 1970.
TsPK-6 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 6 - 1976.
TsPK-6 astronaut group, 1976 - Requirement: test pilots for the Buran program.
Date: 1976.
TsPK-7 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 7 - 1978.
TsPK-7 astronaut group, 1978 - Requirement: pilots for the Buran and Mir programs.
Date: 1978.
TsPK-8 - Alternate name for
Air Force Group 8 - 1987.
TsPK-8 astronaut group, 1987 - Requirement: pilots for the Buran and Mir programs.
Date: 1987.
TsPK-9 astronaut group, 1988 - Requirement: test pilots for Buran spaceplane
Date: 1985.
TSS - The Italian Tethered Satellite System was mounted in the shuttle payload bay and consisted of a 1.6-m-diameter satellite, a conducting tether, and a tether deployment/retrieval system. The system would reel out a satellite on a 22-km long tether. After a failed attempt to deploy it in 1992, there was an inadvertent launch on the second attempt in 1996 when the tether broke. Tethered, retrievable satellite satellite operated by ISA, NASA, Italy. Launched 1992 - 1996.
Status: Operational 1992.
First Launch: 1992-07-31.
Last Launch: 1996-02-22.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 518 kg (1,141 lb).
TSS (abbreviation) - Abbreviation for Targeted Search System
TSSAM MGM-137 - Northrop AGM/ mobile surface-to-surface missile. Tri-Service Stand-off Attack Missile. Range: 160+ km, price: $1 - $2 milion.
TsSKB - Central Specialized Design Bureau (Samara, Russia), Russia
TsSKB (1965) - Third name of
Kozlov bureau.
TSTO - Two Stage To Orbit (also 2STO)
Tsubame - 'Swallow', an astronomy satellite from the Tokyo Institute of Technology and carried a hard X-ray polarimeter to study the polarization of gamma ray bursts. Sun synchronous orbit; 1055 GMT local time of the descending node. Astronomy, X-ray satellite for Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo University of Science and JAXA, Japan. Launched 2014.
Status: Operational 2014.
First Launch: 2014-11-06.
Last Launch: 2014-11-06.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 49 kg (108 lb).
Tsubasa - Alternate name of
MDS 1 (Tsubasa).
TsUKOS - Central Directorate of Space Assets (Russian abbreviation)
Tsukushi - Alternate name of
QSAT-EOS (Tsukushi).
Tsukushi - 'Horsetail'; also called QSAT-EOS, Kyushu Satellite for Earth Observation System Demonstration. The satellite carried a CMOS camera with 4 m resolution and 7 km swath, a magnetometer and an in-situ space debris detector, as well as a deployable 3-meter kapton sail used as a drag augmentation device. Sun synchronous orbit; 1055 GMT local time of the descending node.
Status: Operational 2014.
First Launch: 2014-11-06.
Last Launch: 2014-11-06.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 49 kg (108 lb).
TsUP - Flight Control Centre (Russian abbreviation)
Tsurilnikov - Russian manufacturer.
TSX - Military Technology satellite. Fifth
STEP (Space Test Experiments Program) satellite. The satellite's main section was the STRV-2 experiment module, sponsored by the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and the UK government.
TSX 5 - Experimental satellite built by Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC) for USAF STP (Space Test Program), USA. Launched 2000. Used the
LEOStar bus.
First Launch: 2000-06-07.
Last Launch: 2000-06-07.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 250 kg (550 lb).
Tsybin bureau - Russian manufacturer of rocketplanes and missiles.
Tsybin, Paver Vladimirovich - Russian Chief Designer OKB-256 1945-1959. Designs: LL rocketplanes, RS Mach 3 ramjet aircraft, PKA spaceplane. Bureau closed, worked for Korolev on Vostok, Soyuz, AMS and Molniya satellites. Deputy Designer of Buran space shuttle, 1974-1992.
Born: 1905-12-23.
Died: 1992-02-04.
Tsyklon 2-1 - N2O4/UDMH propellant rocket stage. SL-11; 11K68;R-36M.
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 122,300 kg (269,600 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 6,400 kg (14,100 lb).
Thrust: 2,640.00 kN (593,490 lbf).
More at: N2O4/UDMH
Tsyklon 2-2 - N2O4/UDMH propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 49,300 kg (108,600 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 3,700 kg (8,100 lb).
Thrust: 940.40 kN (211,410 lbf).
More at: N2O4/UDMH
Tsyklon 2-3 - N2O4/UDMH propellant rocket stage. Integral portion of payload.
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 3,200 kg (7,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 400 kg (880 lb).
Thrust: 77.96 kN (17,526 lbf).
More at: N2O4/UDMH
Tsyklon 3-1 - N2O4/UDMH propellant rocket stage. SL-14;11K69.
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 127,000 kg (279,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 8,300 kg (18,200 lb).
Thrust: 3,032.00 kN (681,620 lbf).
More at: N2O4/UDMH
Tsyklon 3-2 - N2O4/UDMH propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 53,300 kg (117,500 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 4,800 kg (10,500 lb).
Thrust: 941.00 kN (211,545 lbf).
More at: N2O4/UDMH
Tsyklon 3-3 - N2O4/UDMH propellant rocket stage. .
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 4,600 kg (10,100 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 1,407 kg (3,101 lb).
Thrust: 78.71 kN (17,694 lbf).
More at: N2O4/UDMH
Tsyklon M - Alternate designation for
TT- - Tyuratam. Designation given by US intelligence services to launch complexes observed there; or TT, Technical Translation (US government)
TT 1 - Technology satellite for National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), China. Launched 2012.
First Launch: 2012-05-10.
Last Launch: 2012-05-10.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 9.00 kg (19.80 lb).
TT 2 - Technology satellite for National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), China. Launched 2014.
First Launch: 2014-09-08.
Last Launch: 2014-09-08.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 67 kg (147 lb).
TT 3 - Technology satellite for National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), China. Launched 2015.
First Launch: 2015-09-19.
Last Launch: 2015-09-19.
Number: 1 .
TT&C - Abbreviation for Telemetry Tracking and Command
TT-200 - Japanese sounding rocket. Single stage vehicle.
Gross mass: 200 kg (440 lb).
TT-200 engine - NASDA solid rocket engine. TT-200 first stage.
Status: R.
Gross mass: 200 kg (440 lb).
More at: Solid
TT-200-1 - Alternate name for
TT-200 engine.
TT-210 - Japanese sounding rocket. Single stage vehicle.
Status: Retired 1976.
First Launch: 1975-08-17.
Last Launch: 1976-09-24.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 200 kg (440 lb).
TT-210 engine - NASDA solid rocket engine. TT-210 first stage.
Status: Retired 1976.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 200 kg (440 lb).
More at: Solid
TT-210-1 - Alternate name for
TT-210 engine.
TT-500 - Japanese sounding rocket. Small, half-meter diameter, two stage suborbital rocket used for tracking system and microgravity tests.
Status: Retired 1980.
First Launch: 1977-01-25.
Last Launch: 1980-01-28.
Number: 7 .
Gross mass: 2,200 kg (4,800 lb).
TT-500 engine - NASDA solid rocket engine. TT-500 first stage.
Status: Retired 1983.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1,300 kg (2,800 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 300 kg (660 lb).
Thrust: 116.00 kN (26,077 lbf).
More at: Solid
TT-500-1 - Alternate name for
TT-500 engine.
TT-500-2 - Alternate name for
TT-500A - Alternate designation for
TT-500A - Japanese sounding rocket.
Status: Retired 1983.
First Launch: 1980-09-13.
Last Launch: 1983-08-18.
Number: 6 .
Gross mass: 2,200 kg (4,800 lb).
TT-500-S2 - NASDA solid rocket engine. TT-500 second stage.
Status: Retired 1983.
Gross mass: 700 kg (1,540 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 200 kg (440 lb).
Thrust: 61.00 kN (13,713 lbf).
More at: Solid
TTR - Alternate name for
TTS - American tracking network technology satellite. Tested Apollo tracking network. Experimental satellite built by TRW for NASA, USA. Launched 1967 - 1971.
Status: Operational 1967.
First Launch: 1967-12-13.
Last Launch: 1968-11-08.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 20 kg (44 lb).
TTT - System requirements (Russian abbreviation)
TTZ - System specifications (Russian abbreviation)
TU - Technical University (German)
Tu Shoue - Chinese Engineer. Chief Designer of the CZ-2E heavy-lift launch vehicle.
Born: 1917-12-05.
Died: 2012-12-15.
Tu-121 - Russian intermediate range cruise missile. Mach 3 intermediate range cruise missile, tested in 1958-1960 before cancellation.
Status: Cancelled 1960.
Gross mass: 32,600 kg (71,800 lb).
Payload: 3,000 kg (6,600 lb).
Thrust: 790.00 kN (177,590 lbf).
Tu-121 cruise vehicle - Turbojet powered cruise missile stage. KR-15-300 engine by OKB-300 (now MZ Soyuz), rated for 15 hour endurance.
Status: Development 1960..
Gross mass: 23,200 kg (51,100 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 7,200 kg (15,800 lb).
Thrust: 98.00 kN (22,031 lbf).
More at: Air/Kerosene
Tu-123 - Russian intercontinental boost-glide missile. Exotic design for an intercontinental missile using a gas core fission reactor for cruise propulsion. Studied circa 1957.
Status: Study 1957.
Gross mass: 35,000 kg (77,000 lb).
Payload: 3,000 kg (6,600 lb).
Tu-123 cruise vehicle - Nuclear/Air propellant rocket stage. Turbojet using mixed propulsion, either burning kerosene or heating air directly with a nuclear reactor.
Status: Study.
Gross mass: 27,000 kg (59,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 7,300 kg (16,000 lb).
More at: Nuclear/Air
Tu-123D - Alternate designation for
Tu-123DP - Alternate designation for
Tu-130 - Russian intercontinental boost-glide missile. Three-stage intercontinental boost-glide missile. Studied 1957-1960.
Status: Study 1957.
Gross mass: 240,000 kg (520,000 lb).
Payload: 5,000 kg (11,000 lb).
Tu-131 - Russian surface-to-air missile. Tupolev design for a long-range air-breathing surface-to-air missile. Never got beyond the design stage.
Status: Cancelled 1960.
Gross mass: 2,960 kg (6,520 lb).
Payload: 190 kg (410 lb).
Tu-133 - Russian intercontinental cruise missile. Mach 3 intercontinental range cruise missile, cancelled in 1960 before flight tests began.
Status: Cancelled 1960.
Payload: 3,000 kg (6,600 lb).
Thrust: 215.00 kN (48,333 lbf).
Tu-160 - Mach 2 rocket launch aircraft. Tupolev Bomber-variable geometry. Maximum release conditions: Belly-mounted, 9,977 kg at 2,451 kph at 18,292 m altitude
Status: Development ended 1992.
Gross mass: 205,442 kg (452,922 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 99,773 kg (219,961 lb).
Payload: 28,000 kg (61,000 lb).
Thrust: 533.67 kN (119,974 lbf).
More at: Air/Kerosene
Tu-2000 - Russian winged orbital launch vehicle. This Soviet equivalent to the US X-30 single-stage-to-orbit scramjet aerospaceplane began development in1986. Three versions were planned: a Mach 6 test vehicle, under construction at cancellation of the program in 1992; a Mach 6 intercontinental bomber; and a single-stage-to-orbit launch vehicle.
Status: Cancelled 1992.
Gross mass: 90,000 kg (198,000 lb).
Thrust: 900.00 kN (202,320 lbf).
More at: Air/Lox/LH2
Tu-2000 EAP - Airbreathing Slush LH2 propellant rocket stage. Aerospaceplane to compete with American X-30. Single stage to orbit, scramjet air breather. Tupolev assigned to start work in 1993. Mockup built, and some subscale flights to Mach 6 on tactical missiles of scramjet model, but project now dormant due to lack of funds. Wing area 160 square meters, wing sweep 70 degrees. Two crew.
Status: Development ended 1992.
Gross mass: 90,000 kg (198,000 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 40,000 kg (88,000 lb).
Thrust: 882.00 kN (198,281 lbf).
More at: Air/Slush LH2
TU-289 - Manufacturer's designation of
SR49 rocket engine.
TU-700 stage series -
TU-715 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Ute Tomahawk first stage.
Status: Retired 1976.
Gross mass: 200 kg (440 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 62 kg (136 lb).
Thrust: 85.00 kN (19,108 lbf).
More at: Solid
TU-716 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Paiute Apache first stage.
Status: Retired 1981.
Gross mass: 300 kg (660 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 81 kg (178 lb).
Thrust: 186.00 kN (41,814 lbf).
More at: Solid
TU-758 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Terrier Malemute second stage.
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 600 kg (1,320 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 100 kg (220 lb).
Thrust: 55.10 kN (12,387 lbf).
More at: Solid
TU-844 - Manufacturer's designation of
SSUS-A Motor Solid rocket engine.
TU-903 - Manufacturer's designation of
Peacekeeper 1 Solid rocket engine.
TU-904 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Peacekeeper first stage.
Status: Retired 2005.
Gross mass: 53,400 kg (117,700 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 4,400 kg (9,700 lb).
Thrust: 1,711.00 kN (384,648 lbf).
More at: Solid
TU-936 - Manufacturer's designation of
Star 63D Solid rocket engine.
TUAF - Turkish Air Force, Cigli Air Base, Izmir
TUB - German manufacturer of spacecraft. Technische Universitaet Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
TUBIN - Technology satellite for TU Berlin, Germany. Used TUBiX20 bus.
Gross mass: 17 kg (37 lb).
Tubitak-Bilten - Turkish agency. Tubitak-Bilten, Turkey.
Tubsat - Germany's Technical University of Berlin (TUB) built a successful series of 40 kg 'Tubsat' experimental technology satellites. Germany's Technical University of Berlin (TUB) built a successful series of 40 kg 'Tubsat' experimental technology satellites.
Status: Operational 1991.
First Launch: 1991-07-17.
Last Launch: 2015-09-28.
Number: 8 .
Gross mass: 45 kg (99 lb).
Tubsat 8, 9, 10, 11 - Alternate name of
BeeSat 1, 2, 3, 4 (Tubsat 8, 9, 10, 11).
Tubsat A - Technology satellite for TU Berlin, Germany. Launched 1991.
First Launch: 1991-07-17.
Last Launch: 1991-07-17.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 35 kg (77 lb).
Tubsat B - Technology satellite for TU Berlin, Germany. Launched 1994.
First Launch: 1994-01-25.
Last Launch: 1994-01-25.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 40 kg (88 lb).
Tubsat N - Technology, data relay satellite for Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), Germany. Launched 1998. Used Tubsat-N Bus.
First Launch: 1998-07-07.
Last Launch: 1998-07-07.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 8.00 kg (17.60 lb).
Tubsat N1 - Technology, data relay satellite for Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), Germany. Launched 1998. Used Tubsat-N Bus.
First Launch: 1998-07-07.
Last Launch: 1998-07-07.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 3.00 kg (6.60 lb).
Tuchkov, Leonid Timofeyevich - Russian officer. Major General, Deputy Chief of the Mozhaiskiy Military Engineering Institute 1971-1986.
Born: 1920.
Tucker, Charles - American test pilot. Flew the X-5 # 1. World War II service with the Flying Tigers in China. Test pilot after 1946 for Northrop, then Lockheed, flying the YB-49 Flying Wing, X-5, and XF-104.
Status: Inactive.
Born: 1919-12-23.
Died: 2010-04-26.
TUGSAT - Satellite based on the Toronto Generic Nanosatellite Bus (
Toronto GNB), built by the Technical University of Graz, Austria with help from UTIAS. Carried an 0.03m telescope-photometer for stellar photometry and astroseismology.
TUGsat 1 - Astronomy / Technology satellite built by Graz University of Technology; UTIAS (bus) for Graz University of Technology, Austria. Launched 2013. Used Generic Nanosatellite Bus (GNB).
First Launch: 2013-02-25.
Last Launch: 2013-02-25.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 10 kg (22 lb).
Tumanskiy, Sergei Konstantinovich - Russian chief designer. Chief Designer and General Designer 1955-1973 of OKB-300. Specialized in aircraft turbine engines but also produced spacecraft attitude control engines.
Born: 1901-05-21.
Died: 1973-09-09.
Tumanyan, Gay Lazarevich - Russian officer. Major General, Commander of the political units of the KIK space tracking units 1961-1968.
Born: 1901.
Died: 1972-01-01.
Tundra - Russian early warning satellite, launched from 2015 into Molniya orbits, replacing the earlier Oko series.
First Launch: 2015-11-17.
Last Launch: 2017-05-25.
Number: 2 .
Tunguska - Russian surface-to-air missile. Integrated single-vehicle gun/missile system for mobile air defence.
Status: Operational 1982.
Gross mass: 42 kg (92 lb).
Payload: 9.00 kg (19.80 lb).
Tunguska-M - Russian surface-to-air missile. In 1990 the modernised Tunguska-M with the 2K22M missile entered test. Updates included new radio units, a new gas turbine engine for electrical power generation, with a 600 hour life in place of the 300 hour life of the old generator. Trials were conducted in August-October 1990, and the system accepted for production shortly thereafter.
Status: Operational 1991.
Tunisia -
Tupac Katari - Bolivia's first communications satellite, named after the historical Bolivian leader Julian Apasa Nina (Tupac Katari, 1750-1781). The satellite used a
DFH-4 bus.
TuPOD - Technology satellite for Gauss Srl., Italy. Launched 2016. Cubesat 3U bus.
First Launch: 2016-12-09.
Last Launch: 2016-12-09.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb).
Tupolev bureau - Russian manufacturer of aircraft, missiles, and spacecraft.
Tupolev, Andrei Nikolayevich - Russian chief designer. Chief Designer and General Designer 1943-1972 of OKB-156.
Born: 1888-11-10.
Died: 1972-12-23.
Turaevo Machine-building Design Bureau 'Soyuz - Alternate designation for
Stepanov Bureau.
Turaevo Machine-building Design Bureau 'Soyuz - Alternate name of
Stepanov bureau.
Turbofan - Category of engines.
Turbojet - Category of engines.
Turk Hava Kuvvetleri - Alternate name for
Turk Tel - Turkish Posts and Telecom Ministry, Turkey.
Turkey - Turkey
Turkish AF - Turkish agency.
Turkmen-lem 52E - Communication satellite built by Thales Alenia Space for Turkmen Ministry of Communications; Space Systems International-Monaco S.A.M., Turkmenistan. Launched 2015. Used the
Spacebus-4000C2. Launched 2015.
First Launch: 2015-04-27.
Last Launch: 2015-04-27.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4,707 kg (10,377 lb).
TurkmenAlem - Communications satellite series owned by the Turkmenistan National Space Agency and the Turkmen Ministry of Communications. The GEO orbital slot was assigned to Monaco. Used the Spacebus 4000 bus.
Turkmenistan -
Turkmenistan Memorial Capsule - Memorial satellite built by Kosmotras, Turkmenistan. Launched 2005.
First Launch: 2005-08-23.
Last Launch: 2005-08-23.
Number: 1 .
Turksat - Communications satellites launched to support Turkish domestic communications and television, orbited by the Ministry of Posts and Communications of the Republic of Turkey.
Turksat 1A, 1B, 1C - Communication satellite built by Aerospatiale for Tnrksat AS, Turkey. Launched 1994 - 1996. Used the
Spacebus-2000 bus.
First Launch: 1994-01-24.
Last Launch: 1996-07-09.
Number: 3 .
Gross mass: 1,743 kg (3,842 lb).
Turksat 3A - Communication satellite built by Alcatel Alenia Space for Tnrksat AS, Turkey. Launched 2008. Used the
Spacebus-4000B2 bus.
First Launch: 2008-06-12.
Last Launch: 2008-06-12.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 3,110 kg (6,850 lb).
Turksat 4A - Communication satellite built by Mitsubishi Electric (MELCO) for Tnrksat AS, Turkey. Launched 2014. Used the
DS-2000 bus.
First Launch: 2014-02-14.
Last Launch: 2014-02-14.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4,850 kg (10,690 lb).
Turksat 4B - Communication satellite built by Mitsubishi Electric (MELCO) for Tnrksat AS, Turkey. Launched 2015. Used the
DS-2000 bus.
First Launch: 2015-10-16.
Last Launch: 2015-10-16.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4,924 kg (10,855 lb).
Turksat 5A, 5B - Communication satellite built by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), TBD (bus) for Tnrksat AS.
Gross mass: 2,700 kg (5,900 lb).
Turksat 6A - Communication satellite built by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) for Tnrksat AS.
TurkSat-3USat - Technology, communication satellite for Istanbul Technical University (ITÜ), Turkey. Launched 2013. Cubesat 3U bus.
First Launch: 2013-04-26.
Last Launch: 2013-04-26.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 4.00 kg (8.80 lb).
Turner Defense Area - Nike air defense area, consisting of several Nike missile batteries to defend urban, industrial, and military targets from Soviet bomber attacks.
Turovets, Vladimir Yevgeniyevich - Russian test pilot cosmonaut, 1977-1980. Test pilot, Gromov Flight Research Institute. Selected as a cosmonaut for the Buran program in 1977 by the Gromov Flight Test Center, but the selection was not confirmed by the government commission. Died in the crash of an Mi-8 helicopter.
Status: Deceased.
Born: 1949-02-20.
Died: 1982-02-08.
TUS - Russian experimental microsat to test a UV-telescope with a deployable Fresnel-mirror.
TV - Abbreviation for Television
TVE - SDI Experiments satellite operated by SDIO, USA. Launched 1988.
First Launch: 1988-02-08.
Last Launch: 1988-02-08.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 1,800 kg (3,900 lb).
Tveretskiy, Aleksandr Fedorovich - Russian officer. First Commander of Special Purpose Brigade (precursor to the Strategic Missile Forces), 1946-49.
Born: 1904-11-17.
Died: 1992-12-31.
TVSAT - West German communications satellite network
TV-Sat - West German communications satellite series for the German Bundespost.
TV-Sat 1, 2 - Communication satellite built by Aerospatiale for Deutsche Bundestpost => Deutsche Telekom, Germany. Launched 1987 - 1989. Used the
Spacebus-300 bus.
First Launch: 1987-11-21.
Last Launch: 1989-08-08.
Number: 2 .
Gross mass: 2,136 kg (4,709 lb).
TW 1A - Alternate name of
Shankeda 2 (TW 1A).
TW 1B - Alternate name of
NJUST 2 (TW 1B).
TW 1C - Alternate name of
NJFA 1 (TW 1C).
Twining, Nathan F - American USAF officer, chief of staff from 1953 and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 1957-1960. During this period key decisions were made regarding ICBM, manned spacecraft, and military satellite development.
Born: 1897-10-11.
Died: 1982-03-01.
Twinkle - Astronomy, visible satellite built by SSTL (bus); UCL (payload), UK. Used the
SSTL-300 bus.
Gross mass: 300 kg (660 lb).
TWX - Abbreviation for Teletype message
TX 1 - Earth observation, technology satellite built by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China. Launched 2011.
First Launch: 2011-11-09.
Last Launch: 2011-11-09.
Number: 1 .
Gross mass: 58 kg (127 lb).
TX-135 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Nike Zeus first stage.
Status: Retired 1966.
Gross mass: 5,000 kg (11,000 lb).
Thrust: 2,000.00 kN (449,600 lbf).
More at: Solid
TX-174 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Pershing 1A first stage.
Status: Retired 1983.
Gross mass: 2,000 kg (4,400 lb).
Thrust: 117.00 kN (26,302 lbf).
More at: Solid
TX-175 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Pershing 1A second stage.
Status: Retired 1983.
Gross mass: 2,000 kg (4,400 lb).
Thrust: 85.00 kN (19,108 lbf).
More at: Solid
TX-20 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Draco first stage.
Status: Retired 1959.
Gross mass: 3,500 kg (7,700 lb).
Thrust: 213.00 kN (47,884 lbf).
More at: Solid
TX-230 stage series -
TX-238 - Alternate designation for
Nike Zeus DM-15S.
TX-238 - Alternate designation for
Nike Zeus.
TX-238 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Nike Zeus second stage.
Status: Retired 1966.
Gross mass: 3,000 kg (6,600 lb).
More at: Solid
TX-239 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Nike Zeus 3 third stage.
Status: Retired 1975.
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TX-261-3 - Thiokol solid rocket engine.
Status: Retired 1977.
Thrust: 244.00 kN (54,853 lbf).
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TX-30 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Draco second stage.
Status: Retired 1959.
Gross mass: 2,000 kg (4,400 lb).
Thrust: 44.50 kN (10,004 lbf).
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TX-33 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Polaris TV first stage.
Status: Retired 1958.
Gross mass: 8,300 kg (18,200 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 1,450 kg (3,190 lb).
Thrust: 285.00 kN (64,070 lbf).
More at: Solid
TX-354-3 - Alternate designation for
Castor 2 solid rocket engine.
TX-454 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Spartan ABM second stage.
Status: Retired 1975.
Gross mass: 5,000 kg (11,000 lb).
More at: Solid
TX-481 - Manufacturer's designation of
SR109 rocket engine.
TX-50 stage series -
TX-500 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Spartan ABM first stage.
Status: Retired 1975.
Gross mass: 5,000 kg (11,000 lb).
Thrust: 2,000.00 kN (449,600 lbf).
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TX-52 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Doorknob 1 first stage.
Status: Retired 1959.
Gross mass: 300 kg (660 lb).
Thrust: 168.00 kN (37,767 lbf).
More at: Solid
TX-526 - Manufacturer's designation of
Castor 4 Solid rocket engine.
TX-633 - Manufacturer's designation of
SR114 rocket engine.
TX-664-4 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Basic Terrier mk70 motor. Solid propellant rocket stage. Thrust kN. The basic Terrier mk70 motor was 3.94 m long with a principal diameter of 46 cm. There was a 7.6-cm interstage adapter which allowed for drag separation at Terrier burnout. Typically, the Terrier booster would utilize two spin motors to reduce dispersion and also serve as drag plates. Each Terrier fin was 0.43 square meters in area. Normally, the fins were canted to provide two revolutions per second spin rate at Terrier burnout. Terrier Mk 70 Oriole first stage.
Status: Active.
Gross mass: 1,038 kg (2,288 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 290 kg (630 lb).
More at: Solid
TX-77 - Thiokol solid rocket engine. Castor Lance second stage.
Status: Retired 1985.
Gross mass: 800 kg (1,760 lb).
Unfuelled mass: 274 kg (604 lb).
Thrust: 227.00 kN (51,031 lbf).
More at: Solid
TX-780 - Manufacturer's designation of
Castor 4A engine Solid rocket engine.
TX-780B - Alternate designation for
Castor 4B engine.
TX-780B - Manufacturer's designation of
Castor 4B rocket engine.
TX-780XL - Manufacturer's designation of
Castor 4AXL Solid rocket engine.
TX-859 - Manufacturer's designation of
Castor 4BXL Solid rocket engine.
Tyan-Shan - Alternate name for
Soyuz TMA-5.
Tyndall AFB - Home of the Air Warfare Center. Doctrines for the use of tactical air-to-air missiles were developed at Tyndall.
Type 1 - Alternate name of
BD-3 M (Type 1).
Type 1 - Alternate name of
BD-3 I (Type 1).
Type 149 - Alternate designation for
Variant B.
Type 2 - Alternate name of
BD-3 I (Type 2).
Type 2 - Alternate name of
BD-3 M (Type 2).
Type 375 - Swedish anti-submarine missile.
Status: Operational 1956.
Gross mass: 249 kg (548 lb).
Type 375M/50 - Alternate name of
Type 375.
Type 46 - Alternate designation for
Type 64 - Alternate name of
KAM-3D Type 64.
Type 79 - Alternate name of
KAM-9 Type 79.
Type 81 - Alternate name of
Tan-SAM Type 81.
Type 87 - Alternate name of
Chu-MAT Type 87.
Type 88 - Alternate name of
SSM-1 Type 88.
Type 88C - Alternate name of
Type 90 - Alternate name of
SSM-1B Type 90.
Type 90 - Alternate name of
AAM-3 Type 90.
Type 91 - Alternate name of
ASM-1C Type 91.
Type 91 - Alternate name of
Kei-SAM Type 91.
Type 93 - Alternate name of
ASM-2 Type 93.
Type 93 - Alternate name of
Tan-SAM Type 93.
Type 96 - Alternate name of
MPMS Type 96.
Type B - British pressure suit, operational 1965. Full pressure suit designed by R. E. Simpson, and developed by Baxter, Woodhouse and Taylor Ltd. for the Royal Air Force.
Status: operational 1965.
Typhon LR RIM-50 - Bendix 1950's US Navy surface-to-air missile. Cancelled 1964.
Gross mass: 9,070 kg (19,990 lb).
Typhon MR RIM-55 - Bendix 1950's US Navy surface-to-air missile. Cancelled 1964.
Typhoon LR - Alternate name of
Typhon LR RIM-50.
Typhoon MR - Alternate name of
Typhon MR RIM-55.
Tyulin, Georgi Aleksandrovich - Russian officer. First Deputy Chairman of GKOT 1961-1965. First Deputy Minister of General Machine Building 1965-1976. Chaired many State Commissions.
Born: 1914-10-09.
Died: 1990-04-22.
Tyulpan - Russian military anti-satellite system target satellite. Study 1987. ASAT target designed to be released and tracked by sensors in original design of Mir Spektr module. May also have been the ASAT targets carried aboard the Polyus star wars test bed.
Status: Study 1987.
Tyulpan Comsat - Russian communications satellite. By 1994 Lavochkin's Tyulpan system was promoted more heavily than its earlier Nord system.
Status: Design 1994.
Gross mass: 2,600 kg (5,700 lb).
Payload: 670 kg (1,470 lb).
Tyumen - Headquarters of an RVSN Division, 1961-1964. Base for units deployed with nine R-9 launchers. Moved to Aleisk.
First Launch: 1967-07-20.
Last Launch: 1968-06-07.
Number: 3 .
Tyuratam - Alternate name for
Baikonur launch site.
Tyurin, Mikhail Vladislavovich - Russian engineer cosmonaut 1994-2016. 532 cumulative days in space. Civilian Engineer, Energia NPO.
Flight record: 3 spaceflights, 532.1 days in space. Flew to orbit on STS-105 (2001), Soyuz TMA-9, Soyuz TMA-11M..
Status: Inactive; Active 1994-2016..
Born: 1960-03-02.
Spaceflights: 3 .
Total time in space: 532.12 days.
Tyurin, Petr Aleksandrovich - Russian chief designer. Chief Designer 1953-1981 of KB Arsenal. Specialized in L3 components and later performed EORSAT work.
Born: 1917-06-25.
Died: 2000-02-26.
TZ 1, 2 - Alternate name of
Tianzhou 1, 2 (TZ 1, 2).
TTlTcom 1A, 1B, 1C - Communication satellite built by BAe for France TTlTcom, France. Launched 1984 - 1988. Used the
ECS-Bus bus.
First Launch: 1984-08-04.
Last Launch: 1988-03-11.
Number: 3 .
TTlTcom 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D - Communication satellite built by Matra Marconi for France TTlTcom, France. Launched 1991 - 1996. Used the
Eurostar-2000 bus.
First Launch: 1991-12-16.
Last Launch: 1996-08-08.
Number: 4 .
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