
Showing posts from November, 2016

Automatic rifle M77 B1 (VIDEO)

Automatic rifle M77 B1 works on Kalashnikov principle, characterized by the efficient and reliable locking system, which prevents accidental firing before it comes to a complete locking. Reliability operation in different climatic and terrain conditions has confirmed the strict testing methods in accordance with military standards. Durability and high precision are achieved by creating pipe by cold forging. Suppressor disperses powder gas and decreases the flash of flames which masks the position of the weapon. Fire selector has three positions: single shot, burst, safe. Mechanical sight with tritium tubes provides the possibility of aiming in conditions of poor visibility. Lining pipes and butt are made of quality beech wood. Grenade sight became part of the kit or is an integral part of the gas chambers and rifle grenade attachment is part of a set of weapons. All automatic weapons Zastava Arms in caliber 7.62 x 51 mm use the same metal frame with a ...

The sad fate of the partisan couriers

This is the saddest story of the antifascist struggle of Partisans in World War II, and if you've heard of Bosko Buha and Sirogojno, then you need to know the story about and Slavoljub Kovic partisan fighter and courier whom the Germans had carved five-pointed star on the forehead and killed him! Slava, as he was called, was born on 21 August 1924 in Bogatić, in a poor family. He had a difficult childhood. With three years left without a father, and because of malnutrition and poor living conditions, the school has enrolled with a delay of two years. After primary school, he enrolled in tailoring, but it was not completed because of World War II, which began at that time. Slavoljub in 1941 joined Macva partisan detachment and there drafted bombs, repaired weapons, sewed clothes. In addition, he worked as a courier and guard duties. Only a few months after he joined a group of partisans in December 1941 in the Milini on the Cer Mountain was captured by the G...

Tito's underground submarine garage (VIDEO)

  During World War II The Partisans have used a large number of smaller vessels which were performed attacks on convoys in the Italian Adriatic. After the war, the Yugoslav Navy has used numerous German and Italian submarines, destroyers, minesweepers and landing craft that were captured during the war or have been obtained as part of war reparations. From the United States in the late 1940s has purchased eight torpedo boats but most of these units were soon canceled because outdated. The power of the Yugoslav Navy has increased during the 1960s when the USSR delivered ten missile boat class Osa-I and four torpedo boats class Shershen. For Shershen later obtained the license so that in Yugoslavia made 11 more ships. The island of Vis was 50 years been isolated and inaccessible to tourists. In fact, at the end of World War II, Vis was the seat of the highest civilian, military and political organs of Yugoslavia. After the withdrawal of the Yugoslav army fr...

The ZB vz. 26 a Czechoslovakian machine gun

ZB vz.26 was a  Czechoslovakian machine gun, which was designed by Vaclav Holek for the company Eskoslovenská Zbrojovka Brno. The Yugoslav partisans with  ZB Vz. 26 In mid-1921 the military of the young Czechoslovakian state embarked on a quest for a light machine gun of their own. Early trials included foreign designs such as Berthier, M1918 Browning automatic rifle, darn machine gun, machine gun Hotchkiss M1914 machine gun, machine gun Madsen, St. Étienne Mle 1907, and several domestic designs. Of these, the most important were the Praha II, a lightweight, belt-fed weapon built at Ceska Zbrojovka (CZ) Praha (Czech Arms factory in Prague). Development of the ZB-26 began in 1923 after the Czechoslovak Brno arms factory was built. Since CZ-Prague was a relatively small factory with limited industrial capabilities, it was decided to transfer the production of the new automatic weapon to the more advanced Zbrojovka Brno, Chinese National Revolutionary Army...

The memory of the Partisan heroine

Lepa Radic was an ordinary girl, one cheerful, a little girl like all teenage girls, schoolgirl, who fantasized about the first date with boys, and who knows nothing else. She was someone's sympathy from Bosanska Krupa. Today she would be a grandmother with many grandchildren, great-grandchildren, ... But Lepa Radic had only 17 years old when under the gallows tried to address the trapped people from the refuge, but the noose broke her last words. This is a reminder of one of the many brave girls and women who gave their lives defending the freedom of theirs people and a reminder of all the heroines of our history. She was born on 19 December 1925 in the village Gasnica near Gradiska, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She finished elementary school in neighboring Bistrica. She attended the first class of women Vocational School, with her older sister Dara, in Bosanska Krupa. As a student, she emphasized the hard work and seriousness. Her role model was uncle Vlad...