What do rope winding and giant pasta shapes have to do with particle physics? The answer is a new superconducting magnet ...
This models a charged particle moving in a magnetic dipole, and shows all three adiabatic invariants (magnetic moment, longitudnal invariant/magnetic mirror, and the toroidal drift/magnetic flux). A ...
Permanent magnets made of rare earth elements alloys allow to develop compact dipole magnets for the applied electron accelerator. These devices can be used for the beam trajectory bending as well as ...
A primary objective involves producing a large bore 15-T dipole magnet to serve as the source of the transverse magnetic field load. In this study, we designed and constructed a compact ...
Frédéric Garnier controls the process of inserting the inner former into the outer former. The grooves in the outer former, ...
Abstract: This paper presents a novel inversion method for tracking a moving alternating magnetic dipole in terms of search coil data. We derive the analytical formula of the search coil response for ...
Thousands of "lattice magnets" on the LHC bend and tighten the particles’ trajectory. They are responsible for keeping the beams stable and precisely aligned. Dipole magnets, one of the most complex ...
In accordance with the SSC Magnet Development Program, accelerator dipole magnets will be developed in three design iterations; i.e., A, B and e. The Design A phase is currently nearing completion ...
This models a charged particle moving in a magnetic dipole, and shows all three adiabatic invariants (magnetic moment, longitudnal invariant/magnetic mirror, and the toroidal drift/magnetic flux). A ...
Supernova debris speeds up neutron stars, strengthening magnetic fields. This explains why low-intensity magnetars still ...
The Earth’s magnetic field is predominantly a geo-axial dipole, with north and south magnetic poles located near the geographic poles that undergo periodic reversals and excursions. Nucleation ...