CT revealed moderate spinal stenosis in L3-L4 and root compression ... urinary retention and local/systemic infection. A protocol of continuous epidural technique with a tunnelled catheter (Box 1) was ...
Spinal dural and epidural arteriovenous fistulas represent the most common ... Most recently, use of cone beam CT angiography has yielded new insights into normal and pathologic anatomy, including ...
Head CT scan was normal. Spinal CT scan showed a misplaced CVC with the tip in the posterior epidural space (figure 1). The patient died 6 days later due to brain stem toxicity. We believe that ...
Most women expect pregnancy and childbirth to be difficult, while post-birth is where you can start to enjoy the baby that ...
Epidurals are the most common form of pain relief women use during labour. More than half of women giving birth hospital have one. An epidural is the injection of anaesthetic into the space around the ...
The presentation, investigation, and management of four patients with spontaneous spinal epidural haematoma is presented. In each case the diagnosis was made by MRI. At the time of diagnosis ...
CT and MRI images revealed erosive defects at the inner and outer layers of the frontal bone and communication between the frontal sinus and both the subcutaneous space (fig 1B,D) and the epidural ...