This treatment is indicated in the case of a tooth with a necrotic pulp, with or without a periapical inflammation; or when a tooth has been previously root filled and has to be retreated. If there ...
III. The Pulpotomy The following are contraindications to the pulpotomy: 1. Evidence of pulpal necrosis (as for the indirect pulp cap). 2. More than 2/3 of the root is resorbed. 3. History of ...
Periapical lesions of endodontic origin are caused by microbial infection of pulp. According to various studies, it is known that necrosis of pulp provides a favourable habitat for microbes to ...
Regenerative endodontics is an innovative approach aimed at treating immature permanent teeth that have suffered pulp necrosis. This treatment modality focuses on regenerating the pulp-dentin ...
which causes irreversible pulpitis and pulp necrosis. Dental pulp regeneration is a valuable method of restoring the viability of the dental pulp and even the whole tooth. Odontogenic mesenchymal stem ...
Traditional endodontic root canal treatments and apexification cannot revitalize the necrotic pulp to revitalize the tooth to promote further root development. As a consequence, IPT with thin dentinal ...