Type of supply - Canada
To determine what GST/HST rate to charge, you have to know which supplies are taxable and at which rate. The following table shows the different types of supplies and how the GST/HST …
General Information for GST/HST Registrants - Canada
Find out if this guide is for you If you own or operate a business in Canada, you need to know about the goods and services tax (GST) and the harmonized sales tax (HST). This guide …
More money in your pocket: A tax break for all Canadians
Nov 21, 2024 · The government is proposing that the GST/HST be fully and temporarily relieved on holiday essentials, like groceries, restaurant meals, drinks, snacks, children’s clothing, and …
When to register for and start charging the GST/HST - Canada
May 2, 2020 · Find out if you have to register for a GST/HST account You generally cannot register for a GST/HST account if you provide only exempt supplies . You have to register for …
GST/HST break - Closed - canada.ca
Dec 14, 2024 · After the GST/HST break ends During the GST/HST break Efforts to comply and compliance actions After the GST/HST break ends Starting at 12:01 am (local time of the …
Instructions for completing a GST/HST Return - Canada
Jan 1, 2017 · GST/HST - Information on how to complete a GST/HST return, including line-by-line instructions on what to include or not include.
GST/HST information for governments and diplomats - Canada
Supplies made to the federal government A supplier must charge the GST/HST on the taxable supplies of property and services it makes to the federal government. Special rules may apply …
GST/HST Information for Municipalities - Canada
GST/HST registrants generally cannot claim input tax credits to recover the GST/HST paid or payable on property and services acquired to make exempt supplies. Government means the …
Basic Groceries - Canada
GST/HST memorandum 4.3 January 2007 Overview This memorandum provides detailed information on zero-rated basic grocery products as they relate to the goods and services …
Definitions for GST/HST - Canada
Jan 1, 2017 · Exempt supplies Exempt supplies means supplies of property and services that are not subject to the GST/HST. GST/HST registrants generally cannot claim input tax credits to …