eFiling (CM/ECF)


The judiciary's Case Management/Electronic Case Files system (CM/ECF) enables counsel to file documents electronically over the Internet 24 hours a day.  Use of CM/ECF in the Fourth Circuit is governed by Local Rule 25(a).


File all documents in electronic form only with the following exceptions:

  • Briefs and appendices must be filed in both electronic and paper form.
  • New cases (petitions for review, mandamus, or permission to appeal) may be uploaded through the "Submit New Case" utility in CM/ECF or filed in paper form.
  • CJA and other financial vouchers are not filed through CM/ECF. See CJA eVoucher.

Pro Se Litigants

All documents are filed in paper form unless the pro se litigant obtains a PACER account and requests filing privileges with the Fourth Circuit. Instructions for Pro Se Filers can be found in Register for eFiling.