Archived Local Rule Amendments
Amendment to the Plan in Implementation of the Criminal Justice Act (adopted March 19, 2024)
- Amendments to Local Rules 3(a), 15(a), 21(b) and (c), 24, and 46(b) (adopted December 1, 2023)
- Amendment of Internal Operating Procedures 34.3 and 36.4 (adopted August 21, 2023)
Amendment to the Plan in Implementation of the Criminal Justice Act (adopted June 15, 2023)
- Approval of Fourth Circuit Local Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability (effective date May 31, 2023)
- Amendment to Local Rule 45 (adopted February 1, 2023)
- Adoption of Local Rule 28(g); Amendments to Local Rules 25(a) & (b), 30(b) & 31(d); and Amendments to Internal Operating Procedures (I.O.P.s) 47.1 & 47.2 (adopted July 15, 2022)
- Amendment to Local Rule 46(b) (adopted January 25, 2021)
- Standing Order 21-01 - Procedures for the Filing, Service, and Management of Highly Sensitive Documents (adopted January 13, 2021)
- Notice of Further Amendment to Standing Order 20-01 (adopted August 24, 2020)
- Notice of Standing 0rder 20-01 (adopted March 23, 2020) (amended April 7 2020, further amended August 24, 2020)
- Amendments to Local Rules 25(a)-(c), 26.1, 32(b), and 46(c) (adopted December 9, 2019)
- Approval of Standing Order 19-01 following Comment Period (adopted October 21, 2019)
- Notice of Adoption of Standing Order 19-01 (adopted October 21, 2019)
- Amendment of Local Rule35(c) and Withdrawal of March 31, 1993, Standing Order (adopted April 1, 2019)
- Amendment of Internal Operating Procedure 34.2 (adopted April 1, 2019)
- Amendment to Local Rule 29 (adopted December 1, 2018)
- Amendment to Local Rule 27(f) (adopted October 1, 2018)
- Amendments to the Plan in Implementation of the Criminal Justice Act and Appendix A, CJA Panel Administration (adopted June 1, 2018)
- Notice of Repeal of Order 113 and Adoption of Order 367, In the Matter of Death Penalty Representation in the Fourth Circuit (adopted February 27, 2018)
- Amendments to Internal Operating Procedures 47.1 & 47.2 (adopted nunc pro tunc April 24, 2014)
- Amendment to Local Rule 46(b) (adopted December 1, 2016)
- New Local Rule 29 (adopted December 1, 2016)
- Adoption of Internal Operating Procedure 36.4 (adopted October 20, 2015)
- Amendments to Local Rules 6(a), 25(a)(1)(C) & (E), 30(b)(4), 31(d), 32(a), 32(b), 34(c) and 39(c) (adopted October 1, 2015)
- Amendments to the Plan in Implementation of the Criminal Justice Act and the Plan for the Composition and Administration of the CJA Appellate and Capital Appellate Panels (adopted October 1, 2015)
- Amendment to Internal Operating Procedure 34.3 (adopted April 8, 2015)
- Amendment to Local Rule 35 (adopted January 2, 2015)
- Adoption of Standing Order 14-01
(adopted September 1, 2014)
- Amendment to Local Rule 28(f) (adopted December 2, 2013)
- Amendments to Local Rules 3(a), 15(a), 21(b) & (c) and 24 (adopted December 1, 2013 )
- Amendments to Local Rules 36(b) and 46(c) (adopted June 1, 2013 )
- Amendments to Local Rules 41 & 46(b) (adopted October 1, 2012)
- Electronic Filing Rule Amendments (adopted July 2, 2012)
- Additional Proposed Amendments to Local Rules 25(a) & 32(b) (adopted July 2, 2012)
- Electronic Filing Rule Amendments (Suspended)
- Special Procedures for Reviewing Attorney Compensation Requests In Death Penalty Cases (Suspended)
- Amendment to Local Rule 46(b) (adopted November 1, 2011)
- Amendments to Local Rules 39(a), 30(b) & 31(d) (adopted September 1, 2011)
- New Internal Operating Procedure 34.3 (adopted May 2, 2011)
- Amendment to IOP 47.2 (adopted February 1, 2011)
- Amendment to Local Rule 31(d) (adopted July 1, 2010)
- Amendments to the Guidelines for Preparation of Appellate Transcripts in the Fourth Circuit (adopted December 1, 2009)
- Notice of Proposed Amendments to Local Rules 3(b), 5, 8, 9(a), 10(b), 10(c), 12(b), 21(b), 22(d), 25(c), 27(c), 27(d), 28(a), 30(a), 31(a), 31(b), 31(c), 32(b), 34(b), 34(e), 36(a), and 36(b) (adopted December 1, 2009)
- Amendments to Internal Operating Procedures 47.1 & 47.2 (adopted December 1, 2008)
- Amendments to Order 113, In the Matter of Death Penalty Representation in the Fourth Circuit, and the Fourth Circuit Plan in Implementation of the Criminal Justice Act (adopted October 1, 2008, repealed February 27, 2018)
- Amendment to Local Rule 26.1 (adopted August 11, 2008)
- New Plan for the Composition and Administration of the CJA Appellate and Capital Appellate Panels (adopted June 1, 2008)
- Notice of Judicial Conference Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings (adopted April 10, 2008)
- New Administrative Order 08-01, Case Management/Electronic Case Filing System (adopted April 1, 2008)
- Amendments to Local Rules 3(b), 10(a), 25, 27(c), 28(e), 30, 31(c),
34(b), 34(c), 40(a) & 45, and to Internal Operating Procedure 36.2 (adopted April 1, 2008)
- Amendments to the Fourth Circuit Plan in Implementation of the Criminal Justice Act (adopted September 17, 2007)
- Amendment to Local Rule 28(b) (adopted August 20, 2007)
- Notice of Adoption of Local Rule 25(c), Local Rule 30(b) and Internal Operating Procedure 47.2 and Redesignation of Local Rule 10(e) as Local Rule 10(d) (adopted April 16, 2007)
- Amendments to Local Rule 36(c) & Local Rule 28(b), and Redesignation of Local Rule 36(c) as Local Rule 32.1 (adopted December 1, 2006)
- New Local Rule 21(d) (adopted August 1, 2006)
- Amendments to Local Rules 3(a), 15(a), 21(b), 21(c), & 24, Docket FeeS (adopted April 27, 2006)
- Amendment to Local Rule 35(b), En Banc Proceedings (adopted December 1, 2005)
- Amendments to Fourth Circuit Internal Operating Procedures 47.1 and 47.2 (adopted August 1, 2005)
- Amendments to the Criminal Justice Act Plan (adopted July 14, 2005)
- Amendment to Local Rule 46(b) (adopted February 15, 2005)
- Amendment to Local Rule 36(b)(adopted January 7, 2005)
- Amendments to Local Rules 36(b) and 40(a) (adopted October 5, 2004)
- New Local Rule 10(d) and Notice of Electronic Availability of Case Information (adopted May 18, 2004)
- Amendment to Local Rule 35(b), En Banc Proceedings (adopted December 1, 2003)
- Notice of Conforming Amendments to Local Rules 3(a), 15(a), 21(b), 21(c), & 24, Docket Fees (adopted November 1, 2003)
- Amendment to Local Rule 34(b), Informal Briefs (adopted October 9, 2003)
- Amendment to Local Rule 46(b), Admission to Practice (adopted September 30, 2003)
- New Local Rule 22(a), Certificates of Appealability (adopted July 8, 2003)
- Notice of Standing Order 03-01 (adopted May 9, 2003)
- Amendments to Rules of the Judicial Council of the Fourth Circuit Governing Complaints of Judicial Misconduct and Disability (adopted February 7, 2003)
- Notice of Proposed Amendments to Local Rules 22(c), 22(d), 28(e), 31(a), 32(a), 32(b), 34(e), 36(a), 36(b), and 46(c); and Internal Operating Procedures 11.1 and 45.2 (adopted December 1, 2002)