Tuesday, November 29, 2011

soccer sidelines

Top Picture is Sammy which is my friends daughter.

Andrija and her best friend Tiara being their goofy selves (Tiara and Sammy are sisters)

Cousins Cody and Justin Wharton were able to come up and watch one of Jazmyn's soccer games. April and Buck were there too just on the opposite side of the field so they didn't make a picture.

My girls were up in the trees every game that Domenique had and they would stay up there the whole game, which made it easier to keep track of them and whatch the game at the same time.

Andrija and Sam (he is the one of Domenques coaches children) these 2 goofy kids get along so good. It is a good thing since they are together so much especially during soccer season.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Soccer Championship Trophies

Domenique and her All-Star friends.

Way to go Coneheads! (team name)

Jazmyn and Andrija got a trophies also but they started Cheerleading practice the night of soccer awards, so Caleb picked them up and gave the girls their trophies when we got home from cheerleading practice.

Our 2011 Soccer Season

Andrija getting all stretched out before her game.

She also got to kick off a few of the games.

Andrija loves being the goalie, it is probably her favorite position.

Don't they look like they are having a blast watching the game?

Andrija trying to stop the ball from going in the goal, while also trying to avoid getting kicked by all the other players.

Kick it hard out of the goal!

Some of her actually being in the game and out of the goal.

Andrija had a great soccer season and she even scored 2 goals for her team.

Jazmyn getting some soccer action

The girls that are supposed to be watching obviously can't sit still long enough so they have to find other ways to entertain themselves during the games.

Domenique loves to throw a football around, so it is a good thing that one of her friends from school was there to throw it around with her.

Jazmyn is getting ready to get the ball passed her way so she could take it to the goal.

Jazmyn had a great season too, she is really improving, I am proud of her for sticking with it even though some days she just really didn't feel like going, but kept a good attitude while she was at it.

Domenique was number 2 this year and her team did great they won the 10 & 11 year old Championship. Her team had 12 girls and 3 boys.

Domenique scored 3 goals with 5 assists and made the All-Stars team

(All-Star pictures to come later her game is not until 12/03/11.