This is the primary meeting place for Chaos Dwarfs Online. Despite the current prevailance of Social Media, CDO is keeping Forums alive! Using the Discourse technology, our forum has lots of modern touches which makes uploading images directly from your phone convenient! Sign up today!.
We have Chaos Dwarf fans playing a range of games including Warhammer, The Old World, Kings of War, 9th Age and more!
In addition to chatting with like-minded Chaos Dwarf fans, you can join our Weekly Hobby Hangouts which are currently on Wednesdays!
We post all sorts of awesome and inspiring Chaos Dwarf content on our Instagram account!
With some of the best image uploading tech, Facebook is a great place to share pictures quickly. Join the FB group and see what people are saying about Warhammer: The Old World!
Join the CDO Community Patreon and help to create a positive community of fantasy wargaming enthusiasts!