01 diciembre 2012

no. i'm not back. i just decided to make an official "goodbye". i have always been upset when people i have become attached to online just disappear. and i didn't mean to be one of those people, even though i am not sure it was noticed. if so, i'm sorry.

i am still in San Antonio, same job, same little apartment, same wandering and snapping of houses (now with an iPhone rather than my beloved iPod - which is now in the hands of Betsy), same struggles with enough time for studio work. same lonely alien. life seems a bit of a struggle and i question some of my decisions of the last year and a half. but as always ... onward.

this public journal will now be closed. i still moan and ramble and make pictures in my locked journal, the same old livejournal - and i am on facebook and instagram (minimally) - feel free to ask. i would probably love to see you there if i don't already. my etsy shop is closed and my website has been hacked again. when i am feeling more artful, i will likely resurface to the public. it will be announced. thank you. always.

08 julio 2012

images from a new land ...

this morning i thought i must have moved to paradise. not only (within a few walking blocks) is there the BEST grocery in the city (sorry, Whole Foods, but ...), and several buses and all kinds of shops and even a pear tree, right on my block!, there is also a LARGE red brick catholic university! if you know me, you know how that delights me. so i went out walking this morning. i almost took my real cammie, but the batteries have not survived a certain lack of attention, so only the ipod went with me.


while i was walking, at the back of the grounds, i heard ethnic music and drumming. such liveliness for 9am!! so i followed a path and crossed a red bridge over a ravine and came upon a mass of people. with flowered headdresses - some with rebozos and flounced skirts. all with running shoes. it was the end party for the Free-Da 5K Run/Walk! to celebrate Frieda's birthday and to support the arts. it was so awesome. people let me take their picture and asked if i would take theirs with their cammies. (of course i did) it was so jolly!


after i left and crossed back over the bridge - i saw a white heron - and found the nun's cemetery.


then my sister came to visit and we went to a great place for lunch - La Gloria IceHouse - at the Pearl (Brewery) Complex - not too far from my new home. we walked around and bought some Aveda scent and she bought a cookie cutter for making ceramic tiles. now i am drinking cold white pinot grigio and *still* unpacking. i love San Antonio!!!!!

(ps - i have just had the most difficult time making this entry - last night it was impossible, so finally accomplished this morning, despite constant messages from Blogger telling me my browser was no longer compatible, i should choose Chrome now. well poop on *that* - don't tell me i can't use Firefox for Google stuff or i will just stop using Google stuff - i hate that world domination attitude. that is why i never set foot in WalMart. so i don't know - i never liked the terms "blogger" and "blogspot" anyway. i may soon move along to a new format...)

12 junio 2012

goodbye sweet little town

what happened to me? where did i go? am i back? i don't know! if i am, it will all be different. because life is about to change AGAIN. my year in limbo is over (sort of. another period is starting, but it will not be as long-lasting).

in the last month, in between shuttling myself around to interviews, family visits, etc, i have been In The ArtBarn. i don't remember if i wrote about the new big canvases i was building there while my sisters were beginning new mosaic/ceramic pieces? i have wanted to work BIG for a long time, but it is soooo intimidating. and expensive. i have kept all of my stretchers and old canvases from painting class. then a huge roll of canvas appeared in my sister's horse barn - a gallon of Golden gel medium was discovered - then a gallon of gesso. my sisters goaded me and i had no excuses! so i spent my pennies on inkjet cartridges and went crazy. i am building some wild new stuff. it is big and it is fun and i will show it eventually, but right now i am very very protective of the work. it is similar to the things i have had on etsy - funny reconstructed places, made from my pictures, but man, when you work big you can say a lot more ... it has been such fun, all of us working together.

and then, i was offered a great job. and i start it in two days. in San Antonio. which means another packing up and moving and a whole new life to get used to. i'm pretty excited! part of me is terrified, of course, but the job will be in an environment that i have familiarity with, in a city i wanted to be in and i am no longer afraid of "losing my art" working full time again. i have realized that i flounder with no structure. i have wasted so much time this past year.

i can't WAIT to live in San Antonio again!!! i was born there and have been back and forth for many years and now i am going to settle there. i AM. and i am SO excited about wandering and making pictures there! for a couple of months, i have felt sort of stale here, no new discoveries, no new pictures, but now i know i am leaving, i have different eyes and will probably miss this sweet little town. i am glad one of my sisters is here and i can come back ANY TIME.

29 abril 2012

during our all-too-brief trip to New Orleans, there was not a great deal of time for the type of photoWandering i generally love to do when away. there was also a great deal of rain! but, no complaints, we managed! the last morning was humid and cool and i crawled out of the bed in our haunted 19th century room early, so i could have at least an hour in our new and interesting neighborhood - the Lower Garden District. i have learned that in interesting neighborhoods, i must learn to accept the details of contemporary life - huge plastic trashbins, chainlink fences, countless utility lines - so i acknowledge these details as part of compositions now. but cars. NO. i cannot accept cars. they just don't fit with these old places.

ps - apologies for the short disappearance. i am trying to rethink my "online presence" lately and though i still want to share my images and artwork, i really want to minimize the ... rambling ... and personal information, so am doing editing and elimination of archives. 

22 abril 2012

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stone ladies : metairie cemetery : new orleans louisiana : april 2012

what can i say? i love the stone ladies in cemeteries. the abundance of them here, in the Metairie Cemetery, overwhelmed me. absolutely. next time, i will plan to spend half a day there (and hopefully not on a gloomy wet evening which was an excellent atmosphere, but not so good for images! these have so inspired me, that i am in the process of turning them into small waxed objects.

20 abril 2012

i am still absolutely in love with new orleans.
despite her miseries - of which we viewed many.

i vow to never again stay away for seven years.

more pictures to follow.
(of course)

01 abril 2012

the wildflowers in the hill country of Texas this spring have been insane. i have really never seen anything like it. yesterday, driving from F-burg to SA, i am sure i saw 24 varying species along the roadside. so amazing. then, when i dropped my rent check in the mail box at the post office later in the evening, i looked over to the Catholic Cemetery and thought something was wrong with my sunglasses. that weird blue/gray color over everything. well ... the cemetery was LOADED with bluebonnets. dense, snakey and shocking. i could not believe it. so this morning i hiked back with my bigGirl cammie and we had lots of fun. i was very careful. fire ants and snakes are NOT fun!

but bluebonnets are. as are cemeteries. what a delightful combo.