News (08/11/2019): All results available online. Challenge description.

Semantic Web Challenge on Tabular Data to Knowledge Graph Matching

We had a total of 17 systems participating in Round 1. The top teams across the three tasks in Round 1 (team_sti, MTab, Team_DAGOBAH and Tabularisi) will be presenting their systems during the ISWC conference on October 30. We will also have a session devoted to the challenge during the Ontology Matching workshop on October 26.

Round 2 had a reduction of participating systems (from 17 to 11), which helped us identifying the core systems and groups actively working in tabular data to KG matching. There were also three new participants, including a pure ontology alignment system (LogMap). Round 3 and Round 4 preserved the 7 core participants across rounds and tasks.

MTab and IDLab were the clear dominants in all three tasks. Tabularisi was in a clear overall 3rd position in CTA and CPA. The overall 3rd position in CEA was shared among Tabularisi and ADOG. Special mention requires Team_sti which had an outstanding performance in Round 4 of CEA.

Results and evaluation details can also be accessed from AIcrowd.

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
Participants 17 11 9 8
CEA 11 10 8 8
CTA 13 9 8 7
CPA 5 7 7 7
Table 1: Number of participants in the challenge.

Round 4 Results

CEA Task

8 systems produced results in the CEA task.

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab 0.983 0.983
Team_sti 0.973 0.983
IDLab 0.907 0.912
ADOG 0.835 0.838
saggu 0.804 0.814
Tabularisi 0.803 0.813
LOD4ALL 0.648 0.654
Team_DAGOBAH 0.578 0.599
Table 2: CEA (Round 4) results.

CTA Task

7 systems produced results in the CTA task.

Team AH-Score AP-Score
MTab 2.012 0.300
IDLab 1.846 0.274
Tabularisi 1.716 0.325
Team_sti 1.682 0.322
ADOG 1.538 0.296
LOD4ALL 1.071 0.386
Team_DAGOBAH 0.684 0.206
Table 3: CTA (Round 4) results.

CPA Task

7 systems produced results in the CPA task.

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab 0.832 0.832
IDLab 0.830 0.835
Tabularisi 0.823 0.825
Team_sti 0.787 0.841
ADOG 0.750 0.767
LOD4ALL 0.439 0.904
Team_DAGOBAH 0.398 0.874
Table 4: CPA (Round 4) results.

Round 3 Results

CEA Task

8 systems produced results in the CEA task.

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab 0.970 0.970
IDLab 0.962 0.964
ADOG 0.912 0.913
Tabularisi 0.857 0.866
saggu 0.830 0.832
LOD4ALL 0.828 0.833
Team_DAGOBAH 0.725 0.745
Team_sti 0.633 0.679
Table 5: CEA (Round 3) results.

CTA Task

8 systems produced results in the CTA task.

Team AH-Score AP-Score
MTab 1.956 0.261
IDLab 1.864 0.247
Tabularisi 1.702 0.277
Team_sti 1.648 0.269
LOD4ALL 1.442 0.260
ADOG 1.409 0.238
Team_DAGOBAH 0.745 0.161
MangoPedia 0.723 0.256
Table 6: CTA (Round 3) results.

CPA Task

7 systems produced results in the CPA task.

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab 0.844 0.845
IDLab 0.841 0.843
Tabularisi 0.827 0.830
ADOG 0.558 0.763
LOD4ALL 0.545 0.853
Team_DAGOBAH 0.519 0.826
Team_sti 0.518 0.595
Table 7: CPA (Round 3) results.

Round 2 Results

CEA Task

10 systems produced results in the CEA task.

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab 0.911 0.911
IDLab 0.883 0.893
Tabularisi 2 0.826 0.852
Tabularisi 0.808 0.856
saggu 0.806 0.858
LOD4ALL 0.757 0.767
ADOG 0.742 0.745
Team_DAGOBAH 0.713 0.816
Team_sti 0.614 0.673
LogMap 0.432 0.806
Table 8: CEA (Round 2) results.

CTA Task

9 systems produced results in the CTA task.

Team AH-Score AP-Score
MTab 1.414 0.276
IDLab 1.376 0.257
Tabularisi 1.099 0.261
Team_sti 1.049 0.247
LOD4ALL 0.893 0.234
ADOG 0.713 0.208
Team_DAGOBAH 0.641 0.247
mgol19 0.438 0.220
Tabularisi 2 0.228 0.379
Table 9: CTA (Round 2) results.

CPA Task

7 systems produced results in the CPA task.

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab 0.881 0.929
IDLab 0.877 0.926
Tabularisi 0.790 0.792
LOD4ALL 0.555 0.941
Team_DAGOBAH 0.533 0.919
Team_sti 0.460 0.544
ADOG 0.459 0.708
Table 10: CPA (Round 2) results.

Round 1 Results

CEA Task

11 systems produced results in the CEA task. The results are very positive with 7 of the systems with a F1-score greater than 0.80.

Team F1-Score Precision
Team_sti 1.0 1.0
MTab 1.0 1.0
Team_DAGOBAH 0.897 0.941
Tabularisi 0.884 0.908
bbk 0.854 0.845
LOD4ALL 0.852 0.874
Tabularisi 2 0.816 0.851
PAT-SEU/zhangyi 0.794 0.804
VectorUP 0.732 0.733
ADOG 0.657 0.673
IDLab 0.448 0.627
Table 11: CEA (Round 1) results.

CTA Task

13 systems produced results in the CTA task. As in the CEA tasks, 7 systems achieved a F1-score greater than 0.80.

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab 1.0 1.0
VectorUP 1.0 1.0
Team_sti 0.929 0.933
LOD4ALL 0.850 0.850
IDLab 0.833 0.833
ADOG 0.829 0.851
Tabularisi 0.825 0.825
Siemens Munich 0.754 0.70
Team_DAGOBAH 0.644 0.580
f-ym 0.527 0.358
ahmad88me 0.485 0.581
It's all semantics 0.192 0.192
kzafeiroudi 0.033 1.0
Table 12: CTA (Round 1) results.

CPA Task

The CPA task had a lower participation, with only 5 systems producing results. This is somehow expected as this task represents a slightly different challenge. The teams MTab and Team_sti produced very promising results.

Team F1-Score Precision
MTab 0.987 0.975
Team_sti 0.965 0.991
Tabularisi 0.606 0.638
Team_DAGOBAH 0.415 0.347
Tuanbiu 0.355 1.0
Table 13: CPA (Round 1) results.


The challenge is currently supported by the AIDA project, the SIRIUS Centre for Research-driven Innovation, and IBM Research.