
Friday Humor Roundup - Prozac for Muslims, Ron Paul's Constitutional Urination

Do you feel angry all the time? Do toy pigs, patterns in ice cream, women and anyone who believes differently than you fill you with uncontrollable rage? In this uniquely produced video from, the solution is clear. Extra strength Prozac for Muslims. But Seriously Folks On a more serious note my Op-Ed Withdrawal: The Root Of Defeat is running in the Jewish Press this week and was mentioned in the Jewish Press blog. IsraPundit reports on the Democratic Party beginning to lose the Jewish vote. Via Daled Amos , a post from Gates of Vienna that discusses what it would be like if Sderot were in Brooklyn. Lemon Lime Moon writes on the connection between Illegal immigrants in America and Palestinian terrorists. Space Ramblings gives us the Ron Paul Guide to Making Yourself Hated in 30 Days. And finally check out Yo's comic book, Evil Ehud and the Roborida Jew

KKL-JNF is not on trial here, Zionism is on Trial

KKL-JNF (Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael - Jewish National Fund) has been a great part of the reclamation and rebuilding of Israel. The left wing groups gaining power in Israel have managed to aggressively chip away at KKL-JNF's preservation of major parts of Israel's territory. Now a major attack is being launched. In the words of KKL-JNF's chairman : "Over a period of 2000 years, Jews were dispersed and devoid of rights to land and a secure home as well as exposed to anti-Semitism, pogroms, deprivation and discrimination. The establishment of the Jewish State came to remedy this historical injustice that was brought upon the Jewish People. Every nation deserves a state of its own. So does the Jewish People. 57 years following Israel’s establishment, the process of evolving into a state has not yet been completed. That secure reality is still clouded by the potential end to Israel’s existence as a Jewish state and being relegated to a fading historical episode. The recent cou

The Face of Terrorism

25-year-old Julian Sofir, the prime suspect in the Tel Aviv murder of Arab taxi driver Taisir Karaki, was remanded for a further ten days in custody on Tuesday. The prime suspect, who claimed that he carried out the killing because the victim was an Arab, was also sent for psychological observation by the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court. Meanwhile, Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski urged for Karaki’s family to be recognized as victims of terror and called on the Jerusalem Municipality’s welfare department to give financial aid to the family. "The murder of a man just because he is an Arab is a terrorist act. I have asked the welfare department not just to keep in contact with the family but to give them all the necessary aid,” he said, adding that “the government must give them the same support as those who have been wounded in terrorist attacks." Mayor Lupolianski is clearly and transparently wrong. The murder of a man because he is an Arab alone is not a terrorist act. That is co

Arabs and Islam: The Self-Destructive Beauty of Irresponsibility

The mindset of an entire society can be seen in what it teaches its children. In one of the broadcasts of the Hamas mouse Farfur-- Farfur is caught cheating on a school exam. Farfur excuses his actions saying, "Against my own will Abu Gazi, because the Jews destroyed my home, and when they destroyed my home I couldn't find my books and my notebooks." The obvious thing the Arab world in general and Palestinian Arabs specifically have been teaching their children is to hate and kill Jews and Americans. The less obvious one is that they are not responsible for their failures-- America and the Jews are. To understand the Arab mindset is to understand a culture that has yet to admit it lost a single war to Israel and treats its victories as defeats. A culture that at once takes pride in September 11th and in the next breath denies that Muslims were responsible. A culture that blames every single one of its problems from poverty, to the abuse of women and terrorism on Israel. T

When Brothers Become Enemies - Factionalism in America and Israel in a Time of War

Then none was for a party; Then all were for the state; Then the great man helped the poor, And the poor man loved the great: Then lands were fairly portioned; Then spoils were fairly sold: The Romans were like brothers In the brave days of old. Now Roman is to Roman More hateful than a foe And the Tribunes beard the high, And the Fathers grind the low. As we wax hot in faction, In battle we wax cold: Wherefore men fight not as they fought In the brave days of old. Horatio - Macaulay The sentiments and the narrative here are of course universal ones-- the virtues, unity and military strength of a nation becoming corrupted by factionalism. The more the factions within a nation hate each other, the more eager they are to battle one another than the enemy. A nation busy fighting itself cannot defeat the enemy. The surest way to victory is to create fifth columns, to divide a nation against itself and set itself to internal bickering. Israel fell both times because it was divided, because

Lest We Forget

At Church Street, where there was once a cluster of makeshift memorials-- a tall sterile steel fence rings Ground Zero. At its front the sleek white entrance of the Path Stations sweeps outward. Underneath in the great pit of earth, earthmoving equipment passes back and forth. The tattered posters, flags, faded roses, hand-lettered messages and signs are gone now. A sign warns that anything left behind will be removed. The fence is empty and clean, but for a handful of photos hung high--well above even my eye level-- so no one can possibly jot down a personal message on them. The photos are appropriately newsworthy. I see no shots of rubble or the towers. They are composed of human reactions. Saluting police officers, a volunteer with a sign offering shelter to any displaced person and with proper political correctness, Buddhist monks praying at a ceremony. All the "diverse communities" are represented. But the burning towers, the rubble and all the terrible reality of the da

Friday Afternoon Roundup

- The Democrats rushed into Congress like a victorious horde and now they sit weighed down under the same poor approval ratings as Bush. The Democrats had hoped to waste 2 years picking fights with Bush and then cakewalk to the Presidency in 08, but instead they're realizing that a congress which does nothing more than pick fights with the President and then lose them isn't going to have the support of anybody but the fringe of their own party-- and that fringe sees them as sellouts for pushing for a withdrawal date-- instead of an immediate withdrawal from Iraq. Accountability is no fun. For six years the Democrats played backseat driver and now their party is splintered between moderates and left wing radicals and have found themselves in power just in time to share the blame. While the radicals fight over who voted for the War in Iraq, the Democratic leadership tries to figure out how to do something remotely useful by next year-- before they're seen as part of the probl

The Kadima Mafia Isn't Even Bothering to Pretend Anymore

As Shimon Peres has 'officially' announced that he is running for President-- the smear campaign has accordingly begun targeting Rabbi Lau-- his likely opponent in the race. Labor MK Shelly Yachimovich, who had been heavily involved in framing President Moshe Katzav, warned Rabbi Lau not to run for the presidency stating , " He shouldn’t consider running ." If he does run, she said, “ incidents from the past ” would come to light. Yachimovich did not explain what she was referring to, saying only that “ things it’s better not to have revealed .” Unsurprisingly the "revelations" involved charges of sexual harassment-- the very same thing that had been leveled to bring down President Katsav. The corrupt ruling coalition of Kadima and Labor are now acting as little better than organized crime. Determined to plant Peres in the President's chair-- they are using every ruthless and dirty trick to get him there. Olmert and the rest of the Kadima Mafia attempted

In Sympathy for the Devil - Liberals, Democrats and the War on Terror

Ever since World War II, the left has shamelessly demonstrated its willingness to fight Conservative Democrats, Liberals and Republicans over the USSR or Islamic Terrorism. Liberals have in turn worked hard to demonstrate the same thing since the Nixon Administration. If liberals had directed a fraction of the vigor they have employed over the past 6 years fighting Bush against Islamic terrorism-- the war would have been won by now, at least on the cultural front. Instead they have spent whatever foreign affairs capital they have promoting and defending the terrorists from Syria to Gaza to Gitmo to Abu Ghaib. More tears have poured from their eyes over an Iraqi with women's underwear on his head than for all the victims of September 11th combined. Certainly more rage. You can reliably open the paper these days and expect to see columns and op-eds promoting any Islamic terrorist-- no matter how evil or monstrous. Last week I opened the paper to find a university professor proclaimin

Vote Socialist or the Muslims Will Kill You

“Choosing Nicolas Sarkozy would be a dangerous choice,” socialist Segolene Royal told RTL radio.“It is my responsibility today to alert people to the risk of (his) candidature with regards to the violence and brutality that would be unleashed in the country. Pressed on whether there would be actual violence, Royal said: “I think so, I think so,” referring specifically to France’s volatile suburbs hit by widespread rioting in 2005. Yet another illustration of how the left and liberals conveniently exploit terrorism and riots to their own advantage. Rather than having any real interest in stopping it, liberals run on a platform of security through appeasement-- warning that the alternative is even greater violence. The slogan becomes, "Vote Liberal-- Vote Socialist, or Face the Rioting." Elections by way of the mob has been an old tactic of the progressive side. Andrew Jackson was after all elected by the mob, that proceeded to trample and trash the White House. In the Fre

Shas and Shimon Peres

If Shas decides to support Shimon Peres for President, the Shas party will have finally reached the lowest point of its deeply despicable history. Shas, the party that is supposed to stand for Sefardi rights, will have gone along with the fraudulent railroading of Israel's first Sefardi President by the Olmert government and endorsed his replacement with Olmert ally, secular socialist Shimon Peres. While its leader Rabbi Ovadya Yosef, regularly fulminates against secular Jews and preaches hatred of secular Jews and Ashkenazim to the home crowd-- Shas has repeatedly made deals with them to keep the flow of Shekels coming to its institutions. It was Shas which backed the Rabin government and which bears 'Direct Responsibility' for the passage of Oslo and every death by terrorists operating from the Palestinian territories since then. The blood money that flowed into Shas' institutions and Aryeh Deri's pockets were more than enough to salve their consciences. The only

A Friday Afternoon's Thoughts

From what I understand the JIB Awards are done. I haven't kept close track of the voting and I can assume safely I'm not a finalist. I didn't expect it to be otherwise. Awards tend to favor top ranked blogs or bloggers who very aggressively campaign for themselves. Social networking has never been my specialty and it's just not what I do. Much more than by my nomination though, I was heartened by the bloggers who independently mentioned my blog in the context of the awards and asked people to vote for me. Lemon Lime Moon , Something and Half of Something , the Keliata blog , Bamapachyderm and Me Ander . Meanwhile IsraPundit blogs that is unsurprisingly supporting the Palestinian terrorists over Israel. RightTruth reports that the beheadings are moving from Iraq and closer to home. The 'Loser' Award is Courtesy of Lemon Lime Moon . Get your own Loser Award at Lemon Lime Moon .

From the Frontier to the Promenades of Tel Aviv, Withdrawal is the Root of Defeat

The Winograd Report has focused on why the Second Lebanon War failed-- but understanding why the war failed is less important than understanding why the war began. From its birth, the State of Israel had gradually expanded its territories, pushing back its enemies, increasing its frontiers and building new towns and villages to hold them. And then in the last decade and a half, Israel began to shrink. While Israel's population may have grown, the Land of Israel has been reduced, carved up, given away and tossed aside. The State of Israel born with a vision of returning to the land has traded away that land in exchange for treaties with its enemies and the promise of a New Middle East built on economic cooperation that has never materialized outside the realm of Shimon Peres' speeches. In a Jerusalem Post column, M.J. Rosenberg, Director of the Israel Policy Forum's Washington Center writes, " The invocation of the worst years in the history of the Jewish people as anal

The Winograd Report - The Center Cannot Hold

The predictable "revelations" of the Winograd report is teaching some of the rats on board the sinking ship of the Kadima Party to do the swan dive into any political party that will take them and others to gnaw at each other hoping to salvage some sort of political party by overthrowing Olmert. Tzipi Livni, who is basically Olmert in drag but without even his cunning or limited intelligence, is first in line but there are plenty of others. Kadima arose as a party of traitors, of the corrupt and incompetent and greedy politicians who could be induced to abandon their parties for the shiny glitter of a third way government party. Sharon and his son gathered them in and his crony Olmert tried to sit on top of them. Now Olmert's comfortable perch is gone and the gang is fragmenting again. Kadima has been dust for a while but there is little point in rejoicing. New Kadimas will arise and the gang will find new places to migrate to. There are two kinds of politicians, those wh

Success and Failure in the Modern School of Politics

Three things are required for political success in the modern day West. First can be summed up in one sentence, "Blame the Other Guy". The sentiment may be derived from Machiavelli but this timeless aspect of politics in a media culture is about all that remains of a larger body of political leadership. Blaming the other guy has ceased to be part of a larger debate for advancing a particular program. It is no longer the means, it is the end. Blaming the other guy associates a problem with him, rather than with yourself. In this way Clinton could associate a bad economy with Bush Sr or a runaway government spending could be associated with the Clinton administration. Once this is done, the blamer is free to continue ignoring the problem. Blaming the other guy stops being a way to gain advantage in order to solve problems, it leaves you free to ignore the problem KNOWING THAT YOU CAN POLITICALLY PROFIT FROM IT. Read that again. Politicians prefer to solve only phantom problems