Monday, May 11, 2009


Well Daniel and Rachel and Thomas are moving tomorrow, the 12th of May!!!! We are going to miss them SO much! We realized that we needed to get some new family pictures taken before they left so... we did... and seeing all of my children and their spouses and my grandchildren, and my husband together made me realize again just how much I love them all with all of my heart!!! I think I am the luckiest girl in the world to have such amazing people around me ! What an amazing blessing they are in my life! Each one of them have their own uniqueness and hold a special place in my heart!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Matthew's Blessing!

March 31st was a special day for our family! Our 4th grandchild Matthew David Soderberg was blessed!!!
What a precious little guy he is!!! It was such a wonderful time to be together and enjoy this new little one! Andy and Michelle are such good parents and we just love them and the 3 grandchildren they have given us so much! : )
There was a bad storm in the morning so many of the family that had intended to, couldn't be there but it was a special day and a beautiful blessing! We are so grateful for the gospel and the covenants and ordinances that bind us to our Heavenly Father. We are also so grateful for ALL of our family and the love and support that they give us! We love you ALL!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dreams and 4 wheelers!

I'd like to introduce the newest member of our family! Oh has the arrival of this little baby been anticipated!!! :)
I love 4 wheeling...actually it has become a passion of mine ever since it was introduced to me in July 2007. We have wanted to purchase one ever since, and so we decided that since it will be our 30th anniversary this August, that we would do something crazy and get one, and give it to each other for our anniversary.....and birthdays...and Christmas!!! :) But oh will we ever have fun!!!! I can't wait to try it out!!!
Happy anniversary early sweetheart! I love you!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Some times a mother looks at her daughter and just sees all the beauty, both outer and inner that her daughter just doesn't see! This happened to me recently with my daughter Lindsay! She is a beautiful person and does so many good things in her life and loves things that really matter, and I am just so proud of her! I asked her if I could take some pictures this day and she just laughed and induldged her mom, cause that what she does, she obeys and makes others happy even if it is not what she may "choose" to do!:) To me she is an angel and I love her with all of my heart!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Matthew David Soderberg

There is just something magical and special about a newborn! They are so beautiful and precious, and even sacred to me!
On Thursday January 29th 2009 at 3:33 p.m. weighing in at 10lbs. 10oz. we were able to have one of these precious little ones join our family! This is Matthew David Soderberg and he is amazing! SO handsome and sweet I can't get enough of him! The first time I saw him I just could not get over how incredibly big he is!!! He looks all grown up already! :) He is so strong and solid already. When I put him facing me resting against my shoulder he surprised me when he not only lifted up his head but arched his whole back sturdily away from me with his head supported. I thought okay Hercules where did that come from! :)
Michelle's due date was February 5th, and I am so glad that they induced her early. She is doing well and just shines! She is such a good mommy and is so happy to have Matthew safely here! As we all are!!!! It is so fun to hold him and whisper in his ear how much I love him! This is my 4th grandchild and believe me it will NEVER get commonplace!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Slide Show


Christmas is my favorite time of year! I love the peacefulness of the early morn, when it seems like nothing is moving and nothing would dare disturb the silence and respect the day has earned! I love being surrounded by those I love, by those I would do anything for. I just bask in the the happiness everyone feels at giving to each other. I love seeing smiles spread on faces as people feel cared about and cherished! I love the reson for it all! The little babe that brought such hope to the world and mankind. The Savior of the world being born so long ago. The best gift of all! Yes I love it all!!! I wish everyones Christmas could be as happy as mine! Merry Christmas everyone, may you be filed with love and happiness always!