Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Hereford Seedswap 2025

Not many photos of the actual swap I'm afraid, just a few before it all kicked off. 

As always it's great to be involved in this event. Hundreds of packets of seeds changed hands and I got to see some faces I only see at this event and lots of people I've met at gardening clubs when I do my talks. 

 We had a great talk as well from Catrina Fenton, who is head of the Heritage Seed library. Was really interesting to hear her talk about seed saving and the lengths they go to to keep varieties pure, as well as trying to find new old varieties to save. 

I think seed swaps are amazing things, it feels right, it feels like it's what we should be doing with seeds. Its encouraged me to save more seeds and I'm a far better seed saver because of all these years doing it. I had so many different types of tomato there this year someone said "Ah, so you're the tomato man..." Which made me laugh! 

Do you go to a local seed swap? What was your best find?

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Seed Swap This Weekend!

So the annual Hereford seed swap is on this weekend!  

Always one of my favourite events of the year. Hope to see some of you there! I can't wait! 

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Restoring A Hedge

 With the oak tree down it has left a rather large gap, and although it was set back form the hedge by a good 14ft it feels very empty down there now. 

But it has let a good amount of light into the old hedge that runs in parallel to it. It's also made me realise how much this hedge needs some work, especially this first section. It's very gappy, with the trees that are left looking very little like a hedge. 

Want to seize the bull by the horns I decided to keep on working with the wood on our land and lay a bit of this hedge. 

Sunday, 26 January 2025


This month our eldest turned 13! In all honesty it's made me feel rather old. 

We asked her how she wanted to celebrate and she suggested a camp out with her friends. I have to say I wasn't that keen on camping outside so I suggested a compromise. We'd camp in the scout hut. 

 There's not many advantages to being a scout leader, but using the scout hut when we want to is one of them! 

Friday, 24 January 2025

Chipping Brash

 I seem to have done a lot of work with the trees on these 5 acres the last few months. What I need to do now is start tidying up before the grass starts to grow. 

The first job is to chip all the brash that I've got piled around the place. The picture above shows the blackthorn I've taken from my little coppice. I'm still not finished in there, but it does feel like I've made an impact to stop it's spread. 

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