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Thread: Finalist Welcome Desk

  1. #586
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    Hey, Jee, don't worry too much - I've been going through something similar for about a month now, and I'm just starting to feel the muse's nudge again. I think it's just the aftershock of how our minds were pushed and pulled to their limits over the time frame of the challenges - and you went 5 rounds more than me. But I know what you mean by "flat". Relax for just a bit, let it all settle down, and you'll be fine. I find that when I push too hard, it comes out constipated anyway. Just take it a day at a time.

  2. #587
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Myst IV - Revelation
    Worth it.

    Watering Hole

    Try JB's list of calvaldos, Scavella's rum recommendation, the scotch list, and a wide selection of wines.

    Clean out your PM box. It's full.

    It'll come back. Or, if it makes you feel better:

    You have five days to write twelve sestinas, four limericks, and a Bulgarian variant of the virelay. You must critique six poems in Merciless and four in High. Don't forget, you must also drop in to AGC&C and encourage seven blooming poets with selections from the Collected Works of Tennyson.

  3. #588
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    HAAAAAAAA! Nice one, Andrea

    I'm looking forward to reading your virelay, Jee.

    (I'm missing the challenges. Sad, but true. I blame it on a lack of a fulfilling love life)

  4. #589
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    If I had a muse, she/he'd probably be hanging out of the bathroom window, as I dangled him/her from his/her toes, screaming for me to end the anguish and let go.

    (Luckily, I don't think I have one. I'm not sure if I believe in muses, really. Do people really have them?)

  5. #590
    Harry R is offline A discontented piglet-like squeal, soon dying away
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Originally posted by SarahJF
    Luckily, I don't think I have one. I'm not sure if I believe in muses, really. Do people really have them?
    Actually, the cats keep bringing them into the huse. If you've never seen a muse with a chewed head, think yourself lucky.


  6. #591
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York, NY
    Good suggestions, people. I may try staying away from the board for a while but, damn, it is addictive.

  7. #592
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Do you have Museholes in the skirting?

    Try Humane Muse-traps, if you are being Pestered by Calliope, annoyed by Clio, or irritated by Thalia.

    Remember, though, you must deposit your unwanted muse at least half-a-mile from your huse in order to ensure it will not find it's way home. Unless it is decapitated, of course, in which case it could end up haunting a Dutch windmill for ever.


  8. #593
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Jee! You can't stay away from the board! If you do that, I can't learn things from your threads in Voyages!

    (always thinking of the other person, me).


  9. #594
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Actcherly, too, I think Andrea is a bit the unsung hero of the Apprentice. Because she's produced some fantastic things, but also her entries have been a bit overshadowed because some of us (hi, Laura) have been on such a Learning Curve. Perhaps.

    I'd like to give her a big cheer, anyway:


    for Andrea345

    (who thoroughly deserves it)

  10. #595
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Originally posted by SarahJF
    Do you have Museholes in the skirting?

    Try Humane Muse-traps, if you are being Pestered by Calliope, annoyed by Clio, or irritated by Thalia.

    Remember, though, you must deposit your unwanted muse at least half-a-mile from your huse in order to ensure it will not find it's way home. Unless it is decapitated, of course, in which case it could end up haunting a Dutch windmill for ever.


    I thought my house smelled kinda musety. Thanks for the cheer, Sarah. Made me smile, but I'm telling you, I was doing the "Thank Heavens It Ain't Me Happy Dance" when I saw that last exercise. That was a helluva lot of work. It t'warnt no Pome A Week. Dang, I remember changing my original warning post from ten down to seven, too. See, I'm prescient. That hurt my head just reading it.

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