~~tom swann

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Real name:
Tom Swann

Suburban Sydney, Australia



Wardsman/hospital cleaner, Author (of sorts - adapting a professional aged care manual into a self-help-esque guidebook – thrilling stuff).

My favourite poem is: [b]
I know I’ll be looked down on by many here, but my favourite poem is a sprawling political rant poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti called Tyrannus Nix. Even though it gets incoherent at times, and is hardly academically ambitious, I haven’t enjoyed a single poem more.

My earliest memory is:
cutting myself with my dad’s razor when I was trying to shave, age 3.

My favourite place is:

My pets' names are:
Molly, Milo.

The one book I think everyone should read is:
Fascists! (One book that I think is very good, and has been quite influential to my own world view, although would probably not be to most, is The Blank Slate by Steven Pinker, a pop-science-philosophy book on evolutionary psychology. Fictionwise: One Hundred Years of Solitude by Marquez.)

My favourite non-poetry website is:
putting aside Google, coughcough and pornography coughcough, the website that has brought me the most joy is the NSBH2003 forum. My high school set it up for our grade only to end up being a gross excuse for procrastination before the end of year exams. The discussions on that forum were more valuable than anything we supposedly learnt in class.

The most recent album I bought was: Deloused in the Comatorium by The Mars Volta

My favourite painting is:
based on my scant experience with visual arts, my vote goes to “Metamorphosis of Narcissus” by Dali.

The dish I am best at cooking is:
something embarrassingly meagre; an omelette perhaps? *tom shudders at memories of the state of his last omelette*

I am afraid of:
death; being alive; waste.

My most embarrassing possession is:
a collection of Games Workshop models worth something in the realm of $2000Aus. From my formative years I swear!

My most unusual talent is:
wiggling my ears, nose, eyebrows and most of the skin spanning my skull, ALL at the same time!

My favourite drink is:
thick, jet black coffee.

The one luxury item I would take to a desert island is:
A super swanky super small GPS system with emergency beacon that signals direct to my own helicopter rescue squad. Or some wings.

My favourite activity for a summer's day is:
a morning in glorious beach sunshine, then an afternoon of cricket with friends, followed by a barbeque, beers, and a campfire on the beach.

My favourite activity for a winter's day is:
snuggling into a blanket, or with my girlfriend, in front of a fire; playing card or board games; reading.

My favourite bird is:
The Archaeopteryx.

The question I think Harry should have incuded(sic) on this questionnaire but didn't because he's a fool is:
After a hard day of cutting down newbies for not using their spell check buttons, does Harry like to go wild with a bottle of hypocrisy?
Note: Obviously no offence is intended towards OverLord Harry, who is, of course, in fact, NOT a fool. (eep don’t hurt me *quivers in terror*). Tom tries this again, a little more seriously:
How do you see yourself doing in this competition?

The answer to the question I think Harry should have inc( L )uded on this questionnaire but didn't because he's a fool is:
Booted out in under 4 rounds, with a comment “too abstract, too ambitious, read more poetry”.