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Thread: The OZ is Ready!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Hi John!

    Impatiens wait there
    to be separated into small planters,
    covered with dirt, and marked
    in the yard. Touch-me-not , Jewelweed
    I think that's a very nice bit that could work into a great poem about this subject. The second strophe lapses into telliness, but the idea is sprouting, if you will.

    Thanks for the read, Blythe

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Ventnor, NJ
    Thank you B. In my mind pieces seem to come and go like guests at a party. I continue trying to gather them all at the same time. Thanks for reading and commenting.


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Ventnor, NJ

    Killer Political Advertisement

    Earwigs from the radio chew past wax
    to my brain. Shush shush shush of wipers, the
    pasty wheeze of wet road cannot distract.
    So, my resolve sways left than right, drawing
    low back muscles tight, with each argument
    breath comes harder. Fists wave as fingers point.
    Suited, polished, brass balled men rise between
    the road and my eyes, wail of perfected
    lies through perfect teeth bring down barrier
    after barrier as I am swallowed
    by the wide slow yawn of death’s valley.

    John OZ
    Last edited by wizzard; 04-08-2005 at 02:29 PM.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Ventnor, NJ

    Caroline Mildred Clark

    She throws white four petal flowers to me

    indoors when storms are cold, on the porch as
    streets steam back rain. When I forget her she

    wilts, as before. Though when I spill water
    she recovers quickly and doesn’t turn

    gray. A flowered fallen stem I found near
    her went to my sister; her daughter. I

    don’t have a father plant or a brother
    plant. Only my mother plant. Lately she

    has taken to throwing pink flowers. Seems
    small kindness is all she ever wanted.

    John OZ

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    South Africa
    Squire John, apologies for taking so long to reciprocate the crit you posted to my thread. I enjoyed your last two postings.
    Shush of wipers was an effective onomatopoeia for me and there are some nice internal rhymes. The metaphor on Mildred Clark requires some developing in my opinion. L1 is particularly awkward. Spilling water was the weakest part of the comparison for me because I don't know what real-life action that represents. The central idea is a very respectable one though.
    Poetry is ordinary language to the Nth power - Paul Engle

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Hi wizard,

    Caroline Mildred Clark- Neat theme, you did a great job building on it. Thoughtful ending.

    Camera man was neat too. I think it has alot of potential.

    thanks for the read,

    Jamie Lynn

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Baltimore, MD, US
    As I learn more and more here, I see "Caroline Mildred Clark" as a lovely extended metaphor, and there is lots to like in this poem.

    I wish I could get my act together....perhaps should give up, but for people like you and some others I've read, this challenge is bringing some wonderful stuff on a daily basis.

    These last two are really nice. So wonderful to see everyone thriving! -- Ella

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Ventnor, NJ
    Ella McCrystle, JamieLynn7, Kevin

    Thanks for all for kind comments and encouragement. Sort of like panning for gold fast, before they take the pan away.


  9. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Ventnor, NJ

    Makes Cents to Me

    Yes, I have been looking for a job! Why,
    Why I’ve looked in the paper next to the
    Dead, looked on at Monster dot com scratching
    My head, looked up old friends but not one of
    Them said you are hired or come meet my
    . My face is turned blue from the ink
    That I’ve spent on each application for
    Work now I’m bent on retiring although
    I cannot. I’m so full of piss and don’t
    have a pot. So don’t ask me again if
    I‘ve been earnestly looking, ‘should be clear
    Mommy dear: I just can’t get things cooking!

    John OZ

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Washington State
    Two words, or at least I think they're two words:

    Line breaks.

    You have some clever ideas--I especially enjoyed the idea behind the Caroline Mildred Clark piece--but cleverness will carry you only so far. Now, it's time for some discipline, man!

    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Hi, John!

    I liked #8! I'm not big on the following lines, though:

    wail of perfected
    lies through perfect teeth

    I think you can do better than that.

    Thanks for the read!

    "...my naive hope was that I would figure out where we as a literary nation were collectively heading....but as I contemplated the two hundred books on my floor, the only clear conclusion I arrived at was that most of them were ugly."

    --Brad Leithauser

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Ventnor, NJ
    Donner, Ren-

    Thanks both for encouragement and for reading. (I am a bit lazy Donner)
    My mother Caroline died several years ago in a nursing home. While there she did crafts. One day she presented me with a styrofoam coffee cup in which she had planted a single stem of impatiens. I somehow manage to keep it alive. It never bloomed though utill after she died. It blooms all year now and has for about 6 years. Always pretty white flowers. Last year she began to bloom pink flowers. I am sad to say I pay more attention to my mother as a plant than I did when she was here in human form. All this just to let you know the basis of this poem.

    Thansk again for reading and commenting


  13. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Ventnor, NJ

    When I was Seven

    That chill run up my back
    As delightful bubbles
    bloomed in the bowl below.
    Shake, flush, zip and run-
    But not today.
    My pee is stuck. Owe!
    I gotta go, but
    It goes so slow
    And burns and hurts.
    Later, the nurse was nice
    Hands like ice, her smile
    Made me smaller still.
    Held my little head
    as doctor’s knife nicks
    me a wider hole.
    Back home
    my boy bladder wants
    To bust out
    The cotton ball
    Meant to stall blood.
    Little leaks of burning yellow.
    Major tears and then
    POP! Plop and
    That chill run up by back
    As delightful bubbles
    Bloom again. Ahh!

    John OZ

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Wow, John, that was pretty...umm...yeah. Ouch.
    I see we're mining deep for topics on day 12?

    Thanks for posting! (I think)

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Ventnor, NJ
    Thanks B for reading and sharing my pain. I wonder, is it a metaphor for NaPoWriMo? Nah, probably not.


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