April 13 redux
The past is poised above the telephone's bell,
the future has moved into a tortoise shell and set up house.
Power lines stretch into the animal kingdom,
infusing evolution with electric power.
Cell-phone jackrabbits are ruining the stock market,
beluga whales belch fax paper into the ocean,
and the soft buzz and beep of fire ants' pagers
hum through the ground.
The tree frog is left untouched,
she presses herself tight to a green breadth
of leaf and shows up as a dark flutter
in the screech owl's infrared.
Away from the whirs and blips of nature, I wait
in the quiet of passing cars.
The drone of the cross-town swells on First avenue.
I hail its approach with a wave,
the steel pin in my shoulder
rocking in self-assurance.
*gets dose of silly* Ahh.
Last edited by Gabriel; 04-13-2005 at 09:45 PM.
Dylan Thomas in an interview with the BBC, recalling his childhood: "...one man I remember used to take off his hat and set fire to his hair every now and then, but I do not remember what it proved, if it proved anything at all except that he was a very interesting man."