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Thread: Cookala's I Can't Believe I'm Doing This Again Thread

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Oxford, UK
    Only problem with Dells in the UK is that there is very little customer support. I had one of the old Inspirons and I used to find it an absolute nightmare trying to get replacement parts (and my chargers used to fail on a monthly basis). They are solid computers, but because you 'can't buy Dells in the shops', it can be very tricky trying to get problems sorted.

    Sorry for hijacking your thread Cookala, good luck for NaPo, I think everyone is nervous
    "The only good poet is a dead poet."
    -- T. S. Eliot

    My NaPo blog: The Opposite of Primroses

    If you are interested in the future of British poetry I recommend you check out an anthology I co-edited with the esteemed Roddy Lumsden called The Salt Book of Younger Poets.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    G'Day, Dunc! Always a pleasure to hear from you. heh. it's masochism, with a twist of lime. without a doubt.

    Rob - actually, I like it. The wide screen takes a little getting used to, but it's quicker than fast. And contrary to what Eloise says, I've had very good experiences with Dell's tech services at work. I bought a 4 yr, 24/7 extended warranty and accident damage (in case I drop it in the bathtub, or something like that), which I haven't used yet and may not ever. Where I work, we insist on using Dell pcs for a few reasons. First, they don't break that easily. Second, they're super easy to fix - meaning the component parts come in and out of the chassis really easily. Third, we have excellent tech support, but then again my company pays for it, too. So, I'm not sure that anwers your question, but that's my 2 cents worth.

    Eloise - good luck to you, too. you are in, aren't you? (I didn't look for a thread for you before typing this, btw)

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Oxford, UK
    Good god, maybe Dell just don't like me personally!
    I had my Dell laptop for 4 years and went through 2 motherboards, 1 hard disk, about 5 chargers, a CD drive and my floppy drive (remember those?) didn't work for the last 2 years. Dell were very unhelpful with repairs, despite my warranty. Oh yeah, and the computer spontaneously broke my wireless card.

    I have a gorgeous Compaq R4000 now which is absolutely wonderful. Massive screen, very powerful, lots of memory (technical aren't I).

    Course I'm in, I'm English--we have a long history of humiliating ourselves in public.

    "The only good poet is a dead poet."
    -- T. S. Eliot

    My NaPo blog: The Opposite of Primroses

    If you are interested in the future of British poetry I recommend you check out an anthology I co-edited with the esteemed Roddy Lumsden called The Salt Book of Younger Poets.

  4. #19
    Robtm is offline Master of creative writhing
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    Aug 2001
    Bonnie S
    Quote Originally Posted by eremetic
    Good god, maybe Dell just don't like me personally!
    I had my Dell laptop for 4 years and went through 2 motherboards, 1 hard disk, about 5 chargers, a CD drive and my floppy drive (remember those?) didn't work for the last 2 years. Dell were very unhelpful with repairs, despite my warranty. Oh yeah, and the computer spontaneously broke my wireless card.

    I have a gorgeous Compaq R4000 now which is absolutely wonderful. Massive screen, very powerful, lots of memory (technical aren't I).

    Course I'm in, I'm English--we have a long history of humiliating ourselves in public.

    Perhaps the older machines weren't so reliable Eloise. I got interested in Dell because my sister who works for the British Orienteering Federation was issued with an Inspiron and it seems they use Dell a lot for similar reasons to those you cited Cookie. My brother-in-law who is with Shell is also very enthusiastic about them. Maybe I'll go for it, though Compaq ARE good too I think ... humm

    Rob (I hate choices)

  5. #20
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    Eloise - OMG - no wonder you're so down on Dell! I would be too if that was my experience! sheesh!

    Rob - you might also consider a Gateway laptop - we use those at work, too, and they also seem to be very reliable, (heh. go make a choice now) *cookala sprouts horns and issues a wicked laugh*

    damn, have I mentioned that my thread view count is at 300 already and NaPo hasn't even started yet!

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    320 hits (as I type this) before it's even started. Cookie, you are so popular! You should start handing out tips to people who can't make friends.

  7. #22
    Harry R is offline A discontented piglet-like squeal, soon dying away
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Robtm
    Umm, without wishing to turn your thread into a tech advisory service, what's it like Cookie? I am about to be persuaded by my wife to buy her a Dell Inspiron 6400, and am panicking. Any input gratefully received.

    You could always switch... No more viruses or spyware.


  8. #23
    Robtm is offline Master of creative writhing
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bonnie S
    Quote Originally Posted by Harry R
    You could always switch... No more viruses or spyware.

    My God, break out the garlic and make the cross!
    If there is no fear of failure, there can be no respect for success. Moreover, how will it even be recognised.
    (Rants on the tick-box society of today by Robtm)

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA
    Aw, it's Cooooookie!


  10. #25
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by romac1
    320 hits (as I type this) before it's even started. Cookie, you are so popular! You should start handing out tips to people who can't make friends.
    aw shucks, Rob. have I mentioned how nice it feels to be missed? you guys...

    gotta go now before I get all, you know...
    Last edited by cookala; 03-31-2006 at 04:49 AM.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    ah, a Mac die hard, eh Harry? well, I'll give Mac big points for graphics. so, Rob, you can add yet another brand to be considered to your growing list...

    (mmwwwahahahaha - decisions, decisions....)

    kidding aside, consider what kind of software you want to run on the puter- that should pretty drive your decision as to what to buy and how much RAM and how big a hard drive you'll need. and if you can get yourself a back copy of Consumer's Digest Magazine, the issue that rates pcs, you might want to read it before you buy a puter, too. (google it and look up the back copies to find the issue - they rate puters about once a year or so I think - it'll give you a comparison of all the puters out there and which one they think is the best buy for the buck)
    Last edited by cookala; 03-31-2006 at 04:19 AM.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    Quote Originally Posted by Julie
    Aw, it's Cooooookie!


    Julie Julie bo booolie, fe fi fo fooolie, Juuuuuullllie!

    you made me wanna sing...

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You know I'm glad you're here this year. Maybe we'll get T-Shirts or mugs or something besides mushbrain.


  14. #29
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    Annie, I'm just as glad to see you here, too. It wouldn't be the same without you!

    I'm hoping EVERYONE who signed up last year will be in again this year.

    so, I dare everyone who was in last year to sign up again this year, and if you don't it's because you're a

    bwuck bwuck

    so there

  15. #30
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    Beware! This is the result of not writing or thinking in poetic terms for 4 months. My brain has calcified into a dense, unpoetic rock. For the life of me, I could not think of what to write, there wasn’t a leaf stirring in the wind. So I decided to write about not being able to write, and try to make it as poetic as possible, and to poke a little fun at my block and severely rusted skill set in the process. So, it’s a start. But still, I’ve got a few screws loose to even post this. It's bad, and it's all I've got. Go ahead, it's ok to snicker. It's meant to be funny. But still, ah shit. Ick. In for a penny, in for a pound. *groan* I am so going to regret this...

    April 1

    O, To Be An April Fool, A Lament

    Ah, sweet April has come
    with her warming clime
    and poetry of flowers
    to try to goad me to a smile.

    Surely she jests at my expense
    for here I sit pen deep in shit
    struggling with a dormant brain,
    stressed to the max by a muse
    who’s hopped a runaway train.

    O, what do I do? What can I say?
    I’ve tried all day, thrown fifty
    sheets of crumpled paper away
    and still I come up with nix.
    Woe is me, for I’ve even lapsed
    lower than low into cliche
    and sunk to a subterrainian level of wit.

    My face is rouged ten shades of red;
    my poet’s hat no longer fits;
    and this my re-entry to PFFA. Drat

    this cur-sed event, this NaPoWriMo
    to come along and bare my patooty
    to public view. Ooooh, I was a fool
    to think I could poetically go-go
    as well as the rest of you.

    Alas, poor me. Take pity.

    This poem,
    thank God,
    is now officially

    I am now going off to find a deep, dark cave to hide in...

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