Welcome to PFFA. We're a poetry workshop dedicated to the modern use of English for today's reader. If you're interested in writing in 17th century vernacular and style, find a time machine. Now, on to our guidelines which we expect every member to respect and follow. If you're not interested in minding your manners, find the exit.
1. It's "Poetry Free-for-all", not "free for all". There is a difference; learn what it is.
2. PFFA is not a showcase and it is not a free critique service. If that's what you think we are, go away. Now. (And don't tell us you don't know how to critique.)
3. Thou shalt use correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and syntax in all posts. (This isn't just our opinion, it's a pretty standard one.] Any illiterate ramblings will be toast.
4. 1 poem per forum per day - that's 24 hours - and comments on at least 3 poems by others in the same forum for every 1 of yours that you post. And "flow" doesn't count. End of discussion.
5. "Constructive criticism" does not equal "nice". We're not your mother, so we don't have to be.
6. Say "thank you" for any and all comments. No whining. No one has to comment on your work.
7. Revisions are selfish and don't like to share; they get their own thread. Neither are they like instant pudding; take your time.
8. Unless you're a moderator, don't comment on the comments, comment on the poem.
9. Don't rewrite someone else's poem. Ever.
10. No one likes being screamed at. Don't post in all caps.
OK, so there are 11:
11. Memorize "Scavella's Mantra": "I am probably not as good as I think I am." Become one with it.
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OK, so we've added one more:
12. Always check the original date of a post and don't comment on poems that are over a month or two old. Why? Because most poems have had their fair chance at comments, doing so bumps newer poems down the page and the member who posted an older poem may no longer be active at the site and your comments are wasted.
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You'll find the unabridged version of the New Posters' Orientation here.
You'll find our Informational Stickies Dossier here.
You'll find nuggets of wisdom in the Blurbs forum here.