Index of poems.
1. December 7, 2013
The Mist Hangs Like a Soiled Dhoti
2. December 8
AS -- goat's dead
3. December 9
The Holy Child is an Elephant
4. December 10
Photographing Patupatinash
5. December 11
The Jungle Path to a Famous Landmark
6. December 12
Identifying the Body
7. December 13
Ten Influential Books
I was encouraged by reading a lovely poem that Dunc wrote.
January 7th 1. The Magi
January 8th 2. Rough Sleepers
January 9th 3. Letting Go
January 10th 4. Fairy Story
January 11th 5. Rumpelstiltskin
Jamuary 12th 6. Vespers for the Dead
January 13th 7. Slaughter