Daily Poems Available Here!
Here at PFFA, we're always saying Read more poetry! So, in response to a a suggestion made by Tanya (thank you!), we've compiled a list of sites that provide a daily poem! Some are by sent by email; some poems are posted. We're not necessarily endorsing each site and it is up to each member to carefully check out each site before signing up but, here's a fast, easy way to get your daily poem fix!
Poetry Daily
Verse Daily
American Life in Poetry - Ted Kooser Project
The Cortland Review Poetry Streamer - Audio
Last edited by HowardM2; 09-04-2018 at 12:52 AM.
Reason: Added link
Because, if the poet isn’t careful, meaning has a way of too insistently shouldering its way in, so that we readers then have the meaning but miss the experience.
Christopher Ricks, Introduction to Austin Clarke’s Collected Poems