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Thread: Damn Magpie Stole My Thread

  1. #106
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Midwestern U.S.
    W.G. - thank you for your detailed and thoughtful comments!

    Luxury Sink

    I am the best
    turquoise glass bowl through
    which can almost be seen
    Caribbean ocean view,
    above which is poised, matching disk
    with spout aimed to provide, at a touch,
    gentle waterfall to cleanse. Elegant as
    man can hawk
    and spit, as toothpaste can stick, slick
    with smears of lotion and lipstick, touched
    by hands that have touched a baby's
    bottom, cat box, used tampon, dog's
    upchucked dinner. Very special.

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Midwestern U.S.
    And just one more to go after this. Scraping bottom.

    Hearing the Music Again

    Since Dad's death I haven't heard music
    without Amazing Grace or Ode to Joy
    sung in chiding counterpoint.
    The spell is broken tonight when the band plays
    Lay My Burden Down. Maybe it is the drums,
    the lack of a fiddle or that I am two milk stouts
    in when the music begins. No tears come
    until I lean in to my husband and whisper
    the singer's eyeliner's laid on an inch thick
    and he doesn't notice because he can't
    get past her chest; she's falling out of her shirt.
    Like my dad, he's a breast man. I remember
    how Mom refused mammograms not for fear
    of cancer but fear of losing her man.
    My husband says regarding my upcoming
    appointment, you don't play bagpipes
    or buy a coffin for a breast.

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Midwestern U.S.
    I have done similar things in past NaPos, and in the spirit of my thread title, I am committing a bit of thievery again for my last "poem" this year. Only this time, I have wandered through past Free NaPo titles (not this year) and freely lifted a number of titles. I took so many, I can't even properly attribute. I know Bela and Howard are in here for sure!

    Spider-eye View

    Batik– Organ – Breasts

    My mother was poor suckling. She said:

    I never promised you mice, still

    my eyes are two tin cans, multiplied, fly, but

    I sense. This web wiggles like ripples

    in old glass. Nothing gets past. Not

    tiny bits of leaves, bird fluffies, the whiff

    of old sneakers blowing on the wind.

    Not you. The evolution of wings makes you

    a flying blunderbuss. Compound eyes?

    Watch your death on any screen you wish.

    You will be dancing in the dust.

  4. #109
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Studying the sky
    I have to say, that as I see your thread wrap up and I back out I love For Sale for its basic randomness which leads me back to the beginning once I finish; and then back again.
    Great month!

  5. #110
    Sorella is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    You made it yet again, and some of these are a bit close to home, (though not that close for a not particularly breasty woman like me) but still... and knowing what hangs over you -- please say all is OK.

    Watch your death on any screen you wish.
    You will be dancing in the dust.

    True, and gutting.

    And this:

    and he doesn't notice because he can't
    get past her chest; she's falling out of her shirt.
    Like my dad, he's a breast man. I remember
    how Mom refused mammograms not for fear
    of cancer but fear of losing her man.

    Malignant melanoma is wasted on people like me, breast cancer would be better. The men never chose me for those :-)

    Happy NaPo 1of May!!
    And cheers, a Loon Beer for you.

    Plus good luck.


  6. #111
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Glad to see you made it through April with your wit and creativity mostly intact

    Thinking any month but April would work far better for this NaPo business.


    Because, if the poet isn’t careful, meaning has a way of too insistently shouldering its way in, so that we readers then have the meaning but miss the experience.
    Christopher Ricks, Introduction to Austin Clarke’s Collected Poems

  7. #112
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Midwestern U.S.
    Sorella and Annie, thank you both for your support throughout the month. Annie, right. So much to do in April - gardening, catching the bird migrations. I thought I was going to go nuts before I got through it. Missed you. Just read through "my body of work" and it isn't quite as gawdawful as I had thought. One or two things I might be able to work with. And, now, I leave for OKC for medical tests, which I put off for vacation and NaPo (stupid, I know). Wish me luck!

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