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Thread: Donner's "How do you run away from the things in your head?" Thread

  1. #136
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Washington State

    April 29 - Office Depot & Bonus Poem

    Goffe and Jee - Thank you! Angst and adventure are my bywords.

    * * * * *

    Office Depot

    There is no one in line for the register
    when I'm ready to check out,
    but instead of bypassing the shelves
    and arrows and lane markers
    meant to corral customers
    and going straight up to the cashier
    I push my cart through the intended pathway.
    I don't want to get glared at,
    let alone told to go back
    to the end of the line and wait my turn
    as civility requires. Perhaps
    she'd applaud my rule-breaking shortcut,
    or perhaps she'd look me up and down,
    calculate the calories I'd burn
    by taking the longer way to the counter
    or why did she even bother with a cart
    for two reams of paper and some tape,
    bet she leaves it in the middle of the aisle
    or out on the sidewalk where I'll have to retrieve it
    during my break
    or maybe the security cameras
    would catch my act of disobedience
    on tape and the cops would be waiting for me
    when I run for my car. Rather than risk
    my rewards points, I obey.

    And a Bonus Poem!

    American Sentence #5

    The blower dispatches teens smoking behind the church along with leaves.
    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

  2. #137
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Washington State

    April 30 - Hand-me-downs


    Mom ruled with thriftiness; well-worn coveralls,
    dresses and the starter violin were passed down
    from my oldest sister to the me, all
    but the most prized dolls, shoes, and jackets
    beyond patching were community property.
    Flip through snapshots and there I am,
    wearing that blouse she had worn
    at my age; flip a few years further
    and there's baby sis in it, too.
    Dad may have secretly hoped for that son
    that anchors the family name, knowing all those petticoats
    and Easter hats mom stowed away for #3 could be passed down
    to the Clarks' new daughter next door
    should his genes prevail, but I proved
    that jeans and tees are suited equally these days
    for both grandsons and granddaughters. So, too, it seems
    with my hand-me-down cat left behind with a couch
    and lamp in their driveway when the neighbors moved.
    Photos of him are now posted to my Facebook page
    instead. I wonder if he ever wonders why
    there are unfamiliar people living where he used to
    prowl or misses his food bowl that no longer is filled
    on their patio until he lays purring in my lap,
    handed down from the previous owner
    who used to groom her paws there.
    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

  3. #138
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hi Donner,

    I often think about a comment you offered me a year ago (or was it two) that you enjoy my personal poems much more than those speaking for some abstract "us". And how this defines not only where my poetry tries to go (key word "tries") but where yours exists and thrives: in the personal, the genuine, the reachable and teachable. Distinctly feminine features to me (you may insert feminist protest here), praiseworthy for their down-to-earth wisdom and honesty, but also comforting and nourishing to those less blessed with those qualities. So thanks for being a such a bulwark of sanity and warmth in your poems, and for your friendly presence in general for these last, no longer few, years.

  4. #139
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Washington State

    No feminist protest from me. That touched me, thank you.

    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

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