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Thread: Featherless Biped's "The boi in the belfry is crazy" Thread

  1. #166
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    May 2001
    Sydney, Australia

    Marin County - something of a contrast to Jack Suckling ('I tell thee, Dick, where I have been' &c) and spacious, dry and sharp (Church of Robotics ...) with maybe even a hint of warmth.

    Doctor Biped - This is the finger-and-tongue gymnasium - brilliant! And the last line on reflection crosses silently from irony to sarcasm.

    Dragon's Tail - Wah! Pain and anger done with power. Strong, direct, exact selection of images, great close.

    Thank you for your thread. You have the touch indeed.

    Come and have a drink.

    Regards / Dunc

  2. #167
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Featherless Biped View Post
    Kinky Sevenling IV: Venus in Frustration

    I am a mistress, but I’m not your mistress, mister.
    Don’t call me Mistress. Give the misaddress a miss.
    You don’t pass muster. Must you masturbate at me?

    I’m not submissive. Put away the collar, Killer.
    The thought of clocking me may set your kilt off kilter,
    but you’re not my master. I won’t call you Sir.

    A man who asks me? Oh, you make me misty.
    Please and thank you.
    embrace the eyeball ethic

  3. #168
    Join Date
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    Washington State
    Quote Originally Posted by billdozer View Post
    Please and thank you.
    Damn right.

    Hi, Rachael,

    I think "Notes from a Marin County Wedding" is my favorite among many for its sort of Twilight Zone futuristic feel. It really takes off after "I let it slip...." and the reference about N hiding in the garden I read as a desire to return to innocence of an earlier time. If there ever was such a time.

    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

  4. #169
    Arlene is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Hey, Rachel, waited till past the very end to read it all through...love the anger...can't get the damned page to stay put...love Objectivity, was it, the purple bit, the dragon beginning and ending, the poems in the airport, not going to even try parsing, this site's way too squidgy. Orpheus, perfect, and Vampire Lesbian Killer, Boxcar...terrific stuff.

  5. #170
    Featherless Biped is offline Ray to rhyme with bay; not Rae to rhyme with bae
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    Bay Area, California
    Sorella, fluff champion! Thank you! I would trade Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail for the total erasure of the experience that inspired them, but hey, you get a poem for every pain, that's the deal.

    Dunc, I loved "Notes from a Country Wedding". Excellent use of the character's voice. (Good punchline too.) Thank you for sharing it.

    Bill, that's what makes the world go round. Thank you!

    Donner, I swear I stole it almost direct from life. California is not a million miles away from the Twilight Zone.

    Arlene, I appreciate your braving the squidginess to comment! So glad you enjoyed the poems!

    I owe everybody comments (in my defence, I have a new job in California as the result of this week's activities, and I'm moving in July!). This weekend will be spent on an airplane, but if the mods will indulge my late commenting, by next weekend I will be able to sit down and breathe.

  6. #171
    Sorella is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    California! Wow, you lucky poet. Fluff is optional in NaPo, surely? Just leave us unfluffed, don't fret.

  7. #172
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Sydney, Australia

    California? Hollywood, Arnie and drought and an economy bigger than Australia's?

    May it all go gorgeously well!


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