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Thread: Featherless Biped's "The boi in the belfry is crazy" Thread

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    South Carolina

    I have read through all of your poems so far. Really good stuff here.

    Some of my favorite's are:

    Your sadomasochistic vampire! Oh those pretty girls, those moth-shy girls! -swoon- I love how she considers switching sides and then slams the lid on that. Yes!

    This whole stanza in Objectivity is just about perfection. Love!

    Love is tab A in slot B:
    continuation of species
    or orgasm as telos.
    I don’t know what we did
    among the fragrant wisteria blossoms,
    since there is no scientific evidence
    of nerve endings on the inside
    of a poem. They say even purple
    is a photochemical illusion.

    Teaching my sweetheart... I love the drowning-dance while doing the Neti-pot! Ha!

    Envy: I like the N's voice here. I do have to admit that I would love to be the owner of a real live bon-i-fied penis for a whole day-- err--I mean weekend. Purely for selfish reasons. That is all I will say about that. Heh.

    Your kinky sevenling is making me grin. Who needs Fifty shades when you have Featherless near? Can't wait to see the big finale.


  2. #122
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Oh, I do like 'Negotiation Checklists'. Checklists are interesting in themselves, as a type of classification, maybe? A framework, a bartering, a negotiation - yes. Also, of course, they're essentially collaborative, and suggest a partnership, so already we're looking into some kind of mirrored box. I also like the 'found not what we sought', and the solo ending is interesting. Oh, and the title is very funny.

    How far do you need S2?

    But easily my favourite 'Kinky Sevenling' so far.


  3. #123
    Featherless Biped is offline Ray to rhyme with bay; not Rae to rhyme with bae
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Bay Area, California
    Angela, thanks! (And I am cracking up at "bon-i-fied penis".)

    Scrow, glad you enjoyed. I think you're right about S2; I'll rethink that once the dust settles.

  4. #124
    Featherless Biped is offline Ray to rhyme with bay; not Rae to rhyme with bae
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Bay Area, California
    Kinky Sevenling VI: The Natural Order

    Your cock is perfectly shaped
    for my rope harness. Your fifth orgasm
    hurts. You’re not so stoical

    you won’t whimper when whipped.
    It’s amazing how my soft body
    can inflict pain, bruises, terror.

    Now bend over so I can spank you with this Gor novel.
    Last edited by Featherless Biped; 04-16-2015 at 07:31 AM.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Your Kinky Sevenlings are fun, tight, and sensual.

    I like 'Fear' especially, 'until the pain wraps itself around her mind.'

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    No, she wouldn't dare.
    Oh my God, she just did.
    Not a lot of decency in you kinkdom, but wicked humor galore. Spank you with a Gor novel indeed
    Magic Cabinet is very fine, and I absolutely love the Blue Ghazal. Great work Rachael.

  7. #127
    Featherless Biped is offline Ray to rhyme with bay; not Rae to rhyme with bae
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Bay Area, California
    Steven, Larry, thanks for the love.

    Today's is very silly.

  8. #128
    Featherless Biped is offline Ray to rhyme with bay; not Rae to rhyme with bae
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Bay Area, California
    Kinky Sevenling VII: Patter Song

    I am the very model of a mega macho masochist.
    The rawhide whip is smarting from the toughness of the ass it kissed.
    Caligula would boggle. Fetch the strigil. Call the classicists.

    I’m stoic and heroic. You can strangle me and cudgel me
    and dish out grievous injury and misery and drudgery.
    If you don’t hit me hard enough, I’ll snigger at you judgily.

    I never use my safeword and I... okay, ow. Stop.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Featherless Biped View Post
    Kinky Sevenling VII: Patter Song

    I am the very model of a mega macho masochist.
    The rawhide whip is smarting from the toughness of the ass it kissed.
    Caligula would boggle. Fetch the strigil. Call the classicists.

    I’m stoic and heroic. You can strangle me and cudgel me
    and dish out grievous injury and misery and drudgery.
    If you don’t hit me hard enough, I’ll snigger at you judgily.

    I never use my safeword and I... okay, ow. Stop.
    You have me in stitches here. I think I may need to use my safe word. Don't stop.

    BrianIs AtYou
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA
    Just some brief notes on an enjoyable thread:

    "When you play house, the closet lives in you" and "By day, you stuff your heartbeat in a briefcase" are each strong enough to build an entire poem on.

    My love of menthol makes me want to experience a mentholated Canberra summer!

    "moth-shy girls"!

    The word "pocked" shows up way too often in my poems, and I force myself to get rid of it. That makes me doubly, trebly pleased to see it show up in other works just so I can hear it. Pocked.

    "do the Neti pot" made me laugh out loud.

    "Envy" made me cringe and I don't even have the threatened parts.

    The sounds of this make it scream to be recorded: "Let the icecaps cry
    a river. Let this gin that I consume
    consume my liver. Honestly, I never
    liked those shoes. Electric blue is vulgar.
    I’ll keep the Lady Grey, the crackling mug,
    the smell of hemlock."

    "the crazy wind knitting our hair together." !!

    "the no-singlet woman." This just delighted me.

    The dedication of "Custody" would be a brilliant title.

    I'd consider ditching the last line of Kinky Sevenling II. I know what I've just suggested makes no sense, but I'd consider it.

    KSVI also made me laugh out loud. I need to send that one to my husband because of the Gor novel reference.

    And KSVII made me laugh much, much harder.

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Featherless - I started reading your thread after one sake two masu and couldn't comment. I came back the next morning and started the thread over and there's much to enjoy here. "Self-Portrait" is a fun piece of verse. Solid voice and the consistent character. No nits to pick.
    Dragon's Head, the "nirvana where orgasms come from" and the end were killer. The rhythm was spot on as well.
    Magic Cabinet - thoughtful imagery, love the corkscrew moment but not more than the magic trick.

    I'm enjoying the Earthling series.

    The Kinky Sevenlings - "My Limits as a Top" made me go start your thread from the beginning. I have to second questioning the word, "brave," but up to that point, I thought It solid.

    The end to "Natural Order" was a hoot! "Patter Song" has a couple of trips for me (l3 & l4), but I'm no G&S sexpert, tha's fer sure. The end was great too.

    Much to enjoy here,

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    New York, NY
    The Kinky Sevenlings are fun! I like Venus in Frustration particularly, the tight wordplay reminds me of Shakespeare's misogynistic sonnet "A woman's face with nature's own hand painted." You are putting ideas in my head, not originally there, of course!

  13. #133
    Featherless Biped is offline Ray to rhyme with bay; not Rae to rhyme with bae
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Bay Area, California
    Oh, thank you all!

    Brian, you're a master of meter and a wizard of wordplay, so that's a lovely compliment coming from you.

    Julie, one of the best things about Australia is that you can smell the eucalyptus. And the last line of KSII seems like it's universally reviled, so that makes complete sense. (It occurs to me that there are better things to do here. "Sunflower" rhymes with "devour", for instance.)

    Andrea, My Limits as a Top is a sort of skew facet of the thing, rather than its essence; I'm glad you enjoyed, and thank you for adding to the consensus. I think you're an acknowledged person who can write well about sex, so the comments are very appreciated.

    Jee, I am sure that you were completely innocent of all this sex stuff before I showed up to corrupt you. (Didn't we have an argument about whether that sonnet was misogynistic one time? Unfortunate that it's a little too messed up to give to the object of one's affections in sincerity.)

    OK, erotic is when you use a feather, but kinky is when you use the whole chicken, so it's time to change gears and do the annual chicken ditty!

  14. #134
    Featherless Biped is offline Ray to rhyme with bay; not Rae to rhyme with bae
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Bay Area, California
    My sweetheart teaches me to hypnotize chickens in Little Valley

    You press their heads to the ground
    and draw an invisible line, beginning
    at the beak, stretching toward the horizon.
    It blows their nine-volt minds.

    The Polish hen dies for a minute and half,
    cycles through the Wheel of Time as the head of a mop,
    a dazed half-creature, and finally,
    a chicken again.
    I am squeamish.
    Do the chickens like it?
    It bothers the rooster when you hypnotize the chickens.
    Yes, but does it bother the chickens?
    The rooster is jealous.
    Yes, but what about the chickens?
    The chickens are okay.

  15. #135
    Sorella is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Apr 2006
    FB, I have been reading your thread, and intend to comment now from where I left off fluffing, as the Forum seems to spring back (touch wood) after each glitch of 20 seconds or so. Slow-motion springing.
    So Kilroy was here.

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