Poor Form
01. A Day Visit to London (Sevenling)
02. Orchestra of Birds (Rolling Than Bauk)
03. Fledgling (Haiku)
04. Peregrine (Tanka)
05. The Force of Habit (Sestina)
06. The WaterAid advert makes me wish that there was something I could do to help (Triolet)
07. Migration (Alphabet)
08. Morning Radio (Sedoka)
09. 26th January 1942 (Rondeau Redoublé)
10. From My Window (reprise) (Villa Panto)
11. A Passing Conversation (Ballade)
12. Gardener's Lament (Sijo)
13. Our love is like an exhausted mine shaft, baby (Pantoum)
14. Company (Terza Rima)
15. Things I Have Come to Understand (Twenty Little Poetry Protects)
16. Several Things I Repeatedly Get Wrong, and One I Never Will Again (List)
17. Let there be Light (Broken Sonnet)
18. Revisiting Galilee (Vilanelle)
19. Split Personality Renga (or) Things That Stop Me Writing Poetry (Renga)
20. Meat Sandwich (Epulaeryu)
21. Declaring Love through a Bus Window (Butterfly Cinquain)
22. Brief Encounters (Shadeling)
23. Grammar School Did Not Teach One How To Fight (Balassi Stanza)
24. Colonel (Limerick)
25. A Salute to the Commuter (Ghazal Form)
26. Motorway (American Sentence)
27. Reclaiming the Commonwealth (Kelly Line x2 & Collum Line)
28. What none of us think until around April 15th when it becomes our daily chant. (Terse Verse)
29. Of Pre- from Post- (Redaction)
30. As the Deer (Mills Mess Sestina)