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Thread: Laurie's Junk Drawer

  1. #106
    Arlene is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Apr 2012
    til i got to this page, where the two-line horror story opening immediately became my total fave, i was in love with rings...other great gems in your junk drawer -- the wood hyacinths, communing with words, fitting 4.1 earthquakes into a visit to Arkansas. very cool thread.

  2. #107
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by PClem View Post
    Two Line Horror Story

    A doll should never be discarded
    like that – white lace dress, rucked
    up, faint blush on porcelain face,
    single blond curl over her shoulder,
    eyes wide, mouth an O
    of surprise or as if ready
    to receive, one arm raised
    waving goodbye, faint smear
    across her thighs. She lies
    on top of refuse as the garbage
    truck rounds the corner
    just like she's the opening
    to a two-bit horror story.
    Nice. What can cause the greatest horror is when we sense the violation of beautiful or innocent things.

    You capture that well here.

    BrianIs AtYou
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

  3. #108
    shadygrove is offline "Behold, My Ph.D." vs. "Take Me, You Fool!"
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    Every single Oklahoma poem is my favorite. Also Rings, Failure (where *is* the bottom of that barrel, anyway?), and Birds. Such delicious angry, sharp-tasting stuff in here. OK Poets Against the Frack? I'd send money to that non-profit!

  4. #109
    Sorella is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Dipping in on way out: Rings is fantastic! Direct and wry and packed with bling and truth.

    Sorella back later (and you too can cheat with your catch up, this is NaPo)

  5. #110
    Join Date
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    Midwestern U.S.
    Kristy, Arlene, Brian, Shady, and Sorella - thanks for your visits while I've been MIA. Actually, on vacation. I suspect this next batch will be incoherent, but that's what happens when one writes six poems in two hours!

    Devon Energy Buses Their Supporters In

    wearing God and going off
    script.One of our activists comments
    via text: the rhetoric is filled
    with Freedom, the American
    Dream, Civic Duty and Oklahoma
    Pride. I'm trying to keep track
    of what I represent here. I text
    back: terrorists, obviously. Frankly,
    I got lost somewhere between
    Afghanistan's oil and on which side
    of the horse you're supposed to shoot
    your rifle from.
    My husband says that guy has fallen
    off his saddle. And I'm lost
    on the four lane highway
    the petroleum engineer
    is metaphorically building
    in front of my house to demonstrate
    that sometimes things are
    temporarily inconvenient. I wonder
    about God's opinion when someone says
    that fault lines are like a reluctant woman -
    a little lubrication from forceful
    injection is all they need
    to slide more smoothly.
    Or does that fit better
    under Civic Duty?

    On Vacation

    The mind factory
    shuts down
    and all thought
    bubbles deflated.

    At the Hot Springs, Arkansas

    Wrapped, shaken
    not stirred, parboiled
    below, steamed
    and packed, then chilled
    and served on a bed
    of fresh washed greens

    Christina Joins the Family

    You broke the code,
    my aunt congratulates
    the new girl in the family,
    a northerner. This upon
    her exclamation
    regarding her husband,
    bless his heart, after bemoaning
    the keys, cell phone and glasses
    he loses in the course of an hour.
    She tells us in her family you learn
    early you can say anything
    about anyone if you follow it
    with one of two phrases,
    which her grandmother
    demonstrated, as in
    Christina, rinse those dishes
    thoroughly or you'll give us all
    the shits. God love ya.

    Bless His Heart

    You know how it goes,
    you're out of town, on a walk
    and run into this woman
    with her dog and start talking.
    Turns out she's moved there
    from your home state. You maybe
    know the man she divorced and one thing
    leads to another and pretty soon she's showing
    you houses. Maybe you get a job
    then you and your husband
    discuss selling the business and home.
    Or you do. He talks about
    cleaning the garage and location
    of the nearest Starbucks.

    Spring Sense

    Nothing matches
    the aroma of fresh
    cow shit paired
    with the sight
    of hundreds
    of yellow-headed
    blackbirds picking
    through it.
    Last edited by PClem; 04-27-2015 at 01:29 AM.

  6. #111
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    I wanted to write about a river
    and an orange, describe the likeness.
    But there is none, except the ripple
    of warmth and skin. Underneath
    nothing's the same, other
    than a scent of time moving,
    of seed, of division
    and division, again. Decisions.
    And it all ends, of course,
    at the mouth, only
    it doesn't.

  7. #112
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    Untitled II

    We'll leave, move
    on. Someone will buy
    and bulldoze the place, build
    something else. There was
    this black cherry, the sand
    plum, the sumac. There
    was the salvia, blazing star
    coneflowers. They will forget
    we were here, that once
    there were birds.

  8. #113
    Join Date
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    A man and woman stand at a gate
    at dusk, in front
    of a farmer's empty field.
    He looks at his bird app
    on his smart phone. She is watching
    the shadows in the field but
    looks away, at him, for a moment.
    When she looks back,
    there is a bobcat, watching her,
    alert, haunches half raised,
    ear tufts erect. Tawny against
    last year's tawny switch grass.
    The woman turns to the man
    to alert him to the cat. The cat slips,
    colorless and soundless, into the encroaching
    dark, such that when the couple turns
    there is nothing to see but uniform
    field. Question: If the cat made no sound,
    if no camera, no witness confirms
    it was there, did the cat exist?
    Last edited by PClem; 04-30-2015 at 01:55 AM.

  9. #114
    Join Date
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    The stream bed holds
    no water.
    My pen runs out
    of words.
    A lizard basks
    on a boulder, exposed
    in the empty river.

  10. #115
    Join Date
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    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    Oooh, the irony!
    Brilliant, Laurie.
    I wish I'd written that.

    "They called it a training mistake.
    We never talk about this."

    so enjoyable.


  11. #116
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Love Ending
    Existence is intriguing. Is there an answer? Guess not. Though I think he was there.
    Comparison and Untitled II are lovely - mysterious and a bit sad.
    Learning from Failure unfolds slowly, and then bang:
    Only I knew those roots
    lapped round and round the bottom
    searching for a way out. Ten years
    and, finally, the barrel gives in.

    Took a hatchet to wrestle
    that tree, subversively discreet
    on top, roots blown feloniously
    rampant underneath. We never found
    the bottom of that barrel.
    Very powerful.
    The political stuff is prickly and well stated although...but that's another story altogether.
    Creed - good poem but I'm afraid it says a lot about me. Maybe I should do something about it.

    It was excellent to watch you produce poems full of sass with that hidden animal that is silently watching and waiting to pounce.

  12. #117
    Sorella is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Apr 2006
    Existence: Finally time for a random read and your penultimate NaPo 2015 poem is a keeper. Straight into the scene, economical, strong particulars, wistful, philosophical, yay! Still on Loon Beer?Have another -- it's Sunday.

  13. #118
    Join Date
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    Geoff - glad you enjoyed my anti-cat.
    Larry and Sorella - I think the two of you ended my month with the best compliments I've had all NaPo. You are both darlings and I'm afraid I didn't pull my weight in fluff this year. But we all got through it, somehow.

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