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WARNING! We're mean. We're nasty. We're merciless. We're cruel. We're vile. We're heartless. We'll slash your soul to ribbons. We're an evil clique conspiring to annihilate your self-esteem. Ready? New to the PFFA? Read the Hot & Sexy Posting Guidelines and burrow through the Blurbs of Wisdom |
Emiliooooo! You're in?
I think I'm going to try. I'm moving this month, starting Friday, and need to be finished by the 17th. And my disclaimer is, I give no warranties to the quality of what I post! I've missed you, this will be fun!
Witness my thread title. April IS the cruelest month Always.
I shall have a similar thread title! I'll catch up with you again tomorrow, my friend,
To the congressman who compared a Red-tailed Hawk
to an abortion doctor, let me say this:
before you grab a metaphor and run with it,
you might want to check the company
you drag along, willing
or otherwise (Bald Eagle, Bald Eagle),
you better make sure you run with shoes that fit
the job and not some cheaply reworded
faux brand that pinches in the long haul
because the terrain can get unpredictable
like if you, say, stumble
and find you’ve compared a fetus
to a disemboweled rodent. Yes,
everyone makes mistakes, but you
must finish this race.
You might also consider the fans,
fourth-graders, bright and rapacious as their beloved raptor
whose red-orange tail flares best
in mid-day sun as it soars
and dives for its prey - it
and they will spot a rat long before this race
is over. With a little luck, they'll let you crawl
the last hundred yards intact,
more or less, and reward you
a well-deserved handful of turkey feathers.
As my daughter might say 'BOOM!' (Bald eagle, blad eagle)
Now that's how you start the first morning of NaPo, with sass. Love it!
Biting, that one. I like the ending, and also like that I can infer the meaning, though I'm not picking up on all the cultural references.
Oh wow!!! Zoology meets stupidity. Poet wins!
Great to read you, P Clem.
Hey Laurie,
I hadn't heard of this but found the story online, although I pretty much followed along without it. Having said that, knowing background makes it even more bizarre. I enjoy how you take this metaphor, run with it and have fun with it.
Great start to the month.
Wow. Wow wow wow. Boggling at the senator; impressed by your ability to skewer him rather than just standing in open-mouthed bogglement. The turkey feathers are perfect.
Since this is an image friendly thread, I would like to offer you some ice for that sick burn.
and she hits a home run on the first day out, and cracks the bat in the process!!!! wow. good stuffs.
I like to paint images around empty spaces.
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Cheesecloth Moon (art, poetry,photography, some ranting, etc
egrobeck (my ArtFire shop)
Cookalas Pretty Things (my shop blog)
The Bald eagle, Bald eagle chant is perfect! Turkey Feathers...Ha!
Laurie, New Hampshire does that to the best of us. Hilarious! Glad to share the revolutionary NaPo spirit with you. Maybe we should make some turkey feather headdresses.