The poet makes no guarantees. Each poem is provided "as-is" without warranty. The poet makes no representation of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The reader will be provided a full refund for any unused poem that is returned in the original packaging. However, a restocking fee of the greater of one (1) line or five (5) metrical feet (or a reasonably comparable measure in free-verse or syllabics) may apply on damaged poems or poems that show excessive wear (restocking fee not to exceed the length of the poem).
BrianIs AtYou
Ah, yes! The obligatory Index:
1 - Ode to my Dentist
2 - Selfie with Dad
3 - Poultricide (Poultry Side)
4 - Anne Frank in Hollywood
A reading on video of my poem "Selfie with Dad"
5 - Say What?
6 - This Old Story
7 - Seven Simian Stanzas plus One More
8 - Broken
9 - Your Tin Foil Hat
10 - Prodigality Play
11 - Climbing on Mount Fuji
12 - All I've Got
13 - Dawn at Isawa in the Kai Province
14 - A Sign (for Michelle)
15 - Never Easy
16 - In the Land of Gaton
17 - A Prayer
18 - Come Again!
19 - Sometimes
20 - Give up my Soul
21 - A Maudlin Young Man
22 - Forever
23 - The Tea Plantation of Katakura in Suruga Province
24 - Another Notch
25 - I Wonder If My Brains Are Still Safe
26 - Dreams and Hopes of the Twilight Years
27 - We Do Not Fear the Bomb
28 - To Write the Impossible Poem
29 - A Plan for Every Day
30 - To Lay the Pencil Down
Bonus - The Mosquito and the Mountain Climber
Bonus 2 - Prometheus Found