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Thread: Pictures During NaPo

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Lawrenceburg, KENTUCKY!

    Pictures During NaPo

    The moderators have a request regarding pictures in the NaPo forum. We ask that whenever possible, you would exercise constraint. There are multiple reasons for this. First of all, pernicious degrees of pictures can make pages hard to load (and we don't all have the top-of-the-line, stream-your-Netflix-here internet service). And, the poems are harder to find, at least until they're indexed. It's all about the poems, after all. We've even had an instance when a picture was handing out a virus in the past.

    Nextly, while everyone enjoys conviviality, not everyone wants someone else's picture choices taking over their thread. In fact, this listening ear has heard some grumbles.

    Lastly, pictures are rather big files, they take up more than their share of data base, and current site glitches, not to mention the ghost of the 2012 NaPo site fail have still got us nervous. No, more than nervous. The site has been doubling posts, and I know I'm getting all kinds of "confirm navigation" and other type error messages. If everyone had a clean-up party and say, removed a sizable chunk of the pictures they've posted, we might get through this NaPo with out having the whole thing plunging into a cyber black hole.

    We don't want to ban pictures from the NaPo forum because that would prevent ekphrastics, but we would appreciate it so, so, somuch if moderation was used in this area.

    If we saw a very large change in picture posting quantity from here on out, the possibility of opening the 2016 NaPo forum a little earlier might even get considered, no guarantees expressed or implied. Just sayin'.

  2. #2
    W.G.McLeod is offline Peter's surrogate underage mother
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    At home, silly. Ferndale WA
    Sorry, I forget about this every year until things start falling apart. I'll pull mine and happily leave .

  3. #3
    Featherless Biped is offline Ray to rhyme with bay; not Rae to rhyme with bae
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    I did not know this.

    I am happy to remove my pictures.

  4. #4
    Featherless Biped is offline Ray to rhyme with bay; not Rae to rhyme with bae
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    1. Aren't pictures hotlinked, rather than hosted here?
    2. Does removing them do any good?

    Ah well; will chill out and write some poems.

  5. #5
    HowardM2 is offline The little guy behind the curtain
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    Even if that's the case, not everyone necessarily enjoys having his/her thread cluttered up with this sort of thing. That doesn't mean people can't have fun, but maybe slathering loads of images over others' threads isn't the best way to go about it, as suzanne mentioned. Individual threads are primarily for poems, after all, aren't they?

    Possibly in the future there can be a specific thread specifically for images just for fun.
    "Poetry is not a code to be broken but a way of seeing with the eyes shut." -- Linda Pastan

  6. #6
    BruisedOrange is offline passing for a fool and a churl
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    Screw the images, they are too much work anyway! It's all about the words, anyway. Isn't it?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by suzanne View Post
    Lastly, pictures are rather big files, they take up more than their share of data base, and current site glitches, not to mention the ghost of the 2012 NaPo site fail have still got us nervous. No, more than nervous. The site has been doubling posts, and I know I'm getting all kinds of "confirm navigation" and other type error messages. If everyone had a clean-up party and say, removed a sizable chunk of the pictures they've posted, we might get through this NaPo with out having the whole thing plunging into a cyber black hole.
    I remember this concern being expressed last year and making the following point then: The pictures may be large files, but they are not stored in the PFFA database. All that's stored on the database is a link to a picture - its URL. This takes as much memory as a line of text. When you load the page it's your browser that goes off and fetches the various pictures from the various sites. So while lots of pictures may affect your personal bandwidth, they do not place any more strain on PFFA server or require any more data-base memory than a single line of text.

    So, from a performance perspective, there's no reason to expect that everyone editing out the pictures links would have any impact. However, it may be worth considering that if everyone now edits every NaPo post they've made so far there would be a lot more site activity that would otherwise be happening, and an extra load on the system, presumably exacerbating the access problems we're currently having. Perhaps this strategy could be counter-productive?

    I do appreciate the other reasons given for not posting pictures. I personally wouldn't miss the picture posting ritual if it were gone from next year's NaPo.

    all the best,

    Last edited by GreaterMandalaofUselessness; 03-31-2015 at 02:04 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    As a newbie NaPo-er, I thought this was part of the ritual, so I jumped on in. I will cease and desist this minute. Sorry if any of my picture choices annoyed any thread holders. Happy poetry month, btw!



    How in the heck do you go about removing said pictures, anyway?
    Last edited by Angela; 03-31-2015 at 01:03 PM. Reason: clarify

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Press Edit Post which is at the center bottom right of the posting box. Put cursor at the end bottom or just below the picture and hit backspace. That should do it. Then hit Save.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Thanks, Vicky.

  11. #11
    merelynn is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Oops. I'll clean up my mess.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Change of topic from Photogate (I only just figured out how to post them for god's sake! ).

    36 threads with all but a few hours until the start line. That's already a lot of potential fluffitude. Late joiners still to come and the majority of stalwarts yet to arrive. May need to order more cawfee.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    All pictures I posted should now be removed.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Photogate. ​Ha!

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    From my perspective, I like adding a picture (usually a small image) that I've selected that represents my theme/thread title. When someone posts their own idea of what my idea is or as a statement, it may or may not reflect what I'm thinking.

    And some people don't like their threads being photobombed. It's a matter of common courtesy. And the practice has spilled over into posting images in the regular forums from time to time. Said images were deleted as they do not/can not/should not take the place of critique. Ever.

    As Howard said, we love enthusiasm and silliness during NaPo. Fluff and smilies rule in April. The photo bombing has just gotten out of control with newer members not realizing that posting images are not required or even encouraged. It's one reason people started indexing their threads so those who didn't want to scroll through all the images to get to the first poem didn't have to.

    It's like posting polls - just because it can be done doesn't mean it should be done.

    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

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