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Thread: Without Rhyme or Reason

  1. #121
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    27 April 2015


    Pepper is a robot with a clever cuddly brain.
    He figures when you're sunshine or indifferent or rain.
    He also follows orders of particular kinds
    and he speaks a dozen languages the better to read minds.
    Two thousand bucks suffices to let you take one home
    to chat and sympathise and clean and charge your mobile phone.

    Ah Pepper, Pepper, Pepper! You're the future full in view!
    Your children will do all the work our children used to do -
    the cleaners, drivers, carers, the unloaders, stitchers, guards
    and as you grow still smarter, the professionals and their pards
    till the folks designing robots too will join the unemployed
    and all our great-grandchildren find that every job's destroyed.

    No, that's too harsh. Let's say they'll never lack sufficient leisure
    to sample robot cooks or bed with robots for their pleasure
    and gasp at works of genius by auto arts and poets
    and dance to styles of music dialling choates and inchoates.
    And all the adolescents who go boozing and take drugs
    will use remote devices to pursue the trade of thugs.

    So in this world, I'm nearly sure, we humans will survive
    by being the machine while it's the robot who's alive.

    Last edited by Dunc; 04-27-2015 at 12:55 PM.

  2. #122
    Sorella is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Hahaha -- two NaPo poets talking in your haiku, right?

    Scary dystopia, very clever rhyming!


  3. #123
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    Karin - Yup, two NaPoisti. Thanks for dropping in!

    Regards / Dunc

  4. #124
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    28 April 2015


    Who has the instant books,
    who gets the physics right,
    who works the team of cooks,
    when it’s ‘Let there be light’?

    Me, the contract arm:
    magic's only wishes
    so I with speed and calm
    turn them into fishes

    and loaves and wine, no sweat,
    and anti-balrog aura ...
    Jo! get that, be a pet -
    a quick aholomora.

    Last edited by Dunc; 04-28-2015 at 09:20 AM.

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    There's some great metrical fun to be had in 'Salute to Pepper'.

    Some of the rhymes are amazingly inventive, as are some of the choices of diction. poets/inchoates included -

    I think the phrase 'swallowed a dictionary' could be changed to 'commanded a dictionary' when reading your work. The diction is really enviable.

  6. #126
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    Steven - why, thank you for the kind words! Glad you enjoyed it.

    Regards / Dunc

  7. #127
    shadygrove is offline "Behold, My Ph.D." vs. "Take Me, You Fool!"
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    Dazzling wordplay in here. And I've never met Pepper, who strikes me as rather weirdly negative and demanding for a robot. Do I *need* a robot to ask me for a new name and $100? I think not.

  8. #128
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    Shady - when it'll cook and clean and make the bed and do the washing and the shopping and the gardening and your tax return and never complain or ask for a raise or a day off, you may be persuaded to reconsider. But no, it's not obligatory yet. Thanks for dropping in. Regards / Dunc

  9. #129
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    29 April 2015


    The land out Wyalong way
    lies dry and flat like Ashbery wrote it
    and there at end of summer and of day
    we stood on desert’s verge with the red road.

    No stir of wind, no cloud, nowhere a sound,
    night rising with the sunset’s falling rays
    and silent too we looked up till we found
    the first stars, then the next, then the cascade.

    Old sky, old earth changing to naked cold,
    the air dropping into the ragged scrub,
    all things but us aware how the dark takes hold,
    how black the starlight shadows squat.

    We almost touched hands, sorry it reached an ending,
    but each alone, alight, ascending.

    Last edited by Dunc; 05-06-2015 at 03:52 AM.

  10. #130
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    30 April 2015


    My first is in moron but not in emir
    galah has my second but not gondolier,
    my third is in psycho but not in sane
    my fourth is in photo but not in thane
    my fifth is in filth but not in wealth
    my sixth is in coal but not in health
    my seventh’s in gaol but not in lamb
    and my eighth is in slum but not in spam.
    My all is one who’s made April’s error
    and if you’re in doubt, well, here's the mirror.


  11. #131
    Sorella is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    Just landed and got on the Forum and dammit if Dunc mustn't have finished NaPo! A riddle even I managed. Before that, a love poem surely, with desert and stars and cold! Congratulations!

  12. #132
    Arlene is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
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    well, that was fun, cats and Pluto, robot and riddle...

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Dunc View Post
    27 April 2015


    Pepper is a robot with a clever cuddly brain.
    He figures when you're sunshine or indifferent or rain.
    He also follows orders of particular kinds
    and he speaks a dozen languages the better to read minds.
    Two thousand bucks suffices to let you take one home
    to chat and sympathise and clean and charge your mobile phone.

    Ah Pepper, Pepper, Pepper! You're the future full in view!
    Your children will do all the work our children used to do -
    the cleaners, drivers, carers, the unloaders, stitchers, guards
    and as you grow still smarter, the professionals and their pards
    till the folks designing robots too will join the unemployed
    and all our great-grandchildren find that every job's destroyed.

    No, that's too harsh. Let's say they'll never lack sufficient leisure
    to sample robot cooks or bed with robots for their pleasure
    and gasp at works of genius by auto arts and poets
    and dance to styles of music dialling choates and inchoates.
    And all the adolescents who go boozing and take drugs
    will use remote devices to pursue the trade of thugs.

    So in this world, I'm nearly sure, we humans will survive
    by being the machine while it's the robot who's alive.
    Well done rhyme and meter for this robotic ode.

    I watched the video, and I must confess I do find such things fascinating.

    You spell out a lot of the concerns and issues, and I have seen them addressed in Asimov's works and others works, and Asimov, of course, had created his "Three Laws of Robotics" to help ameliorate the original plot-problem with robots, which was the Frankenstein or Golem complex.

    The larger question, which you address here, is what is the social, economic, and sexual impact or such technology. Do we become more or less human?

    Some of the rhymes are beyond clever--poets/inchoates comes to mind.

    You're working at full tilt on this one.

    BrianIs AtYou
    I think I think, therefore I might be.

  14. #134
    Join Date
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    Studying the sky
    Oh Amen and Yuk Yuk!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dunc View Post
    22 April 2015


    Do they annoy, creationists who bawl
    that everything was made with magic words,
    the ark was brontosaured above the plimsoll,
    the state must silence school and science boards –
    do they annoy? God yes, annoy us all.

    And is the entire measure of belief
    wrapped up indignant in these crazy quilts
    wit-proofed? Or might we give
    a space for wider dreams on longer stilts
    where stepping over borders is motif?

    No, Richard cries, no, no! – both are untrue
    and wholly indistinguishable in error
    so one thing only can we, must we, do –
    shout down, condemn, destroy the lot forever
    and cleanse the world with my more reasoned view.

    Dick, your trouble is, you’re blind to humour;
    you lack that sense that tells us when to grin;
    that’s maybe why you always seize the hammer –
    you have no funny outlets for your spleen;
    and why your intuition’s not full number.

    My modest proposal, that, to whet your craft.
    And though, okay, you’re right about the creos,
    the sharks can have ’em, pitch ’em from the raft,
    the earth has girth enough for kindly theos –
    as you may find should you find how to laugh.


  15. #135
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Congrats, perpetual early bird Dunc!

    That desert poem is lovely.
    Damn, I haven't a clue about the riddle.

    Looking forward already to your NaPo 2016 work.

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