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Thread: Alexandrite-- Stiffen the Sinews, Summon up...Blood

  1. #31
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    hi Alexandrite!
    Not - I like your take on aging gracefully - not! (pun intended! couldn't resist.) "do not go gracefully into the night..." agreed!
    Spring Dance - that 3rd line brings it all together
    Tattle Tales - sweet. paw prints on a clean floor. a reminder of what was.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I like 'Not'. It is inimacable! That's not the right word, but what the hell. Good poem.
    best wishes
    hysterical and useless

  3. #33
    BruisedOrange is offline passing for a fool and a churl
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    Feb 2015
    I've enjoyed reading all of your thread. 'Not' strikes me particularly, especially:
    Time erects no thorny barriers
    ………….age designs no barricade.

    Each wrinkle is simply
    my field guide,

    experiences aggregate.

    Wonderful attitude, lovely words. I'll come again to visit soon.


  4. #34
    Alexandrite is offline A Squarely, Squirrely Moderator
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    Indiana, South-central lovely
    Kristalynn, Cookie, bop & Jen---

    Many.many thanks for your kind comments and superior support! Onward and onward-- right?
    ...our words... come from obsessions we must submit to....~~~~~Richard Hugo

  5. #35
    Alexandrite is offline A Squarely, Squirrely Moderator
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Indiana, South-central lovely

    Lake Webster Late at Night

    Lake Webster Late at Night

    Who murmurs
    under this mulberry sky,

    under stars scrawled in an eastward slant
    as if calligraphy?

    The sounds are succoring,
    skirted in tones of alliance.

    But the lake feigns indifference
    as evening air obfuscates with ripples.

    Silt and foam utter vowels,
    consonants slosh between piers.

    Runnels blink and lengthen
    from lights on the opposite shore.

    Who haunts the lake at this late hour?
    What other insomnolent creature

    cast thoughts as small stones
    into the depths?

    Last edited by Alexandrite; 04-08-2015 at 07:27 PM. Reason: font size mucky-muck
    ...our words... come from obsessions we must submit to....~~~~~Richard Hugo

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Washington State
    Hi, Alex,

    Not - Amen.

    You're the queen of couplets, I swear, in part for lines like this from "Cemetery":

    the way little girls’ dresses flare
    as they twirl and sing.

    You can see the swirls of snow, feel them, hear them.

    Then there's your ever-attention to word/sound play:

    It’s within this simplicity--
    the sun tossed and tangled
    in distant branches,
    fleece snugged under your chin,
    pine needles spread as a great
    bronzed carpet—their fragrance
    released like a bygone memory
    into the wind.

    By the end of April, you won't be rusty, I promise. Because you're not creakin' now.

    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

  7. #37
    HowardM2 is offline The little guy behind the curtain
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    Jun 2003
    "Cemetery on a Wintry Day" is exquisite with its fusing of the swirling snow in the cemetery and the girls' dresses, leading to the fine conclusion:

    among somber stones,
    the dance endures.

    "Indiana SB-101" and "Not" also stand out for me, especially

    Each wrinkle is simply
    ………………my field guide

    Fine work here altogether.
    "Poetry is not a code to be broken but a way of seeing with the eyes shut." -- Linda Pastan

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Hi Alex, after your ling time out I could feel the gears warming up, looking for synchronization but in How to Return you found it almost without trying. The poem has lift. I love the word play with bear witness.

    Great run up for the long mid-NaPo jump

  9. #39
    Featherless Biped is offline Ray to rhyme with bay; not Rae to rhyme with bae
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    Bay Area, California
    Cemetery on a Wintry Day is beautifully designed and paced. I'm particularly digging the Mobius strip to little girls in sparkly dresses sequence of images. Probably my favorite of the thread, although Not​ gives it a run for its money.

    How to Return to Oneself takes me back, image-wise, to memories of cold climates, and how bracing and important it is to get physically moving in that image. Putting the cold weather next to fleece and the carpet of pine needles makes the whole thing feel surprisingly warming, and cheering.

    Indiana SB-101 makes excellent use of the metaphor of erosion. (It's rhetoric that you often hear from the right--the erosion of our traditional American values--but that doesn't mean that the right isn't perpetrating it.)

    Not makes me excited to be getting older. Love the cartwheel organs, though I am not looking forward to those!

    There is much charm in the two catch-up haiku; I especially enjoyed Tattle Tails. This is why I can't be bothered cleaning the house.

    Lake Webster at Night has this lovely image of the lake mumbling, like it's just not articulate enough to spit out whatever it has to say. "Obfuscates with ripples" is great.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Bishop Auckland
    Much lovely lyrical poetry here.

    'Tattle Tails' made me smile.

  11. #41
    Alexandrite is offline A Squarely, Squirrely Moderator
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    Indiana, South-central lovely
    Donner & Howard-- I appreciate your visit and yummy fluff! Thank you!!
    5th, Rachael, and Delph-- You are so gracious to spend time and your comments here. Thank you!!!
    ...our words... come from obsessions we must submit to....~~~~~Richard Hugo

  12. #42
    Alexandrite is offline A Squarely, Squirrely Moderator
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    Aug 2006
    Indiana, South-central lovely

    Daughter’s Room, Turned Guest Room

    Daughter’s Room, Turned Guest Room

    A few bins have been
    stacked near the baseboard,

    other than that,
    the rug shows little wear.

    A Wal-Mart sack with Macy’s receipt
    (Lord knows why) lies on the bed.

    These shades are no longer drawn
    so sunlight hits the layer of dust

    settled on the nightstand.

    We walk past this door daily
    most times, never glancing in,

    but there are times
    when something catches the eye:

    battered toe shoes
    dangling from the bedpost,

    a 70s-style poster declaring
    “Mother Earth”,

    the beanbag cat still sitting
    on its chartreuse pillow.

    Is this Time paused in its fluidity,
    never to budge

    until static memories beckon us in?

    ...our words... come from obsessions we must submit to....~~~~~Richard Hugo

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Hi, Alexandrite,

    This theme of childhood nostalgia, imagining places once known intimately but now isolated by time and place, holds a lot of interest for me, and I think the way you've approached it works well. This is a really worthy first draft. I like the details, and the summation at the end. Strong, assured work, and a nice 'pace' of writing, that gives this reader time to consider and think during the poem.

    Good work.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    May 2001
    LI, NY
    heya Alexandrite! Lake Webster has some wonderfully chewy images and diction, love the calligraphy and the casting of thoughts as stones, and the mood setting. you get awesome sauce!

  15. #45
    Alexandrite is offline A Squarely, Squirrely Moderator
    Join Date
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    Indiana, South-central lovely
    Steven--- thank you for your kind comments!!

    Cookie--- you are AMAZING!! Thank you!!
    ...our words... come from obsessions we must submit to....~~~~~Richard Hugo

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