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Thread: Angela's Snippet Factory

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    South Carolina
    16) Liberation

    I walk inside my shadow
    always hindered by the sun-
    my flowers grow in folds
    of skin, thorns puncturing
    my soul. But that is a cliché
    and that is not allowed, so

    I drink sea water for the nutrients
    and store my fortified blood
    in buckets. The brigade
    waits for flames to erupt,
    but everything is hushed
    in here.

    Didn't you know that?
    Last edited by Angela; 04-21-2016 at 02:36 AM.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    South Carolina
    17 Gretel- After the Witch

    Her mouth is twisted
    and her tongue is thick,
    I mean she is thick-headed.
    She spews disgusting things
    that taste like black licorice
    and bile. She bathes her hair
    with a concoction made of moss
    and vines imported
    from the Dismal Swamp.

    Venom, too.

    She picks her teeth with bones
    splintered by gnawing
    and never cleans up after herself-

    but her hands are beautiful,
    when she plucks golden
    strings- birds sing and

    everything chimes so wonderfully.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Cornwall UK

    I love the contrasting images swirling together in ‘Fantasy’. Head-pop stuff, and the idea if imbuing dandelion seeds with devastating power is genius. Great work, Ben

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Washington State
    Hi, Angela,

    12) Hedge Fund

    I lowered my trimmers
    when my neighbor said:
    Finally. I can barely see
    your house nowadays.

    HA! Good one, and enough said in four short lines.

    "Experiment #14" - I like how N relates all of the painstaking details of setting up the terrarium, only to say in the last two lines that she hopes it can fend for itself. Sort of like parenthood, isn't it.

    "Death Wishes" - Are those dandelion seeds headed for the nosy neighbor's yard?

    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    South Carolina
    Thank you, Ben and Donner.

    18) For PRN

    Rewind the clock back to 1984-
    walk with me through Spec's
    double doors. Feel the thump
    of some cagey beat; walk
    like you belong there. Fondle
    the record covers- pluck some
    like hot house flowers. Tuck
    them under your arm and stroll.

    I was drawn to a young black man
    in purple clothes. I recognized the long hair
    and eyeliner, so I laid the others aside
    and took this one home. No one knew
    the word androgynous back then, I just knew
    something strange and delicious
    was twisting in my gut-

    I snuck past my father like a criminal, snatched
    the headphones from the console
    and locked myself in my room. One flick
    of the switch was all it took. With the volume
    cranked, I became hooked. His voice tugged
    at all the dirty things
    inside of me. My hands skimmed lower
    like Apollonia's did. And, you know what?

    All the doves beat their wings
    and flutter,
    Last edited by Angela; 04-22-2016 at 06:08 PM.

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA
    Love "Hedge Fund" and your love poem to Prince.

    Keep going. You can do it.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    South Carolina
    Thank you, Julie.

    19) paisley

    bent cedar-
    shades of purple
    at twilight

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    South Carolina
    20) Submission

    I got another rejection last night.
    Maybe I was too offensive- maybe
    I wasn't offensive enough. I wasn't
    talking about global warming-excuse me-
    climate change. There were no chem-
    trails overhead, raining poison
    down on the walking dead. My meat
    was rare and not vilified. I don't care
    what peta says; milk is not a racist drink.
    I love to go plinking with my .22 and wave
    an American flag from my front porch rail.
    I say: God is a mystery to me. Still, I look up
    every day and I am dazzled. My coccyx
    often tingles, but maybe it's just a signal
    that I have to take a shit. I don't know
    why poetry rags don't like me. You should know
    this isn't satire. That's an important point
    to note. I do have a degree
    from the school of hard knocks
    and I don't ever use cliché as a device
    or was it sex we were talking about?
    Let me go all pop star for a line and say:
    I kissed a girl and I liked it.
    I wonder if that will help, but I really haven't
    got a clue- The fucking crickets
    are so distracting
    over on that side of the room.
    Last edited by Angela; 04-27-2016 at 06:57 PM.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Midwestern U.S.
    I love your Gretel and Hedge Fund.

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Hey Angela,

    There's such a palpable, savage sense of dangerous, disrupted magic running through the thread that even the fragments evoke it powerfully. Screw the publications for now, they'll come through in the end.

    I love "Finale", "Not Alice" scares me, "Love Spell" delivers its spell with precision, "Fantasy" devolves quickly and frighteningly from a seductive sexiness to tectonic violence, "Sealed Terrarium Recipe" is a perfect metaphor for the poems, "Liberation" is a powerful compact of frustration, threat, power and control, and "Gretel" re-images these with gusto - I'd love to read related poems with the other characters in the story.

    Very exciting and overwhelming.

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    South Carolina
    Thank you for stopping by, PClem and larryrap. Your comments (and all the comments of all of those that have stopped by) mean so much. I am still horribly behind and that sucks so much. This naPo is a beast! I am determined to get caught up and actually finish this month with thirty under my belt. I know I owe all of you some attention. I am grateful for the extension that was given, that will give me time to hang around and fluff you all up!

    21) The storm that I caused

    -after reading page twenty-seven
    of Kushiel's Dart-
    xxxxxxxxxxxxby Jacqueline Carey

    My delayed virginity transformed
    the prick of my unworth to a pearl
    of great price. Once I reached the age
    of nineteen, I found purity was a hot
    commodity. Well, there was that one time-
    that we don't talk about- when I sampled
    a tool with a shallow mouth- Man,
    that caused a storm. Like a tornado,
    but more short-lived. Have you ever seen
    a dust storm- no, a dust devil- in a parking lot

    or a baseball field where all of those boys
    are wearing baseball pants? Smooth, white
    fabric slicked over young, taut asses- cups
    stretched to capacity, long legs flexing- ready
    to go already- The way they gripped
    the bills of their caps
    and clenched their jaws and paused,
    then spit into their gloves
    while they weathered the tempest-


    Where were we?
    Oh yes, the storm that I caused-
    Let's get back to the story there.
    I think my point is:

    I was pure.
    Last edited by Angela; 04-28-2016 at 12:02 AM.

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    South Carolina
    22) Yankee in a Southern Diner

    He said: It's un-American to serve
    apple pie a la cheddar instead
    of apple pie a la mode.

  13. #58
    kristalynn is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Wesley Chapel, Florida
    "Eh-hem" and beyond made me chuckle

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    South Carolina
    Heh. Thanks, kristalynn. I am gonna make it over your way. I am just slightly panicked that I have 3 days to do 7 more poems! Plus, I have to be up at 430 to work two of those days. Bleeeh!

    23) Still Life with Brando

    Black and white shot- piercing gaze,
    jaw clenched- teeth clamped on a butt,
    smoke purling like a frame.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Apr 2000
    Angela, some lovely things here. Gretel in particular was strange and effective. The Storm... also grabbed me. Great stuff. You can do it! Just leave those unfinished poem days behind. No guilt.

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