....................“Happily come to anchor in this calm bay, I want no more now than to cheat fate’s vigilance,
....................not to thrust myself upon its attention, to cling unobserved to my good fortune
....................and be unnoticeable.” – Bruno Schulz, Fatherland – trans. Celina Wieniewska
Larry isn’t well.
Today he found two volumes of “50 Ways to Get a Life”,
and left them flapping vainly on the curb.
His shelves have filled for many years
with holocaust accounts.
A castaway by a brook, he waits for rain.
The Book of Remedies was banned
3000 years ago
to stress the tiny letters of our loan,
but everywhere he looks
he sees old bookstores shutting down.
His phone is charged, but the ring is set on low.