Quote Originally Posted by Dunc View Post
Hi eGoff

Ebb and Flow — nice mix of phrase ('strangled whale's tongue'), sharpness ('stupid tourists') and best of all, revenge.

Still Rolling is a happy anthropomorphy and a touching salute.

Country Music — 'it sounds good / until you listen to the lyric': my father remembered a song from his childhood, 'She's my Lulu from Woolloomooloo' (Woolloomooloo) (which was then a Sydney dockside slum) with the line 'Every time I takes her to the shops, If she gives me any lip, I hits her over the chops'. That however was a cheerful love song. Not hard to be on your side with the women, but songs of runnin' from the law are grist for the Western mill back to Billy the Kid and Jessie James, surely?

Norseman — all those words to tell us you're nuts! (Well done, anyway - what a credential!)

Balance — great description of the moment. Keep that one.

You're having a great NaPo. I bid you Chapeau.

Regards / Dunc
Dunc, it's great to have your feedback. I am grateful that you took the time. It's been fun so far, just a third done, but the ice is broken and the sails are hoisted, so it's metaphors aweigh!
