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Thread: The Moping Owl Complains..

  1. #136
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico

    29. Love Poem

    29. Love Poem

    Perhaps love is like an arrow
    targeting my heart
    that drives away the sorrow
    whenever we must part

    Perhaps love is like an harrow
    furrowing the earth
    raising food for us tomorrow
    steaming nicely on the hearth

    Perhaps love is like a barrow
    or a pretty little cart
    to carry all the joy
    created since the start.

    Maybe love is like the marrow
    in my bones that plays a part
    so important, mio caro,
    for life, you are my heart.

  2. #137
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico

    30. Timed Out

    30. Timed Out

    Birds are never late. Dogs do not watch the clock.
    Cats, well, cats don’t acknowledge the subject.
    A moose never worries about birthdays, but Man,
    Man must run his race; the clock is always ticking,

    ticking in his face. The lines on his face mark his span
    and everything he does is done according to a plan.
    A schedule counting days and dollars and hours,
    that is the very necessary essence of a man.

    He lives his life according to a plan that is immutable,
    for reasons that we find are sublimely irrefutable.
    His hope is like his plan, and his methods are inscrutable.
    And after it is done, the result is indisputable.

    Take this Napo lark for instance, run by calendaric instants,
    One a day for thirty days said the man, we readily capitulate.
    What a grand, fine, damned plan it is, to invest our scant
    resources, and hope our poem isn’t just a bit too late.

    It’s a terrible pity when you compose a wee ditty to impress
    an unsavoury band who’s right there on hand just to guest it, in
    case the rhyme is a slant, the meaning is cant, or the whole mess
    is something you desperately wished you had less invested in.

    But here it is May, well almost, but the whole thing is past
    And it’s all been a blast, surely high time we hoisted a glass
    To give our friends a cheerful toast, send a penny to our host
    For every poem, as we cheerfully make our final post.

    Thanks for all the fluff and for reading all the dreadful stuff.
    My conscience is clear now I’ve got those out the system.
    Thirty poems in thirty days from me is certainly enough.
    I have liked many poems of yours, I wish that I could list ‘em.
    Last edited by prokopton; 04-30-2016 at 04:53 PM.

  3. #138
    M is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Fairmont, WV
    Geoff (I feel as if I've misspelled your name!) I didn't get to comment on anyone's thread as often as I had intended or wanted to this month, but just a note to say that I have very much enjoyed yours. Paean is one that every poet who strives to convey something inside of themselves in their work would be thankful to read. Very nicely worded. Grave matters was lovely, and the deeper etching because it lasts longer is very poignant. I got a smile from your kitty ditty. Grumpuss indeed!!! Thanks for your support this month, and thanks for your poems!

  4. #139
    Join Date
    Mar 2000
    Maryland, USA
    "ice picks in the knees. "

    Visceral image.

    "but everybody
    dies a little bit."


    I'm taken with the idea of a starfish god.

    "Julie called for an onion skin poem, so here it is!"

    Rising to meet the challenge! Most excellent!

    "She deserves Viagra, I suppose.
    Another layer of pride and self-respect discarded like onion skin."


    "I ain’t got that. I’m only here for nine innings, after that, I’m out."


    Challenge beautifully met.

    "becoming too intimate with the atmosphere,
    too fast, the classic one-night stand."


    "Maybe love is like the marrow
    in my bones that plays a part
    so important, mio caro,
    for life, you are my heart."

    Very cleverly rhymed indeed.

    "I have liked many poems of yours, I wish that I could list ‘em."

    Funny stuff, and a fitting send off for your NaPo!

  5. #140
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by M View Post
    Geoff (I feel as if I've misspelled your name!) I didn't get to comment on anyone's thread as often as I had intended or wanted to this month, but just a note to say that I have very much enjoyed yours. Paean is one that every poet who strives to convey something inside of themselves in their work would be thankful to read. Very nicely worded. Grave matters was lovely, and the deeper etching because it lasts longer is very poignant. I got a smile from your kitty ditty. Grumpuss indeed!!! Thanks for your support this month, and thanks for your poems!
    how nice of you to read and compliment my scribbles! Thank you for your kind thoughts. I enjoyed writing this batch of drafts and I am happy that you liked some of them. i always surprise myself. Napo provides just enough incentive / pressure to stir the creative juices, sometimes to exhaust them, but that just makes us more creative, finding ways to come up with ideas.

    Geoff (sic)

  6. #141
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by Julie View Post
    "ice picks in the knees. "

    Visceral image.

    "but everybody
    dies a little bit."


    I'm taken with the idea of a starfish god.

    "Julie called for an onion skin poem, so here it is!"

    Rising to meet the challenge! Most excellent!

    "She deserves Viagra, I suppose.
    Another layer of pride and self-respect discarded like onion skin."


    "I ain’t got that. I’m only here for nine innings, after that, I’m out."


    Challenge beautifully met.

    "becoming too intimate with the atmosphere,
    too fast, the classic one-night stand."


    "Maybe love is like the marrow
    in my bones that plays a part
    so important, mio caro,
    for life, you are my heart."

    Very cleverly rhymed indeed.

    "I have liked many poems of yours, I wish that I could list ‘em."

    Funny stuff, and a fitting send off for your NaPo!
    Ah, Julie, lovely to hear from you again. Your fluff is always welcome, and I appreciate the suggested edits too.
    I am glad you liked some of this month's batch of poems. You have picked out some of my favourite bits too - mio caro surprised me when it fell onto the page, for example. I actually got choked up reading my own verse!
    Thanks so much for reading & commenting.


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