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Thread: The Moping Owl Complains..

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico

    22. A Peak Experience

    22. A Peak Experience

    Clear skies and 20 degrees in Capetown.
    Oslo one degree and overcast.
    Taipei, sunny and 26 degrees.
    What the Hell? It’s summer in Capetown!
    Oh. It’s night time there too, I forgot,
    and the winds off the sea ameliorate.

    Sunny here, but the pollution from China,
    blown across the Taiwan strait, obscures
    the mountains to the east like mist.
    Hazy. Visibility is reduced; it’s like a fog
    has crept over the valley, from the torpid
    waters of the river below the dam
    to the tea-clad slopes two thousand metres above,
    where I stand gazing across the peaks.
    I climbed here on my bicycle.
    The roadsides, steep banks armoured in places
    with concrete against torrential rains, line grades
    of up to twenty per cent – they don’t have snow plows.

    Only the sound of birds in the trees breaks
    the silence; it’s just me and the mountains.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico

    23. Sandmen

    23. Sandmen

    Ever so slightly the dune began to heave,
    the sky was a dusty shade of yellow
    and hard as though it was to believe
    the figure next to me was the other fellow.

    Wind-blown specks of gritty desert sand
    Found their way inside my collar where the sun
    Had made my skin not burned but tanned
    Though I had hardly moved, the other had begun.

    The race would last for five more wearing days,
    two hundred fifty kilometres yet, for it had only started.
    All were trained and ready though. Beneath the sun’s hot rays,
    some had lagged behind while most of them departed.

    In familiar backpacks we carried all we needed
    Food, water, - first aid supplies, for injuries were many
    -maps, creams and sunblock – all warnings had been heeded.
    Self-sufficient was the byword for of help there wasn’t any.

    True fellowship existed among even hard core entrants
    No tricks, just guts, all cards were laid upon the table -
    a week to cross a desert of an imposing, goodly distance
    in this the toughest race of all – Le Marathon des Sables.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico

    24. Songbird

    24. Songbird

    In a bistro in the south of France one summer,
    I hear a shocking chanteuse from the backstreets
    of Marseille. When she opens her mouth and sings
    she bares all, gives up so much of herself.

    In each ballad she shows her needs and how she aches
    for someone with whom to share her needs. So honest.
    Each night, on stage, she oozes joy while inside she bleeds,
    So vulnerable. I loved Piaf, but this one.. is special.

    Her audience applauds, grateful for her talent
    while with their cheers hungrily they suck
    the soul out of her. She craves the attention,
    they want more of her. It’s a symbiosis;
    in a way, it’s her style

    Like Judy used to do, she uses drugs and booze
    to buoy her up to bear the strain
    of uttering every achingly silky refrain
    And still they clamour for more,
    standing ovations demanding a draining encore.

    On the surface it seems wonderful, all glamour
    and joy and appreciation, but the seedy underside
    is a carnal feast. Nightly, she is devoured by her
    audience; It is her lover, she its paramour.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Washington State
    Hi, Fefog,

    Ah, another Judy Garland. Such talent, so sad what fame can claim over an individual if they allow it to. (I was curious once and googled how many rock stars, etc. died at the age of 27. They call it the 27 Club, there are so many, including Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Brian Jones, Ron McKernan, among about 50.) I think you get a bit telly and predictable here and there - "When she opens her mouth" (how else do you sing unless you're a Tuva throat singer?), "she craves attention", "the seedy underside" are a few places - and "hungrily" is misplaced to modify "suck", but it's a compelling narrative and could be more so with some judicious editing.

    Let the poem do the talking. Then hide behind it.

    Get your copy of Try to Have Your Writing Make Sense - The Quintessential PFFA Anthology!

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    'Songbird' reminds me of a Polish animated film I saw one Christmas years ago. The bird sang its heart out in order to make a single rose grow so that a prince could woo his potential bride. The bird died but the prince won his bride. I was in tears by the end! Your poem has a similar feel in that the audience is feeding off the songbird's soul.

    I have an 18 year-old cat so 'No Cat Like an Old Cat' resonates with me. He's going deaf and as he does so his meow is getting louder. He too is turning his nose up at kibble.

    Best wishes,

  6. #126
    Dunc is offline but say it is my humour
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    May 2001
    Sydney, Australia

    double-dactyl — Ahm maybe something like 'wrote on a host of themes' , 'she has reviled God's', 'She'd not have asked for his' to keep those dactyls coming? Then no one wil notice DEhumanEYEzation heh heh. And as you say, she didn't think much of God, but she accepted the old rascal was up there somewhere. A church of one, Bloom called her.

    No Cat — Love that tums / thumbs rhyme. An affectionate portrait. (Is that your cat poem for this year?)

    Peak Experience — Strange mix of natural beauty and invading pollution. Nice ending too.

    Sandmen — You have this awesome appetite for flogging your body! Your CV would make a desk-lubber like me wince. Moroccan Sahara, by golly! Again, most impressive.

    Songbird — Gad, another Piaf yet! You draw the picture with emphatic strokes.

    And now the April ultramarathon nears its end - just a sandhill or two left to climb.


    Regards / Dunc

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by Donner View Post
    Hi, Fefog,

    Ah, another Judy Garland. Such talent, so sad what fame can claim over an individual if they allow it to. (I was curious once and googled how many rock stars, etc. died at the age of 27. They call it the 27 Club, there are so many, including Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Brian Jones, Ron McKernan, among about 50.) I think you get a bit telly and predictable here and there - "When she opens her mouth" (how else do you sing unless you're a Tuva throat singer?), "she craves attention", "the seedy underside" are a few places - and "hungrily" is misplaced to modify "suck", but it's a compelling narrative and could be more so with some judicious editing.

    yes, quite right Donner deer, judicious, even ruthless editing will commence.. later. When you have to churn out 3-a-day you know they're gonna be just drafts, and you know, the draft in here is terrible!
    Thank you so much for reading and commenting.


  8. #128
    Join Date
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    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by bop View Post

    'Songbird' reminds me of a Polish animated film I saw one Christmas years ago. The bird sang its heart out in order to make a single rose grow so that a prince could woo his potential bride. The bird died but the prince won his bride. I was in tears by the end! Your poem has a similar feel in that the audience is feeding off the songbird's soul.

    I have an 18 year-old cat so 'No Cat Like an Old Cat' resonates with me. He's going deaf and as he does so his meow is getting louder. He too is turning his nose up at kibble.

    Best wishes,
    Hey Boppity-Bop, nice of you to visit and read the Owl's mopes.
    Glad that you liked some, and commented.


  9. #129
    Join Date
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    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by Dunc View Post

    double-dactyl — Ahm maybe something like 'wrote on a host of themes' , 'she has reviled God's', 'She'd not have asked for his' to keep those dactyls coming? Then no one wil notice DEhumanEYEzation heh heh. And as you say, she didn't think much of God, but she accepted the old rascal was up there somewhere. A church of one, Bloom called her.

    No Cat — Love that tums / thumbs rhyme. An affectionate portrait. (Is that your cat poem for this year?)

    Peak Experience — Strange mix of natural beauty and invading pollution. Nice ending too.

    Sandmen — You have this awesome appetite for flogging your body! Your CV would make a desk-lubber like me wince. Moroccan Sahara, by golly! Again, most impressive.

    Songbird — Gad, another Piaf yet! You draw the picture with emphatic strokes.

    And now the April ultramarathon nears its end - just a sandhill or two left to climb.


    Regards / Dunc
    Ah, Dunc, yes, the 3-a-day quota means the draft quality suffers. Your suggestions for the dactyl are so right on! Thanks a bunch.
    yes, that's my kitty-ditty. Ahem, where's yours?
    I have not done the Marathon des Sables but have watched it many times trying to visualize myself enduring that test and it seems so vivid. I hope the pome captured some of what I feel about it.
    six to go. I think I can, I think I can..


  10. #130
    Arlene is offline Fun and felicitous PFFA patron
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Hi, Grumpuss in Old Cat, Songbird, double-dactyl, Priscilla and Charybdis, which I thought I had -- well, anyhow, excellent, all. Love Wolves and Rain...you carve characters out of poems...Songbird especially. Best, A.

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico
    Quote Originally Posted by Arlene View Post
    Hi, Grumpuss in Old Cat, Songbird, double-dactyl, Priscilla and Charybdis, which I thought I had -- well, anyhow, excellent, all. Love Wolves and Rain...you carve characters out of poems...Songbird especially. Best, A.
    Hi Arlene, thank you for reading and commenting. I am gratified that you liked some. I appreciate your kind remarks.

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico

    25. Something in the Air of Morning

    25. Something in the Air of Morning

    I am aroused by the primitive freshness of the air
    in early morning before the city wakes. Every new person
    that rises, stamps their way upon the day, their routine,
    and so alters the continuum.
    No two people do everything alike. Subtle changes occur
    at every level, from parking the car to the number of cell
    phone calls sending out pulses of microwaves.
    But in the waning hours of the night, as stars
    are flickering out, a savage, untamed quality
    surges in the air, an unsullied candour I enjoy so much.

  13. #133
    Join Date
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    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico

    26. Gams

    26. Gams

    Jethro called it the cement pond
    and here in Tulum on the Riviera Maya,
    critters from far off climes gather to worship
    the sun at a five-star, all-inclusive resort,
    perfect for showing off your designer beachwear
    even if you never get it wet. I admire one such
    beauty reclining nearby, sumptuously arrayed,
    displaying her Ban de Soleil tan and Chanel looks:
    a classic black bikini with a gold ring uniting the cups
    and on each hip. Most striking are her legs.
    Her skin is smooth and oiled to reflect the light.
    The outer and inner lines of her soleus are
    two curves parenthesizing her shinbone,
    a long convex ridge capped by her knee
    then tapering to an ankle of exquisite delicacy
    adorned as it is with box-linked gold.
    Exotic toxicity, her beauty poisons my mind.

  14. #134
    Join Date
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    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico

    27. Le Tour

    27. Le Tour

    The riders are all skinned in spandex to keep them cool
    and to sell stuff. Every breath they take is sponsored
    and boy, do they earn it in the race they call Le Grande Boucle.
    On top of the Col du Galibier the founder Desgrange is honored.

    They cover three to four thousand kilometres in 23 days.
    From the start more than a hundred years ago
    It’s been a spectacle like no other, designed that way
    simply to sell newspapers, L’Auto, don’t you know?

    Two hundred riders form a dynamic group called a peloton,
    a multi-hued worm contracting and stretching as it moves along
    it snakes across the countryside on roads of pa-ve, pave-
    ment and even gravel atop Alpine crests, daring only the brave

    to race downhill to a finish in some little town with narrow
    roads, mobs of tourists, untethered dogs, and slippery streets
    during some northern days cold enough to chill the marrow.
    A hundred years of racing has seen some wondrous and heroic feats.
    Last edited by prokopton; 04-30-2016 at 04:47 PM.

  15. #135
    Join Date
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    Vernon, BC, Canada, wintering in Mexico

    28. Pandora

    28. Pandora

    She sits easily on the dock watching the Redding tide
    and her dangling toes barely touch the fleeting water.
    She has a cold drink, sun block and a Grisham at her side
    She acts as one who hasn’t a care, but she oughter.

    Across the world, among all the jangling woes:
    Recession, Famine, Trump, climate, and Iraq
    It’s hard to find one florid, and sweet-smelling, rose;
    It’s been a ceaseless rant and rail ‘round the clock.

    News of late across the globe has all been simply horrid:
    bombings, births, wars, scandals, epidemics and divorce.
    Just like the primaries, the pace of the race has been torrid.
    Like the Grisham though, her pregnancy has been a tour de force.

    Being self-possessed is something in which you may have pride
    And though years of work, travelling and study have taught her,
    It’s nothing that she alone should have to decide:
    Is this a world in which you would want to raise a daughter?

    Fate has told her she hasn’t strength enough to stand the storm
    And though a foetus deciding for herself is not the norm,
    if Mum could hear it, a little voice from within her womb
    with courage in her tiny fists announces, “I am the storm!”

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